Awaiting Luigi, Falcon and Pit. hopefully soon. lol.
Persistence paid off. Clerk had two small boxes of Luigi in cart ready to stock. I got one before even being on the shelf. Some Toys R U have plenty of him, some not at all.. and some stores like Best Buy state a release date of end of December.

Those of you looking for Falcon and Pit, keep checking your Targets and GameStops. Also some have said that Best Buy will have Pits in on the 30th.... so keep eyes peeled!
I am importing my Pit. Got tired of running around all over town. I was lucky enough to secure a Falcon on ebay from Toys R Us, which the listing didn't last long. It should ship by the 30th. If anyone is interested in importing a PIT (Japan) let me know and I can give you a link. I got expedited shipping only 2-3 days and the total is still under $30.
Started getting a few dupes to keep in box.

Wave 3 is coming soon! Also, if you are wondering what Amiibo's do for specific games, check this:
Here is a new photo of the 3 I kept boxed.
Those of you who pre-ordered Lucario amiibo in Toys R Us, check your inbox.
I received this today,
Dear Valued Guest,
Thank you for shopping at Toys"R"Us and Babies"R"Us!
We are happy to report that your Lucario amiibo pre-order will be available for purchase starting January 30th, 2015. Your item will be reserved for 7 days from this date. Please bring your original pre-order receipt (or this email) to the store location below to purchase this item:
Pardon the DI figures, but I just picked up 2 of wave 3 at Toys R Us. Ship date is Feb 1st I think but they have these two in stock now. I have wave 3 pre-ordered through gamestop but got these 2 anyways haha.

Latest edition, Rosalina !

Target pre-orders of Rosalina are starting to ship. Received my email and tracking number today. I heard it will be in stores on February 1st. Seems like each store is getting a solid amount of them, but it would still be a good idea to go there on release so you don't end up disappointed.
Today's pickup