Could you clarify why 3-4 Gigs of esram? That seems very excessive, costly, and not even efficient. That's a huge jump from what is there now.Here is what I want from nintendo next home system
1. specs
4+1 PPC cores , +1 core is reserverd for the OS, the other 4 for development
1gb of DDR4 reserved for the os
3-4gb of esram
a GPU capable of 3-5 to 4.5 Tflops
1080p gamepad and support for 2 gamepads and 4 pro controllers
better gamepad battery life
ability to install your own hardrive
A much much mcuh improved online service+ game streaming

What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?
Posted 22 November 2014 - 08:26 AM
PA Magician | Busiest PA Magician | Magician Reviewed | Certified Magic Professionals

Posted 22 November 2014 - 10:45 AM
Edited by Porhorse, 22 November 2014 - 10:48 AM.
Posted 22 November 2014 - 10:37 PM
Here is what I want from nintendo next home system
1. specs
4+1 PPC cores , +1 core is reserverd for the OS, the other 4 for development
1gb of DDR4 reserved for the os
3-4gb of esram
a GPU capable of 3-5 to 4.5 Tflops
1080p gamepad and support for 2 gamepads and 4 pro controllers
better gamepad battery life
ability to install your own hardrive
A much much mcuh improved online service+ game streaming
3-4 Gb esram? Wow.Thats uh.Thats going to be a huge processor.
- NintendoReport likes this
Posted 22 November 2014 - 10:53 PM
Maybe they could make it more powerful, use the exact same kind of setup, and have like an easy-port system or something that means you can pretty much copy-pasta a game to the console ala the web framework and Unity. It'd be cool but nah won't happen.
3-4 Gb esram? Wow.Thats uh.Thats going to be a huge processor.
Still smaller than an Xbox One.
Edited by Ep0nabot, 22 November 2014 - 10:53 PM.
Posted 22 November 2014 - 10:55 PM
Still smaller than an Xbox One.
I don't think a processor the size of an XBox One is anything to brag about... it would need a heatsink attached to a ceiling fan!
Posted 22 November 2014 - 11:20 PM
If it was architecture that held Wii U back then WTF was going on with PS2 and PS3 getting so much support?
That's why that is such a BS statement. It's just bias.
- KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums likes this
Posted 23 November 2014 - 12:26 AM
If it was architecture that held Wii U back then WTF was going on with PS2 and PS3 getting so much support?
That's why that is such a BS statement. It's just bias.
You have a point, but I should bring up some other relevant information:
PS1 sold 100Million+ Units in it's time, with next highest competitor(the N64) being roughly 35 Million. That is a MASSIVE Difference in terms of install base without going into issues like Cartidge space/storage(FFIX took 4 CDs. I don't want to imagine how many carts that would be, even if the game had no FMVs), or Nintendo's by the balls handling of the third parties that caused them to flee once there was a chance of success elsewhere. There's also the fact that it was around the time of the N64 where the trend of buying Nintendo systems FOR Nintendo games took effect, with the highest selling third party game on the N64 being Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire at #18 with 2 Million sales. Now, that's not bad, but by comparison the top 10 of the PS1's games by sales data has 7 3rd Party Games, with GT 1/2 and Crash Bandicoot being the only Sony published games in the top 10.
Then, the Ps2. PS2 sold 145 MILLION-ish Units in it's lifespan compared to the next highest sales of the Xbox(Of which I can find only 24 Million+ as a unit of systems sold). It completely eclipsed the GameCube and Xbox by a factor of at least 100% of their sales combined. Judging by Best selling games, we see that the two best selling games on the PS2 made by sony were GT3/4. Judging off of the games that are on this list, I think it can be safely said that this is what sparked a LOT of the changes in the industry of a shift from family friendly to..uh..whatever the heck you'd call Uncharted. Anyways, due to this complete landslide victory, almost all third parties were extremely confident in Sony. Sure, the Xbox 360 had a year lead, but Sony was going to win, right?
Well, Sony Sonyed by letting their ego get the best of them. "WE HAVE SUCH A GREAT SYSTEM THAT YOU WILL GET 2 JOBS TO PAY FOR IT" isn't a thing to inspire consumer confidence, it's a sign of ineptitude. As I shouldn't have to remind anyone, the PS3's sales were terrible for about 33% of it's lifespan until 2009(IIRC, I'm doing most of this off of my head). In 2009, Bobby Kotick, Head of Activision AKA WE WILL STICK THIS GAME ON A TOASTER IF WE COULD MAKE A PROFIT, said in a public interview that TL;DR amounted to "We're dropping our support for Sony if the system doesn't turn around soon." Considering the history I brought up, this was a terrible sign to Sony.
In comparison, Nintendo's systems have never really, and this is not a bad thing, adapted like the market did. Where the Industry has been pumping up budgets to the point where 4 million copies in the launch month is a disappointment, Nintendo has had 2 games they funded since the Wii U Launched that have flopped in the market. Nintendo GETS that you don't need a massive budget to have a good game. However, Nintendo's non adaptation has left them into a bit of a bind: Third Parties seem to be of the mind that they don't want to compete with other games from first parties(Have we ever seen a big game from Sony/MS share a release period with a third party game) but they don't want to be on a system that exists, in their mind, as "BABIES FIRST CONSOLE". The big, acclaimed studios/publishers don't want to spend the time/money on something that isn't "Mature" and "Stunning" and "Emotional", meaning in their mind it's not worth it to develop for the Wii U. When they DO Make a game that fits the market, it sells/is recieved INCREDIBLY Well by the userbase(Need I mention Scribblenauts, anyone?), but said games are few and far because WE NEED GRITTY GAMES. Gritty games do not sell well on the Wii U (Or at least Well enough for the publishers, though I quite frankly think some of their expectations are WAY too high) and as such we don't get third party support because GRITTY IS THE NEW INDUSTRY. They build games with more fricking style over substance. and it shows horribly IMO.
Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.
NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX
Posted 23 November 2014 - 12:39 AM
PS2 sold 157 Million Units.
N64 Cart space was limited and Nintendo was awful to 3rd parties and put ultimatums on them. N64 was hard to devlop for in general.
Sony was bad to 3rd parties and during PS2 era Sony put ultimatums on 3rd parties. Xbox was more powerful and had more storage space using DVD9. It had a HDD. So if it's a power thing XB should have sold a 157 Million consoles.
I'm sorry that post was way to long to read and a wall but if it goes into history I know all about it. I was there for every console race since Atari/NES. I know all on why.
Wii U Nintendo catered to 3rd parties very openly. They didn't use cell processor like PS3. They used Power PC something devs were very familiar with. A system a few times more powerful than PS360 and not nearly behind as PS4.XBO as people think. Like PS2 wasn't massivly behind either. Power wise there is no excuse. Launch day itself 3rd parties gave a half assed effort. Simple bias. Indies love the Wii U.
System is fine. Rare times they gave some effort games looked fine.
- Bill Cipher and KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums like this
Posted 23 November 2014 - 12:44 AM
PS2 sold 157 Million Units.
N64 Cart space was limited and Nintendo was awful to 3rd parties and put ultimatums on them. N64 was hard to devlop for in general.
Sony was bad to 3rd parties and during PS2 era Sony put ultimatums on 3rd parties. Xbox was more powerful and had more storage space using DVD9. It had a HDD. So if it's a power thing XB should have sold a 157 Million consoles.
I'm sorry that post was way to long to read and a wall but if it goes into history I know all about it. I was there for every console race since Atari/NES. I know all on why.
Wii U Nintendo catered to 3rd parties very openly. They didn't use cell processor like PS3. They used Power PC something devs were very familiar with. A system a few times more powerful than PS360 and not nearly behind as PS4.XBO as people think. Like PS2 wasn't massivly behind either. Power wise there is no excuse. Launch day itself 3rd parties gave a half assed effort. Simple bias. Indies love the Wii U.
System is fine. Rare times they gave some effort games looked fine.
I have a tendency to make too long posts, I know. Basically, I agree that it is bias because the Industry is now "ELITE" and "MATURE" and "GRITTY" and "EMOTIONAL", all of which the idea of developing for the Wii U just doesn't work for them. It's a fantastic console, but in their mind they are Quentin Tarantino, making the game, only to be given the option of making a version for Disney.(Not a good analogy, but I think it works.)
- Raiden likes this
Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.
NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX
Posted 23 November 2014 - 07:03 AM
CPU: Some ARM processor, with twelve cores. It would be amazing if AMD branched out and creates this processor for them, but either way I expect them to make the GPU. Also, for backwards compatibility the Wii U processor will be included in the first generation of Wii U2.
GPU: Speaking of the GPU, I expect them to use the R9, but highly customized to be able to handle the next level of games.
Controller: Two Game Pads. Four GCN controller ports on the basic edition, but the Pro edition will have extra bluetooth receivers instead, and you can buy new WaveBird controllers.
I expect it to be able to do 4k graphics.
The reason I expect Nintendo to go with ARM is because of their one platform many devices approach, that we still don't know much about.
ARM is powerful enough now to do console level graphics, and with the help the Radeon R9 and future advancements, I don't see a problem doing 4k with arm architecture.
Posted 23 November 2014 - 11:31 AM
PS2 sold 157 Million Units.
N64 Cart space was limited and Nintendo was awful to 3rd parties and put ultimatums on them. N64 was hard to devlop for in general.
Sony was bad to 3rd parties and during PS2 era Sony put ultimatums on 3rd parties. Xbox was more powerful and had more storage space using DVD9. It had a HDD. So if it's a power thing XB should have sold a 157 Million consoles.
I'm sorry that post was way to long to read and a wall but if it goes into history I know all about it. I was there for every console race since Atari/NES. I know all on why.
Wii U Nintendo catered to 3rd parties very openly. They didn't use cell processor like PS3. They used Power PC something devs were very familiar with. A system a few times more powerful than PS360 and not nearly behind as PS4.XBO as people think. Like PS2 wasn't massivly behind either. Power wise there is no excuse. Launch day itself 3rd parties gave a half assed effort. Simple bias. Indies love the Wii U.
System is fine. Rare times they gave some effort games looked fine.
I feel like it's not even worth trying. I've told people this so. Many. Times. And i still see people trying to blame Nintendo for lack of support like every frinking day. I feel like a lot of people drink a little of Microsoft and Sony and their fanboy's kool-aid and just try to find things wrong with Nintendo. Like every time someone tries to point the finger at nintendo for some company not supporting Wii u customers, it's this ridiculously convoluted explanation, where they're pulling all these random unproved nothing out their anus to just try and excuse the inexcusable, and blame the party that make less sense to blame. Like if you see a bully kicking sand in a bunch of kids' eyes, you don't assume it's the kids' parents fault for not paying off the bully. That's just not good. Annoys me so gosh dang much. It's practically undebatable; Nintendo is the AAA company treating it's customers best this generation. Simple as that. There is evidence of this out the wazoo, but people will continue to rag on them for every frinking thing. I feel so sorry for them for having such bollocks "fans".
Edited by WydrA, 23 November 2014 - 11:35 AM.
- Bill Cipher likes this
Posted 23 November 2014 - 06:17 PM
I feel like it's not even worth trying. I've told people this so. Many. Times. And i still see people trying to blame Nintendo for lack of support like every frinking day. I feel like a lot of people drink a little of Microsoft and Sony and their fanboy's kool-aid and just try to find things wrong with Nintendo. Like every time someone tries to point the finger at nintendo for some company not supporting Wii u customers, it's this ridiculously convoluted explanation, where they're pulling all these random unproved nothing out their anus to just try and excuse the inexcusable, and blame the party that make less sense to blame. Like if you see a bully kicking sand in a bunch of kids' eyes, you don't assume it's the kids' parents fault for not paying off the bully. That's just not good. Annoys me so gosh dang much. It's practically undebatable; Nintendo is the AAA company treating it's customers best this generation. Simple as that. There is evidence of this out the wazoo, but people will continue to rag on them for every frinking thing. I feel so sorry for them for having such bollocks "fans".
Considering Nintendo only release it's heavy hitters in year two, I would not called that "Treating it's customers this generation". They just need to stick their Gamecube ways but make it more appealing.
Posted 24 November 2014 - 02:25 AM
1) ibm cpu 6 cores 12 threads @ 2.5ghz modern tech 4 or 6mb cache. (ibm cpus normally have more threads per core, so 6/12 is not a big issue, its allready cut in half)
2) about 2.5 Tflops gpu with mantle support and dx12 features. (this performance was 3-4 years ago in PC as a maximum per card) so 2.5 when wii U 2 comes, is nothing... it should be 3.
3) 16 gigs of ram, (ddr4) which 2 of them are GDDR5 (graphics memory) - DDR4 is extremly expensive now, but in a year it will fall about 50% down. It will be the standard, as ddr3 is today.
basic model comes with 120-200gigs of HDD and the nintendo patent of bluray discs.
I believe this package will outperform the competitors and 3rd support wont be able to complain.
Edited by Plutonas, 24 November 2014 - 02:40 AM.
Posted 24 November 2014 - 08:59 AM
Could you clarify why 3-4 Gigs of esram? That seems very excessive, costly, and not even efficient. That's a huge jump from what is there now.
I might have over exagurated but considering AMD is releasing its next GPU with 4gb of esram (they call it HBM( high bandwith Memory) so I was thinking, 4 years from now there would be a complete evolution in GPU technology , why not implement it? about the cost, as i said earlier, over the next 3-4 years I expect most GPUs to be running atleast 1gb of esram so I guess the price would be cheaper.
1) ibm cpu 6 cores 12 threads @ 2.5ghz modern tech 4 or 6mb cache. (ibm cpus normally have more threads per core, so 6/12 is not a big issue, its allready cut in half)
2) about 2.5 Tflops gpu with mantle support and dx12 features. (this performance was 3-4 years ago in PC as a maximum per card) so 2.5 when wii U 2 comes, is nothing... it should be 3.
3) 16 gigs of ram, (ddr4) which 2 of them are GDDR5 (graphics memory) - DDR4 is extremly expensive now, but in a year it will fall about 50% down. It will be the standard, as ddr3 is today.
basic model comes with 120-200gigs of HDD and the nintendo patent of bluray discs.
I believe this package will outperform the competitors and 3rd support wont be able to complain.
Hopefully by the next gen Wii U can atleast do 3.5-4 terflops since current high end GPUs can reach 12 teraflops
Posted 24 November 2014 - 11:33 AM
Considering Nintendo only release it's heavy hitters in year two, I would not called that "Treating it's customers this generation". They just need to stick their Gamecube ways but make it more appealing.
They didn't produce all it's heavy hitters year one because they wanted to make room in sales for third parties, all of whom abandoned them. And are we seriously going to complain we had to wait a year to get new installations of every single frinking series we ask for except f-zero (which they are at least considering and put in MK8) and Earthbound (which jus can't be done because I believe the creator doesn't want to anymore or something).
So what Sony releasing their remakes of year old to two year-old game sis soooo much better right? Exactly what everyone was asking for. And microsoft totally gave us the new conker game we've been waiting for! Oh wait, no they didn't they just told us to make our own. Banjo Kazooie? Oh no, not that either.
Stop looking for this to complain about and be grateful for the abundance we have.
- Raiden likes this
Posted 25 November 2014 - 12:18 AM
So I will post my two cents but wont really be spec listing. My opinion would be just more of what I would like to see from the console and the company. I know Nintendo takes a lot of things into consideration when designing their home consoles. They take the overall budget into consideration more than the other two companies. I would say they should make the most powerful console they can within their budget. A 500 dollar nintendo console on the market would be a business nightmare. I perosnally do not think Nintendo would gain any advantage by having the most powerful console on the market. I would hope at a MINIMUM that Nintendo next console will be to ps5/xb2 what the xb1 is to the ps4. So hopefully powerful enough to get any port to run and some to run at the same resolution and framerate. I think what Nintendo needs to focus on is what we are seeing with the Wii U this gen. put 60 FPS over everything else. Anyone that has read my post now how much I love the current Wii U gamepad. I game 95% in off-tv mode. So I do not think that nintendo could go away from the gamepad. I hope for an updated gamepad with 1080p and better range of connectivity. This gamepad will be a hybrid of sorts maybe work with their next handheld where games can be played on both. Lastly I hope that Nintendo TAKES THEIR TIME. I know we all expect a 5-6 year generation for Nintendo and the Wii U. I hope that this console is not rushed. I hope that they have all their ducks in a row. That all their documentation and 3rd parties know how to develop and take advantage of what the hardware can do. Work very closely with those 3rd parties that are willing to listen and take advantage of those situations/relationships. one last thing I know this is software related but I love what Nintendo is doing with getting games like Bayo2 and Devils third. Keep that trend going happy about rumors of 3 more games coming of that nature (hope we get vanquish and vanquish 2).
Posted 25 November 2014 - 03:06 PM
They didn't produce all it's heavy hitters year one because they wanted to make room in sales for third parties, all of whom abandoned them. And are we seriously going to complain we had to wait a year to get new installations of every single frinking series we ask for except f-zero (which they are at least considering and put in MK8) and Earthbound (which jus can't be done because I believe the creator doesn't want to anymore or something).
So what Sony releasing their remakes of year old to two year-old game sis soooo much better right? Exactly what everyone was asking for. And microsoft totally gave us the new conker game we've been waiting for! Oh wait, no they didn't they just told us to make our own. Banjo Kazooie? Oh no, not that either.
Stop looking for this to complain about and be grateful for the abundance we have.
First of all I wasn't complaining, where did you get that from? Also I not talking about the Xbox one and PS4, I'm talking about the Wii U. Starting to put out on the second year when other consoles are coming out is career suicide, we all know the wii u sold 6 million without decent third party and that's good but the Xbox 1 sold 5 million+ with bad news plus a stupid price tag.
Next, they weren't waiting for third party to pick up, that's a lie. Also Sony has only released one exclusive just as MS did and Nintendo release one as well , no matter what age it is.
Posted 25 November 2014 - 03:24 PM
First of all I wasn't complaining, where did you get that from? Also I not talking about the Xbox one and PS4, I'm talking about the Wii U. Starting to put out on the second year when other consoles are coming out is career suicide, we all know the wii u sold 6 million without decent third party and that's good but the Xbox 1 sold 5 million+ with bad news plus a stupid price tag.
Next, they weren't waiting for third party to pick up, that's a lie. Also Sony has only released one exclusive just as MS did and Nintendo release one as well , no matter what age it is.
Because you're saying the fact that they didn't release games when you think they should/when you want means they haven't been treating their customers the best. That sure sounds like a complaint to me, since it's certainly not a legitimate point against them in my books.
And yeah you are talking about Xbone and PS4. You literally started talking directly after you said you weren't.
Nintendo has only released one exclusive? What on what planet? And I didn't say pickup I said they wee make room for third party sales. As in they were working closely with third parties, giving them packs long before release. Third parties promised to bring a whole crapload of launch games,. Nintendo didn't want them to lose all their money doing so, so they purposely withheld their big hitters, which everyone would have bought over the third parties.
Also your sales numbers are outdated and unimportant. Number of sales =/= level of ethical behaviour towards the industry and consumers.
Example A: EA need I continue?
Posted 25 November 2014 - 07:11 PM
Please don't. Either of you. otherwise this thread will be locked like the others.
Posted 01 December 2014 - 09:12 PM
It's never too early to talk about the next generation, especially seeing how we already know some info about Nintendo's next gen console, this thread will be talking fully about what Nintendo has in store next gen, here is some things we know.
Nintendo is/was looking for a Lead Graphic Engineer for Next-Gen in America, here is the descreption of it.
Description of Duties
Nintendo Technology Development is looking for a lead graphics architect in the system-on-chip architecture group in Redmond, WA. The group is responsible for the architecture of Nintendo’s game console SoCs. The graphics architect plays a key role in determining the SoC architecture. The job responsibilities are:
Evaluate HW graphics (GPU) offerings from SoC solutions available in the market based on performance, power, and silicon area.
Evaluate the performance of the SoC solutions for both proprietary and standard graphics APIs.
Determine workloads and simulation models for both performance and power characteristics of GPUs.
Keep track of GPU architectural improvements in the industry and devise strategies to incorporate them for future Nintendo gaming platforms.
Act as the graphics architectural evangelist working with global Nintendo teams for future and on-going programs.
Work with external SoC vendors as the Nintendo focal point for graphics GPU architecture.
Should be prepared to work through architecture, design, validation, and bring-up stages of SoC design in cooperation with internal and external teams.
Summary of Requirements
The ideal candidate will have had experience working directly in a GPU architecture and design team with significant responsibilities.
Low power and SoC design experience would be a plus.
The candidate is expected to have good architectural insights and the ability to apply that for setting future graphics direction for Nintendo.
A bachelors degree (graduate degree preferred) in computer science/engineering or electrical engineering.
5+ years of lead or architectural role experience are required.
Nintendo talked about how they will want the Wii U and 3DS successor to connect to each other even more so then the Wii U and 3DS currentily do, Nintendo wants them to be very connected.
We also know that the Wii U successor will expand from the Wii U hardware, in what way exactly? Not 100% sure, but it will likely have something to do with Backwards compailbity.
Spec wise, we don't know anything, hopes however are for that the Wii U successor will have 16GB of ram, that's about 8x as much as the Wii U and about 2x as much as the PS4 and Xbox One, I'm not too knowledgeable to talk about specs so I'll let the people that do know start it off here.
Game wise? Who knows at this point, the Wii U successor won't release until at least Holiday 2017 so it's still a little while away, what might we expect?
Well, a new 3D Mario is possible, Zelda Wii U will hopefully be released in 2015 so Zelda 9th Gen will likely be 2 years in development by the time the Wii U successor releases, something from Retro, something from third parties as well.
Third Party wise? Nintendo really needs help, from the start of Wii U we were promised a change, we were told we would get actual good third party support for Wii U, that lasted about the year it released and then nothing, the Wii U third party wise is terrible and Nintendo really needs to change it for good, that should be a big point in it's successor.
Alright, discuss.
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