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What I thought of the Vita...

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#21 GeneralCraezy


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Posted 03 March 2012 - 07:53 AM

Loading times? I never had a problem with those.

But you said Ridge Racer, so I giggled.

eh? why?

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#22 Zok



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Posted 03 March 2012 - 04:46 PM

Loading times? I never had a problem with those.

But you said Ridge Racer, so I giggled.

I got to try it out with Uncharted. From what I saw:

▲ Gorgeous screen
▲ Cameras functioned well
▲ Touchscreen was easy to use
▲ Easy to hold in the hands- Nice grip

▼ Unimpressive loading times
▼ Game Lineup is lacking (in my opinion)
▼ The analog stick is a small, uncomfortable nub
▼ The system is really too big to be called a portable. It won't fit in the average pocket.

On the Vita I tried out, loading times were just okay. They weren't 'waiting for ages' slow, but they weren't next-generation fast either.

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