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Social Nintendo News

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 14 January 2016 - 08:28 AM

Those of you who know, i started up http://www.NintendoChitChat.com last August and with that I've created a twitter, facebook and youtube account to help grow interest. Aside from social posts I've ran ads and the site also has a chat room.


Aside from this project, I launched http://nintendoreport.com/ . I was not planning on it but I came across some nice web tools. It's nothing extraordinary and the site has only been up 1 day. The basic idea is this is a site you can come to for nintendo based news, social stuff all in one place. Rather then having to check out a twitter feed, or facebook page, youtube channel.. the tools used bring all of those into one place. The content refreshes every 20 minutes as long as there is new content.


The main home page is all nintendo official feeds: facebook, twitter, tumblr, youtube, and nintendo's own news feed directly from their website.


Nintendo Franchise News is Super Mario, Super Smash, Splatoon, Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda offical facebook accounts all in one listing.


Other Nintendo News is from sources like gamexplain, nintendo enthusist, wii u daily etc. 


ChitChat Feed is a forum feed from NintendoChitChat.com .


Things will be tweaked, updated, and possibly changed around. The sources of the information may be updated to if we find better rss feeds or accounts that provide more useful info.


Anyways, thought I would introduce you this little project and maybe it will be useful to you to browse nintendo news and social stuff. Every post/news story is linked to the original site. So if you click on a story that interests you, you can easily read more about it.

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#2 jemmy1989


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Posted 26 May 2020 - 02:03 PM

Sad to see that all these sites are not up to date anymore 

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