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#21 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 07:30 PM

Why would you believe anonymous developers when actual big named developers came up and contradicted these two "sources".


#22 Blake



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 07:38 PM

While a console with good graphics is nice, graphics don't decide anything about the quality of the game. At all.

#23 Rasvita



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:00 PM

HEY! HEY! GUESS WHAT EVERYPONY! I totally just heard from my inside source that, like, the Wii U actually is all like not totally a next generation console and then my source was all like Nintendo is in sooooooooooooooo much troubles now.

This is all totally true because, like, my inside source totally told me so. I can't believe Nintendos would do this to me. AARRRRGGGGHHH!! Everything is just so terribles. I feel so let down now.
In case anyone was wondering, my source is my imaginary friend, Squish2 the robot.
I totally expect everyone to start spreading this to all the major video game news sites as the incredibly believable fact that it is.

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#24 darkdaysx1



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:09 PM

this is what im scared of GamesIndustry reported that a number of anonymous developers said that Wii U does not have the graphical horsepower to compete with current generation console Xbox 360 and PS3, despite being able to output video in HD format. One reason is that Wii U doesn't have as many shaders, it is not as capable, overall it can't quite keep up to the same level as PS3 or 360. Another concern is that only one tablet controller can be active and it must be within certain distance to the console, which means multiple players on the same console must use non-tablet controller and leading to different experience. Another developer suggests that PS3 and PS Vita can do what the Wii U and tablet controller can do already

#25 Blake



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:31 PM

HEY! HEY! GUESS WHAT EVERYPONY! I totally just heard from my inside source that, like, the Wii U actually is all like not totally a next generation console and then my source was all like Nintendo is in sooooooooooooooo much troubles now.

This is all totally true because, like, my inside source totally told me so. I can't believe Nintendos would do this to me. AARRRRGGGGHHH!! Everything is just so terribles. I feel so let down now.
In case anyone was wondering, my source is my imaginary friend, Squish2 the robot.
I totally expect everyone to start spreading this to all the major video game news sites as the incredibly believable fact that it is.

I also gots a source that said that the ve you will only support wii motes so believe me now plz

#26 Reaper Pin

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:37 PM

this is what im scared of GamesIndustry reported that a number of anonymous developers said that Wii U does not have the graphical horsepower to compete with current generation console Xbox 360 and PS3, despite being able to output video in HD format. One reason is that Wii U doesn't have as many shaders, it is not as capable, overall it can't quite keep up to the same level as PS3 or 360. Another concern is that only one tablet controller can be active and it must be within certain distance to the console, which means multiple players on the same console must use non-tablet controller and leading to different experience. Another developer suggests that PS3 and PS Vita can do what the Wii U and tablet controller can do already


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#27 darkdaysx1



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:46 PM

ok man fun stuff but im going to bed cya all later

#28 Reaper Pin

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:48 PM

ok man fun stuff but im going to bed cya all later

Ok, man, in all seriousness.
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#29 Blasty



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Posted 04 April 2012 - 01:58 AM

I had an urge to respond sarcastically but I'll just say this: Do NOT believe any rumors like that.
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#30 BazzDropperz


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 02:19 AM

All I'm going to say is don't believe everything you read on the internet. I can't really fathom why you'd believe an obviously fabricated rumor from a random guy that hasn't earned himself any amount of reputation. For Pete's sake, it's a rumor from an anonymous guy "quoting" two anonymous sources - if that doesn't get you suspicious, what will? Don't you think that if this rumor was true the developers would talk to a well known site like IGN?

#31 AMAC



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Posted 04 April 2012 - 04:20 AM

As Ninjashock said, don't believe everything you see on the Internet. Most developers so far have been very impressed with the Wii U. Besides, it's too early for us to really know the capabilities of the Wii U and to start complaining that we've been failed by Nintnedo. Finally, this claim about the console's power is already being discussed in another thread, so I'm locking this one.


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