>New Xeno-something game. It could just be that they rated Xenoblade, but I hold onto hope.
>GTA V has an M rating on Wii U.
>Elite Beat Agents is apparently in the works for Wii U, but it was pitched to me strangely. The word compilation was used, so it might just be a part of a Wario title.
>The reason why FF13 versus is taking so long? Wii U title, rated T.
>Another Harvest Moon is coming, I think to Wii U.
>Some Ninja game for Wii U, not Ninja Gaiden, something like Broken Ninja, but that wasn't the title.
>The digest trailer has been edited, now features less Smash Brothers and more third party titles in particular grabbing for time was Blizzard with D3 and WoW HD, but that could have just been an in-universe thing ala Starcraft Ghost.
>A new Custom Robo game has been pitched for preliminary ratings
>Kojima's MGS5 is apparently going to be a crossplatform title
The Xeno game was apparently confirmed as some kind of Xenoblade remake, but I don't know if that means just a HD edition like Sony does with their games, or a literal full remake on Wii U hardware.
Again, don't get yourself too hyped up by this. But some of it sounds very possible anyway, like GTA5, FF13V and Harvest Moon.
Edited by Deadly Virus, 16 April 2012 - 11:03 PM.