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Your favorite game that no one plays

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#1 Wertville


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 04:54 PM

To expand on the topic; what games have you played that, if you ever met someone else who has played it, you would go "NO WAY, that's awesome. Thought I was the only person out of -country-(Don't lie, we Know it's japan) that's ever played that game!"

Also add why you liked the game, why no one has ever played it, and who you would kill to get a sequel for it why you recommend it to other people(If you do).

Here it goes for me:
The name might shock people but... The best game that no one else has ever played for me is... Princess Maker 2!

It's not nearly as bad as it sounds. It's a game in a genre that hasn't seen much light, especially not western light, called a 'Raising Sim'. In the game you start out by slaying the demon king (Doesn't look so little girly NOW, does it.) and saving the kingdom. Then the gods bestow opon you... A 10 year old girl!

It's not perverted or anything! ANYWAY, you have to raise the girl for 8 years until she's ready to go and make herself a name in the world. You get to choose her schedule each month, 3 actions per month(10 days each), and she can do things like go to school to learn how to shoot fire from her hands magic, or how to make chemicals go BOOM science, get a job at an animal slaughtering center farm or as a wild animal slaughterer hunter, or go adventuring (Dungeon Crawling! YAY)

And then there are a ton of different endings that you get depending on what the girls stats were. It gives a lot of replayability, and you honestly won't think that 8 years is enough ;)

As for why no one has played it... Well, aside from the name, the company(person) who translated it couldn't find a publisher who wasn't bankrupt, so the game is abandonware. It's also very old, coming out at around the end of the DOS lifecycle.

Who would I kill to get a sequel? No one, there are 3 :D
1 or 2 of which are on DS... But not in english. And they look a bit more cute than 2, they might have also possibly taken out the RPG aspects... But don't quote me on that.

Why would I recommend this game? It's addicting. But don't play it if you're not 13 or older, there are some suggestive themes.
You'll probably love this game if you play the sims.

SO, anyone else play any games that no one else has? Don't worry, it doesn't have to be as extreme as mine, Fire Emblem and Harvest Moon would have counted a few years ago :D
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#2 Feld0



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Posted 21 December 2010 - 10:28 PM

You'll probably love this game if you play the sims.

Pick me, pick me! ;) *egg'd*

I used to be, like, the biggest Sims addict. Princess Maker 2 sounds really interesting, but I don't know if I'll be able to find it anywhere if it's super-old. Certainly sounds like they should give it a more badass name than that, though. :lol:

Myself, I would have to tip my proverbial hat to Pharaoh. It's an old city-building sim set in ancient Egypt, and is by far one of the finest games I've ever played. It was also, for a long time, the only game that I played, because not much else was willing to run on our crappy old Windows 98 family computer back then (wow, I barely even remember the time of family computers; I have four computers of my very own now!).

Basically, at the start of the game, you're just a random nobody who decides to start a small village, if you can even call it that. Little by little, you work your way up to royalty, and every level presents a new challenge to you. The game has branching paths, too; and you are given a number of choices for what missions to take on next. As you gradually build and complete city after city, you bring yourself closer and closer to succeeding the Pharaoh himself.

The game starts out stupidly easy, but about a quarter of the way through, it starts to get brutally difficult. It's super-long, too - I've barely ever made it past the 30% mark or so. But it's also been years since I last played it; now, I'm finally getting back into it on my new laptop, and I promised myself I would beat it before the time came to replace the machine.[/color]

#3 Wertville


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Posted 21 December 2010 - 11:05 PM

That game seems fun, I should check it out. It seems a bit like sim city (4 deluxe, in my case)... With a goal.
But Branching paths? New challenges every level? This is why I love old games so much ;)
Though the difficulty curve seems very steep... I'm curious as to whether or not that's a bad thing :D

Oh, and on the topic of Princess Maker 2, It's abandonware. There is no other way to get it other than by downloading it off an abandonware site...
The english version of the game was never released, thanks to publisher issues, and it was leaked onto the internet (Probably by the translator himself). If you do download it, I recommend importing the (japanese) remake, in order to support the developers.
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#4 Feld0



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Posted 22 December 2010 - 03:13 AM

I found a copy of Princess Maker 2 on Abandonia - I remember I used to go to that site all the time a number of years ago. I've just got to see if it'll work on Windows 7 x64. ;)

I think you'll really love Pharaoh. The game's level of depth is nothing short of mind-boggling, and the challenges are so well-designed that you'll feel an enormous sense of accomplishment every time you see that beautiful victory screen. The gameplay never gets old, and the lure of being able to build a bigger palace, a prettier mansion, or a bigger pyramid in the next level always keeps you going. To top it all off, the art direction is fantastic and the music.......oh gawd, the soundtrack is absolutely amazing. I don't know where else you're ever going to find full orchestrations of ancient Egyptian music, and it's glorious to say the very least. You just have to hear it for yourself.

Pharaoh may or may not be abandonware; I'm not sure. Impressions Games, the developer, did go bankrupt. I saw it on eBay with its Cleopatra expansion pack for $6, though - trust me, it will be the very best six bucks you ever spent, considering the game will probably last you well over 100 hours (and even longer if you start trying to beat your high scores, crank up the difficulty, go into the additional missions, or make the mistake of clicking into the level editor). If you're feeling unsure, you can easily track down a torrent of it or something, but nothing quite beats the feeling of holding the game's massive instruction manual in your hands. :lol: Okay, maybe the feeling of having spent the last ten hours of your life building a pyramid, and finally watching your workers place the last stone beats it, but I digress. Pharaoh is freakin' awesome. I think I'm gonna go play it right now.

#5 Wertville


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Posted 22 December 2010 - 06:32 AM

Even if it is only $6... I need a job >.<
How am I supposed to buy the 3DS if all these awesome games keep popping up D:

On a side note, you should be a game marketer. It's clear that I want this game now (Though I'm going to hold off for a bit because I'm playing something else currently), and that probably wouldn't of happened if I just looked it up on wikipedia XD

(And, if DOSbox will work on Windows 7, PM2 will ;))
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#6 Ephesus



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Posted 22 December 2010 - 07:22 AM

Myself, I would have to tip my proverbial hat to Pharaoh. It's an old city-building sim set in ancient Egypt, and is by far one of the finest games I've ever played.[/color]

I have the demo of that game!
It's in French though, and has no sound. Oh, and since it's a demo, you can't get past your first mastaba.

It was included on the CD of a Greek version of that. I don't know how it was originally called, but the French name is Le Maître de l'Olympe: Zeus - "The Master of Olympus: Zeus". It has all the different gods with their positive and negative influences, farms/docks/etc buildings depending on the different food sources, modest and luxurious houses with different needs...
I forgot what the adventure was about now though. I only play the "sandbox" modes, where you have no objectives.

But before you go "*LE-GASP* Ephesus has a strategy game and he doesn't even bother to try the adventure mode?!", let me tell you about Age of Mythology, which I had bought during our USA trip a couple years ago.
I've managed to go quite far in AoM. The best part is that you get to control three different civilizations: mostly Greek, but also Egyptian and Norse; each having their own ways of gaining divine favor, different units to gather food and/or build, and all.
I'm not telling you more; go buy it and play it nao. :x

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#7 Wertville


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Posted 22 December 2010 - 08:15 AM

You mean that spinoff of Age of Empires? I've never played it, but I heard the music is good ;) (As in, I heard the music, and thought it was good. Nevermind, I think it's AWESOME).

Sadly, I didn't like Age of Empires 3 as much as most RTS' (Like stronghold(Another great game no one plays) and C&C(Excluding 4)), so unless this one has some awesome new gameplay element that is really really awesome... I'll pass :D
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#8 Gamer



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Posted 22 December 2010 - 08:01 PM

Maybe this should be called: "Favorite Underrated Game(s)."

-Super Mario Land (Game Boy)
-DDR: Mario Mix (Gamecube)
-Mario Strikers Charged (Wii)
-Super Paper Mario (Wii)
-Army Men: Sarges Heroes (N64)
-Mario Super Sluggers (Wii)
Sonic Battle (Game Boy Advance)
Super Mario Advance Series (Game Boy Advance)
Wii Sports Resort (Wii)
Battletoads (NES)
Wario World (Gamecube)

More to come...

#9 Epic Kirby

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Posted 26 December 2010 - 04:12 PM

Myself, I would have to tip my proverbial hat to Pharaoh. It's an old city-building sim set in ancient Egypt, and is by far one of the finest games I've ever played.[/color]

I have the demo of that game!
It's in French though, and has no sound. Oh, and since it's a demo, you can't get past your first mastaba.

It was included on the CD of a Greek version of that. I don't know how it was originally called, but the French name is Le Maître de l'Olympe: Zeus - "The Master of Olympus: Zeus". It has all the different gods with their positive and negative influences, farms/docks/etc buildings depending on the different food sources, modest and luxurious houses with different needs...
I forgot what the adventure was about now though. I only play the "sandbox" modes, where you have no objectives.

But before you go "*LE-GASP* Ephesus has a strategy game and he doesn't even bother to try the adventure mode?!", let me tell you about Age of Mythology, which I had bought during our USA trip a couple years ago.
I've managed to go quite far in AoM. The best part is that you get to control three different civilizations: mostly Greek, but also Egyptian and Norse; each having their own ways of gaining divine favor, different units to gather food and/or build, and all.
I'm not telling you more; go buy it and play it nao. :x

Oh, man I love Mater of Olympus Zeus, it came with my old computer but my brother 'loaned' it to his friend and I never saw it again. Then years later I bought it from Amazon for six quid. I still play it now.
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#10 Elric


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 06:33 PM

Well. Would umineko and higurashi be considered a game? It's actually a visual novel but it has music and... Reading. That's all there is to it that's why I like it so much. And it's because I like beatrices crazy cackle and expressions! ;)




#11 Wertville


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Posted 03 January 2011 - 01:19 PM

Yesyes, Visual Novels could most certainly be considered a game ;)
Well, in my opinion, anyway. Especially Umineko. You end up thinking about it much more than most strategy games, IMO :D
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#12 Ephesus



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Posted 05 January 2011 - 07:46 AM

You mean that spinoff of Age of Empires? I've never played it, but I heard the music is good ;) (As in, I heard the music, and thought it was good. Nevermind, I think it's AWESOME).

Sadly, I didn't like Age of Empires 3 as much as most RTS' (Like stronghold(Another great game no one plays) and C&C(Excluding 4)), so unless this one has some awesome new gameplay element that is really really awesome... I'll pass :D

If you mean Master of Olympus Zeus, I'm afraid it doesn't have much on other RTS games. I wouldn't know though; as I've said, I don't play in Adventure mode.
If you're saying Age of Mythology... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Unless Age of Empires also has gods who lend you different (single-use) powers.

As for music, well... fantasy/history game soundtracks are usually meant to be epic (literally).

Visual novels, huh. never heard of 'em. I should go see that stuff for myself.

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#13 Waller


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Posted 14 February 2011 - 06:43 PM

Hmm… princess maker 2 and pharao sound interesting… anyone knows about other raising sims?


#14 Wertville


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Posted 14 February 2011 - 08:43 PM

I know a few flash ones, but other than that nothing that isn't Japanese :s

My Pet Protector - This and its sequel are the only other English ones I know of.
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#15 HaHa-No


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Posted 26 February 2011 - 12:03 PM

Ummm, has anybody ever played Children Of Mana? That's about one of the only unusual one I've ever played :|.


^Click it

^I agree with this guy

You know you want to! 'Tis leaked Nintendo information!

#16 Guest



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Posted 02 April 2011 - 11:06 AM

I've got Children of Mana, too, and it wasn't really fun from my point of view. It's OK the first time you play it, but it has almost zero replay value.

I think that Okami is one of those games that can't get enough attention. It's on par with Zelda, maybe even better, and yet it isn't even nearly as well-known. All Hail Okami! (Does someone know Code Geass?)

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#17 Play4Fun



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Posted 02 April 2011 - 11:46 AM

I've got Children of Mana, too, and it wasn't really fun from my point of view. It's OK the first time you play it, but it has almost zero replay value.

I think that Okami is one of those games that can't get enough attention. It's on par with Zelda, maybe even better, and yet it isn't even nearly as well-known. All Hail Okami! (Does someone know Code Geass?)

Better than Zelda!? :evil:
I'll pretend you never wrote that.


You know what guys?
It's amazing how the the human mind does not process the the fact I used the word "the" twice in a row in this sentence.

#18 Bill Cipher

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Posted 22 April 2011 - 08:31 PM

I've got Children of Mana, too, and it wasn't really fun from my point of view. It's OK the first time you play it, but it has almost zero replay value.

I think that Okami is one of those games that can't get enough attention. It's on par with Zelda, maybe even better, and yet it isn't even nearly as well-known. All Hail Okami! (Does someone know Code Geass?)

I second this motion. The game okami was amazing
One game I feel gets overshadowed alot would be Glory of Heracles. While the game isn't the best RPG on the DS, It's still a fun game, one that is well worth the money spent on it

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#19 Ruthie



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Posted 21 May 2011 - 03:03 PM

Avalon code DS was probably a game which no one really speaks about, its got a pretty intriguing story a spin on the usual rpg story of saving the world. Great graphics, fighting mechanics. It was truly unique.

Edited by Ruthie, 21 May 2011 - 03:03 PM.

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#20 Someone


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Posted 04 June 2011 - 10:12 AM

I've got Children of Mana, too, and it wasn't really fun from my point of view. It's OK the first time you play it, but it has almost zero replay value.

I think that Okami is one of those games that can't get enough attention. It's on par with Zelda, maybe even better, and yet it isn't even nearly as well-known. All Hail Okami! (Does someone know Code Geass?)

It isn't lacking attention in my house; I have it and I love it, hence my avatar. I like Okamiden, too! I also think it's better than Zelda.

For me, that games would have to be Donkey Kong 64. When I ask someone about it, they just go, "Huh?" I love that game so much, and I hope they put it on the Virtual Console soon! It definitely deserves more attention (or at least I like to think so).

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