The old EDM thread is being really nasty, so until the forums get ironed out, here's a temporary place to discuss and share!
Welcome to the Wii U Forums EDM (Electronic Dance Music) production and appreciation thread! This thread will serve two purposes: for the producers of the forums to showcase and discuss their work, and for the EDM lovers to share their favorite songs.
Let's establish just a couple rules: This thread is meant to lean more on the producers' side, so try not to flood the thread with others' music. Only post your absolute favorite songs. This should keep the thread tidy, and won't deter those who just want to come have a taste of EDM. Label songs as vocal if they have lyrics, and try to keep said lyrics clean. If you absolutely must post a song with inappropriate lyrics, make sure you label it accordingly. Now, let's get started!
If you're an EDM producer, post a link to your Soundcloud, YouTube, or what have you, and I'll add it to this post!
Producer list:
ScootriX (MatrixChicken) - Soundcloud
Hinkik - Soundcloud
Double Tap (Chaos) - Soundcloud
Chime - Soundcloud