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NX controller possibly leaked - looks almost exactly like the patent

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#1 grahamf


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Posted 17 March 2016 - 06:14 PM




Edited by grahamf, 17 March 2016 - 06:14 PM.



#2 Nukie


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Posted 18 March 2016 - 01:56 PM

The screen is emitting light, so should the thumb nubs be illuminated from below?
If that shot is real, would the camera have compensated for the emitted light, under exposing the surrounding scene? Maybe?
And there is a 'B' next to the nub in the upper shot, but it doesn't align very well.

Edited by Nukie, 18 March 2016 - 01:58 PM.

#3 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 18 March 2016 - 05:56 PM

I saw this earlier. It's the strangest thing. It stands for all the innovative play that Nintendo is about, but at the same time goes against some of the philosophies they've adapted over time, mostly ergonomics in this case.


I don't think this is their NX controller at all. Smartphones with nubs might be the next logical step, but I don't think this is legit.

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#4 grahamf


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Posted 19 March 2016 - 09:54 PM

I'm on the fence. It's weird, but Nintendo weird. A more square screen makes more sense, but would be a little boring. There's nothing that looks remotely like it, which would get people to take notice. It's not exactly impossible using current tech, but it has very few physical buttons.



#5 Raiden


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Posted 20 March 2016 - 11:36 PM

It's BS. Analog sticks are part of the mold and do not move. Look close. The pic is a cropped picture of the Unreal Engine 4 demo. Cropped instead of making it fit the screen so that's another red flag. Never do patents look like the final product even the Wii U gamepad one was not the final product. The patent also has handles.The patent is not showing the controller anyway but the free form display concept so another flag. What we have here is a 3d printed model with a cropped image PS or pasted on it or both but either way everything on this screams a fake.

#6 grahamf


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Posted 21 March 2016 - 02:10 PM

It's BS. Analog sticks are part of the mold and do not move. Look close. The pic is a cropped picture of the Unreal Engine 4 demo. Cropped instead of making it fit the screen so that's another red flag. Never do patents look like the final product even the Wii U gamepad one was not the final product. The patent also has handles.The patent is not showing the controller anyway but the free form display concept so another flag. What we have here is a 3d printed model with a cropped image PS or pasted on it or both but either way everything on this screams a fake.

1. Depending on the stage of the test cropping vs fitting may be irrelevant. This is probably just a technical test of the display, in which case the video would be over scanning anyways. They will have to ensure that all GUI elements are visible in the actual game, as internally the layout would be assuming a rectangular display.
2. This is a prototype. It's possible this is exactly what Nintendo had in mind when they wrote the patent, or they are using the patent design as a basic shape for testing. Handles can be skipped if the prototype is a technical test and not an ergonomic test. For the free-form display, which is what the patent is for.
It does not "scream" fake, but it clearly still needs work.

Edited by grahamf, 21 March 2016 - 02:13 PM.



#7 Raiden


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Posted 21 March 2016 - 03:38 PM

Cropping does scream fake because the whole point of the second screen is to have the whole image as a second experience. Not Screen shape obscuring your view. THE ANALOG STICKS DO NOT MOVE.

AAlso they never construct a functioning prototype until they have a design they want to move forward with. Rest of the the time they sculpt it out of clay or hollow shells. THEY NEVER give those shells to developers in kits and certainly do not have functioning screens. Oh and the guy who posted this on Reddit has a shady story.


Also yes it screams fake


Edited by Segata, 21 March 2016 - 03:43 PM.

#8 grahamf


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Posted 21 March 2016 - 04:33 PM

Or it's an early prototype. Have you even noticed the aspect ratio of that screen? If it was a rectangle it would be about 4:1 or 5:1. Name one game or system that supports that ratio. No doubt the Unreal Demo doesn't support it either, so they just set it to widescreen and then crop. Yes, the analog sticks do not move, which is a clear sign that this is an EARLY PROTOTYPE. Analog sticks don't need to be tested as heavily; everyone knows how they work and Nintendo will just use the Wii U's anyways. This appears to be made specifically for testing the curved screen itself. How it holds up to use, how the capacitive layer responds, how the system handles outputting such a high-resolution video to a SECONDARY display. Joysticks are irrelevant. Nintendo simply cannot just "craft it out of clay or hollow shells" specifically because of the free-form display. They need to know how it reacts when held as intended, and how well the materials hold up. There's no point in skipping forward to a more complex prototype only to find out that the display tech is unreliable or that the console itself needs to be redesigned to handle it. Just look at that bezel, this thing is 90% screen with 9.9% going towards the white bar below the screen. I dare you to say that it is not an engineering feat which needs to be proven.

Cropping does scream fake because the whole point of the second screen is to have the whole image as a second experience. Not Screen shape obscuring your view. THE ANALOG STICKS DO NOT MOVE.

AAlso they never construct a functioning prototype until they have a design they want to move forward with. Rest of the the time they sculpt it out of clay or hollow shells. THEY NEVER give those shells to developers in kits and certainly do not have functioning screens. Oh and the guy who posted this on Reddit has a shady story.


Also yes it screams fake



Just look at the prototype. Imagine it is real, then ask yourself what issues may arise. Those issues are what they are testing. They are not writing games for it yet - anything would just be a demo to finalize the hardware like they did with the Wii U and Zelda. They are finalizing the hardware. I doubt that the console's CPU and GPU are even done yet. The team in charge of designing the interface and APIs are probably still relying on an computer with a mask over the video.


Also, You're comparing an iPad's LCD screen to whatever this thing uses, which would NOT have the same type of "moire." That also requires the picture to be a lot clearer to see. This screen could be only 480px tall and we wouldn't be able to tell.

Edited by grahamf, 21 March 2016 - 04:52 PM.



#9 Raiden


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Posted 21 March 2016 - 09:00 PM

It screams fake. No prototype wold ship with dev kits with unusable analog sticks. Also the guy posting it was super shady so it screamed BS right there on how the kit was his but not but a friends but a uncles and crap claimed he knew little but devs don't post this stuff unless they want to be knee deep in legal boiling water. Nintendo would have had it taken down by now. The lighting is also off on parts of the controller. ALL dev kits are sent something functional. Early DS dev kits were GBA hardware with a SNES pad with 2 screens as early on DS was a 2D machine. The controller was still functional. Early Wii U kits had a unfinished Gamepad with grey buttons and a box shape but still fully functioned. It's also funny this fake crap shows up only a couple months after the patent. From what we hear some devs had NX dev kits for quite some time now. Why did nothing leak then. Why only AFTER we see some patents THAT WERE NEVER SHOWING A SHAPE OF A CONTROLLER BUT FUNCTIONALITY AS AN EXAMPLE. Also Nintendo files hundred of patents every year and never get used.


Remember all these Nintendo controllers that Nintendo mad ea patent for and never made. The Wii remote with a touch screen. The interchangeable buttons. The Football!







Remember when these were made into unusable plastic shells and shipped to developers? WE have Wii and Wii U patent ideas here. Aside from the football they just show the functionality rather than design. None of them used.

#10 NintendoReport



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Posted 22 March 2016 - 06:03 AM

Wii U dev kit.. just so we can see how it looked from final product.





and gamepad prototype








I lean towards fake on the NX controller leak. There has been some good discussion on other boards and some have created their own mockups. Some went as far saying what if it can display a 21:9 aspect ratio lol. 



Here is a nice mock up... full screen shown in rectangular window with extra viewing extended outward due to the freeform display.



and of course we have this... lol



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#11 grahamf


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Posted 22 March 2016 - 08:56 AM

Ok. If it's fake, then give one logical reason why the person who mocked this up did such a realistic job only to have obviously fake joysticks.


I suspect that they may actually be real joysticks, but a new kind that is a cross between Pro controller joysticks and the circle pads - with an integrated rubberised boot to keep out dirt and grime.

Edited by grahamf, 22 March 2016 - 08:58 AM.



#12 MatrixChicken


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Posted 22 March 2016 - 12:06 PM

I wouldn't be surprised if that object actually exists IRL, not photoshopped, but I really doubt it's what the NX controller will look like. It's literally the patent... When has Nintendo ever made a product that looks exactly like the patent?


The final design might be similar, but I really doubt they'll drop physical buttons, and if they do, there will be a good replacement for them.



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#13 Mewbot


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Posted 22 March 2016 - 10:15 PM

I agree with Segata. It's fake as hell.


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#14 Mitch



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Posted 23 March 2016 - 10:35 AM

There have been multiple sources saying that they ran the picture through photoshop detection software and that the picture seems legit. 


There could have been many different iterations that were not leaked that were much less refined that the one that was leaked. Plus with the NX launch being rumored for the end of the year I would imagine that they would have a pretty stable, polished, close to finished (if not finished) version ready to go.


Also if this is supposed to be a handheld/home console hybrid it would make sense that the handle grips from the patent may be detachable to fit in your pocket for on the go portability.

#15 Raiden


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 11:25 AM




These were considered "leaks" as well. Top and Bottom were "confirmed" images of Wii U when known as cafe. Middle one was the "leaked" Revolution controller before iwata showed it at TGS 2005. Thing is with leaks is that someone will fake it and someone else will run with it and copy that other fake and post it online to make it look real as if 2-3 or most post a similar leak then must be real right? No.  These things always come out in spurts. One fake comes out then many more come out and often look the same to feel more convincing for internet hits and attention.  Early dev kit controllers for ANY console are never the final polished piece we get at home. They are stitched together parts that are far from a final design. DS4 once had a touch screen then a touchpad and even those controllers looked little like the final design. Early 360 controllers in dev kits had different face buttons and no home button. Just wait til E3. These leaks are always pointless. A more finished dev kit with a more final controller usually comes after the launch

Edited by Segata, 23 March 2016 - 11:32 AM.

#16 NintendoReport



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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:00 PM

More images surface hehe





From: http://wiiudaily.com...campaign=buffer

Along with the two pictures leaked on reddit, poster Perkele37 had this to say about the controller:

  • Only the upper ‘nubs’ of the sticks move. The bottom part is static (kind of like the circle pad, but it moves along the bottom ‘sphere’.
  • The rollers on the top feel and look pretty much identical to a mouse scroll-wheel. Though I do don’t believe this will be the final design.[sic]
  • Haptic feedback is feels like Apples ‘taptic’ engine.[sic] Not like regular rumble.
  • 3.5mm headphone jack on the bottom



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#17 Raiden


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 03:10 PM




These were considered "leaks" as well. Top and Bottom were "confirmed" images of Wii U when known as cafe. Middle one was the "leaked" Revolution controller before iwata showed it at TGS 2005. Thing is with leaks is that someone will fake it and someone else will run with it and copy that other fake and post it online to make it look real as if 2-3 or most post a similar leak then must be real right? No.  These things always come out in spurts. One fake comes out then many more come out and often look the same to feel more convincing for internet hits and attention.  Early dev kit controllers for ANY console are never the final polished piece we get at home. They are stitched together parts that are far from a final design. DS4 once had a touch screen then a touchpad and even those controllers looked little like the final design. Early 360 controllers in dev kits had different face buttons and no home button. Just wait til E3. These leaks are always pointless. A more finished dev kit with a more final controller usually comes after the launch


More images surface hehe





From: http://wiiudaily.com...campaign=buffer


#18 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 03:31 PM

That controller can go straight to hell.  No physical buttons is a solid deal breaker.


I would rather only be able to use a wiimote for every game ever than that.


Please don't be anything like the real one...

#19 NintendoReport



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Posted 23 March 2016 - 04:04 PM



Yeah I saw your post above mine. I simply am bumping the topic with the "latest" whether its rumor/fake/real. Are you Mega Fenix? lol

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#20 Raiden


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 05:12 PM

Yeah I saw your post above mine. I simply am bumping the topic with the "latest" whether its rumor/fake/real. Are you Mega Fenix? lol

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