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Mournblade's Tome of Knowledge

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#21 Brian6330


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 09:19 AM

This thread already dead?

#22 Xiombarg


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 04:12 PM

What will you do if forced to eat a Klondike bar? Are you good at infiltration? Do you think that corporate greed is a bad thing? What is your favorite TV show? Do you believe in Laissez-faire capitalism?

No one will force me to eat a Klondike bar. If I am forced, then I eat it. It's not like I will make it an inconvenience upon myself. Now, vinegar, on the other hand, I will have problems with.

I can be, it depends upon the situation. I'm only noticed when I let them notice me.

Yes, corporate greed will only lead to human downfall. Corporate greed affects everyone below the corporations, which, in turn, will negatively affect them. A society cannot work if it cripples its own people, especially the working and middle class. Even the most morally detestable social systems create a place for the lower classes rather than crippling them. This means that the lower classes would lose rights in some systems, be killed off in others, and etc. In the US system, the lower class is pushed further down, while the upper classes and corporations are pushed upwards. This will only work if the system is transferred into a fascism or aristocracy. Even then, the people will revolt.

My favorite TV shows were Batman TAS, Samurai Jack, and Dragonballz.

I don't believe in capitalism for specific reasons. The US isn't a pure capitalistic country, which is both good and bad. Capitalism ends up failing and has never had a working model, but the same can be said of all other economic policies. I persoanlly don't agree with the concept of money, as it is just paper which society decides upon its value.

I can't find my 1776 American Continental Dollar I need help finding it. Did someone steal it, get greedy and hid it, or just got lost.

If you don't know how it looks this is it below.

If you actually own such a coin, it is unlikely that you would leave it out in the open. My reasoning would lead me to believe that someone took it, if you left keep it in a specific place. It could have fallen behind whatever you leave it on, though.

How would you describe my personality to someone else?
How would you describe your personality to other people?

Favorite philosopher?

Do you think we will ever have another "Enlightenment" age where people make new philosophies?

If not cannibalistic furries, what are you afraid of?

I'm not really good at describing personalities. It really depends upon whether you want me to describe public personality, friend personality, or internet personality.

I personally am quite fond of the German philosophers because of their work with the subjective world. But there are two other philosophers that I like, Rousseau and Voltaire.

It's very possible. It depends whether mankind reaches an epiphany, a major event happens, or a cataclysmic event happens. Something or someone would have to put forth a new way of thinking. People don't care about philosophy and the arts because society and the media is making them out to be pointless in the real world. But philosophy is a way of life and a study of logic. Philosophy can accomplish what science, math, and money cannot, which is giving someone a sense of living. David Hume was actually able to render religion, math, and science useless, as they cannot technically exist. Many people hate philosophy because it destroys their current understandings and they have to think for themselves.

I don't really fear things as much as I fear the possible events. It's more of a paranoia rather than fear of a specific idea. I have cast away normal fear, as there is always something that can be much worse than what is imagined or is there.

This thread already dead?

Nope, I don't post here everyday. I prefer to give answers quality rather than instantly answering them. I usually take a look over the questions and think about them for a while. If I don't feel I can adaquatly answer them, I tend to wait until I can. It usually takes me from half an hour to 45 minutes to make an answer post.

Hm... theme. Maybe some type of bird or Rika from Higurashi.

Here are some, but I can look for others. I have some more rika, but they are aren't really avatar size...
1286754316096.png 1331207424581.jpg 1297229297502.jpg
1287627057373.jpg rika.gif higurashi45.gif 1279445871110.gif
222415jb3.jpg ___my_sweet_dark_raven____by_GothikFox.jpg bandjobmcmb.jpg
vogelrokelfwood0803.jpg Hawk_eye.jpg
Owl_trans.png COSMICOWL.jpg

Edited by Mournblade, 08 March 2012 - 04:23 PM.

#23 Elric


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 06:35 PM

Thanks, I saved several of them.

So I was wondering, it is 9 arrows for chaos, and how many for law?

I like Voltaire, I think John Locke is a little bit overused. (especially in debates).

How are you liking The Binding of Isaac?
Would you recommend it?

Ever watched Donnie Darko? It has some time travel in it. Wormholes.

Most confusing movie you watched but thought was great?




#24 Zok



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Posted 08 March 2012 - 08:13 PM

So what do you think about Laissez-faire Capitalism? (Google it, it's a type of capitalism.) Do you drink coffee? Is Larry a figment of your imagination? Have you walked the streets of depravity? What do you think about Nicki Minaj? Are you tired of peaceful protests? If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would be three things that you keep? Do you think Pearl Harbor was a conspiracy? Why do they hate us so? What do you think about the number 666? Are you generally an efficient person? Do you try to think positively? Is Larry a demon, poltergeist, or spirit? What does Larry say to you when you're hungry? Do you exercise? Do you like the smell of ionized air?

#25 Xiombarg


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Posted 09 March 2012 - 08:11 PM

Thanks, I saved several of them.

So I was wondering, it is 9 arrows for chaos, and how many for law?

I like Voltaire, I think John Locke is a little bit overused. (especially in debates).

How are you liking The Binding of Isaac?
Would you recommend it?

Ever watched Donnie Darko? It has some time travel in it. Wormholes.

Most confusing movie you watched but thought was great?

The chaos symbol has 8 arrows that flow off in each direction. The symbol of Law is a singular arrow.

I personally like Locke, but not nearly as much as Rousseau. I am talking about their ideas of the social contract, though.

The Binding of Isaac is a fun game. I have almost all the achievements for it, so it is getting a little boring from time to time. But it will be interesting with the upcoming update.
I would recommend it if you can overcome challenge.

That movie is actually on my list to watch.

One of the most confusing movies I have watched was Primer. It is a time traveling movie, where you don't understand the plot. The movie gets really convoluted because of how time traveling works, someone brings a time machine into a time machine, and the dialogue isn't great. The movie isn't great, but it's clever and you can enjoy it if you can understand it. Most people don't get it even after the forth time watching it, so there are diagrams and the storyline online.

So what do you think about Laissez-faire Capitalism? (Google it, it's a type of capitalism.) Do you drink coffee? Is Larry a figment of your imagination? Have you walked the streets of depravity? What do you think about Nicki Minaj? Are you tired of peaceful protests? If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would be three things that you keep? Do you think Pearl Harbor was a conspiracy? Why do they hate us so? What do you think about the number 666? Are you generally an efficient person? Do you try to think positively? Is Larry a demon, poltergeist, or spirit? What does Larry say to you when you're hungry? Do you exercise? Do you like the smell of ionized air?

I already told you what I think of capitalism. I don't think it will work, even in a Laissez-faire manner. The government exists to serve the people, so under our system, it should be managed by the government. This is all assuming that our government isn't corrupt and capitalism works. But this isn't an ideal world the government is flawed and capitalism is bound to fail.

I don't drink coffee, but I drink tea.

No, Larry is not a figment of my imagination. He is a manifestation of my darker thoughts and is brought to life through my imagination. It is a difficult process to create an alternate personality or being, but it can be done. Larry is limited, of course, and is nothing more of a manifestation for now.

If you are speaking physically, no I have not. If you are speaking metaphorically, then it depends on how others view me. Morals are subjective and my actions can be interpreted differently by other people. I have been there, but I have yet to know if I have ever truly walked the streets myself.

I know very little about her and I don't really care what she does.

Not, I am not tired of peaceful protests. I wont be tired of protests as it shows that some people can still think for themselves and choose to disagree with the government. I have conflicting ideas about violent protests, but I feel that they should be considered. A violent protest is more likely to work than a peaceful one, but the outcome will always generate more violence.

I would keep my mind, my creativity, and a book.

It depends on your definition of conspiracy.

An enigmatic question deserves an enigmatic answer. It is because the dark ones will rise from the oceans of uncertainty.

666 is an interesting number, but its meaning is subject to how people see it. To me, it represents 3 consecutive lucky rolls of the dice.

It depends on what you consider efficiency. I can be efficient, but it depends on what.

I don't think positively. I think more abstractly and sometimes chaotic manner.

Larry is a demon. That is the idea he took on and has made into his own. Not the religious demon, but the embodiment of every single idea of demons, fear, and hidden darkness.

What would I bother saying? It doesn't matter if he is hungry.

I used to Jog and run every few days. Recently, my allergies have been too bad to go out like this.

I don't know. Sometimes I have to currently be experiencing something to remember how I feel.

#26 Zok



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Posted 10 March 2012 - 12:14 AM

Did you know that the word 'Shakespeare' has alternate spellings?

If Larry is a manifestation of your darker/choatic thoughts, why don't you have a manifestation of your brighter, optimistic/hopeful thoughts?

Do you know what 'heavy' water is?

Are you pathetic?

If you could go back to the past and change one thing, what would it be?

Do you believe that choas can lead to order?

Do you believe in universe decreasing entropy?

Is entropy your friend as much as choas?

What does Larry think when you're hungry?

What does Larry think about entropy?

What does Larry think about imaginary friends? (No, I'm not insinuating anything. Just curious.)

Is Larry part of your DNA?

If you had a choice between pork and beans, what would you pick?

If Larry types in red font and you type in black font, who types in white font?

Is reality subjective?

Can you smell fear or courage?

Do you wear deodorant?

Does Larry wear deodorant?

#27 Elric


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Posted 10 March 2012 - 08:23 PM

Favorite Piece of Literature?

Favorite writing by Charles Dickens?




#28 Xiombarg


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:53 PM

Did you know that the word 'Shakespeare' has alternate spellings?

If Larry is a manifestation of your darker/choatic thoughts, why don't you have a manifestation of your brighter, optimistic/hopeful thoughts?

Do you know what 'heavy' water is?

Are you pathetic?

If you could go back to the past and change one thing, what would it be?

Do you believe that choas can lead to order?

Do you believe in universe decreasing entropy?

Is entropy your friend as much as choas?

What does Larry think when you're hungry?

What does Larry think about entropy?

What does Larry think about imaginary friends? (No, I'm not insinuating anything. Just curious.)

Is Larry part of your DNA?

If you had a choice between pork and beans, what would you pick?

If Larry types in red font and you type in black font, who types in white font?

Is reality subjective?

Can you smell fear or courage?

Do you wear deodorant?

Does Larry wear deodorant?

I did.

That manifestation may exist, but Larry's nature was latched onto the idea of a demon. Because of this mix, Larry came to be. A manisfestation of positive thoughts has little to latch onto other than my current self, as Larry is separate. I don't exist as a dichotomy, anyways, so a positive manifestation doesn't need to exist.

With a simple search on Google, I know what heavy water is.

It depends on who sees me as pathetic. I might say otherwise, but it depends on how others see me.

I would rather not go back in time. I have plans and ideas, but my past self may not be so fond of these ideas. I have an issue with multiple versions of myself existing and the possibility of losing myself.

Chaos cannot directly lead to order. It takes a roundabout method to do so, and even then, most people don't like to switch so easy. But chaos can lead to order depending on its use.

From what I heard, the leading theory is that the universe is going towards maximum entropy. I unsure of the matter, as entropy can have several meanings, whether it be scientific or metaphorical.

I wouldn't say that entropy is my friend. It's an interesting concept, but it differs from chaos. Entropy may be self destructive whereas chaos is not.

I could care less when this fool is hungry. It doesn't matter to me.

Oh, so now this thread is focused on me? Well, fine, I'll entertain you for now. Entropy is tiring concept because of its relation to science. I could honestly not care about the laws of thermodynamics, they don't apply to me anyways. As for the other concept of energy transfer, it's a rather simple idea. The concept isn't too difficult to grasp. As long as energy and thoughts exist, they create and flow into other things. It is essentially limitless if used correctly.

Imaginary friends are the result of the mind creating another existence. It doesn't matter if it exists or not, as it exists subjectively. Consider it in the sense of multiple personalty disorder, the mind can host more than one personality or mind. A person can project that existence to an object, and as long as they exist, they exist. With New Age religions and Magick religions, they like to consider these existences as real outside existences that physically manifest. It's somewhat childish, if you ask me, but they don't dismiss it as imaginary.

No, I am not a part of his DNA. I am a manifestation brought to life by the mind. I have yet to obtain a physical body, so I am in an advanced form of existence.

I don't like beans, so Pork.

I like to type in orange font, but I stick with black. I actually go back and change to colour to make it easier to distinguish ideas.

As I have said before, I see some aspects of reality being subjective. The easiest form of using logic for this is by using the logic I think therefore I am. This proves my existence and nothing else. Taken to an extreme, this leads to solipsism, a form of subjectivity. All forms of logic trying to account for an objective reality fall short and have never been proven. Science requires the the assumption that not only does a form of objective reality exist, but so do space and time. Only logic and philosophy can prove a physical reality, and it has never been proven. I like to think about these topics a lot, but not to an extreme way of living.
In the words of Conan the Barbarian; "I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom's realm of ice and cloud, or the snowy plains and vaulted halls of the Nordheimer's Valhalla. I know not, nor do I care. Let me live deep while I live; let me know the rich juices of red meat and stinging wine on my palate, the hot embrace of white arms, the mad exultation of battle when the blue blades flame and crimson, and I am content. Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content."
-Queen of the Black Coast

I cannot smell fear nor courage, but I can recognize such traits.

I wear sandalwood deodorant, to be exact.

I can only make assumptions. It seems he is asleep right now. In the stories I wrote about him, his form took on what it needed to, so if he needed deodorant, he would have it.

Favorite Piece of Literature?

Favorite writing by Charles Dickens?

It may seem odd, but the idea of the dragon is my favorite form, but that may not count. So Elric of Melnibone would be my favorite. It may not be my true favorite, but it is what caused me to begin thinking on my own. My other favorites are The Raven, Higurashi, Magnu (it's a song), and Carl Sagan's excerpt from A Pale Blue Dot.

I haven't read much of Dickins, as I am more acquainted with Poe.

I leave this now with the except from A Pale Blue Dot

"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.
It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."
-- Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot, 1994

Edited by Mournblade, 15 March 2012 - 09:54 PM.

#29 Elric


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 06:03 PM

Hey Larry, what would you say your ultimate goal is when you gain a physical form?

Do you have the ability to change hosts?




#30 Zok



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Posted 17 March 2012 - 08:10 AM


"...I could care less when this fool is hungry. It doesn't matter to me..."

Why does Larry type in dark red font and not some other cool font like luscious green?
Did you miss this question?
Do you think that daylight savings time is obsolete?

Do you know of any cool conspiracy theories?

Can you find the hidden meaning of this question? ^

Would you eat cold lard?

Do you ever have feelings of euphoria?

Does it make sense to have zero "anonymous" users?

How many questions have I asked so far?

Have you ever hurt someone's feelings?

If you could choose between a banana, an apple, a grape, or a radish, which would you choose? Considering taste? Considering health benefits? Considering philosophy? Considering Larry's choice?

Have you ever been shunned by a person who you thought was a friend?

What do you think about the filibuster rule?

What's your favorite pizza topping?

What do you do when your hungry but can't decide what you want to eat?

Do you wish space-time would unravel so you could find out how they make Dr. Pepper (and other top secret soft drinks)?

Do you think Larry could be a clown?

What would Larry do if forced to eat a Klondike bar?

Does Larry think underwear is a side effect?

#31 Elric


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Posted 26 March 2012 - 06:21 PM

Oh, I have a question.

You said something about in the sexual orientation that you weren't really asexual anymore, so does that mean you've liked a girl before?

Also, any recommendations on what animal I should draw next? I just drew a lion.




#32 Xiombarg


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Posted 26 March 2012 - 07:27 PM

Eh... I'm not going to take my time with all of this...

Hey Larry, what would you say your ultimate goal is when you gain a physical form?

Do you have the ability to change hosts?

Larry doesn't really have a goal. He lives his life in ways so he does not get bored, an eternity may seem like torture for other beings, but he has found a way to surpass such boredom.

Larry does indeed have that ability.

Why does Larry type in dark red font and not some other cool font like luscious green?
Did you miss this question?
Do you think that daylight savings time is obsolete?

Do you know of any cool conspiracy theories?

Can you find the hidden meaning of this question? ^

Would you eat cold lard?

Do you ever have feelings of euphoria?

Does it make sense to have zero "anonymous" users?

How many questions have I asked so far?

Have you ever hurt someone's feelings?

If you could choose between a banana, an apple, a grape, or a radish, which would you choose? Considering taste? Considering health benefits? Considering philosophy? Considering Larry's choice?

Have you ever been shunned by a person who you thought was a friend?

What do you think about the filibuster rule?

What's your favorite pizza topping?

What do you do when your hungry but can't decide what you want to eat?

Do you wish space-time would unravel so you could find out how they make Dr. Pepper (and other top secret soft drinks)?

Do you think Larry could be a clown?

What would Larry do if forced to eat a Klondike bar?

Does Larry think underwear is a side effect?

Larry doesn't type in red, I go back and change it to a dark red. I chose it that way because it is similar to black text.
I function on my own sense of time. It doesn't really matter to me how time is measured as the way in which we measure it is subjective. All time is, is the succession of events.

I know many conspiracy theories. Give me a category and I could write all about it.

I could, but it wouldn't be hidden afterwards...

I would eat cold lard if I needed to. I wouldn't eat it just to eat it.

I do. I need to be in a certain state of mind to trigger the feelings or eat/smell something specific.

Anonymity is more of an idea, if you take on a profile or name, you are no longer anonymous, as your actions can be followed or tracked.

I haven't been keeping track, seems more suiting for the job of an accountant and not a Sorcerer.

I have and probably will in the future. There are two people of which I know who I have hurt their feelings.

I would have to choose a grape because I feel somewhat sick. Taste-wise, I would choose an apple. For health benefits, the banana. Philosophically, the radish, because radishes are cool. Larry's choice would probably be the apple.

I have, but it didn't last.

I am not sure what to think of the filibuster rule at this hour of night.

My favorite pizza topping is cheese.

When I don't know what to eat, I either eat something bland, like bread or crackers, or I don't eat.

I have no interest in Dr. Pepper and secret drinks, I would be interesting in seeing how space-time works in the unravel.

Larry could be a clown if it made the situation more fun. But knowing him, probably not.

Larry is never forced to do anything.

Neither of us understand that question.

Oh, I have a question.

You said something about in the sexual orientation that you weren't really asexual anymore, so does that mean you've liked a girl before?

Also, any recommendations on what animal I should draw next? I just drew a lion.

I have. More than once.

I'm not sure... Maybe a panther, or a rose.

#33 Brian6330


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Posted 26 March 2012 - 07:33 PM

Think I should do a "Guide to Pwning for Realm of the Mad God" on my site? (How to be good at the game and all that stuff)

#34 Elric


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Posted 28 March 2012 - 03:21 PM

Do you like having battles of logic?




#35 Brian6330


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Posted 28 March 2012 - 03:27 PM

Are you gonna post in the RP on my site again?
This site yours? http://www.mournblade.me.uk/

#36 Xiombarg


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Posted 28 March 2012 - 04:08 PM

Think I should do a "Guide to Pwning for Realm of the Mad God" on my site? (How to be good at the game and all that stuff)

Maybe. If you gotten the main idea of things and can explain them, then it may be a good idea.

Do you like having battles of logic?

Yes, but not too many people truly understand the battles or the concepts they argue with.

Are you gonna post in the RP on my site again?
This site yours? http://www.mournblade.me.uk/

Yes, but I don't really have too much to do with my character. nl is consistently grounded, so if I have to, I will make my character have a major role.

Nope, it's not.

#37 Zok



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Posted 30 March 2012 - 05:34 PM

What is your first impression of people who tlk lik dis?

Have you ever been annoyed, realized that it was actually cool, and then became annoyed again?

Does Larry have an 'imagination'?

Do you wish that you could stand beside yourself and see your thoughts from 3rd person?

(Questions 5-10) If you could choose: cucumber, banana, tomato, or strawberries...

Which would you choose (first impression)?

Which would your girlfriend choose (if you had one)?

Which would you choose for hand-to-hand combat with a grape?

Which would you choose to eat if it was the last thing you ate before falling asleep at night?

Which would you ignore if you could?

Does Larry have a Larry inside him?

Are onions the only thing that can make men cry?

What is your general opinion on fried ice cream?

Do you ever try to make yourself have confidence?

Do you like balls of light or balls of darkness?

Would you eat a klondike bar over pickled pigs' feet?

Does Larry have a gender?

Are all Laws of Physics absolute?

What happened to common sense?

If you could meet anyone, who would it be?

If you could date anyone, knowing the Kardashian sisters would be with you and your date, gossiping the whole time, who would you pick?

Choose one: red, hatred, silence, screaming, or Clown faces?

Which one from the above question would Larry choose?

Are you fed up with the prospect of failing?

If you could guess, would you choose A, B, C, or D?

"So, I heard you like mudpies." First reaction to this sentence?

Dihydrogen monoxide... Do you know what chemical this is? Would you drink it if necessary?

Do you ever feel good?

Are you in favor of self-driving cars?

Would you drive on the left or right side of the street if you had a choice?

Would you consider yourself old?

Use two words to describe what you did two hours ago?

What do you think about this smiley? #^-^# Would it be a good idea to post this somewhere?

Are you... you? Are you sure?

Is Larry a fake reality?

Is Larry a realistic fake?

What is Larry's opinion on dressing up as a clown?

Are you more angry or distraught when life doesn't go as you plan?

Do you think that too much mustard is a bad thing?

Guess how long it took me to come up with all these questions?

Do you like numbered questions?

Do you think safety scissors could be dangerous?

What do you think about corporal punishment?

Do like to brush your teeth?

Does Larry like questions?

Why would Larry choose an apple out of the choices? (in my previous post)?

Do you eat ice cream?

Have you ever been on a diet?

What's the most ugly thing you've ever seen?

What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten?

Does Larry have thoughts?

If you could throw a rock outside the universe, where would it land?

#38 Nollog


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Posted 31 March 2013 - 12:30 PM

Mournblade, how do I shoot web if I'm not spider-man?

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#39 Xiombarg


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Posted 31 March 2013 - 01:06 PM

Mournblade, how do I shoot web if I'm not spider-man?

It has been a long time since I have last seen this thread, I don't really feel like keeping up with it now, though....


For my last answer:

If you're not spider-man, you can still shoot web.  He uses gadgets and gizmos for his web, so you can too, you just need something like the Triple Action Web blaster and quite a bit of knowledge in chemistry to make the web.

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