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Things that annoy you about the internet.

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#21 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 05:45 AM

I hate three things on the internet:
1. Trolls
2. Racism
3. My slow computer

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#22 Nollog


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 08:30 AM

People like barkis are the only thing that really gets under my skin to do with the internet. He was either incredibly dumb or one of those trolls that are actually smart, we never got to find out...

Not sure what you mean.
The fellow had a different opinion on what made games fun to play than the people who wanted him removed from that forum, and the people who wanted him removed just happened to be popular so it was done.
Also he was a silly goose to a particular moderator and ended up spamming everywhere, so while justifiably banned, I don't get the hatred.

-Like/thumbs-up/++1/whatever if you agree people (-.-)

I can has asks why?

I don't like people who would, in the context of a forum post something like "lololol, i agree lololol", rather than use a like button or something, also doesn't help that they usually do that about a year after the thread was relevant.

I like a lot about the Internet.
I dislike 4chan-like people.

Edited by Nollog, 26 February 2012 - 08:34 AM.

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#23 Starrgrl24



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Posted 26 February 2012 - 09:12 AM

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Internet explorer

Edited by Starrgrl24, 26 February 2012 - 09:12 AM.

#24 Wix



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Posted 26 February 2012 - 12:38 PM

  • People who can't handle the fact that other people have other opinions, which brings us to...
  • ...console wars, which brings us to...
  • ...fanboys who instead of loving a brand, hate all others.
  • People who make a big deal out of small things (these people are not only found on the internet, btw...) like being first on a video, article, etc. And not only the thousands who all type in "1sdtdts!" as a comment, but also those who decide to call them ogres, etc, instead of just ignoring it.
  • Grramar natsiisisssi.
  • ppl wh0 typ l31k d1s l0lzz
  • Racists. As an example, people on 4chan are mocking religious beings, especially those of Islam, by writing things about them or posting images of them doing stuff that can seem, and is, extremely offensive. Dicks.
Negative people also annoy me, so I'm gonna stop now.

i sold my brain on ebay

wob wob wob wob

i still love marina :'(

#25 Xiombarg


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 12:55 PM

Racists. As an example, people on 4chan are mocking religious beings, especially those of Islam, by writing things about them or posting images of them doing stuff that can seem, and is, extremely offensive. Dicks.

It's not 4chan, but an entire community that is doing this for a reason. They are posting pictures of Muhhumed and other Islamic characters to promote free speech. Islam kills people for doing this, but the US gives out free speech. It is to show them that their religion isn't void of being scrutinized. All religions have been and will be criticized, Islam deserves no special attention, if anything, it deserves more criticism.
Christains, Jews, Hindus, etc don't kill people for thinking against their religion or empowering women.

#26 Wix



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Posted 26 February 2012 - 03:45 PM

This has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH FREE SPEECH. Free speech is about expressing your opinion by talking. It does not have anything to do with pictures of Muhammed having sex with a pig. I agree with the fact that it's wrong of some muslims to kill people for doing unacceptable things regarding their religion, but on the other hand, people should know better. The fact that some muslims kill people who humiliate their religion does not mean they're preventing freedom of speech - it has nothing to do with that. They're simply protecting their religion. Again, I do not support this in any way, but I understand it, and you should also understand how most muslims take their religion more serious than most people in the western word.

Those 4chan dicks make me feel ashamed and angry for living in such a society, and I can't see how anyone can support them.

i sold my brain on ebay

wob wob wob wob

i still love marina :'(

#27 Xiombarg


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 04:14 PM

This has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH FREE SPEECH. Free speech is about expressing your opinion by talking. It does not have anything to do with pictures of Muhammed having sex with a pig. I agree with the fact that it's wrong of some muslims to kill people for doing unacceptable things regarding their religion, but on the other hand, people should know better. The fact that some muslims kill people who humiliate their religion does not mean they're preventing freedom of speech - it has nothing to do with that. They're simply protecting their religion. Again, I do not support this in any way, but I understand it, and you should also understand how most muslims take their religion more serious than most people in the western word.

Those 4chan dicks make me feel ashamed and angry for living in such a society, and I can't see how anyone can support them.

It's not only 4chan, you ever hear of draw Muhammad day? It about showing that Islam is not safe from criticism and the people shouldn't be so affected. It's a failure of a religion if the worshipers cannot stand outsiders. I don't see Christians in an uproar if someone draws Jesus having sex with a pig.
If protecting your religion is killing others for depicting your profit as carp, then you're unfit to live in this current era. It's not that Muslims don't take their religion more seriously, they fail to see that we don't believe in their religion, they cannot say we are all infidels.

#28 Nollog


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 04:16 PM

Islam kills people for doing this, but the US gives out free speech.

*Some Islamic silly goose extremists kill people for showing a depiction of Mohammed, their Lord and Saviour because it's expressly forbidden by their religion, but the US gives out free speech for five dollars.

4chan ain't nowt to do with freedom of expression, it's blowing off steam.
They think they can say what they want there without accountability.
If someone cared enough about what they said on the board, they can easily be charged and convicted of any crimes they commit on the website.

Edited by Nollog, 26 February 2012 - 04:18 PM.

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#29 BazzDropperz


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 10:48 PM


Edited by BazzDropperz, 14 July 2014 - 01:08 AM.

#30 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 26 February 2012 - 10:56 PM

Religion is not to blame.

It's choice, and choice only.

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#31 Wix



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Posted 27 February 2012 - 06:18 AM

It's not only 4chan, you ever hear of draw Muhammad day? It about showing that Islam is not safe from criticism and the people shouldn't be so affected. It's a failure of a religion if the worshipers cannot stand outsiders. I don't see Christians in an uproar if someone draws Jesus having sex with a pig.
If protecting your religion is killing others for depicting your profit as carp, then you're unfit to live in this current era. It's not that Muslims don't take their religion more seriously, they fail to see that we don't believe in their religion, they cannot say we are all infidels.

Muslim extremists do not kill because of criticism, or because people disagree with their religion. How is drawing their prophet criticism? It's a difference between criticizing and humiliating. The Bible does not forbid you to depict Jesus in any form. The Quran, however, forbids this, and everyone knows that. When people still chose to draw caricatures of Muhammed, that's not criticizing Islam. That is humiliating Islam. And of course some extremists will react to that. But keep that in mind - not every muslim goes around killing people for doing these kinds of things. There are some extremists, like in every other religion, but these are in very few numbers.

Also, you can't say that Islam kills people for empowering women. The fact that women are put lower in the society than men in some countries has nothing to do with Islam, it has something to do with the traditions in the countries - where it has always been normal for women to stay at home, make food, take care of the kids, clean, etc, while the men are out getting food.

In Norway where I live, and a lot of other countries, the US is known for being racist, however, I've always thought that only applied to a few people, and that the US was not any worse than any other countries. I'm not calling you racist by any means, but I certainly hope not your way of thought is universal in the US, cause that's where you're from, right? That would simply show how little you know about other countries and cultures.

i sold my brain on ebay

wob wob wob wob

i still love marina :'(

#32 HaHa-No


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 08:43 AM

Image Boards :v.
I've heard guro-chan has a board for poop fetishes o.o

And why on earth are we talking about Muhammad having sex with a pig, isn't he Islam?
I'm 99% sure that Islam thing that pigs are dirty animals or something.

Edited by HaHa-No, 27 February 2012 - 08:45 AM.


^Click it

^I agree with this guy

You know you want to! 'Tis leaked Nintendo information!

#33 GeneralCraezy


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:13 AM

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Internet explorer

You need a new computer XD Get firefox :laugh:

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#34 nintendo3DS


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 01:51 PM

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Internet explorer

Sums it up: Posted Image

Things that annoy me on the Internet is when it's slow, and annoying people.

#35 Xiombarg


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 03:17 PM

Muslim extremists do not kill because of criticism, or because people disagree with their religion. How is drawing their prophet criticism? It's a difference between criticizing and humiliating. The Bible does not forbid you to depict Jesus in any form. The Quran, however, forbids this, and everyone knows that. When people still chose to draw caricatures of Muhammed, that's not criticizing Islam. That is humiliating Islam. And of course some extremists will react to that. But keep that in mind - not every muslim goes around killing people for doing these kinds of things. There are some extremists, like in every other religion, but these are in very few numbers.

Also, you can't say that Islam kills people for empowering women. The fact that women are put lower in the society than men in some countries has nothing to do with Islam, it has something to do with the traditions in the countries - where it has always been normal for women to stay at home, make food, take care of the kids, clean, etc, while the men are out getting food.

In Norway where I live, and a lot of other countries, the US is known for being racist, however, I've always thought that only applied to a few people, and that the US was not any worse than any other countries. I'm not calling you racist by any means, but I certainly hope not your way of thought is universal in the US, cause that's where you're from, right? That would simply show how little you know about other countries and cultures.

The way most other people think is that they think that all Muslims are terrorists.
I have my own personal problems with Islam and its extremes, and I realize I may have gone too far. I am human and I make mistakes, so I'll ask if I can be forgiven for this. But those who are extremists have a lot of power and are the ones depicted in the media rather than others. I think that they have too much power and don't have the right to manipulate our media against our own free speech, as many people have already been censored by our own hypocritical country. Youtube is already starting to take down "religiously offensive" videos, which is a massive blow against the first amendment as offensive is a subjective term.

But the bible does forbid the depiction of god in the 2th commandment. It is just as unholy to depict god as it is to depict Muhammad, so is it humiliating Christianity and Judaism to draw god?

As for women, the main foundations in the world are patriarchies, rather than matriarchies. There are Islamic women who have been stoned, raped, and killed for speaking out, dressing themselves, getting education, or not conforming with what they "are supposed to do". This is an extreme form and not limited to Islam, but women are put down everywhere. They still earn less than men in the US, a supposed gender equal nation. But I also have issues against feminism, as it is becoming a more extreme form than what it should.
I guess the only point I was trying to get across was the protest against Islamic killings for the depictions of Muhammad. The posts you saw probably weren't in favor of free speech but for "teh lolz" or intentionally offensive.

Image Boards :v.
I've heard guro-chan has a board for poop fetishes o.o

And why on earth are we talking about Muhammad having sex with a pig, isn't he Islam?
I'm 99% sure that Islam thing that pigs are dirty animals or something.

I may have said this before, but I think you know way too much for your age... But then again, I knew about 4chan and other sites when I was young.

Edited by Mournblade, 27 February 2012 - 03:19 PM.

#36 Nollog


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 03:29 PM

Sums it up: Posted Image

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Silly choices.

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#37 Starrgrl24



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Posted 27 February 2012 - 05:31 PM

I do use google chrome now! xD I'm just saying that Internet Explorer really made my internet experience really bad. lol

#38 Joshua


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 03:23 AM

I hate three things on the internet:
1. Trolls
2. Racism
3. My slow computer

Your computer isn't the Internet, mate. :D

Or is it!? :ph34r:

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Signature by Cerberuz

#39 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 03:29 AM

^ Damnit! I was supposed to do this earlier, but I forgot.


Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#40 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 12:39 PM

Your computer isn't the Internet, mate. :D

Or is it!? :ph34r:

Thee Things I hate about the internet. I wasnt really asking you.

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

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