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What do you want from the Wii U Graphically?

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#1 10k


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Posted 19 April 2012 - 01:37 PM

I am in no way a graphics whore but playing some games on the PC after owning their console counter parts (I owned Mass Effect 1 & 2 for Xbox 360 before selling them and buying them for PC) shows a HUGE difference. Today's best looking console games are arguably God of War III, Uncharted trilogy, Mass Effect Trilogy, and the Final Fantasy XIII games (on the PS3). They all run at 1280x720 at 2xMSAA and 30fps with textures ranging from 512x512 to 1024x1024.

On the PC, I run games at:
1920x1080p, 8xMSAA, 60fps, and textures ranging from 2048x2048 to 4096x4096 with 4xAF.

I have a GTX 295 with 1.8GB of VRAM and 6GB of RAM (no game has gone above 4GB for me) and a quad core CPU. (2009 tech)

If the Wii U's GPU is based off of the RV700 architecture, than it is based off of 2009 GPU tech. The same tech that I use in my cpu that is able to run close to the above specs.

If the Wii U is rumored to have a tri-core cpu with a 2009 gpu that had about 1gb vram and 1.5gb of RAM (Nintendo likes the GPU and CPU to share RAM, so let's assume it has 1.5GB of VRAM as well) then it should be able to run games at these settings:

1080p, 60 fps, 2xMSAA for more photo-realistic games (Zelda, Pikmin, CoD, Battlefield, etc.) and 4xMSAA for the less graphical intense games (NSMBMii, Mario, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, etc.) with texture resolutions of 1024x1024 for faces and 2048x2048 for body armour and such.

Basically all I want from next-gen and Wii U specifically is:

Double the resolution of textures

Games like Uncharted 3 should be the bare minimum of next gen games, not the standard.

My only concern is when reading off of NeoGaf, it is said that because of the streaming of the controller the Wii U loses alot of graphical capability. Current devkits are able to run 720p on the tv, and 480p on the controller(s). 720p sucks if you got a 1080p tv that is above 36" or so like me. Aliasing is a lot more noticable and higher AA is needed. But according to this article, http://www.nintendo-...le-dont-detect/ , Nintendo knows that most HDTV's in households right now are mostly 720p and they might not want to have every game run at 1080p so they will spend less on the GPU. Much like how the Wii left out HD capability because only 2% of households in 2006 had an HDTV.

So what are your guy's expecations of the Wii U's graphical capabilities and what do you want from it? Use my format:

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#2 Dragon



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 02:02 PM

I hope for these to be true:

True 1080p
High-res textures

Money isn't a problem. At least for me. I will be willing to blow $600 on the Wii U.

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#3 Plutonas



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 02:06 PM

no way to give u 60 fps.. not even sli or crossfire plays stable 60 fps in the pc... A small example is metro games or "the witcher" a bit heavy games..

in console is good to have 30-45 no more than that needed actually.. But better than 2aa 2af.. 4 is the ideal.. no more than that needed even in pc...

games like world of warcraft (if they come to wii U), surely they will ahve 60 fps.. My graphic card gives me 128-175...lol depends the game.. (Even though.. I think consoles dont use that... aa af, etc.. ) they have their own stuff.. directly hardware.

Edited by Orion, 19 April 2012 - 02:13 PM.

#4 Rasvita



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 02:17 PM

I expect to see graphics that are better than the Wii and approximately similar to what the Zelda demo was. I refuse to have any greater expectations to prevent any disappointment.

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#5 Crackkat



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 02:21 PM

i know for sure the system can do better, but im satisfied with the zelda demo. that was gorgeous
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#6 Hank Hill

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 02:25 PM

To be able to play games.



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#7 10k


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Posted 19 April 2012 - 02:51 PM

i know for sure the system can do better, but im satisfied with the zelda demo. that was gorgeous

the Zelda demo was just missing some AA. Bt the lighting and textures were gorgeous. I don;t know if it ran at 720p or 1080p or at 30fps or 60fps. I would be happy with the Zelda demo with AA and 60fps.

EDIT: http://www.eurogamer...-vs-e3-nintendo
After doing some research I found that the demo was run at 720p, 30 fps, and no AA. It was rushed and done on the second dev kit (there is a fifth version now and close to final one at that). I imagine an actual HD Zelda running at 720p, 4xAA and 60fps or 1080p, 2xAA and 30fps. Zelda doesn't need 60fps, it's not really a reaction-based game like a shooter so I would sacrifice the fps for 1080p goodness :)

no way to give u 60 fps.. not even sli or crossfire plays stable 60 fps in the pc... A small example is metro games or "the witcher" a bit heavy games..

in console is good to have 30-45 no more than that needed actually.. But better than 2aa 2af.. 4 is the ideal.. no more than that needed even in pc...

games like world of warcraft (if they come to wii U), surely they will ahve 60 fps.. My graphic card gives me 128-175...lol depends the game.. (Even though.. I think consoles dont use that... aa af, etc.. ) they have their own stuff.. directly hardware.

umm, i run all my games at 60fps on my PC. What graphics card do you have? My GTX 295 runs almost all games at 60fps except for Crysis and Battlefield (it gets around 35ish).

Edited by 10k, 19 April 2012 - 02:50 PM.

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#8 KgGamesXL



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 03:05 PM

All i'm hoping for graphics wise is full HD 1080p and 60 fps and 4xAA or at least 2xAA for all games on the Wii U not just the small games.

#9 Gnomishek



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 03:12 PM

It would be gtreat if the Wii U supported such nice things as tesselation.

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#10 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 03:25 PM

Plain and simple powerful enough to run next gen engines so they can get third party mulitiplatform games next gen.

#11 Happy Monk

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 03:40 PM

Plain and simple powerful enough to run next gen engines so they can get third party mulitiplatform games next gen.

Good answer. But some of you are forgetting something, by true 1080p, what do you mean? do you mean that you want games with 360 style graphics running at 1080p?or do you mean that you want games that WILL require a fair amount more power to always run at 1080p, because that's surely impossible. It would be killer if it could do current gen graphics in 1080p, but I highly doubt that all games made for the Wii U will run at 1080p, less graphically intensive ones hopefully will though.
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#12 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 19 April 2012 - 03:49 PM

Something that can at least give us the sumaritan demo! PLEASE! And hopefully we can see what it's full potential is at E3. And if I am correct then the Zelda demo is probably the least that the Wii U can do because it wasnt even 1080p. So I am guessing we are going to see allot more.

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#13 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 03:56 PM

The sumaritan demo is confirmed it unreal 3 now unreal 4 is another question. Even the ceo of epic said the Wii U can run the sumaritan demo.

#14 10k


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Posted 19 April 2012 - 04:44 PM

Something that can at least give us the sumaritan demo! PLEASE! And hopefully we can see what it's full potential is at E3. And if I am correct then the Zelda demo is probably the least that the Wii U can do because it wasnt even 1080p. So I am guessing we are going to see allot more.

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To run the Samaritan Demo you need at least a 1.1TFLOP GPU (keep in mind the samaritan demo is not optimized yet, so we could see it require less FLOPS or see the 720p version increase its fps from 30 to 60).

Some examples of GPU's that could run the Samaritan at 720p and support some light touchscreen actions at 480p (freeing up resources for the GPU by not having too many graphical item's on Wii U's touchscreen) would be:
GTX 285 1.0TFLOPS.

Note: I am not including dual-gpu cards because consoles will never have them due to heat and power draw and size.

The RV700 series of GPU's are around 0.76 to 1.2TFLOPS (Radeon 4730-4870) The rumored 4870 would support the Samaritan demo at 720p and 30 fps, but nintendo will get a customized one with lower power draw, heat emissions, and DirectX 11 and OpenGL support.

Xbox 720's rumored GPU of the Radeon 6670 is only 0.79 TFLOPs and could not run the samaritan demo at all. That sounds awesome for Nintendo but take all the rumored specs with a grain of salt.

Just for fun, let's see which single card GPU's can run the Samaritan demo at a full 1080p 30fps. (2.5TFLOPS)

Radeon 5870 (2.7TFLOPS)
Radeon 6970 (2.7TFLOPS)
Radeon 7870 (2.5TFLOPS)
Radeon 7950 (2.9TFLOPS)
Radeon 7970 (3.8TFLOPS) what a beast.
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#15 Nin_Stream


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Posted 19 April 2012 - 05:41 PM

Just what I saw from the Zelda HD Demo. Nothing more. Its already amazing.
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#16 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 06:15 PM

Amazing graphics with huge enviroments, also able to compete with next gen.
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#17 Nin_Stream


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Posted 19 April 2012 - 06:42 PM

ALL WII U GAMES WILL BE AT 1080p. That only took 10% of the systems energy to maintain. And that was last years Wii U by know its even better.

Good answer. But some of you are forgetting something, by true 1080p, what do you mean? do you mean that you want games with 360 style graphics running at 1080p?or do you mean that you want games that WILL require a fair amount more power to always run at 1080p, because that's surely impossible. It would be killer if it could do current gen graphics in 1080p, but I highly doubt that all games made for the Wii U will run at 1080p, less graphically intensive ones hopefully will though.

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#18 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 19 April 2012 - 07:16 PM

Remember its neogaf . So probably bs , also reggie fils aime said it does full hd 1080 p right out of the box . Im hoping for tessalation , bump mapping , dx 11 type capabilities , 60 fps on all games .


#19 Keviin



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 10:27 PM

Well, a developer said they got it working like the power of a high end pc and I'm not asking more than that.
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#20 Plutonas



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 10:36 PM

umm, i run all my games at 60fps on my PC. What graphics card do you have? My GTX 295 runs almost all games at 60fps except for Crysis and Battlefield (it gets around 35ish).

295? my card is gtx480... for me skyrim is about 55-70fps.. crisis 2 is about 60-70 fps.. the witcher 2 is playable but at the last boss (the dragon) its unplayable at all maxed out... I always play my games all maxed.. metro 2035 is about 17-35 or 40.. battlefield 3 runs at 28-48 all maxed... if I remove the blur effect, I earn +15fps .. I use fraps to check the fps..

Edited by Orion, 19 April 2012 - 10:37 PM.

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