I've seen several people say that Nintendo should share the blame for the lack of triple A third party support. I'm genuinely curious as to why people believe this and what they think Nintendo needs to do to fix the problem. All responses are welcome.

How Can Nintendo Fix Third Party Support?
Posted 24 September 2014 - 06:53 PM
Posted 24 September 2014 - 07:06 PM
Its as simple as this. There is NO way to fix it this generation. Things will not get better even if Wii U takes off selling out every month. Publisher see their games do not sell on Wii U. Also Ps4 and Xbone gamers will buy anything thats multiplat basically so they are not losing money by abandoning Wii U. So all I can say is better luck for their next home console.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 07:40 PM
To answer the title, in this generation, absolutely not. I wouldn't even say it's either Nintendo's or our faults. When it comes down to it, whatever happens, happens. There is nothing anyone could do, hopefully Nintendo will really learn from their mistakes this time. There is no chance that developers will take PS4 games, downscale them for the Wii U and rely on luck to turn a profit.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 08:07 PM
Its as simple as this. There is NO way to fix it this generation. Things will not get better even if Wii U takes off selling out every month. Publisher see their games do not sell on Wii U. Also Ps4 and Xbone gamers will buy anything thats multiplat basically so they are not losing money by abandoning Wii U. So all I can say is better luck for their next home console.
To answer the title, in this generation, absolutely not. I wouldn't even say it's either Nintendo's or our faults. When it comes down to it, whatever happens, happens. There is nothing anyone could do, hopefully Nintendo will really learn from their mistakes this time. There is no chance that developers will take PS4 games, downscale them for the Wii U and rely on luck to turn a profit.
Well what do you guys think can be done to fix the problem for next generation?
Posted 24 September 2014 - 08:24 PM
It's obvious to what they can do not to fall into a ditch again, make a comparable system to the competition. In addition to that, bring out an enticing library with the system. At this point, it's not exactly clear what could be the miracle drug for Nintendo for 3rd party to immediately come back, especially after the Wii U. I would say the biggest thing is to have the gamers on their side.
Edited by Colinx, 24 September 2014 - 08:26 PM.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 08:33 PM
Well what do you guys think can be done to fix the problem for next generation?
Um sad to say I am not sure Nintendo has what ittakes... they seem to be content with doing what they want. I do not want to believe it but unless the industry changes as a whole Nintendo home consoles wont be gettig third party support. The fact is publishers just dont give a FU&k. they are only losing money trying to port games to Nintendo consoles. Only way Nintendo get third party support ever agin is if either the Sony or xbox brand dies then publishers will be forced to support Nintendo
Posted 24 September 2014 - 08:39 PM
It's obvious to what they can do not to fall into a ditch again, make a comparable system to the competition. In addition to that, bring out an enticing library with the system. At this point, it's not exactly clear what could be the miracle drug for Nintendo for 3rd party to immediately come back, especially after the Wii U. I would say the biggest thing is to have the gamers on their side.
Sorry not quite sure I understand. So you think they should or shouldn't make something comparable to what Xbox and Sony are doing? Also, what do you think they can do to get gamers on their side?
Um sad to say I am not sure Nintendo has what ittakes... they seem to be content with doing what they want. I do not want to believe it but unless the industry changes as a whole Nintendo home consoles wont be gettig third party support. The fact is publishers just dont give a FU&k. they are only losing money trying to port games to Nintendo consoles. Only way Nintendo get third party support ever agin is if either the Sony or xbox brand dies then publishers will be forced to support Nintendo
Can you explain what you mean by you're not sure Nintendo has what it takes? What is "it" what do ou believe is need to attract third parties that Nintendo doesn't have?
Posted 24 September 2014 - 08:42 PM
Can you explain what you mean by you're not sure Nintendo has what it takes? What is "it" what do ou believe is need to attract third parties that Nintendo doesn't have?
What I mean is they just seem to have an identity they want to maintain and will do nothing to break that no matter what. I mean they had to know x86 was going to be the standard this gen for consoles, they had to know 1GB of RAM was not going to cut it. They seem content with making the consoles THEY wanted to make. I seriously am worried if their higher ups will ever make a decision saying this will bring our gamers more games and make development easier for third parties.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 09:00 PM
What I mean is they just seem to have an identity they want to maintain and will do nothing to break that no matter what. I mean they had to know x86 was going to be the standard this gen for consoles, they had to know 1GB of RAM was not going to cut it. They seem content with making the consoles THEY wanted to make. I seriously am worried if their higher ups will ever make a decision saying this will bring our gamers more games and make development easier for third parties.
So you think they should lose the identity, and become more like the other consoles? Do you mean solely in adding more power and making the console easier to develop for or in other ways as well?
Posted 24 September 2014 - 09:09 PM
So you think they should lose the identity, and become more like the other consoles? Do you mean solely in adding more power and making the console easier to develop for or in other ways as well?
"NO" but what is that famous quote... "the true definition of madness is repeating the same action over and over and hoping for a different result." That is how I see Nintendo right now. If Nintendo doesnt see they need to change than no one will be able to tell them. They have to see it for themselves. They have to find balance no one is asking for them to copy sony and microsoft but dont give publishers a reason to jump ship like making a console that cannot or has a hard time running the most popular game engines.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 09:29 PM
Are companies forgetting that Wii U has sold more units than Xbox One and has maintained second place behind PS4? Logic suggests there is greater loss on Microsofts side of the equation with a more limited audience, maybe I am being naive here. In all honesty I see Nintendos third party issues improving next year, by how much is another matter.
What's kept Wii U relevant is the consumers support and with new upcoming games were witnessing positive responses. You just cant compare the Wii U that launched in 2012 to the surge of interest in 2014 or paint it with the same brush. There have been a fair few million gamers joining the ranks and not all from Nintendo in the last gen.
As a third party if you fear sales issues in regards to the systems hardware then you just focus on it's innovative strengths. Find ways to enhance the game using the gamepad that isnt made possible on the rival platforms. Graphics these days are incredible yet the leap in generations isnt that great. Anything that's published with extreme gloss could mean the gameplay is limited, too much focus on the shine than the substance.
Third parties need to relook at the Wii U again 100%. Nothing can produce a great output with half assed or no input. Lets just say it how it is.... Xbox One and PS4 are easy street. Supporting the Wii requires a bit more effort and would be a challenge tha they're to lazy to take...unless the risk is during a launch and the spotlight is on you. A launch with competing hardware lurking in the shadows later the following year.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 09:51 PM
Are companies forgetting that Wii U has sold more units than Xbox One and has maintained second place behind PS4? Logic suggests there is greater loss on Microsofts side of the equation with a more limited audience, maybe I am being naive here. In all honesty I see Nintendos third party issues improving next year, by how much is another matter.
What's kept Wii U relevant is the consumers support and with new upcoming games were witnessing positive responses. You just cant compare the Wii U that launched in 2012 to the surge of interest in 2014 or paint it with the same brush. There have been a fair few million gamers joining the ranks and not all from Nintendo in the last gen.
As a third party if you fear sales issues in regards to the systems hardware then you just focus on it's innovative strengths. Find ways to enhance the game using the gamepad that isnt made possible on the rival platforms. Graphics these days are incredible yet the leap in generations isnt that great. Anything that's published with extreme gloss could mean the gameplay is limited, too much focus on the shine than the substance.
Third parties need to relook at the Wii U again 100%. Nothing can produce a great output with half assed or no input. Lets just say it how it is.... Xbox One and PS4 are easy street. Supporting the Wii requires a bit more effort and would be a challenge tha they're to lazy to take...unless the risk is during a launch and the spotlight is on you. A launch with competing hardware lurking in the shadows later the following year.
But here is the problem. Most gamers will not pay for a worse overall game. It is not about the install base. Gamers know they will get a better product for playstation and xbox console for third party game than Nintendo. The gamepad just is not going to add that much more appeal for someone to purchase the game for Wii U. 1080p vs 720p (or in some cases not even native), 60FPS vs 30FPS(in some cases no even stable), DLC vs no DLC. its just a no brainer 3rd party games are not going to sell well on Nintendo consoles.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 10:24 PM
But here is the problem. Most gamers will not pay for a worse overall game. It is not about the install base. Gamers know they will get a better product for playstation and xbox console for third party game than Nintendo. The gamepad just is not going to add that much more appeal for someone to purchase the game for Wii U. 1080p vs 720p (or in some cases not even native), 60FPS vs 30FPS(in some cases no even stable), DLC vs no DLC. its just a no brainer 3rd party games are not going to sell well on Nintendo consoles.
True they won't yet those figures would apply to gamers that own a PS4 or Xbox as an additional system, given the individual the option to buy the higher gloss version. Then again is it not all about the install base? Look at the Wii, personally I found the graphical differences to be much vast and there was a lot more support for it.
Not intending to debate, i just want to see this from another angle. Third party games may generally not sell well, I dont see how waiting for the next system would really improve Nintendos situation which ive heard a few times. By what I am witnessing Nintendo is making their own shifts forward and eventually third parties will get the scent of money that much clearer on the Wii U.
A stronger showing is going towards the maxed out product that has all the specs yes and perhaps this could be why the industry is in a state. High production, high risk and no interest in developing on the Wii U.
Edited by MarvelofMan, 24 September 2014 - 10:25 PM.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 11:09 PM
True they won't yet those figures would apply to gamers that own a PS4 or Xbox as an additional system, given the individual the option to buy the higher gloss version. Then again is it not all about the install base? Look at the Wii, personally I found the graphical differences to be much vast and there was a lot more support for it.
Not intending to debate, i just want to see this from another angle. Third party games may generally not sell well, I dont see how waiting for the next system would really improve Nintendos situation which ive heard a few times. By what I am witnessing Nintendo is making their own shifts forward and eventually third parties will get the scent of money that much clearer on the Wii U.
A stronger showing is going towards the maxed out product that has all the specs yes and perhaps this could be why the industry is in a state. High production, high risk and no interest in developing on the Wii U.
Yeah but the Wii was something NO ONE saw coming i would say not even Nintendo. its a once in a lifetime type of situation.They go aginst the grain by not even releasing a HD system like competitors and score big. That will never happen again it was a fluke.
Posted 25 September 2014 - 12:45 AM
Next generation Nintendo will need to lead hardware sales, lead software sales, have the most powerful console, have the easiest to develop for console, AND bribe third parties. This is the only way I can see third parties stopping their unicorn tongue.
Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:14 AM
Yeah but the Wii was something NO ONE saw coming i would say not even Nintendo. its a once in a lifetime type of situation.They go aginst the grain by not even releasing a HD system like competitors and score big. That will never happen again it was a fluke.
Could have gone the other way in hindsight, the Wii spread like Wildfire. I think it's to early to predict the Wii Us future with third parties especially as it appears that the industry may experience another crash. The likelihood is not that high granted, I dont think anyone saw or predicted the influx of interest the Wii U is gathering at the moment.
Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:49 AM
There isn't enough room in the market for three dominant consoles and unfortunately it's nintendo who is being muscled out of the way, part of that through their own actions. Nintendo wants to go their own way and that's fine, but the rest of the industry doesn't want to follow. It also doesn't help that Nintendo has fat out ignored what the rest of the industry is doing. Until they decide they're ready to compete again and fight for market share then nothing is going to change and at this point their competition may be too dug in to make a difference.
The only thing Nintendo has going for them are their exclusives which is major but not enough. Realistically if they want to be back up on top then they're going to have go buy their way there by buying out major third parties. You don't sit on your profits, you reinvest your capital back in to your business so that you maintain a competitive advantage. Capitalism 101. Nintendo used to be king because they were who you went to when you wanted great games so the only wsy to gdt back there is to start rebuilding that by force. Make so many major IPs in to 1st party exclusives that the consumers can no longer ignore the Nintendo system.
Posted 25 September 2014 - 06:01 AM
I would still think that at some point it will be worth while to release games on the Wii U, especially if you are one of the first to jump back into the pool so to speak. You won't have much competition and you expand your market base by at least 20 percent, maybe a little more.
But here is the problem. Most gamers will not pay for a worse overall game. It is not about the install base. Gamers know they will get a better product for playstation and xbox console for third party game than Nintendo. The gamepad just is not going to add that much more appeal for someone to purchase the game for Wii U. 1080p vs 720p (or in some cases not even native), 60FPS vs 30FPS(in some cases no even stable), DLC vs no DLC. its just a no brainer 3rd party games are not going to sell well on Nintendo consoles.
Posted 25 September 2014 - 06:25 AM
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Posted 25 September 2014 - 06:31 AM
Nintendo cant fix third party support. They would need to fix third parties themselves. Literally the only way would be to buy them out to salvage the ip's they are running into the ground.
This is also what i believe. I'm just wondering about the thought process of people who think otherwise.
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