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Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

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#1 Scumbag



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Posted 02 February 2015 - 04:20 PM

Really hyped for this and anyone following the game since the initial trailers will notice the graphics are a little worse, textures mostly.


The Cleric Beast boss at the end impressed me when in motion. 


Edited by Scumbag, 02 February 2015 - 04:21 PM.

#2 3Dude



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Posted 02 February 2015 - 04:29 PM

Nothing personal, but if there are any doctors named Iosefka, I will never, ever, go to your clinic now.


Getting such a badarse Van Hellsing vibe from this.


I love it, this rocks.



#3 Gaymer


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 11:11 PM

Wow, this looks amazing. It looked interesting last year, but now I'm definitely picking this up with my PS4 later this year.

#4 Socalmuscle


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Posted 03 February 2015 - 04:47 AM

Need's more than two footstep sounds.

And yes I'm aware it's still being developed lol.

But MG Rising made it to my console ith two footstep sounds....

Made it seem cheap compared to the fun I had cutting things up.

Also,bathe opening scene which quite frankly will give me nightmares, is so well done that's quite jarring when it cuts to the standard "regular interactive portion" of the game. Everything is cinematic and crazy!!! Then... Your typical stilted third person view.

More developers should take heed to the opening of fallout 3. The game was nearly unplayable with glitches. But the opening scene that you played was done amazingly well.

That route can b taken or you can have transitional phases as well.

Anyway, hopefully they can address some of these issues before release.
Too scary for me. But it's very atmospheric and could be greatly helped by working on some minor things.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 03 February 2015 - 04:49 AM.

#5 3Dude



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Posted 03 February 2015 - 05:00 PM

Also,bathe opening scene which quite frankly will give me nightmares, is so well done that's quite jarring when it cuts to the standard "regular interactive portion" of the game. Everything is cinematic and crazy!!! Then... Your typical stilted third person view.

I didnt even notice the footstep sounds, lol, audio's never really been my thing.

But I do admit that opening was fantastic. Love those Wherewolf models, in fact, the character models look so good, and animate so well, that they seem to clash with the backgrounds when they start fighting, and nothing in the background moves or reacts at all.

And the rag dolls... Lol, man, somebody needs to make some new ragdoll physics, the ones from the gamecube ps2 and xbox one, er, first, the very first xbox want to be retired already.



#6 Scumbag



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Posted 04 February 2015 - 03:10 PM

3 minutes in and he died. Ea for example would NEVER release a game where their oh so precious target audience has to face anything remotely challenging at the start.

I know Bloodborne has been documented as a slightly easier Dark Souls but maybe its me getting older, appreciating single player experiences with difficulty requiring knowledge of the actual game mechanics.

This is exactly why modern gamers have become too comfortable playing easy games, they go online as they think only real people (not cpu) can give them the challenge they crave.

#7 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 04:15 PM

This game has caught my interest, but I'm afraid it won't live up to the souls series before it, which were some of the best games of the last gen.  I will get this game eventually though and i really hope it provides the same controller throwing gameplay of the souls series! IT does look to be quite difficult from the trailer..


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#8 3Dude



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Posted 04 February 2015 - 06:39 PM

This game has caught my interest, but I'm afraid it won't live up to the souls series before it, which were some of the best games of the last gen.  I will get this game eventually though and i really hope it provides the same controller throwing gameplay of the souls series! IT does look to be quite difficult from the trailer..

The souls games really werent that difficult. They just demanded the most basic of competence in the controls and mechanics, and observation of enemy behavior, instead of smashing buttons and watching the computer do the awesome like in every AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA game available today.

If those players cant smash buttons and watch awesome things happen, they cry and scream about how 'the controls are broken!!!!'

Honestly, the combat, while enjoyable really isnt the main draw of the soul series to me. And this combat looks just as servicable, if not more enjoyable, from what little ive seen. What we have no way of judging yet, is whether or not bloodbourne will retain the souls series absolutely fantastic level 4 open world design.

Something I have no reason to doubt whatsoever what with the three souls games and years of kings field (Dark souls before it was called dark souls)



#9 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 02:54 PM

The souls games really werent that difficult. They just demanded the most basic of competence in the controls and mechanics, and observation of enemy behavior, instead of smashing buttons and watching the computer do the awesome like in every AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA game available today.

If those players cant smash buttons and watch awesome things happen, they cry and scream about how 'the controls are broken!!!!'

Honestly, the combat, while enjoyable really isnt the main draw of the soul series to me. And this combat looks just as servicable, if not more enjoyable, from what little ive seen. What we have no way of judging yet, is whether or not bloodbourne will retain the souls series absolutely fantastic level 4 open world design.

Something I have no reason to doubt whatsoever what with the three souls games and years of kings field (Dark souls before it was called dark souls)

I agree the world is and how it fits together so well is nothing short of flawless, but I also disagree that the game isn't difficult.  While some of it is just pure get to know the controls, if you play it without spamming the game with soul farming and naked dodging than it does become quite the challenge, especially when you first reach a level.  It took me on average 10 deaths at the start of each new area to really get a strategy going and to prepare based on that strategy could sometimes take an hour.  However, I do think the boss battles were not as hard as many have said, until the end that is.. Another thing that I really enjoy about the game is how you are left to really play it how you want, while sure some ways are a lot easier than others (AHEM pyromancer) some ways are incredibly difficult, such as the knight.  I don't see me getting into this new world as much as I did with the soul series, considering I am a huge fantasy nut, so I'm slightly dissapointed with its direction. Also, I can't see there being any diversity within the world, no forests, no lakes, no swamps only a post apocalyptic industrial age city.  So it will be neat to see if they can keep that level 4 world design, of if they pull a metroid based on what you said in the metroid discussion. 


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#10 Scumbag



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Posted 19 February 2015 - 04:30 PM

#11 Marcus



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Posted 19 February 2015 - 07:32 PM

The souls games really werent that difficult. 


Ha! Speak for yourself. Some bosses took me about 20 attempts.

#12 3Dude



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Posted 20 February 2015 - 10:49 AM

I agree the world is and how it fits together so well is nothing short of flawless, but I also disagree that the game isn't difficult.  While some of it is just pure get to know the controls, if you play it without spamming the game with soul farming and naked dodging than it does become quite the challenge, especially when you first reach a level.  It took me on average 10 deaths at the start of each new area to really get a strategy going and to prepare based on that strategy could sometimes take an hour.  However, I do think the boss battles were not as hard as many have said, until the end that is.. Another thing that I really enjoy about the game is how you are left to really play it how you want, while sure some ways are a lot easier than others (AHEM pyromancer) some ways are incredibly difficult, such as the knight.  I don't see me getting into this new world as much as I did with the soul series, considering I am a huge fantasy nut, so I'm slightly dissapointed with its direction. Also, I can't see there being any diversity within the world, no forests, no lakes, no swamps only a post apocalyptic industrial age city.  So it will be neat to see if they can keep that level 4 world design, of if they pull a metroid based on what you said in the metroid discussion.

Well, difficulty is a subjective matter dependant upon perspective.

I am an avid monster hunter player, and as such, I found the purposefully timed and deliberate player animations to be instantly understandable, and found the enemies to be slow and predictable in comparison.

In Monster hunter, big weapons swing even slower, monsters move faster, have better ai, smaller openings, more moves to select from, hit harder, and have waaaayyyyyyy more health.

As for the different direction, bloodbourne is totally taking a Van Helsing direction, with the time, design theme, monster selection, and gadget like weaponry. So... As some people may realize for... reasons, im pretty cool with that.



#13 Elric


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:36 PM

​I'm actually really excited for the fast-pace gameplay of this game. It is going to be a nice change. 




#14 Marcus



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Posted 21 February 2015 - 05:58 PM

Well, difficulty is a subjective matter dependant upon perspective.


Haha it's also highly dependent on how much your brain selectively edits your own memories to make you remember being better than you actually are. And that's not meant as an actual joke, our brains do genuinely do that. It's a commonly known fact in psychology.

#15 Scumbag



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Posted 28 February 2015 - 03:21 PM

Oh my.


#16 3Dude



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Posted 28 February 2015 - 06:18 PM

Haha it's also highly dependent on how much your brain selectively edits your own memories to make you remember being better than you actually are. And that's not meant as an actual joke, our brains do genuinely do that. It's a commonly known fact in psychology.

Dude, people play dark souls blind folded, its not that hard, in fact, its gotten EASIER since the name change to the soul series. You want some seriously tough as nails souls action? Play some Kings field, instead of babys first field game. Monster hunter is considerably more challenging than dark souls, so is playing for platinum ratings in platinum games. Dark souls is simple, and predictable, pattern recognition with actual punishment for failure.

The reason people think its so hard, is because its gaining mainstream recognition, and unlike all the other mainstream games, its challenge isnt fake, its not a dramatic depiction of faux challenge, and they have been conditioned to associate these dramatic depictions of the challenge in these cutscenes and quick time events that their character faces, with actual challenge, even though the the actual challenge was removed. This is why, when faced with ACTUAL challenge, and they FAIL, they quickly claim the game is broken.

You want to talk about psychology, try looking up some pavlov, to see how incredibly conditioned the worst generation is.

Oh my.


This design is so awesome.

I love how seems to be laughing at the torch XD.



#17 Marcus



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Posted 03 March 2015 - 05:52 AM

Dude, people play dark souls blind folded, its not that hard, in fact, its gotten EASIER since the name change to the soul series. You want some seriously tough as nails souls action? Play some Kings field, instead of babys first field game. Monster hunter is considerably more challenging than dark souls, so is playing for platinum ratings in platinum games. Dark souls is simple, and predictable, pattern recognition with actual punishment for failure.

The reason people think its so hard, is because its gaining mainstream recognition, and unlike all the other mainstream games, its challenge isnt fake, its not a dramatic depiction of faux challenge, and they have been conditioned to associate these dramatic depictions of the challenge in these cutscenes and quick time events that their character faces, with actual challenge, even though the the actual challenge was removed. This is why, when faced with ACTUAL challenge, and they FAIL, they quickly claim the game is broken.

You want to talk about psychology, try looking up some pavlov, to see how incredibly conditioned the worst generation is.


You say it's pattern recognition as if there's some other way to make difficult boss fights. What other options are there? Every boss in every videogame as far as I can tell is about pattern recognition.

Unless someone writes an incredibly smart AI that can learn and create new moves as it goes, a developer is only going to be able to create so many different attacks. And to save the boss behaving incredibly weirdly, those attacks are probably going to be selected by some deterministic algorithm. Ergo pattern recognition!

Edited by MarcusT, 03 March 2015 - 05:54 AM.

#18 Waller


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Posted 03 March 2015 - 09:24 AM

You say it's pattern recognition as if there's some other way to make difficult boss fights. What other options are there? Every boss in every videogame as far as I can tell is about pattern recognition.

Unless someone writes an incredibly smart AI that can learn and create new moves as it goes, a developer is only going to be able to create so many different attacks. And to save the boss behaving incredibly weirdly, those attacks are probably going to be selected by some deterministic algorithm. Ergo pattern recognition!


The argument is "Dark Souls' enemy design is considerably less demanding of the player than the enemy design of other similar games", not "pattern recognition is bad and has no challenge".


I'd never played Monster Hunter or any game similar to Dark Souls before, but I still found the game to be pretty easy once I got accustomed to the controls. I never died again after I killed Mega Ornstein, and before that I only really had trouble with Sif. All the other bosses I killed on my first or second try.


#19 3Dude



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Posted 03 March 2015 - 10:05 AM

You say it's pattern recognition as if there's some other way to make difficult boss fights. What other options are there? Every boss in every videogame as far as I can tell is about pattern recognition.
Unless someone writes an incredibly smart AI that can learn and create new moves as it goes, a developer is only going to be able to create so many different attacks. And to save the boss behaving incredibly weirdly, those attacks are probably going to be selected by some deterministic algorithm. Ergo pattern recognition!

No, I did not. I said it was simple and predictable pattern recognition.

Once AGAIN, monster hunter says hello, its BUILT off of pattern recognition, but it is far more complex and sophisticated. Dark souls enemies, have a small handful of moves, typically 3-4, often less, that they use over aqnd over again, they do not respond to differences in environment, they do not respond in differences in elevation,they dont even really respond to the player, beyond rotating to face them and dishing out their small arsenal of attacks, and they most certainly dont interact with each other. they are INCREDIBLY easy to exploit. By locking them into differences in elevation, hacking at their feet, or their head as they clumsily climb stairs and cant hit you, or say, by poking the big bad dragon in the tip of its tail 20 times with the starter spear until it DIES. See how long you can poke a Tigrex in the butt without it responding.

But thats what dark souls is its Kings field. Its predictable and heavily scripted, with fantastic atmosphere and world building. But the fact that it still punishes the player for failing doesnt make it a hard game, its not, its not any harder than its previous installments, in fact, its considerably easier and more forgiving than the rest of Kings field. Its just proof of how challenge has been completely removed from the mainstream products.

A single monster in Monster hunter has about as many moves, and more AI than every single boss in dark souls put together. Thats how simple and predictable dark souls is. The infamous red dragon on the bridge in dark souls is simply a patterned set peice.

Thats why you can kill it without it ever moving or responding to the player, by simply going under the bridge and poking its tail until it dies, or simply shooting its tail with arrows, until it dies. The red dragon practically HAS no AI, it responds to a single event, to which it does a canned arrea damage move, or it is activated and it flies around doing a pattern of attacks, across an area, without ever actually responding to the player themselves. Its simply a set peice set to perform a pattern. It performs the same pattern, the same way, every time, and the event for it to leave if the player doesnt kill it happens, the same way, every time.

Even the lowliest goofiest Bird Wyvern in Mh, makes the infamous red dragon from Dark souls bridge look like the highly scripted prop it actually is.


This will never happen in dark souls:

Things like this cant happen in a game as heavily scripted as dark souls. Its a much simpler, easier, game for combat mechanics, its literally rock paper scissors. Finding out where one should go, and when it is right for them to go there, is far more challenging than the actual combat in dark souls. Until the rename, and a reintroduction to an audience who has experienced 0 actual challenge and who thought it was a new IP, thats what the series was known for.



#20 Marcus



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Posted 04 March 2015 - 08:54 AM

Mmmm I could never get into Monster Hunter I'm afraid. It just didn't reel me in like Dark Souls. I may have to try this Kings Field though. It's on the PS1 right? Does it look hideous if you play it now then?

Speaking of the devil. Gamesradar recently redid their top 100 games of all time. Guess what came in top? Quite a shock actually: http://www.gamesrada...est-games-ever/

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