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Miyamoto confirms Nintendo's already working on a new console to replace Wii U

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#21 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 11:01 AM

They start development right after the current generation. Always.

I think it will be introduced E3 2016 and then released Holiday 2017.

You realize the main reason Wii U didn't do well was because of lack of good games? That is changing, and that means more Wii U will sell now.


No, the reason why the Wii U isn't doing well is because of multiple reasons:


1) The lack of games like you mentioned: This is due to no one having a Wii U, which makes third party developers not want to make any games for it, and the ones that do make half baked ports for it due to the lack of power.

2) The price the Wii U could have been a better deal for this price if the gamepad never existed and used the pro controller and the money that went into the gamepad to make it have more power.

3) The name and lack of marketing even today some people still call the Wii U just "Wii" because it has "Wii" in it, the name is confusing and stupid. Nintendo doesn't know how to market it because the gamepad is useless in almost every way, so all they do is try to loosey work with what they have... "Oh look, we have smash bros and mario kart, go buy it now!"...



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#22 Raiden


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 11:19 AM

No, the reason why the Wii U isn't doing well is because of multiple reasons:


1) The lack of games like you mentioned: This is due to no one having a Wii U, which makes third party developers not want to make any games for it, and the ones that do make half baked ports for it due to the lack of power.

2) The price the Wii U could have been a better deal for this price if the gamepad never existed and used the pro controller and the money that went into the gamepad to make it have more power.

3) The name and lack of marketing even today some people still call the Wii U just "Wii" because it has "Wii" in it, the name is confusing and stupid. Nintendo doesn't know how to market it because the gamepad is useless in almost every way, so all they do is try to loosey work with what they have... "Oh look, we have smash bros and mario kart, go buy it now!"...

Power has nothing to do with it. It has plenty of power. The half baked ports are developers being lazy. They are lazy even with more power. Look at Master Chief Collection,Driveclub,Assasins Creed Unity and others. They are flat lazy period.

Nothing wrong with gamepad. However it is correct Nintendo gave it a bad confusing name and marketed it poorly. Wii had a bad name but initially marketed very well so a name should not hold anything bck. Look at ipad. When it was annonced people mocked the name for touding like Apples brand of tampons. It was marketed well tho. So name won't old it back. Xbox is a stupid name and so is PlaySation. Nintendo just did not market the Wii U well.

#23 DéliopT



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Posted 03 January 2015 - 03:01 PM

They start development right after the current generation. Always.

I think it will be introduced E3 2016 and then released Holiday 2017.

You realize the main reason Wii U didn't do well was because of lack of good games? That is changing, and that means more Wii U will sell now.


After Sony and MS reveal and release happening in the same year, i doubt we'll go back to announce one year and release the next year.
Sony and MS's approach kept the hype from going away and i think Nintendo will want to do exactly the same.

Personally, the lack of good games is not Wii U's worst problem. Nintendo needs diversity and exclusivity.

Just look how ZombiU managed to beat by a mile, two CoD games put together. 2 CoD games! Call of Duty is not just another franchise.

That showed that exclusive titles marketed correctly can sell and that gamers are not going to buy Nintendo's consoles if all they have to offer of the genres they like, is just another port - specially if they are inferior ports.



#24 Hinkik


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 05:46 PM

Power has nothing to do with it. It has plenty of power. The half baked ports are developers being lazy. They are lazy even with more power. Look at Master Chief Collection,Driveclub,Assasins Creed Unity and others. They are flat lazy period.

Nothing wrong with gamepad. However it is correct Nintendo gave it a bad confusing name and marketed it poorly. Wii had a bad name but initially marketed very well so a name should not hold anything bck. Look at ipad. When it was annonced people mocked the name for touding like Apples brand of tampons. It was marketed well tho. So name won't old it back. Xbox is a stupid name and so is PlaySation. Nintendo just did not market the Wii U well.


It does not have plenty of power. Heck, devs are even complaining about the PS4 and the XBONE's power.


If it had more power then it would be way easier for devs to make the multiplatform games to work with Wii U. Plus, they have to make new stuff cause they have to make some use of the Gamepad which makes them just force creativity.


I believe Horse is right about this. The name "Wii U" is the biggest problem though. "Wii 2" would've made all parents rush to the stores to get it cause that would've been so straight forward and they know how much their kids loved the Wii. And yeah the name is only a problem with parents cause the gamers who would consider Nintendo does know what a Wii U is.


#25 Raiden


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 06:07 PM

It does not have plenty of power. Heck, devs are even complaining about the PS4 and the XBONE's power.


If it had more power then it would be way easier for devs to make the multiplatform games to work with Wii U. Plus, they have to make new stuff cause they have to make some use of the Gamepad which makes them just force creativity.


I believe Horse is right about this. The name "Wii U" is the biggest problem though. "Wii 2" would've made all parents rush to the stores to get it cause that would've been so straight forward and they know how much their kids loved the Wii. And yeah the name is only a problem with parents cause the gamers who would consider Nintendo does know what a Wii U is.

When you compare Wii U to PS4/XBO it has plenty.


Yeah people were confused about ipad as well thinking it as just a huge ipod and didn't get it but Apple marketed it just right and pushed hard and quickly that confusion went away. You can sell anything to anyone if you know how to sell.

#26 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 06:49 PM

Power has nothing to do with it. It has plenty of power. The half baked ports are developers being lazy. They are lazy even with more power. Look at Master Chief Collection,Driveclub,Assasins Creed Unity and others. They are flat lazy period.

Nothing wrong with gamepad. However it is correct Nintendo gave it a bad confusing name and marketed it poorly. Wii had a bad name but initially marketed very well so a name should not hold anything bck. Look at ipad. When it was annonced people mocked the name for touding like Apples brand of tampons. It was marketed well tho. So name won't old it back. Xbox is a stupid name and so is PlaySation. Nintendo just did not market the Wii U well.


Wii U is the most stupid name of all though, sounds like an ambulance... (over used joke is over used).


Nothing wrong with the gamepad? Okay then, list me five things that developers could do with the gamepad that makes them different than the ones on other consoles (I'm not counting a map or off TV play).


"Power has nothing to do with it" Please, it's not that much more powerful than consoles that came out half a decade ago! Nintendo tried to do the same thing they did with the Wii, make a console that is weaker and cheaper than the others, but have a gimmick that everyone will go nuts for and then profit. They tried it twice and failed the second time...


When you compare Wii U to PS4/XBO it has plenty.


Yeah people were confused about ipad as well thinking it as just a huge ipod and didn't get it but Apple marketed it just right and pushed hard and quickly that confusion went away. You can sell anything to anyone if you know how to sell.


But Nintendo doesn't... Yeah, but those consoles have more sales even though they don't have as many games.


It's because people still think Nintendo consoles are the "kiddy" and "casual" ones.



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#27 Raiden


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 09:41 PM

Gamecube was more powerful than PS2. PS2 was the weakest console of that gen. GCN came in 3rd place. N64 more powerful than PS1 came in a distant second.

ipad sounds like a brand of tampons. One of the worst product names ever. You have 5 things to use Gamepad for and those 2 count doesn't matter what you think. Hell look at Wii U,DS,3DS for the past 11 years and get plenty of examples of dual screen advantages. Sony and MS like the idea so much they stole it. If you think Wii U isn't  more powerful than PS360 by a good margin then you're an idiot. Show me one just one single PS360 game that does more than 2k textures(most use 1k like almost all of them). Show me one game on PS360 capable of DX11 Equiv or GX2. Show me where PS360 have the shader model even close to Wii U. Show me a game with 4k-8k textures. I can show you 2 on Eshop. Pure Chess and Art of Balance.

The only real difference is something like Project Cars is 1080P on PS4 but 720P on Wii U.


Congrats tho on being brainwashed by Sony and MS marketing team on console power with flashy numbers. What you don't understand is you can't just look at specs on a sheet of paper and tell the whole story unless you have knowledge how it works like 3Dude or any other engineer or a real developer not fed company PR BS. Nomura of Square doesn't even know.


Yeah it's no secret Nintendo is ass at advertising so noone will deny Nintendo needs to hire a real marketing firm.


Plus core per core Wii U CPU better than Jag. Reason PS4 and XBO need all that extra ram and crap is because they use something as sloppy as X86.Nintendo doesn't pack off the shelf parts like MS/Sony do. They make a custom box that is a console BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT A CONSOLE IS! ALWAYS HAS BEEN! You can get more life out of a console then a thinly disguised PC.

How long doe sa top gaming PC stay relevant? 1 year at most? Maybe 2. Console gaming typically has a cycle of 5-6 years and last gen lasted 8. All of them were consoles. Original Xbox was a PC in a box and had the shortest life of the 3. Consoles have longer cycles for a reason. Optimize and bring more and more out of the system over time. PS4 and XBO. Showed it all and downhill from here. Diminising returns in more ways than one while Wii U games do more and more over time.

Edited by Ryudo, 03 January 2015 - 07:37 PM.

#28 Plutonas



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Posted 05 January 2015 - 01:55 AM

combining this information from AMD, it seems wii U2 comes in 2 years and at 2015 E3, we may have a glimpse




message from AMD



The design wins are interesting because the funding, the R&D dollars for customizing the parts for the products to our customers is precisely pre-funded by the customer and like I said the workload is started and we are spending the money and the resources and the work to go ahead and design the parts to be introduced sometime in 2016.

We didn’t say at which space it is in. I’m not going to give too much detail. I’ll say that one is x86 and one is ARM, and atleast one will be on gaming, right. But that’s about as much as you going to get out me today, because the customers from the standpoint to be fair to them. It is their product. They launch it. They announce it and then just like the game console or the parts you find out that its AMD’s APU that’s been used in those products.



2 + years have pass and wii U is 8m its not because of the game quality wii U have, its because 3rd devs conspired against wii U from the start. Thats what I believe.  What nitenendo can do in solo mode?  The other ones, even with so much rant from real users, sold 10-15m in a year because devs making games for them.  So if we consider the above statement as a nintendo console, its 4 years exact from wii U release date and 4 years is the minimum for nintendo to bring a new console.  I do believe that wii U will not stop having support from Nitnendo, because wii U is the last console with backwards features.  And they will keep that up also, along with their new product.


but am not happy with amd cpus... lol I would preffer nintendo to stick with IBM. Allready crackers made/working for xbox 1 emmulators  lol.... while they still trying for the 360 which is IBM.


edit: I made a search to check if there is any emulator for x1 (emulates the x1 games in any INTEL PC) and there is 1 actually working! So you dont have to buy x1 if you know u can emulate its games in a cheap I3 PC  (even if the x1 cpu is amd, the emulator runs in INTEL pc).  My point is, choosing x86 platform will totally kill consoles.

Edited by Plutonas, 05 January 2015 - 02:26 AM.

#29 Nollog


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Posted 05 January 2015 - 06:37 AM

What are your thoughts on Nintendo's plans to discontinue the Wii U and develop a new console only after the Wii U has been out for 2 years? I can't say I'm surprised. For the first year the Wii U got nothing and now that it's finally getting games, the new console hype has died down and nobody cares about it anymore.

Damn, you infer a lot from an off-hand comment.

edit: I made a search to check if there is any emulator for x1 (emulates the x1 games in any INTEL PC) and there is 1 actually working! So you dont have to buy x1 if you know u can emulate its games in a cheap I3 PC  (even if the x1 cpu is amd, the emulator runs in INTEL pc).  My point is, choosing x86 platform will totally kill consoles.


Edited by Nollog, 05 January 2015 - 06:42 AM.

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#30 NintendoReport



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Posted 05 January 2015 - 03:53 PM

Just so you guys know, OP troll has been banned but we are keeping the thread active for now.

So, don't worry about quoting anything he has said.

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