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Communications with Wii Remote interrupted

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#1 PonyFlare



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Posted 06 January 2015 - 09:27 PM

I just got a Wii U, and a few extras, including some Wii games and a Wii Remote + (Peach edition!)

So I was trying to play a Wii game (Super Mario Galaxy) and after launching the game, pressing START and waiting for the warning to go away, I get a blue screen with the following:

Communications with [Wii Remote] have been interrupted. Press [A] without touching the Control Stick on [the nunchuck].

Pressing A does nothing.

Pressing Home brings up the HOME Menu with a few options, such as returning to the wii menu, resetting, or just closing the menu - all of which work perfectly fine with the remote.


How to make the remote actually work with the game?!?






Never mind. Figured out that it was because I had first synced a Wii U controller, and the Wii remote got bumped to player 2 and the game wouldn't run without the remote set as player 1.


So I figured out how to change the order and now all is good!

Edited by PonyFlare, 06 January 2015 - 09:33 PM.

#2 NintendoReport



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Posted 07 January 2015 - 02:52 AM

Glad you worked it out.

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#3 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 08:48 PM

I just got a Wii U, and a few extras, including some Wii games and a Wii Remote + (Peach edition!)

So I was trying to play a Wii game (Super Mario Galaxy) and after launching the game, pressing START and waiting for the warning to go away, I get a blue screen with the following:

Communications with [Wii Remote] have been
interrupted. Press [A] without touching
the Control Stick on [the nunchuck].

Pressing A does nothing.

Pressing Home brings up the HOME Menu with a few options, such as returning to the wii menu, resetting, or just closing the menu - all of which work perfectly fine with the remote.


How to make the remote actually work with the game?!?






Never mind. Figured out that it was because I had first synced a Wii U controller, and the Wii remote got bumped to player 2 and the game wouldn't run without the remote set as player 1.


So I figured out how to change the order and now all is good!


Lol it sounds a bit bizzare to me, I never knew that SMG had a secret menu like that O.o


More importantly though, how'd you manage to glitch it so that your wii remote was set to player 2 and the gamepad as player one? In Wii mode it doesn't even detect the gamepad as anything but a second screen...



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