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Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

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#41 grahamf


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Posted 12 April 2015 - 09:27 AM

If there was voice chat in game i see myself using it more just to chit chat with friends while playing then using it for strategy.

There are built in taunts/trash talk emotes in game.

Honestly the games/matches seem like they are fast paced enough and the map itself tells you pretty much all you need to know about what needs to be done by your team.

Many hands on gamers who had time with this don't make such a big deal about voice chat.



A well designed game does not require voice chat, leaving voice chat to be only used for potentially hostile chat. Nintendo is not targeting the core FPS market, but trying to pull in new gamers who are more interested in things such as Haut Couture and having fun (while yes, trying to get classic FPS games to convert). Including voice chat would more restrict Splatoon's market than increase it, as Nintendo is targeting players who would be turned off (or even grounded) by the trash talk, while players that are perfectly happy with the trash talk are more likely to prefer to stick to their current games. Nintendo is Nintendo, and could come out with a perfect clone of BF or COD and it will fail due to the stigma those audiences hold about Nintendo.

Edited by grahamf, 12 April 2015 - 09:28 AM.



#42 GAMER1984



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Posted 12 April 2015 - 10:06 AM


A well designed game does not require voice chat, leaving voice chat to be only used for potentially hostile chat. Nintendo is not targeting the core FPS market, but trying to pull in new gamers who are more interested in things such as Haut Couture and having fun (while yes, trying to get classic FPS games to convert). Including voice chat would more restrict Splatoon's market than increase it, as Nintendo is targeting players who would be turned off (or even grounded) by the trash talk, while players that are perfectly happy with the trash talk are more likely to prefer to stick to their current games. Nintendo is Nintendo, and could come out with a perfect clone of BF or COD and it will fail due to the stigma those audiences hold about Nintendo.

Optional/off switch seriously. Thats all people are saying. I have both COD games for Wii U. Guess what I have the optionturned off/muted so I couldnt hear what people are saying regardless... but to just say to those that want it sorry I had a bad experience with it myself so thus I will leave it out of my game... is not a good business decision and is a big problem nintendo is facing with gamers thinking they are behibd the times.

#43 grahamf


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Posted 12 April 2015 - 12:25 PM

Optional/off switch seriously. Thats all people are saying. I have both COD games for Wii U. Guess what I have the optionturned off/muted so I couldnt hear what people are saying regardless... but to just say to those that want it sorry I had a bad experience with it myself so thus I will leave it out of my game... is not a good business decision and is a big problem nintendo is facing with gamers thinking they are behibd the times.

What's the point of having voice chat if you're just going to disable it? All it does is add complexity to Nintendo's target audience for this game, who benefit from disabling voice chat but may choose not to disable voice chat or simply can't figure it out. Plus would you let their children play a game where they just have to flip a switch and lean all sorts of "colorful" words? Or semicasuals may try out this game and have their experience of it be permanently ruined by a manchild screaming obscenities.


Nintendo is simply playing it safe, banking on the minor annoyance of no voicechat to completely offset the danger of little girls hearing rape talk.



#44 NintendoReport



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Posted 12 April 2015 - 12:49 PM

  • A thread should also be created for those that want mario to be the character instead of a squid
  • A thread should also be created for those that want Wii Mote Controls
  • A thread should also be created as a reminder that you don't have to pay a nickel for Nintendo's online services. Just you wait, next home console and handheld will come with all that $membership$ stuff. Splatoon 2 will have it.


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#45 Hunter



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Posted 12 April 2015 - 01:05 PM


  • A thread should also be created for those that want mario to be the character instead of a squid
  • A thread should also be created for those that want Wii Mote Controls
  • A thread should also be created as a reminder that you don't have to pay a nickel for Nintendo's online services. Just you wait, next home console and handheld will come with all that $membership$ stuff. Splatoon 2 will have it.



the first two are not nearly the same as wanting voice chat as an option in a game


as for the last point, if we have to pay to have decent online features then so be it, because nintendo are clearly incapable of delivering in that area when it comes to their games and consoles and anyone who thinks they are doing ok in that department is delusional




No one is saying that voice chat is "necessary" for this game to be good or to work, what people are saying is that they want a feature which is present in almost every multiplayer game on all the other systems. All this bs from people on here about it being "confusing" or nintendo "just being safe" by having no voice chat are actively harming nintendo. I bet if it was reported that COD or Microsoft decided to get rid of voice chat then the reactions would be completely different.


Edited by Hunter, 12 April 2015 - 01:06 PM.

#46 NintendoReport



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Posted 12 April 2015 - 01:26 PM



  • A thread should also be created for those that want mario to be the character instead of a squid
  • A thread should also be created for those that want Wii Mote Controls
  • A thread should also be created as a reminder that you don't have to pay a nickel for Nintendo's online services. Just you wait, next home console and handheld will come with all that $membership$ stuff. Splatoon 2 will have it.



the first two are not nearly the same as wanting voice chat as an option in a game


as for the last point, if we have to pay to have decent online features then so be it, because nintendo are clearly incapable of delivering in that area when it comes to their games and consoles and anyone who thinks they are doing ok in that department is delusional




No one is saying that voice chat is "necessary" for this game to be good or to work, what people are saying is that they want a feature which is present in almost every multiplayer game on all the other systems. All this bs from people on here about it being "confusing" or nintendo "just being safe" by having no voice chat are actively harming nintendo. I bet if it was reported that COD or Microsoft decided to get rid of voice chat then the reactions would be completely different.




It's just a shame this has become such a big issue with a new IP and a large percentage of people haven't even experienced the game yet. I get the fact people want voice chat, I would like it too, but for me it isn't as big of a deal as others are taking it. I think Nintendo gamers should use this effort and be more vocal about basic functions on the Wii U and 3DS rather then nit picking one game. 


It's been brought up briefly by a couple of people, Scumbag for one. That is, overall the Wii U and 3DS are lacking basic and streamlined functions to communicate with friends whether in game or system wide. A basic feature like being able to message a friend on your list cannot be done, rather you have to open up MiiVerse to do so. On the 3DS, friend codes are still in use and even though it has MiiVerse, the messaging ability is not there. And the friend limit of 100 should be increased too.


It's just a shame for a game to get such good praise and hype from those that have played it and see it battered around because it's missing a feature that some want.  You also have people using words like, voice chat was "taken away" but yet it was never in the game, so it never was taken away. Something being taken away is Swap Note.  :)

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#47 MatrixChicken


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Posted 12 April 2015 - 02:17 PM

Because those games aren't team-based shooters that would actually benefit from voice chat? In Dark Souls/Journey, the multiplayer is about the interactions with complete strangers when they were in your world; you weren't supposed to communicate with them outside of vague hints in Dark Souls that were meant for the player to figure out and decide to trust. Here, the multiplayer is more team-based than most other shooters, so the lack of vocal communication between teammates is actually a big deal because you can't strategize about the best ways to cover an area or call for help when something unexpected happens. It's like not being able to speak to your teammates in a sport or your co-workers on a project.


People like to do this false equivalence thing with this issue...


"Splatoon is a team-based tactical shooter. Other team-based tactical shooters I've played benefit from voice chat. Therefore Splatoon would benefit from voice chat."


But it's not so simple. Splatoon is a very different game to anything we've seen before. It's such a quick game. Iteration time is very low with the super jump; you can get straight back into the action. You can easily see everything that's happening on the map just by looking down to the gamepad. You don't need somebody yelling at you to get over there, you can look at the map and see for yourself where things are happening and go there. You say voice chat could be used to call for help when something unexpected happens... Two things: 1, there are predetermined signals in the game, used by pressing up/down on the dpad. You can change these messages somehow, and I'd be surprised if there wasn't some way to signal for help. 2, If something unexpected happens, you're basically dead. It only takes a few shots to splatter a player, and if you're caught off-guard, it's likely you'll end up dead. There's just no time to react. Nobody could come in time to help you.


Splatoon is a game where every player has all the information possible at all times. Other than if an enemy is hiding in their ink, or around a corner, you see everything either on the TV or on the map. The only thing determining the outcome of the match is the strategic and twitch skills of each individual player.


Of course, this is assuming most players will be competent. If there's a lot of baddies, then yes, a simple "Hey stupid, standing there doing nothing won't help." might do some good, but then they're a lost cause anyway...


EDIT: I had an idea the other day... What if Nintendo charged a monthly fee for voice chat in Splatoon? People would probably flip out. Even though they do it for Xbox One and PS4. lol

Edited by MatrixChicken, 12 April 2015 - 02:20 PM.



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#48 CUD


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Posted 12 April 2015 - 02:56 PM

Bloodborne doesn't.


Why do you keep bringing up other games as if it has anything to do with Splatoon?

I don't care about Bloodborne. You can use PS Party chat if you want to chat with friends, that is a feature that would benefit the Wii U greatly. Bloodborne's co-op functionality is designed in a different way that isn't even necessary, it's a game that can be played entirely on your own. I wouldn't say the same could be said for a team based shooter like Splatoon, surely the best way to experience such a game would be online.


You're constantly diverting attention from this game as if it somehow makes Splatoon a better game. Splatoon isn't going to be perfect and you're going to have to accept that PlayStation games lacking voice chat wont change that. If a game like Team Fortress 2, CS, Overwatch or even Destiny lacked voice chat you bet I'll criticise how stupid a decision that would be. 



People like to do this false equivalence thing with this issue...


"Splatoon is a team-based tactical shooter. Other team-based tactical shooters I've played benefit from voice chat. Therefore Splatoon would benefit from voice chat."


But it's not so simple. Splatoon is a very different game to anything we've seen before. It's such a quick game. Iteration time is very low with the super jump; you can get straight back into the action. You can easily see everything that's happening on the map just by looking down to the gamepad. You don't need somebody yelling at you to get over there, you can look at the map and see for yourself where things are happening and go there. You say voice chat could be used to call for help when something unexpected happens... Two things: 1, there are predetermined signals in the game, used by pressing up/down on the dpad. You can change these messages somehow, and I'd be surprised if there wasn't some way to signal for help. 2, If something unexpected happens, you're basically dead. It only takes a few shots to splatter a player, and if you're caught off-guard, it's likely you'll end up dead. There's just no time to react. Nobody could come in time to help you.


Splatoon is a game where every player has all the information possible at all times. Other than if an enemy is hiding in their ink, or around a corner, you see everything either on the TV or on the map. The only thing determining the outcome of the match is the strategic and twitch skills of each individual player.


Of course, this is assuming most players will be competent. If there's a lot of baddies, then yes, a simple "Hey stupid, standing there doing nothing won't help." might do some good, but then they're a lost cause anyway...


EDIT: I had an idea the other day... What if Nintendo charged a monthly fee for voice chat in Splatoon? People would probably flip out. Even though they do it for Xbox One and PS4. lol


That's not a false equivalence though... It's a team-based shooter. TEAM BASED.

You're acting like this is some entirely new genre when it's really not. Do you honestly believe that it would not benefit from more communication options? How can you honestly claim this?


You can see everything going on the map but you can't read the players on your team's minds. You claim this is about the skills of the individual player but this is a team based game, with proper communication you can strategise together rather than simply call for help or whatever else the limited preset communication options offer you.


There's a game called Awesomenauts that I've been playing a bit of on PC lately. It's a team based MOBA like game so communication is important but I don't think there is a way to use voice chat through the game itself so it's up to text and presets which limits communication considerably. Sure you can use the presets to ask for help, tell your team to attack or defend or even taunt the enemy team but you can't properly communicate and strategise without stopping to type it out by which time it might be too late to tell them your plan.


I honestly cannot see how any team based game would suffer from featuring a voice communication option. Especially with Splatoon offering ranked leaderboards, why bother taking that seriously when the Wii U system itself or the game don't allow you to properly communicate with your team? You're only encouraging Nintendo to stay where they are when they should be improving, don't you find it insulting to be treated like the child Nintendo assumes you are? Parental options aren't hard to implement and Nintendo has experience with them already, there is just no excuse or justification or false equivalence here.


Of course they'd flip out if Nintendo charged a monthly fee for their online features since it's a step in the wrong direction for Nintendo, it's beyond me why people pay for the Xbox One and PS4 services let alone the consoles themselves.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#49 grahamf


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Posted 12 April 2015 - 04:59 PM

That's not a false equivalence though... It's a team-based shooter. TEAM BASED.

Technically that's still an equivalence. What other team-based shooter involves ink physics (hiding in ink, high speed swimming and climbing, rival ink impedience)? Are any of those other shooters restricted to four players? It's a lot different then shooting up terrorists in Iraq, you can't honestly expect it to translate completely. Hell, even Team Fortress 2 has some fairly unique techniques (spy checking, spies in general, sentry turrets) that makes it a different game.


So can you please stop pretending that Splatoon is simply a port of COD but with family-friendly textures (and voice chat disabled)?



#50 CUD


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Posted 12 April 2015 - 05:45 PM

Technically that's still an equivalence. What other team-based shooter involves ink physics (hiding in ink, high speed swimming and climbing, rival ink impedience)? Are any of those other shooters restricted to four players? It's a lot different then shooting up terrorists in Iraq, you can't honestly expect it to translate completely. Hell, even Team Fortress 2 has some fairly unique techniques (spy checking, spies in general, sentry turrets) that makes it a different game.


So can you please stop pretending that Splatoon is simply a port of COD but with family-friendly textures (and voice chat disabled)?


How do the ink gameplay mechanics affect the fact that it's team based? That really doesn't make any sense. Hiding and swimming around in ink don't change the genre from a team based game to anything else, they're just part of the gameplay mechanics just as shooting, rocket jumping, building sentries, spy checking etc are parts of TF2.


I'm not arguing that they're the same game, obviously. I'm arguing that the team based nature of these various games makes communication important if you want a successful team especially in the ranked modes.


To reiterate my point from past posts, you're supporting Nintendo in not giving us the option to communicate with our team more effectively. Think about that and why you support that because I honestly cannot understand why anyone would.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#51 grahamf


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Posted 12 April 2015 - 08:11 PM

How do the ink gameplay mechanics affect the fact that it's team based? That really doesn't make any sense. Hiding and swimming around in ink don't change the genre from a team based game to anything else, they're just part of the gameplay mechanics just as shooting, rocket jumping, building sentries, spy checking etc are parts of TF2.


I'm not arguing that they're the same game, obviously. I'm arguing that the team based nature of these various games makes communication important if you want a successful team especially in the ranked modes.


To reiterate my point from past posts, you're supporting Nintendo in not giving us the option to communicate with our team more effectively. Think about that and why you support that because I honestly cannot understand why anyone would.

Weren't you paying any attention when I was talking about Nintendo's target audience? The average consumer will stop playing and tell their friends and family about the manchild screaming obscenities rather than hitting mute and continue playing.




Nintendo has a reputation for fun yet family friendly gaming. They killed swapnote because a little girl got raped, even though not using swapnote is available as a feature in every 3DS.

Edited by grahamf, 13 April 2015 - 06:18 AM.



#52 CUD


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Posted 12 April 2015 - 11:05 PM

Weren't you paying any attention when I was talking about Nintendo's target audience? The average consumer will stop playing and tell their friends and family about the manchild screaming obscenities rather than hitting mute and continue playing.




Nintendo has a reputation for fun yet family friendly gaming. They killed swapnote because a little girl got raped, even though not using swapnote is available as a feature in every 3DS.


Oh, right. I forgot that Nintendo only makes games for children. My mistake.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#53 storabajskorven



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Posted 12 April 2015 - 11:38 PM

It may or may not be a good thing with voice chat in this game. I'm all for the idea to leave it out and force people to cooperate in other ways, if it makes the game better. There are two things I want to say though:

1) The reason given is kind of stupid. As other people already said, if it's just about that - make it optional.

2) There are a lot of arguments in this thread questioning the very idea to have voice chat in the game. It might be better to leave it out, but it's certainly not crazy to want it in there, and it's an issue worth discussing.

#54 Hunter



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Posted 13 April 2015 - 01:01 AM


Weren't you paying any attention when I was talking about Nintendo's target audience? The average consumer will stop playing and tell their friends and family about the manchild screaming obscenities rather than hitting mute and continue playing.




Nintendo has a reputation for fun yet family friendly gaming. They killed swapnote because a little girl got raped, even though not using swapnote is available as a feature in every 3DS.



Actually, he most likely is the customer. Regardless of Nintendo making titles that are suitable for families, they released the figures themselves which showed that 79% of Wii U owners are male aged 18-35 so your average wii u owner should be more than capable to switch off voice chat. Even if people are too dumb (which i think is unlikely) to figure out how to switch off voice chat, there are simple ways around that such as having it switched off as default or at least allowing you to have voice chat in private matches. This lack of voice chat wouldn't be a big deal if we actually had some decent communication features on the wii u (or even 3ds) but the fact of the matter is that it is just one of the many bad decisions nintendo has made with the wii u.


The swapnote thing is also a terrible decision just like this voice chat, and some fans continue to defend these decisions which harms Nintendo.


You know, i thought Shokio was being a bit melodramatic in his recent videos when he got mad at some Nintendo fans for defending this voice chat thing. After seeing the replies on here I can see he was right to get mad at them. Not because of this one issue, but because some fans continue to defend almost every bad decision Nintendo makes. Things will never change unless fans call out Nintendo on their bad decisions.

#55 Son Edo

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 04:49 AM

Well I do agree that racist comments or comments like you're a horsing beige quilt would be bad for a G rated game.

Also it's hypocritical to insult people for their preferences.

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