Looks like it might be an enhanced port as at around 1:16 of the video you can see him using a spiked bat which implies they've added more melee weapons.
Releases August 18th digital only
Edited by AdmiralClassy, 30 July 2015 - 08:12 AM.
Posted 30 July 2015 - 08:11 AM
Looks like it might be an enhanced port as at around 1:16 of the video you can see him using a spiked bat which implies they've added more melee weapons.
Releases August 18th digital only
Edited by AdmiralClassy, 30 July 2015 - 08:12 AM.
Shing Shong For Smash 4!
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Steam AdmiralClassy
Posted 30 July 2015 - 08:12 AM
Inb4 whining that Ubisoft is trying to make money on their game by porting it
The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.
Posted 30 July 2015 - 08:14 AM
a zombi game that lost it's charm, sounds funny saying that.
Posted 30 July 2015 - 08:16 AM
Without the gamepad just become another generic Zombie game.
Posted 30 July 2015 - 08:20 AM
whos gonna buy this
Posted 30 July 2015 - 08:22 AM
whos gonna buy this
Posted 30 July 2015 - 08:26 AM
It is confirmed that this is the Straight Right (Tantalus Media) port. So we still have yet to hear what the port to the Wii U is...
Posted 30 July 2015 - 09:07 AM
i would have thought the visuals would be improved considering the original was quite rough around the edges, but this looks exactly the same
as others have said, it won't be the same game without the gamepad
Posted 30 July 2015 - 10:38 AM
whos gonna buy this
Posted 30 July 2015 - 10:43 AM
- Minimap moved to screen, dissappears when not in use - Preserves minimalist HUD
- Increased FOV with option to increase/decrease slightly, "but not so much that it takes away that claustrophobic feeling"
- Two new melee weapons: shovel offers longer range and the ability to hit more than one zombie at a time, while the nail bat gives you more damage and a higher critical-hit chance (while also being able to hit more than one enemy at a time)
- Flashlight has been updated with new options: switch to a wider, further-reaching beam at the expense of battery life and a greater risk of attracting zombies. It’ll also have to be kept off for 30 seconds to recharge
- "Rummaging in the backpack still doesn’t pause the game. We’ve added a dedicated button to access the backpack...players won’t be able to see approaching zombies unless they’re coming from the sides of the screen"
- Only one second-screen-dependent feature will not return: ZombiU’s single-system multiplayer
Posted 30 July 2015 - 11:01 AM
Lots of people.
When it's free on PS+
Posted 30 July 2015 - 02:07 PM
When it's free on PS+
Posted 30 July 2015 - 02:55 PM
A lot of people will feel good they waited on not to get this. Some people were sadly still planning on getting a Wii U for this and their wait paid off. They will throw some key words around like 1080p 60fps and people will jump. Reviewer are going to like it more than Wii U version. They will sadly say it better and feels more modern without the gamepad. This is the industry I once loved.
Nah people already pooping on it not Wii U owners. Besides Ubi is already showing no faith in it. Just reusing the Wii U CGI trailer and only 2 weeks before launch and digital only. It's going to flop again. No one will be reviewing it. It's a gimped port 2 weeks before launch and when are ports handed out as review units or codes of a 2 year old game? It will only do ok free on PS+. It's when I will try it because I would never pay money for it.
Posted 30 July 2015 - 07:13 PM
I'm not necessarily mad about this, because it means the series has potential to continue given it does well on other consoles. Hopefully if it does do well and maybe we will see a release on the NX. It's just kinda weird seeing this because Ubisoft said stuff along the lines of "could only be possible on Wii U" and now it seems they're backtracking. To me this looks disappointing on the graphical side, literally looks like a straight port with some more weapons so I'm not necessarily convinced people who played this once will need to play it again on the PS4, especially since there is a lack of gamepad capability which in my opinion, made the game scary with the constant switching. Also, not really important, but I prefer the original marketing for this game with God Save the Queen. Will for sure be interesting to see how this game plays out.
Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:15 AM
If it's coming to Steam I'll probably pick it up when it's cheap. I actually bought it a couple of weeks ago for Wii U despite not owning the system yet but I suppose I might try and sell it now; I was planning on buying a Wii U soon that's why I bought it but I might wait a bit longer still.
Posted 01 August 2015 - 04:41 AM
- Minimap moved to screen, dissappears when not in use - Preserves minimalist HUD
- Increased FOV with option to increase/decrease slightly, "but not so much that it takes away that claustrophobic feeling"
- Two new melee weapons: shovel offers longer range and the ability to hit more than one zombie at a time, while the nail bat gives you more damage and a higher critical-hit chance (while also being able to hit more than one enemy at a time)
- Flashlight has been updated with new options: switch to a wider, further-reaching beam at the expense of battery life and a greater risk of attracting zombies. It’ll also have to be kept off for 30 seconds to recharge
- "Rummaging in the backpack still doesn’t pause the game. We’ve added a dedicated button to access the backpack...players won’t be able to see approaching zombies unless they’re coming from the sides of the screen"
- Only one second-screen-dependent feature will not return: ZombiU’s single-system multiplayer
I would have rather they made the minimap an item that required you pull it up, much like the scanner in the Wii U version. They could have made it a physical map, or perhaps included it in the scanner in its own sort of tab.
I do like having a wider FOV, as I get terrible headaches and even feel sick to my stomach if the FOV is too small. This was especially a problem when I played Halo 3's singleplayer on the Xbox 360.
I'm not too fond of more melee weapons, as I feel it may end up making 1 on 1 encounters with zombies, and even group encounters of 2 or 3 less stressful and easier to handle, which in a survival horror game is a big nono to me.
The flashlight seems alright. I like their attempt at balancing it, though I will have to see it in action.
I'm very glad to know they still keep the game unpaused, and I'm curious as to how this is going to work now. They do mention you only being able to see zombies approaching from the sides of the screen. Not too sure, so I'll have to wait and see.
I never bothered with the multiplayer, as the singleplayer was more than enough to keep me busy. It's still a shame this won't be returning, though.
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