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New Xenoblade X Trailer discussion

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#41 Raiden


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 02:20 PM

Yeah. Where's the non-circle jerk thread regarding this game?

Don't be butthurt because you were wrong. You stated they were getting worse when evidence has been shown that is false. Move on. Don't like being corrected esp posting the same ignorance we keep seeing then don't post it. Simple. No one is being mean just being honest.

#42 CUD


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 02:44 PM

Don't be butthurt because you were wrong. You stated they were getting worse when evidence has been shown that is false. Move on. Don't like being corrected esp posting the same ignorance we keep seeing then don't post it. Simple. No one is being mean just being honest.

I said it seemed like it was getting worse, as in from my memory of the earlier trailers. I'm just not impressed by the game's graphics that's why the little improvements they have made don't seem so great to me. My memory could fail me and the other trailer might look worse than this new one if I could find it now to compare but I'm not really bothered, so my impression could be wrong but that's all I was stating. The improvements I saw were so small that's why I'm not impressed, they're improvements that you only notice if you see when comparing side by side and even then you have to triple check to see the difference.


I was never going on a rant that the game is factually less impressive than previously, I said it seemed less impressive to me. If other people are less impressed by it then that is their impression too and not ignorance. Ignorance would be if I denied there were improvements, I'm not doing that but I also don't feel the improvements are significant ones.


You really have to keep in mind that my impression isn't one of someone that has this game at the top of their wishlist, it's someone who has simply seen footage and has a slight interest in it.


Please don't claim that you're not being mean when clearly you were being so with your aggressive tone, your emotional investment into this game has made you misinterpret my impressions of a game that I only see from time to time as me making some great slanderous claim against this game. I really don't appreciate your tone when all I was doing was sharing how I felt, there's just no need for such aggression when I just want a normal discussion.

Edited by CUD, 20 January 2015 - 07:03 PM.

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#43 Raiden


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 02:55 PM

Not even reading that wall. Anyone wanting to actually talk about the game? Not whine and spout garbage?

Localization is "well underway" probably means they started a little while ago. English VA I hope is good. XB's was great and tho be a bit wierd this time to have brit accents in NEO LOS ANGELES but would not flip over it either. It's the future so who knows what happens.

#44 Socalmuscle


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 04:50 PM

I think the issue here is that Sooooo much of the game was shown in an early build. It wasn't really ready to be shown, but Nintendo needed something to hype the wii u at the time.

So some of those early memories are impacting the some folks' view of the new trailer.

Quite honestly if THIS trailer was the first one shown, everyone would be blown away. It has what appears to be greater vastness than skyrim but with far greater detail Nd without all the incredibly annoying tiny textures that you can see tiling from any appreciable distance. The fact that everything looks so good close up in this game while also looking awesome from far away is an achievement in itself.

Remember that scene in Transformers: ROTF where Optimus Prime rips Starscreams arm off and beats him with his own arm while also beating up Megatron and ripping the giant helicopter guys face off? That's basically what this game does to Skyrim.

I'm not super impressed by the character models of the humanoid characters, but that's simply a matter of taste in art DIRECTION. And they still look pretty dang good.

And yes, the graphics COULD be even more polished, but then we would not have environments and even giant characters of this grand a scale. That's the overhead cost. I don't think I've seen ANY game with this level of scale. Ever.

The game looks awesome graphically and they truly have bumped the visual quality up quite a bit. And the rock solid stability of the visuals is another thing that is so impressive. At least from the latest trailer. I don't see pop-in, stuttering, tearing, or anything that you see in such ambitious undertakings.

I'm the type of person that cannot stand a graphically poor game. Even if it's genuinely fun. If the visuals are substandard it just kills it for me. But this game looks so fun, so interesting, and so graphically rich, that I simply cannot wait for it.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 20 January 2015 - 04:53 PM.

#45 Raiden


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 04:51 PM

Lol Skyrim is smaller than the first XB on Wii.

#46 Socalmuscle


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 04:54 PM

Lol Skyrim is smaller than the first XB on Wii.

But seriously, those wii graphics are somewhat painful. So not a good comparison.

I'm talking about a game with so much bigger scale AND superior visuals to boot. And likely missing the annoying bugs that plagued Skyrim (and seemingly all Bethesda games...).

Edited by Socalmuscle, 20 January 2015 - 04:55 PM.

#47 3Dude



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Posted 20 January 2015 - 05:41 PM

In watching it again, the closer shot of the characters looks a lot better than the E3 trailer for sure. The other improvements are there but they're minor.


I'm not blind, I'm just not impressed. You seem a little too worked up over this.


You dont have to be impressed to see that the game has seen nothing but improvements each time its been shown. Its really not that subtle, unless you have no eye whatsoever for these kinds of things.


And Im not even talking subtle things like improved textures, shaders, models, lighting, layering etc.


Like, entire mountain ranges have been added.




Although I think the rumours of downgrades coinciding exactly with the unveiling of the continuation of the Xenosaga style character design (Hideous cherub faces) isnt exactly a coincidence. 


I wouldnt be surprised if a lot of peoples reactions to not liking the face designs influenced how they then perceived the rest of the world. Faces look unappealing, -> everything else now looks less appealing Classic Halo effect, a pretty common cognitive phenomenon, that is very hard for most people to recognize and overcome (Training for businesses to identify and overcome Halo effects is a multi billion dollar industry).


The face designs had a the same effect when they were used in Xenosaga, although its chilled over time, these hideously deformed cherub face designs are a visual slap to the face for a lot of people (Myself included), who do not care for this design style in the slightest, not then, not now, even though I am a huge fan of Xenogears character design, which was done by the same artist, but in a different style. Although thats not the only reason why I dont much care for Saga. Its just one of many reasons.









#48 CUD


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 06:25 PM

You dont have to be impressed to see that the game has seen nothing but improvements each time its been shown. Its really not that subtle, unless you have no eye whatsoever for these kinds of things.


And Im not even talking subtle things like improved textures, shaders, models, lighting, layering etc.


Like, entire mountain ranges have been added.




Although I think the rumours of downgrades coinciding exactly with the unveiling of the continuation of the Xenosaga style character design (Hideous cherub faces) isnt exactly a coincidence. 


I wouldnt be surprised if a lot of peoples reactions to not liking the face designs influenced how they then perceived the rest of the world. Faces look unappealing, -> everything else now looks less appealing Classic Halo effect, a pretty common cognitive phenomenon, that is very hard for most people to recognize and overcome (Training for businesses to identify and overcome Halo effects is a multi billion dollar industry).


The face designs had a the same effect when they were used in Xenosaga, although its chilled over time, these hideously deformed cherub face designs are a visual slap to the face for a lot of people (Myself included), who do not care for this design style in the slightest, not then, not now, even though I am a huge fan of Xenogears character design, which was done by the same artist, but in a different style. Although thats not the only reason why I dont much care for Saga. Its just one of many reasons.




I saw one of the early trailers a long time ago and it seemed good back then, it's just that my impression of the game has changed over time, I just don't feel as impressed by it now than I initially was.


Entire mountain ranges? That seems like an exaggeration. I've seen that comparison before and they definitely changed some mountain formations, it looks like they reduced the poly count in some areas to smooth it out considering it's such a large area that's understandable. I'm just not seeing the improvement here, it seems more like optimisation more than anything else.


You do raise a good point there. The character designs definitely aren't something I'm a fan of and that would affect my overall impression of the game. I can see why you'd prefer the Xenogears character designs, it's not a game I have played but taking a quick look now they do look preferable to what I've seen of the characters in Xenoblade.


Thanks for bothering to give a proper response, much better than simply being told that I'm ignorant and blind.

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#49 3Dude



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Posted 20 January 2015 - 07:47 PM


I saw one of the early trailers a long time ago and it seemed good back then, it's just that my impression of the game has changed over time, I just don't feel as impressed by it now than I initially was.


Entire mountain ranges? That seems like an exaggeration. I've seen that comparison before and they definitely changed some mountain formations, it looks like they reduced the poly count in some areas to smooth it out considering it's such a large area that's understandable. I'm just not seeing the improvement here, it seems more like optimisation more than anything else.


You do raise a good point there. The character designs definitely aren't something I'm a fan of and that would affect my overall impression of the game. I can see why you'd prefer the Xenogears character designs, it's not a game I have played but taking a quick look now they do look preferable to what I've seen of the characters in Xenoblade.


Thanks for bothering to give a proper response, much better than simply being told that I'm ignorant and blind.


They add a saddle formation mountain range with multiple peaks complete with a couple caves to go in the place of what was an occlusion shortcut (A large more or less featureless mass designed to allow the cpu to occlude, or not have to draw the geometry behind it, saving resources like draw calls and polygons), requiring the engine to now take a double hit on resource draw, there is more geometry to draw than before, not just polygon crunching, but actual draw calls as well, AND a large 'cheating' landmass that was simply there for occluding geometry thus saving resources, has been redesigned, with traversable land leading to a cave, AND showing the geometry behind it, which makes the scene far more demanding than it was before. Not to mention increasing the lod in general throughout the entire scene, well, what you can see through the downsized res and lossy compression anyways. Its considerably easier to see those in the actual videos.



As for the first trailer, everything thats been shown since craps on it from space man. It DID look good back then. But it had a lot of shortcomings we thought was the price to pay for a game that size, that have been curb stomped by the latest builds,blowing expectations for ('good for wii u' away.


In the first trailer, the character is shown traversing the side of a lake, a lake made with three very distinct vertices, it was a noticably angular ake, not uncommon for games of  large scale last gen.



Here you can clearly see the individual vertices used to change the lakes angle. This right up next to the lake, so this was the highest lod you would see of the lake. It would have the most polygons used than you would see from any other distance.




Here you are hundreds or even a thousand feet above a lake, clearly a situation where you use a low lod, and it has smoother higher polygon edges than the high lod lake modeling of the first trailer. Its a pretty huge difference.





#50 NintendoReport



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Posted 20 January 2015 - 07:51 PM










I want to swim to that waterfall on the right and then fall off the edge of it.....

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#51 Raiden


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 08:29 PM











I want to swim to that waterfall on the right and then fall off the edge of it.....


Don't go chasing waterfalls,please stick the rivers and lakes that you're used to.

#52 CUD


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Posted 21 January 2015 - 03:23 AM

They add a saddle formation mountain range with multiple peaks complete with a couple caves to go in the place of what was an occlusion shortcut (A large more or less featureless mass designed to allow the cpu to occlude, or not have to draw the geometry behind it, saving resources like draw calls and polygons), requiring the engine to now take a double hit on resource draw, there is more geometry to draw than before, not just polygon crunching, but actual draw calls as well, AND a large 'cheating' landmass that was simply there for occluding geometry thus saving resources, has been redesigned, with traversable land leading to a cave, AND showing the geometry behind it, which makes the scene far more demanding than it was before. Not to mention increasing the lod in general throughout the entire scene, well, what you can see through the downsized res and lossy compression anyways. Its considerably easier to see those in the actual videos.



As for the first trailer, everything thats been shown since craps on it from space man. It DID look good back then. But it had a lot of shortcomings we thought was the price to pay for a game that size, that have been curb stomped by the latest builds,blowing expectations for ('good for wii u' away.


In the first trailer, the character is shown traversing the side of a lake, a lake made with three very distinct vertices, it was a noticably angular ake, not uncommon for games of  large scale last gen.



Here you can clearly see the individual vertices used to change the lakes angle. This right up next to the lake, so this was the highest lod you would see of the lake. It would have the most polygons used than you would see from any other distance.




Here you are hundreds or even a thousand feet above a lake, clearly a situation where you use a low lod, and it has smoother higher polygon edges than the high lod lake modeling of the first trailer. Its a pretty huge difference.



Ah, seems they added a lot more than a few comparison shots led me to believe.


The LOD is definitely impressive in this game, I think the main thing putting me off is the art style. The characters don't seem to fit the style of the world and the other life forms in the world, the character designs on their own I'm not a fan of but especially in the world they're put in they don't seem to fit.


Thanks for the informative post.

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#53 3Dude



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Posted 21 January 2015 - 09:06 AM

Ah, seems they added a lot more than a few comparison shots led me to believe.

The LOD is definitely impressive in this game, I think the main thing putting me off is the art style. The characters don't seem to fit the style of the world and the other life forms in the world, the character designs on their own I'm not a fan of but especially in the world they're put in they don't seem to fit.

Thanks for the informative post.

Those faces man... I wonder if they are channeling xenosaga on purpose? Either way, putting pre-pubescent child cheeks and mouths on adult characters to make them reminescent of religious art work was always creepy.... Which makes the saga merchandise SUPER creepy...

Fortunately Well be looking at the backs 90% of the game.

Interesting how you point out they dont fit in with the world, they arent supposed to. Unfortunate cherub faces aside, Takahashi is actually going out of his way to highlight the Xenobic juxtaposition of things from different worlds colliding.

Just like how the player race/party crash landed on this planet from a different world and doesnt belong, Takahashi has assigned different art designers for the character and technology designs of each individual alien race.... A very interesting and off the beaten path choice I am very intrigued by.

After all, the suffix of the title, Xeno means 'strange' 'foreign' 'alien' combined with 'stranger/guest'. It describes someone or something who doesnt belong where they are.
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#54 Raiden


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Posted 21 January 2015 - 09:29 AM

Taka said this is the game he has wanted to always make but was never allowed to. So it definitly is channeling some SAGA plus Gears and Blade. It's like a Mega Mix of Xeno. Got the best talent he could from Anime and Games to do music two different designers for mech. Well known fantasy artists for other things. This is a super group game. It has some Star Ocean in it and some Phantasy Star. This is like a wonderful gumbo. Sometimes life dream games don't work out. Sometimes they do. I hope this is one that does. I believe it will.

#55 3Dude



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Posted 21 January 2015 - 08:16 PM

Taka said this is the game he has wanted to always make but was never allowed to. So it definitly is channeling some SAGA plus Gears and Blade. It's like a Mega Mix of Xeno. Got the best talent he could from Anime and Games to do music two different designers for mech. Well known fantasy artists for other things. This is a super group game. It has some Star Ocean in it and some Phantasy Star. This is like a wonderful gumbo. Sometimes life dream games don't work out. Sometimes they do. I hope this is one that does. I believe it will.


Definitely feeling that too.


Hes kept trying to do this project ever since Xenogears ended up a half finished game instead of a six part epic. He couldnt LEGALLY make a sequel to a square game with namco bandai, so xenosaga was born...


This appears to finally be the very first episode of Xenogears, (Gears was part 5 irrc) its heavily reminescent of the intro to Xenogears which takes place milennia before gears.




#56 Raiden


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Posted 21 January 2015 - 08:18 PM

I always giggle at the stock Star Trek sound effects. I watch a lot of Star trek. :blush:

#57 NintendoReport



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Posted 23 January 2015 - 06:05 PM

Pinned for now, the hype train continues.



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#58 3Dude



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Posted 23 January 2015 - 06:29 PM

Pinned for now, the hype train continues.




Need to put the ff15 boy band and their car broken down and smoking off to the side....



#59 NintendoReport



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Posted 24 January 2015 - 09:34 AM

Japan promotion has BEGUN





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#60 DéliopT



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Posted 26 January 2015 - 11:43 AM

Here's a close up!






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