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Official Xenoblade Information Thread

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#61 3Dude



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 09:58 AM

I can't wait for this game it is gorgeous but what is going to  erk me is that some people will down grade this game because it runs at 720p not 1080p and look past the seer beauty and scale of this game.  To run at 720p is still impressive to me because I haven't to see anything yet on the other 8th gen and even last gen consoles that had XBC X's atmospheric scale.  My hat goes off for the devs at Monolith they have truly outdone themselves.  Now if only we could get that bundle over here in the west.

The game could have been 1080p 60fps, and those people would have just made up some other reason to crap on the game.

So, is this a system seller for Japan... especially since Nintendo is offering a bundle?

I think so.

The pre-load for the game which went live in Japan a short time ago confirms the following details:

- Single Player RPG
- 4 Players Online Quests
- 32 Players Indirect Online (For Information exchange and item trading)

#XenobladeX supports GamePad, #WiiU Pro Controller, USB keyboard. Miiverse support. Off-TV play. 720p. pic.twitter.com/doXkkkLoxj





#62 Thugbrown


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 10:07 AM

The game could have been 1080p 60fps, and those people would have just made up some other reason to crap on the game.



That is very true, Haters gone hate no matter what.


Mind blown here as well!!!

#63 NintendoReport



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 10:09 AM

Game looks tiny when you look at the 5 areas in this perspective.. hahaaha


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#64 Raiden


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 10:16 AM

Game looks tiny when you look at the 5 areas in this perspective.. hahaaha


That's not the whole game I don't think. Just what was shown in the video

#65 3Dude



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 10:18 AM


The layers!!!

Its so nice to finally see some more 3d game design in 3d open world games.

I am going to be going nuts with the screen captures



#66 Raiden


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 10:22 AM

It seems that is the whole map sorce posted but it's not to scale so that's why it appears smaller. It's not nearly to scale. It's showing the areas but not the size by any means.

#67 Socalmuscle


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 10:30 AM


I'm officially the most hyped for this out of any game I've ever wanted/owned/etc.


Microsoft used to have an ad campaign called "show us your wow."

Well...Monolithsoft just did. And it's bad news for Microsoft. Lol.

I'm so glad they showed off a high quality video finally.

And the graphics are truly impressive.

Almost can't believe this is real.

Also notable is how SMOOTH everything runs.

The lighting and shadows are PERFECT.

The textures are better than I thought they'd be.

And the sheer SIZE of some of the textures boggles the mind. Nevermind the insane variety of them.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen such a gigantic, massive, truly epic game world like this in 3D. Ever.

And to have this quality of graphics while accomplishing that... And on the Wii U (the underpowered, barely better than last gen, [insert more incorrect hate statement here], etc.) no less!

The music is perfect. And has an enticing mix of whimsical And futuristic. And to be honest, it's actually stuff that is very cool even to popular top chart music lovers. Might just need to purchase the soundtrack.

Best thing to ever hapoen to Nintendo.

And this needs to become a franchise forever.

Not milked to death like AC, COD, etc. But an epic that releases at least once in every new Nintendo console.

Until the end of time.


#68 Raiden


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 10:34 AM




OH COME ON NOW MONOLITH! COME ON! REALLY?! You just made EVERY Saga fans panties drop. This truly is Gears meets Saga meets Blade.

#69 3Dude



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 10:51 AM


OH COME ON NOW MONOLITH! COME ON! REALLY?! You just made EVERY Saga fans panties drop. This truly is Gears meets Saga meets Blade.

For some reason pretty much every saga 'fan' I know of outside this board absolutely hates Xenoblade and Xenoblade X (And has never played xenoblade), and any similarities and the fact its not on a playstation only seems to make them fester and hate more. Not that im surprised, this is, after all the 'fan' base that incessantly dog piled, mocked and ridiculed Sorayasaga to the point of attempted suicide when she needed support the most. They are already hate raging over this very screen. At least the gears fans are excited.

Anyways, Im pretty sure its beyond safe to say this is Episode 1 of the Xeno series. Modified for copyrights and the wisdom of experience gained of course, but this is blatantly chapter 1 of the Xeno story.



#70 Socalmuscle


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 12:17 PM

For some reason pretty much every saga 'fan' I know of outside this board absolutely hates Xenoblade and Xenoblade X (And has never played xenoblade), and any similarities and the fact its not on a playstation only seems to make them fester and hate more. Not that im surprised, this is, after all the 'fan' base that incessantly dog piled, mocked and ridiculed Sorayasaga to the point of attempted suicide when she needed support the most. They are already hate raging over this very screen. At least the gears fans are excited.

Anyways, Im pretty sure its beyond safe to say this is Episode 1 of the Xeno series. Modified for copyrights and the wisdom of experience gained of course, but this is blatantly chapter 1 of the Xeno story.

Maybe that's what puts the "cross" in the title. As in "crossover?"


#71 NintendoReport



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 12:21 PM

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#72 tboss



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 01:44 PM

Game looks tiny when you look at the 5 areas in this perspective.. hahaaha

This perspective makes me wonder if there is more areas, Without really knowing exactly how large the shown areas are, Many parts of the map look like things have been excluded to be revealed later, or when you play, such as in the lava section 


The large section in between the 2 major landmass's could just as easily be buffer zones to make them inaccessible by dolls until later points in the game.  

#73 3Dude



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 02:47 PM

Could be, who knows.
This will be the third time Takahashi has tried to tell a chpater of his Xeno story.
The first time was Xenogears, which square pulled the plug on half way through, forcing Takahashi's team to abandon the project to help out with finishing ffvII.
This resulted in Xenogears being an amazing first half of a game through disc 1... And literally watching characters sitting on chairs narrating for a lot of disc 2.

Xenogears was episode 5 of a six part story

Xenosaga was produced by Namco Bandai, who apparently decided THEY wanted to direct the game instead of Monolithsoft.

Monolithsoft staff resisted, and so Namco began firing them, notably the writing staff, notably one SorayaSaga, one of Monolith softs (And square softs) best writers, which also happened to coincide with a very vulnerable time, as her brother died. Upon finding out about this, Xenosagas wonderul fanbase began hounding Soraya saga, and ridiculing her constantly:

“How could you desert the series? You Traitor!”
– Xenosaga Fan

“Why could you make such a stupid decision to leave?”
– Xenosaga Fan

“Do you have a marital problem?”
– Xenosaga Fan

“Did Takahashi send you home?”
– Xenosaga Fan

“Your leaving doesn’t really matter. Episode II will go well in America.”
– Xenosaga Fan

“You may be an expensive artist. So they kicked you out. Isn’t it?”
– Xenosaga Fan

Soraya saga attempted suicide, which nearly destroyed monolithsoft (I cant imagine Takahashi going on very long after losing his significant other and closest partner in game making). Fortunately she recovered.

So, Takahashis second attempt at telling some chapters of his Xeno story, was ruined by publisher interference.... And a horrible, horrible, 'fan' base. Takahashi tried to fix the butchering Namco did to their story, with Xenosaga 1&2 on ds. It never left japan.

Its not really clear exactly what chapters Xenosaga was supposed to be, aside from they took place before Xenogears, which was chapter 4. This made especially Murky by Takahashis inability to directly link the series of his own stories because of Copyright issues and legal red tape... We know that saga was shortened from a proposed 6 part series, to 4 parts, and only 3 came out, and they didnt cover nearly as much of the arc as was planned, even for just 3.

Xenoblade was never really a 'Xeno' game, its original title was 'Monado: Beginning of the world', and while it shared in many aspects the other Xeno games had, like religious symbolism, and philosophical literature allusions, it didnt really take place in any of the 6 chapters of the Xeno story, it was its own original work, and an 'experiment' in game design philosophy to Takahashi. The experiment, was apparently a roaring sucees, as Takahashi has gone on record saying the old way was a dead end (referring to jrpg's popularized during the psx era, which typically had no gameplay, and no worlds to explore, as they consisted of static images players werre super imposed over, with only the most minimal amount of interaction, that was completely micromanaged, where the entire point of the game was to grind along to get the 'reward' which was a cutscene). Interestingly, Xenogears did not follow this method. Probably because it had not been established as 'THis is how you make money with jrpg's' by the success of ff7, As it had began production BEFORE ff7 (Xenogears was originally supposed to be ff7, but it was deemed to dark and complicated).

Takahashi was very happy with Xenoblade, the integration of Gameplay and story, and the fact he was never compromised, but in fact ENCOURAGED to go all the way to finish the game. This result is probably what led Takahashi to once again, try his hand at his Magnum Opus, The Xeno story.

This perspective makes me wonder if there is more areas, Without really knowing exactly how large the shown areas are, Many parts of the map look like things have been excluded to be revealed later, or when you play, such as in the lava section 
The large section in between the 2 major landmass's could just as easily be buffer zones to make them inaccessible by dolls until later points in the game.

Looks like the exact opposite to me.

Looks like that area is inaccessible until you build up your dolls to have enough fuel and flight capability to be able to make it across the island chain.

The chokepoints ARE however, very obvious swap points, where the game swaps out assets for new areas. These allow the player to move seamlessly without having to resort to a loading screen.



#74 Scumbag



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 04:21 PM

The hype is real, the hype is deserving. Guys, everywhere I go that's gaming related online people are talking about Xenoblade.

#75 GAMER1984



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 04:49 PM

I just want to drive and fly those damn mechs. Jump off the highest cliff... hope I am able to actually learn how to play my first RPG

#76 Portal



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 05:42 PM

I just want to drive and fly those damn mechs. Jump off the highest cliff... hope I am able to actually learn how to play my first RPG

That is literally all I want to do. The massive world absolutely blows my mind. I look forward to jumping off my first cliff. :D -hopes ESRB ain't like XB-

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#77 GAMER1984



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 06:09 PM

I need this, devils third, zelda, starfox, and fast racing neo in my veins... all I want this year.

#78 Raiden


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 06:19 PM

I just want to drive and fly those damn mechs. Jump off the highest cliff... hope I am able to actually learn how to play my first RPG

I wish you well as I fear be in over your head. I hope you enjoy it. RPGs are so varied from game to game and system to system. From Japanese styled RPGs to Western. Western play very differently than how Japanese often play.


Nice thing is Xenoblade seems to blend a bit of both. While mostly Japanese also has some western ideas thrown in up front and it helped re energize the "JRPG" moniker. 

#79 NintendoReport



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 06:39 PM

Who's up for some online quests?  :D

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#80 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 06:47 PM

Who's up for some online quests?  :D

Count me in!  This news made me smile soooooo big!


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

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