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What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

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#1 grahamf


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 07:31 PM

I'm aware that there's already 3,942 threads about this, but I couldn't find any and figured that it would be nice to have a fresh start.


And considering how the others ended, I suppose I should add this disclosure:


This thread allows you to post either your wishes or expectations for the next home console. Everyone will have a different opinion, and NOBODY will be correct (unless they have insider knowledge). You may offer suggestions and feedback to others' wishes/expectations, but please try to refrain from arguing about others' choices that you strongly disagree with. Simply ignore them. Do not say that you're ignoring them. Do not put effort into making it clear to everyone that you are ignoring them. Just. Ignore. Them. Like when you're at a family reunion and your crazy uncle Wendell forgot to take his antiparanoia medication.


Now that I've gotten the disclosure out of the way, my expectation for the "Wii 3" is:


1. Based on the Wii U's chipset. Performance increase won't be drastic (around 50% more power), but it will include some minor changes based on new technology and bottlenecks Nintendo discovered while making games for the Wii U.

2. It will be able to play Wii 3, Wii U, AND Wii games. Wii games will become available in the eShop Virtual Console

3. It will have detachable faceplates which can be swapped out for themed ones (like a Smash bros version)

4. it will support a minimum of two GamePads


5: There will be a cheaper edition and a pro edition. the pro edition will have:

6: an internal 2.5" HDD

7. Gamecube controller ports (4 - an additional 4 can be added through the GCC adapter)


8: the basic edition will be $250 and the pro edition will be $300



#2 Raiden


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 07:35 PM

Play games and still use physical discs. Other than that I don't care.

#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 07:43 PM

I'm on mobile so cannot type a lot. I do hope backwards compatibility continues and that its a hybrid console and handheld .

Additionally I want Nintendo to keep 3d for handheld feature and second screen use for off TV play or however the devs choose. There should be a standard physical button on device for switching off TV play. This way it makes it much more streamlined. Also would want to continue to see physical drives supported and a HD screen.

Finally, a unified os with better messaging and friend features. Continued miiverse and NFC.

Edited by Sorceror12, 21 November 2014 - 07:46 PM.

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#4 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 07:48 PM

It will look like this and print money:


No, I want a Nintendo system that can keep up almost with the PS5 and XBone 2.

#5 Mewbot


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 08:30 PM

A system around 5-6 times the power of the PS4 (like the Wii U compared to the PS3), that can handle more than two GamePads at the same time, possibly introducing a new improved gamepad that is 1080p (or around that) and can be played out of the house. Online that is better than the PS4 and Xbox One's online, but still free. Doesn't have to beat the PS5 or the new Xbox's online as they will have a fee. Should be roughly the same price as the Wii U was when it came out and will be cheaper than competitors consoles. 

Interesting games that make good use of all the screens it will have. Some kind of kinect-like sensor or at least voice commands through gamepad mic. Better battery life on gamepad.


And hopefully some kind of agreement with 3rd parties instead of empty promises.


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#6 MatrixChicken


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:00 PM

Be backwards compatible with Wii U and Wii and be a little closer to on-par with its competitors. Oh, and it needs to have it's new special Nintendo "gimmick".


EDIT: Should've clarified, I meant on-par power-wise.

Edited by MatrixChicken, 21 November 2014 - 10:59 PM.



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#7 Bill Cipher

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:21 PM

Time to write up my controversial opinions. Let's see:


  1. I expect it to come out in 2016. It sounds stupid, but I'm really thinking we're past the era of 4 year generations for Sony/MS due to a number of factors, including the average development time of games that haven't become a yearly franchise(Bethesda Games Studio has had the main development team of their games working on either Fallout 4 or TES VI since mid/Late 2011 and WE still haven't heard anything from them implying we're going to see it late 2015 at the earliest, Infamous Second Son had roughly 2.5-3 Years of Dev Time, Heck even look at the Zelda Team, which has had roughly half the team working on Zelda U [Ballparking it, but I highly doubt 100% of the Zelda Team was on aLBW because Anouma's been mentioning the game since early 2013 and it's estimated for a late 2015 launch, which would be 3 years presuming this] , Need I mention Final Fantasy XV which despite being scrapped is still is on track for a late 2015/2016 release?), I don't see Sony or MS wanting to move up on their systems until they've gotten a decent library/convinced everyone they can to buy their current system. However, Nintendo could hopefully release a system in 2016 that would be what the Wii U should have been IMO: A Mid-generation system that can act as as an upgraded 8th Gen/ downgrade 9th Gen. As well, this would ideally allow for Nintendo to increase Third Party Support by offering something above par of the opposing systems. Plus, launching in 2016 would hopefully fix what I think killed the Wii U's chances: The Year of next to no software that we had after 2010/2011. Launching in 2016 would help carry over the goodwill they will hopefully earn from 2015's slew of new releases.
  2. I'm expecting Nintendo to have learned their lesson in terms of pricing of the system. The Wii U was IMO a bit overpriced at launch, with the current price being a more fair assessment of the value of the system. I'm expecting for Nintendo's New system to launch $300 as a base price, with $400 as what I'd consider to be a maximum by Nintendo's standards. Nintendo must have seen how terrible the Xbox One sold at $500 compared to the PS4 at $400, and I think they'd realize they need to be able to compete price wise with the other systems, though judging by MS's whole desperation of cutting prices like a guillotine cuts heads they're willing to do ANYTHING to make the system sell.  I'd assume the base version would be either a 32/64GB SSD or a 500 GB HDD, depending upon if the system requires installation/heavy patches of games, with 128/256GB SSD or 1/2TB HDD for the $400 model.
  3. Considering I haven't mentioned the system, l'll mention that now. I'm expecting them to keep the Gamepad as a key part of the system's design, assuming the previously mentioned prices/advancements in technology/cheapness of prices would mean $200ish to make. I'm assuming they could get it to work, but really I'm going to leave this open as I know  Jack all about what Nintendo should design the system with, other then including features that are now standard(Talking Twitch Integration, etc).
  4. On the factor of games, I can see two approaches to this. Iwata realizes that the system needs a steady supply of games without third party support and is making the next generation of systems be unified architecture wise to increase the output of the games. Now, I have three ways to add on this: Nintendo should either try and court the indie devs that would normally rely upon other ways of getting funding(Kickstarter mostly) by funding them/helping to promote them(Akin to what Sony's been doing from what I've heard), working with studios directly rather then the publishers(See Level 5, Platinum, NLG etc.) to help produce games(Devil's third would be a perfect example of this, same with Bayonetta 2) that are saved from development hell/funded to help the system thrive(Or in the case of some games, localized for the West), or try and court third parties with Contracts(Though let's hope it's not like EA's bullcrap) that will work for everyone involved. Now, any of these would work, but I'd like to see Nintendo try and adapt all three to a degree to try and fix the content drought. I mean, it's not as bad as it was in 2013, but I still think Nintendo should be aiming for 6 retail games a year from them as a minimum to try and keep the system alive. Indies and 3rd Party devs will help to fill in the void, but Nintendo needs to realize that THEY are the ones who are selling the system, not 3rd parties(Need I mention the 3DS Launch? We didn't get an actual GOOD Nintendo Game until 3 Months after launch and that was a port.) 
  5. On one final note, I'd like to see Nintendo adapt to however they deem worthy, but they do need to bring their A game from the start. Wii U/3DS both are getting to the point where they have fantastic libraries, but it took 3 years for the 3DS to get to that point IMO and the Wii U is near it(2015 will push it over the edge IMO). 

Now to reply to others in this thread :P



A system around 5-6 times the power of the PS4 (like the Wii U compared to the PS3), that can handle more than two GamePads at the same time, possibly introducing a new improved gamepad that is 1080p (or around that) and can be played out of the house. Online that is better than the PS4 and Xbox One's online, but still free. Doesn't have to beat the PS5 or the new Xbox's online as they will have a fee. Should be roughly the same price as the Wii U was when it came out and will be cheaper than competitors consoles. 

Interesting games that make good use of all the screens it will have. Some kind of kinect-like sensor or at least voice commands through gamepad mic. Better battery life on gamepad.


And hopefully some kind of agreement with 3rd parties instead of empty promises.

Is the Wii U really 5-6x more powerful then the Ps3? IIRC, the PS4 is 8-10x and Eurogamer/DF is saying it's not that high of a power difference. Two Gamepads would be nice, but I'd be expecting HEAVY hits to the Visuals if you chose to use one. Online should be free, but for it to be better means Nintendo would need some of the best engineers. I'm expecting on par, though. If it's like what I said, I don't mind it costing more then the opposing systems, because it would be an intergeneration system ala the Dreamcast(Though not as mistimed as the Dreamcast I hope). Games are always good :P Voice commands I think are highly overrated, because we STILL don't have great Voice recogonition technology on top of the line smartphones. Better Battery and 1080p Screens are moot, IMO, because while 1080 would be nice it still wouldn't be the best for battery judging by other stuff the controller has to do with constant streaming/NFC. Then again, advancement in batteries/screens will help out quite a bit, so my point here could be moot.


It will look like this and print money:


No, I want a Nintendo system that can keep up almost with the PS5 and XBone 2.

I think Almost is the key word, though I do think launching mid gen would be smart.


I'm on mobile so cannot type a lot. I do hope backwards compatibility continues and that its a hybrid console and handheld .

Additionally I want Nintendo to keep 3d for handheld feature and second screen use for off TV play or however the devs choose. There should be a standard physical button on device for switching off TV play. This way it makes it much more streamlined. Also would want to continue to see physical drives supported and a HD screen.

Finally, a unified os with better messaging and friend features. Continued miiverse and NFC.

Hybrid console/Handheld is still is a generation away IMO, though I could see a bundle/handheld acting as Gamepad alternative. Otherwise, I agree with what you say.


Play games and still use physical discs. Other than that I don't care.

So basically, you want a PS1/N64DD/DC :P



1. Based on the Wii U's chipset. Performance increase won't be drastic (around 50% more power), but it will include some minor changes based on new technology and bottlenecks Nintendo discovered while making games for the Wii U. I'm fine with this as an idea, makes BC easier, though I do worry about potential issues if it isn't able to compete with other systems.

2. It will be able to play Wii 3, Wii U, AND Wii games. Wii games will become available in the eShop Virtual Console eh...I love the Wii and would love to have backwards compatibility, but the longest we've seen BC for is 1 Generation. I don't think this is likely, though I'd love to be proven wrong. 

3. It will have detachable faceplates which can be swapped out for themed ones (like a Smash bros version) Faceplates on a system? That's..interesting. I'd like to see it.

4. it will support a minimum of two GamePads  Will support? Yes. Will support with similar graphics? Not likely. We'd probably get a severe graphical downgrade as it's 1.5x the effort as a minimum.


5: There will be a cheaper edition and a pro edition. the pro edition will have: I agree, I think two tiers are fantastic as an idea, considering it's how the general market has been going(Phones, Game Systems, Computers, Tablets, etc.)

6: an internal 2.5" HDD

7. Gamecube controller ports (4 - an additional 4 can be added through the GCC adapter)


8: the basic edition will be $250 and the pro edition will be $300 I think your prices are a bit low, but that might just be me.

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#8 Raiden


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:34 PM

Can't want what you already have ;)

#9 Bill Cipher

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:37 PM

Can't want what you already have ;)

A Super Turbo Mega Ultra Dreamcast, with an extended Version of Sonic Boom that manages to half the already terrible framerate and resolution, Jet Set Radio that has no music, and Skies of Arcadia remake that has an even more insane Encounter rate(I've heard horror stories about the DC version's encounter rate)

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#10 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:37 PM

Pretty sure we already have a thread about this from a couple months ago...






#11 Mahmoodinho98


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 10:44 PM

Here is what I want from nintendo next home system

1. specs

 4+1 PPC cores , +1 core is reserverd for the OS, the other 4 for development

 1gb of DDR4 reserved for the os

  3-4gb of esram

a GPU capable of 3-5 to 4.5 Tflops

  1080p gamepad and support for 2 gamepads and 4 pro controllers


better gamepad battery life

ability to install your own hardrive


A much much mcuh improved online service+ game streaming

#12 Raiden


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 11:08 PM

Here is what I want from nintendo next home system

1. specs

 4+1 PPC cores , +1 core is reserverd for the OS, the other 4 for development

 1gb of DDR4 reserved for the os

  3-4gb of esram

a GPU capable of 3-5 to 4.5 Tflops

  1080p gamepad and support for 2 gamepads and 4 pro controllers


better gamepad battery life

ability to install your own hardrive


A much much mcuh improved online service+ game streaming

And sell at a loss and have Nintendo have financial troubles like Sega and go 3rd party WOOO!

#13 Abcdude


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 11:21 PM



#14 NintendoReport



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 04:45 AM

Pretty sure we already have a thread about this from a couple months ago...


Grahamf started a similar thread a while back however it got locked. As long as this thread continues with respectful discussion it should be interesting to see where it goes. Future ideas and thoughts on what the hardware will do or not do is pretty fascinating.

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#15 Scumbag



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 06:19 AM

Here is what I want from nintendo next home system

1. specs

 4+1 PPC cores , +1 core is reserverd for the OS, the other 4 for development

 1gb of DDR4 reserved for the os

  3-4gb of esram

a GPU capable of 3-5 to 4.5 Tflops

  1080p gamepad and support for 2 gamepads and 4 pro controllers


better gamepad battery life

ability to install your own hardrive


A much much mcuh improved online service+ game streaming


3-4gb of esram? Seriously?

#16 Tom


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Posted 22 November 2014 - 06:59 AM

In a perfect world, it would be much beefier than a Wii U with an architecture that devs want to actually work with.


But this is Nintendo, we're probably gonna slap on a new gimmick, maybe even implement QoL.

What Nintendo needs to do is get rid of region-locking. It's 2014 and they're the only company that does it, smh.

Edited by Tom, 22 November 2014 - 07:00 AM.


#17 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 07:12 AM

In a perfect world, it would be much beefier than a Wii U with an architecture that devs want to actually work with.


But this is Nintendo, we're probably gonna slap on a new gimmick, maybe even implement QoL.

What Nintendo needs to do is get rid of region-locking. It's 2014 and they're the only company that does it, smh.

Eh the architecture isn't what's keeping the devs out. their dislike for Nintendo is what's keeping them out. thus why they have little to no problem getting Japanese companies to develop for them and even managed to get EA on board to massively support them before launch.

Architecture doesn't stop you from developing games altogether (EA) and it doesn't force you to spend an extra 6 months to port something, make you lose your ability to take screenshots, record video, put out press releass and iclude all DLC (Ubisoft). Western devs don't develop for Nintendo because they don't like Nintendo. They will always find an excuse.

Besides i like having console architecture over PC. It makes it more interesting to see what workaround and tricks people come up with over time. And there's always something to look forward to towards the end of the console's lifespan; better graphics. With PC architecture there's no mystery or surprise in terms of what people accomplish except in the first couple months, then things don't improve for the next 5-8 years while you wait for the next console to see the next jump. Pretty boring stuff imo.

But I'll agree that region lock needs to go, and they need to improve their account system (which i believe they've already vowed to do).






#18 grahamf


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Posted 22 November 2014 - 07:13 AM

Honestly I think one of the primary focuses has to be the price point, followed by the gimmick that makes it approachable to non-gamers. The Wii was successful as everyone considered it to be a secondary console and so bought one alongside their PS3 or Xbox 360.


Nintendo consoles are still the only consoles where you can play Nintendo games, so Nintendo needs to heavily market their back catalog of games going back to the NES.

Edited by grahamf, 22 November 2014 - 07:14 AM.



#19 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 07:14 AM

Honestly I think one of the primary focuses has to be the price point, followed by the gimmick that makes it approachable to non-gamers. The Wii was successful as everyone considered it to be a secondary console and so bought one alongside their PS3 or Xbox 360.

I always feel like a broken record on these forums ;_;






#20 grahamf


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Posted 22 November 2014 - 07:16 AM

I always feel like a broken record on these forums ;_;

True, even I am having a little difficulty sticking with the disclosure I posted in the original thread.



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