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What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

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#41 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 01 December 2014 - 09:21 PM

I hope we don't get another gimmick on the controller, I honestly would have perferred if the Wii U was the console + the pro controller and not the gamepad, and the cost to make the gamepad should have gone to marketing and better hardware, and they should have gaven it a better name...


I also hope they make it future proof, as in make it so that it won't be weaker than the Xbox (One 2, Two, 3600? Idk, 4th gen model XD) and the PS5.


Oh, and of course, bring back some older franchises that people have been begging Nintendo to bring back over the years, but no remakes please. :P


Better online would be nice too, and maybe make two versions of MiiVerse!


Rebrand it, call the original Miiverse Kidverse (basically, what it is now but with more moderation) and another one called WiiVerse (which is for everyone XD basically, this is to allow older games to curse, post innapporpiate stuff, connect to their social media, facebook, twitter, etc.) But have it automatically enabled with every console so that the first time you boot it up a warning tells parents that it's not for kids and to enable parent controls to add a pin on Wiiverse.


And the most important thing of all...


A name that doesn't confuse people thinking it's the same as the one before it!!!! Nintendo should fire their marketing team lol :P 

Edited by Horse, 01 December 2014 - 09:25 PM.



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#42 Big Boss

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Posted 01 December 2014 - 10:38 PM

Why do you guys argue so much

#43 Bowser Jr

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Posted 12 December 2014 - 03:07 PM

Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, and Nintendo 3DS combined into one epic home console that plays Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, and Nintendo 3DS games.

Edited by Bowser Jr, 12 December 2014 - 03:07 PM.

#44 Atticus


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Posted 13 December 2014 - 06:44 AM

What I'd really like is our eShop purchases to stay attached to our NNIDs so that I may play Punch-Out!! (NES) on every Nintendo console to come without playing for it again. 

#45 thunderspider


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Posted 22 December 2014 - 09:48 AM

I'm aware that there's already 3,942 threads about this, but I couldn't find any and figured that it would be nice to have a fresh start.


And considering how the others ended, I suppose I should add this disclosure:


This thread allows you to post either your wishes or expectations for the next home console. Everyone will have a different opinion, and NOBODY will be correct (unless they have insider knowledge). You may offer suggestions and feedback to others' wishes/expectations, but please try to refrain from arguing about others' choices that you strongly disagree with. Simply ignore them. Do not say that you're ignoring them. Do not put effort into making it clear to everyone that you are ignoring them. Just. Ignore. Them. Like when you're at a family reunion and your crazy uncle Wendell forgot to take his antiparanoia medication.


Now that I've gotten the disclosure out of the way, my expectation for the "Wii 3" is:


1. Based on the Wii U's chipset. Performance increase won't be drastic (around 50% more power), but it will include some minor changes based on new technology and bottlenecks Nintendo discovered while making games for the Wii U.

2. It will be able to play Wii 3, Wii U, AND Wii games. Wii games will become available in the eShop Virtual Console

3. It will have detachable faceplates which can be swapped out for themed ones (like a Smash bros version)

4. it will support a minimum of two GamePads


5: There will be a cheaper edition and a pro edition. the pro edition will have:

6: an internal 2.5" HDD

7. Gamecube controller ports (4 - an additional 4 can be added through the GCC adapter)


8: the basic edition will be $250 and the pro edition will be $300


With all respect 50% more powerful have no logic to me, see, the Wii U is around 20x more powerful than Wii, a 50% more than a Wii U will left it like 2,5 times weaker than PS4, Wii U is around 4x weaker. Spend money to launch a weak console again?

#46 grahamf


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Posted 22 December 2014 - 11:57 AM

With all respect 50% more powerful have no logic to me, see, the Wii U is around 20x more powerful than Wii, a 50% more than a Wii U will left it like 2,5 times weaker than PS4, Wii U is around 4x weaker. Spend money to launch a weak console again?

Law of diminishing returns. Boom.



That being said, it would be nice if it included proper expansion ports like on the Gamecube, instead of being forced to rely on USB and it's bottlenecks every time a new feature (such as Gamecube controller support) is required.



#47 thunderspider


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Posted 22 December 2014 - 02:20 PM

My hope is to be 8  times more powerful than PS4, and 20 more powerful than Wii U. But in the reality, i think it will be around 4 times at MAX, but i think PS4 could do a smaller leap than we think, something around 6 to 7 times, wich will left the new Nintendo close to it.

#48 NintendoReport



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Posted 22 December 2014 - 02:38 PM

My hope is to be 8  times more powerful than PS4, and 20 more powerful than Wii U. But in the reality, i think it will be around 4 times at MAX, but i think PS4 could do a smaller leap than we think, something around 6 to 7 times, wich will left the new Nintendo close to it.


I don't even think that is going to be necessary. Especially if they decide to make a handheld/home console hybrid. I'd expect hd on the handheld, dual screen support, 3d and something powerful but still very efficient.

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#49 Raiden


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Posted 22 December 2014 - 02:42 PM

Why is it when people say what you want it's like ADD 60 MORE MEGARAMS AND 21X MORE CPU ZHRTZ AND 16 SD CARD SLOTS AND A PLACE TO TOAST MY BREAD!


I'm willing to bet you Nintendo wins the Console wars in general as I feel PS and XB move towards a steam like service on devices and PC. Not saying that's next but very well could be.


Do you not understand why Sony and MS are failing in the console business. Doesn't matter they are selling ok the fact is they have dimishing returns. Machines with little in the way of optimized games. Wii U has enough horsepower but the right architecture that Wii U even in 3rd place is winning. They are making profits and games are looking better plus games designed around the hardware to take advantage of it. Not a code dump or trying to force something on PS4 or XBO.

Edited by Strider Hiryu, 22 December 2014 - 02:43 PM.

#50 EvilMoogle



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Posted 03 January 2015 - 05:41 PM

I seriously doubt the next Nintendo console will be more powerful than the PS4 or Xbox One because there is no point. Unless Nintendo brings in more 3rd party support the more powerful hardware in their next console is going to be pointless. You have to keep in mind that Nintendo's art-style won't benefit from much better hardware at this point... I think it's time Nintendo at least sells some games on Steam, but that's just me. 

Edited by EvilMoogle, 05 January 2015 - 03:02 PM.

#51 Raiden


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 05:59 PM

I seriously doubt the next Nintendo console will be more powerful than the PS4 or Xbox One


That's silly. Of course it will be. PS4 and  XBO are not that powerful to begin with and Wii U is not that far behind at all. They were mid range PC's when they wee released and that status is quickly falling. This isn't Wii vs HD twins again not by a long shot.


As for what would be the point well by your logic Wii U should have stay te same power as Wii. Because yeah what's the point in progress yeah? Games on steam. Why? Nintendo makes profit doing what they do. MS can't say that. Sony can't. MS losing biliions on the XB brand. SOny just posted it's 6th annual loss in 7 years and combined both companies fired 34,000 people last 3 years. PS4 and XBO have diminishing returns. Sony and MS are closer to not making consoles anymore by a good 10000 miles than Nintendo.

Edited by Ryudo, 03 January 2015 - 06:03 PM.

#52 EvilMoogle



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Posted 05 January 2015 - 03:21 PM

That's silly. Of course it will be. PS4 and  XBO are not that powerful to begin with and Wii U is not that far behind at all. They were mid range PC's when they wee released and that status is quickly falling. This isn't Wii vs HD twins again not by a long shot.


As for what would be the point well by your logic Wii U should have stay te same power as Wii. Because yeah what's the point in progress yeah? Games on steam. Why? Nintendo makes profit doing what they do. MS can't say that. Sony can't. MS losing biliions on the XB brand. SOny just posted it's 6th annual loss in 7 years and combined both companies fired 34,000 people last 3 years. PS4 and XBO have diminishing returns. Sony and MS are closer to not making consoles anymore by a good 10000 miles than Nintendo.



It would cost Nintendo a lot of money to invest into a console that is more powerful than the Xbox One and PS4 and it just seems pointless in my opinion.


Who is Nintendo's target audience with this new console? Hardcore console gamers? Because those people already have an Xbox One or a PS4 and they most likely aren't going to buy a brand new Nintendo console for "better graphics" and abandon their already large collection of games, friends, and achievements/trophies. Most of the exclusive Nintendo games on the Wii U really wouldn't look that much better on a more powerful console. Seriously we are talking about Nintendo games here. I can't imagine Mario Kart 8 or Super Smash Bros looking that much better on something more powerful like an Xbox One or PS4 let alone anything more powerful than that. They already look great and Nintendo has always been more about gameplay. Most people who buy Nintendo games could care less about anti-aliasing, resolution, FPS, vertical sync, etc. I would argue most average console gamers don't know anything about that stuff either. 


The PS4 has been a complete success selling over 10 million units world-wide in an incredibly short amount of time so that has nothing to do with Sony's losses in fact their failing movie, music and laptop division is to blame for that.


Microsoft is one of the world's most valuable companies so I really don't think losing some money on a single gaming console investment is going to put a dent on their influence in the world.


What is Nintendo going to advertise this console as? Will it have 3rd party support? Will the online have voice chat instead of being a playground for kids? Most companies seem reluctant to support Nintendo because most people who buy Nintendo consoles only buy Nintendo games. It's kind of a double-edged sword. You have Nintendo making a console purely for their games so people buy their hardware for that but at the same time you alienate other gaming companies from developing for your console because it's so difficult to get people to buy anything else. 


I think the Wii U is doing fine and they should just focus on possibly releasing a cheaper non GamePad version of the Wii U or something and if they seriously are going to release a new console it better be what I described originally on this forum.


An HD Nintendo console that is going to run games at 1080p, 60 FPS, 3rd party support, regular controllers with no gimmicks, mature online environment with parental controls only as an option, a huge online Nintendo shop that actually has a lot of games to purchase, and achievements and trophies (seriously everyone has them), toss in a brand new Nintendo IP as well to flagship the console. Possibly something a little more mature from Nintendo that would utilize their brand new super HD console's hardware. 

Edited by EvilMoogle, 05 January 2015 - 03:28 PM.

#53 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 05 January 2015 - 10:22 PM

It would cost Nintendo a lot of money to invest into a console that is more powerful than the Xbox One and PS4 and it just seems pointless in my opinion.


Who is Nintendo's target audience with this new console? Hardcore console gamers? Because those people already have an Xbox One or a PS4 and they most likely aren't going to buy a brand new Nintendo console for "better graphics" and abandon their already large collection of games, friends, and achievements/trophies. Most of the exclusive Nintendo games on the Wii U really wouldn't look that much better on a more powerful console. Seriously we are talking about Nintendo games here. I can't imagine Mario Kart 8 or Super Smash Bros looking that much better on something more powerful like an Xbox One or PS4 let alone anything more powerful than that. They already look great and Nintendo has always been more about gameplay. Most people who buy Nintendo games could care less about anti-aliasing, resolution, FPS, vertical sync, etc. I would argue most average console gamers don't know anything about that stuff either. 


The PS4 has been a complete success selling over 10 million units world-wide in an incredibly short amount of time so that has nothing to do with Sony's losses in fact their failing movie, music and laptop division is to blame for that.


Microsoft is one of the world's most valuable companies so I really don't think losing some money on a single gaming console investment is going to put a dent on their influence in the world.


What is Nintendo going to advertise this console as? Will it have 3rd party support? Will the online have voice chat instead of being a playground for kids? Most companies seem reluctant to support Nintendo because most people who buy Nintendo consoles only buy Nintendo games. It's kind of a double-edged sword. You have Nintendo making a console purely for their games so people buy their hardware for that but at the same time you alienate other gaming companies from developing for your console because it's so difficult to get people to buy anything else. 


I think the Wii U is doing fine and they should just focus on possibly releasing a cheaper non GamePad version of the Wii U or something and if they seriously are going to release a new console it better be what I described originally on this forum.


An HD Nintendo console that is going to run games at 1080p, 60 FPS, 3rd party support, regular controllers with no gimmicks, mature online environment with parental controls only as an option, a huge online Nintendo shop that actually has a lot of games to purchase, and achievements and trophies (seriously everyone has them), toss in a brand new Nintendo IP as well to flagship the console. Possibly something a little more mature from Nintendo that would utilize their brand new super HD console's hardware. 

Now I don't know a lot about tech, but I feel like that's wrong. If Nintendo was to make a console more powerful than Xbone and PS4 in the past to be released this year, it would be pretty expensive. But that's like at least 5 years ago. The tech industry moves very fast. I'm sure building that type of console now, to be released in a couple years (which is most likely what Nintendo is doing) would be considerably less expensive. Especially with nintendo's knack for making their consoles pretty cheap.

Also Nintnedo has stated before that they have no intention of competing with Microsoft and Sony.  don't know who their target market will be, but chances are they'll still out last both of the other parent companies' console departments. like Ryudo said, both companies are totally feeling the mode right now, and while Nintendo was feeling the past two or so years, this past year was pretty good for them and they made profit. And then there's that whole 10 billion in the bank, stacks of hard cash, real money real talk stuff.

If (once) the two others die, Nintendo will most likely have many people forced to swallow their pride and pay their money to nintendo. it should give Nintendo an opportunity to re-brand the stupid image game journalism and opposing party propaganda has given them, since if the journalist try an continue on that line of thought they'll find support for their dumb hating clickbait articles in decline. Though I suspect they'll never get their exclusive coverage back (and they don't deserve it back).

See, it doesn't matter whether or not the PS4 is failing. If Sony fails, PS4 fails with it. It will either be bought out or it will die. Would be surprised if someone bought it out (I'm not sure something like that has ever even happened) but if it did it could end up with a decrease in quality, or a new direction, etc. All the things that come with that territory.

On the flip side, it doesn't matter if a company is immensely rich, if a division is losing too much money, it gets kicked to the curb. See: Zune, Internet Explorer (soon). They're not going to keep the division alive in some sort of stupid bold faced lie that it's actually a good idea for them to keep the division around. This is business, you don't look at your numbers and say "Oh we lost 3 billion in the Xbox division, but it's fine because the rest of the divisions picked up the slack and we made 7 billion this term!" You say "We made 7 billion this term but if we get rid of this stupid failing console we could have made 10 billion. So..." just like a job, if there's one guy holding the team back, he's gonna get fired.

Honestly nintendo has proven time and time again that they don't need 3rd party support to make money. In fact a decent part of the reason they lost money this time around is because they trusted third parties, and those third parties turned around and kicked them in the dick and then started talking crap and bold-faced lies. I f I was Nintendo I would not be looking to work with those companies again. Maybe we'll see more indie support or smaller third parties teaming up with nintendo, or maybe they'll do what they did with Bayonetta and Devil's Third. So they don't really matter. And if you have any doubts go back and look at the Wii U reveal trailers. look at EA talking nintendo up. And showing this huge line of supposedly great games. Then look at the actual launch window. look at the number of those games actually came out. look at their comments very soon after the launch, and how they did a full 180 in terms of what they said about the console. I don't think I even need to go into Ubisoft and they're Rayman legends watchdogs crap.

Lol at you implying voice chat on Wii u is the only voice chat filled with kids. That's funny.

And so we come to your final comment. That Nintendo should assimilate. Become the next Xbox Sony clone. This has been discussed several times. It would be a stupid move on Nintnedo's part. You said it yourself, Microsoft and Sony already own that market. people who want that environment already have it. Not only that but they've made it impossible for Nintendo to enter that market as long as they're alive with their propaganda. Nintendo's name is crap to that scene. If they start trying to brag about great hardware, no o will believe them. Did you see NeoGaf's comments about how they managed to get smash running 1080p 60fps "Oh it's cause the game looks like crap. Low res bad quality textures." Then there was that guy who assumed that 1080 60fps was easy to do because nintendo can do it. Then there's the fact people are still saying that the Wii u isn't as powerful as last gen. When that has been proven several times to be not even close to the truth.

Fortunately Nintendo knows this and would not do such for those reasons. Also as Miyamoto recently said that's just not what their company is about. their company is about innovation and creativity. Of course they want to make money but that is their preferred method of doing it by far. So we know this won't happen. We'll get some sort of "gimmick", something that makes the console unique, and it will be glorious. Same as the Gamepad. Sure, it's not used as much as it could be, but who cares? Ask around the Nintendo communities, the vast majority of Wii u owners (myself included) love their gamepad, and would sorely miss it if Nintendo took it away. Even when it's the abre Minimum of map and inventory it improves the flow of the game immensely. It makes the Wii U browser easily the best of all the console browsers. And then the times it is used creatively it feels totally worth it. I've owned my Wii U since Chrsitmas of launch year and not once have I ever wished that my Wii U did not have a gamepad. That thing is the son I never had.

If there isn't a gamepad on the next system there will have to be another "gimmick" to fill the gamepad shaped hole in my heart.






#54 Raiden


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Posted 05 January 2015 - 11:03 PM

Got a secret. Never been a console released from any company NOT trying to push a gimmick. It's kinda the point is the gimmick. Graphics are a gimmick. HD is a gimmick. Blu Ray is a Gimmick. TV is a gimmick. Streaming services is a gimmick. Doubling as a family computer is a gimmick (see early 80's consoles) online is a gimmick. Analog is a gimmick. Satilite TV DLC is a gimmick. Touchpads/Screens are a gimmick. Kinect is a Gimmick. If you hate gimmicks then you hate consoles. Gimmick doesn't mean bad. It's something used to trick a consumer to want to buy a product. A gimmick is not bad. How one uses it can be. Android games in a cheap box is a gimmick. The list goes on for days.


Some gimmicks advanced console gaming and still do while others were a me to or looking for attention.


AAA gaming uses the graphics gimmick to lure people in buying unfinished games. Console gaming IS gimmicks always has been. Nintendo usually does well and bringing good ideas with some misfires like Virtual Boy. Gamepad is great as a very flexible controller.  Not going to even go near all the other nonesense Moogle said as he clearly has no clue what he is talking about and been brainwashed as well.

#55 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 05 January 2015 - 11:05 PM

Got a secret. Never been a console released from any company NOT trying to push a gimmick. It's kinda the point is the gimmick. Graphics are a gimmick. HD is a gimmick. Blu Ray is a Gimmick. TV is a gimmick. Streaming services is a gimmick. Doubling as a family computer is a gimmick (see early 80's consoles) online is a gimmick. Analog is a gimmick. Satilite TV DLC is a gimmick. Touchpads/Screens are a gimmick. Kinect is a Gimmick. If you hate gimmicks then you hate consoles. Gimmick doesn't mean bad. It's something used to trick a consumer to want to buy a product. A gimmick is not bad. How one uses it can be. Android games in a cheap box is a gimmick. The list goes on for days.


Some gimmicks advanced console gaming and still do while others were a me to or looking for attention.


AAA gaming uses the graphics gimmick to lure people in buying unfinished games. Console gaming IS gimmicks always has been. Nintendo usually does well and bringing good ideas with some misfires like Virtual Boy. Gamepad is great as a very flexible controller.  Not going to even go near all the other nonesense Moogle said as he clearly has no clue what he is talking about and been brainwashed as well.

Tru dat. Preach Ryudo. Tell 'em how it be.






#56 Plutonas



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Posted 06 January 2015 - 10:24 AM

Nitnendo must achieve a system capable of 60fps and 1080p in most of games without issues. Also capable of running all next gen engines and not in a ripped off version (cut down)...


PS4 and X1 are not capable of 1080p and 60fps, something is wrong... Nintendo should hit them there.


I would love IBM cpu, but with the latest amd official tweets, I fear that AMD is capitalizing consoles with amd cpu cores... because amd sucks in capitals, in pc after all.


the new nintendo console will come around 2016 and the end of ps4 and x1, will come around 2020-2022.  That will bring nintendos new system in a str8 forward battle. And hopefully many 3rd parties will make games for nintendo this time around.


Another wish for the new system is the capabilities for HUGE world games, like mmos or rpgs... We've read articles by devs, who claimed that PS4 and X1 power is not enough "already", in the AI aspect for their games.... So nintendo, should focus in the AI capabilities of its new system.  This is a second thing, nintendo should look at... to offer even better AI power. 


It has something to do with the cpu power actualy...  So nintendo must give a better cpu than the 8 cores ps4 and x1 using.  To beef them up more, more cache, more transistors whatever they need... just beef them up.


a question, topics like these are good, but is nintendo reading them? What people want?


As for the AI, here is an article http://www.extremete...d-ps4s-weak-cpu


Ubisoft is horrible, but nintendo must give a feature proof system,  :)

Edited by Plutonas, 06 January 2015 - 11:40 AM.

#57 EvilMoogle



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Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:11 PM

If Nintendo is going to build a console more powerful than the Xbox One and PS4 they should time their release to coincide with the Microsoft and Sony's next console launch so that people actually see it is as a competitor. If they release it before the next generation of consoles the competition is just going to release more powerful consoles and Nintendo will look like the third wheel again. 


Even if Nintendo has no intention of competing with Microsoft or Sony they will indirectly compete with them anyway. There are millions of gamers out there who can only afford a single console. Whether Nintendo likes it or not someone out there will decide not to purchase a Nintendo console because it doesn't have features another console does. I think it's in Nintendo's best interest to compete with Microsoft and Sony. 


The PS4 is already profitable for Sony. In fact Sony's Game and Network division is seeing an increase in sales. So I don't see Sony stepping down or selling off PlayStation. If anything Sony will just sell off some other divisions like they did with VAIO laptops.


As far as the Xbox One goes. It's actually not a loss. It's still profitable but it's not nearly as successful as the PS4. It will take some time but Xbox One is going to be just fine with the release of big hits like Halo 5 and Gears of War.


I don't see Microsoft or Sony's console entertainment divisions dying anytime soon. Sony has a good thing going with the PS4 right now they have a user-base in the millions with more using PlayStation Now and PlayStation TV. Microsoft is planning to use Windows 10 to merge pretty much everything and Xbox One is going to come along for the ride with that or their next console will.  As a gamer I hope none of the big three fail. It would be terrible for the gaming industry and gamers in general. 


I am aware that Nintendo doesn't "need" 3rd party support but it's time Nintendo breaks that barrier. Why should I buy the next Nintendo console? I know it's going to have superior hardware but I can't imagine anything looking that much better than the current lineup of Nintendo games on the Wii U. 


I would be happy if Nintendo just continues to release the same games on the Wii U and their newest console at the same time. I really am not that concerned about fancy graphics on my Nintendo games they already look amazing on the Wii U. I hope Nintendo doesn't force me to buy something else just for a few extra pixels and frames per second. I would only be willing buy Nintendo's next console if they release something that looks like even better than the Zelda Wii U tech demo at E3 and it would be nice if Nintendo made it backwards compatible with Wii U games. 


I didn't imply that voice chat on the Wii U is only filled with kids. I actually want there to be voice chat enabled with everyone on Nintendo consoles instead of the "friends" only policy. 


I'm sitting with at 15 Wii U games right now and I can't remember the last time I used my GamePad. That's what I call a gimmick. I was completely hyped about the GamePad and disappointed with it because most of my games have no real use for it. Maybe with the new Zelda and Xenoblade I'll pick up my GamePad again but until then I'll just stick with my pro controller.


I'm just saying maybe Nintendo could try to invest into a lot better hardware instead of a neat feature like the GamePad next time. 




I want the next Nintendo home console to have far superior graphics, backwards compatibility with Wii U games, a regular controller, online with no voice chat restrictions, integrated

Twitch streaming, a Pokemon MMORPG or something like that would really show off the awesome new hardware and 3rd party support. Knowing me I'll probably buy whatever they make because I can't buy Nintendo games on Steam QQ but I still like to wish for stuff. 

Edited by EvilMoogle, 06 January 2015 - 06:14 PM.

#58 GAMER1984



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Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:14 PM

Nitnendo must achieve a system capable of 60fps and 1080p in most of games without issues. Also capable of running all next gen engines and not in a ripped off version (cut down)...


PS4 and X1 are not capable of 1080p and 60fps, something is wrong... Nintendo should hit them there.


I would love IBM cpu, but with the latest amd official tweets, I fear that AMD is capitalizing consoles with amd cpu cores... because amd sucks in capitals, in pc after all.


the new nintendo console will come around 2016 and the end of ps4 and x1, will come around 2020-2022.  That will bring nintendos new system in a str8 forward battle. And hopefully many 3rd parties will make games for nintendo this time around.


Another wish for the new system is the capabilities for HUGE world games, like mmos or rpgs... We've read articles by devs, who claimed that PS4 and X1 power is not enough "already", in the AI aspect for their games.... So nintendo, should focus in the AI capabilities of its new system.  This is a second thing, nintendo should look at... to offer even better AI power. 


It has something to do with the cpu power actualy...  So nintendo must give a better cpu than the 8 cores ps4 and x1 using.  To beef them up more, more cache, more transistors whatever they need... just beef them up.


a question, topics like these are good, but is nintendo reading them? What people want?


As for the AI, here is an article http://www.extremete...d-ps4s-weak-cpu


Ubisoft is horrible, but nintendo must give a feature proof system,  :)


Nintendo have stated this many times they dont make consoles or games based on what the consumer SAY they want. I think Nintendo will do what they feel is best. just like every console before the Wii U and including it they make consoles based on what they feel is best and what suits them best.

#59 grahamf


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:53 PM

I'm not going to read all of those walls of text; just say this: Nintendo will do what Nintendo will do. They're a 200-year-old company with cash reserves, and they will make whatever they think is most appropriate.



#60 Plutonas



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Posted 07 January 2015 - 01:31 AM

Then there is no point for a new console, even if wii U sells less than the other 2, whats the point of making something that does not reflect the rest, but nintendo itself only. Just to point out, whatever machine nintendo makes, the way the market is, they will always have decline.  I think thats what the devs pointed out, that nintendo never asks the demands of other companies about their games, in the current state and in the feature. So they decline wii U (thats their oficial rant against nintendo, i think). So many games comming into 360 and ps3 still, but they skip nintendo... Because these things.  Both 360 and ps3 are IBM based machines so its not the IBM cpu the thing that conflicts it.


So its safer to stick with the Wii U and make a console every 10 years or so.  It will still be profitable, slower but profitable.


ps: I think i saw Miyamoto trying the oculus glasses in the last year E3, I hope they wont come with something similar, VR never works.


Humour : In the other hand, I remember nintendo registered a patend before wii U release and (not for wii U as it proved), for weather control, smells of ur house, laundry stuff etc... Do you remember that??? A sensor could detect if you have smelly cloths or dirty cloths, if you need laundry, etc... It could detect the weather otuside ur house and bring it on the game, etc.. I hope thats not the QOL projekt.  Here is information about it http://gonintendo.co...a0141747c2608b0


Its houmor now, but I will rant if I see it coming. 


I want a gaming machine with games and support :)

Edited by Plutonas, 07 January 2015 - 02:26 AM.

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