Posted 24 April 2012 - 08:10 AM
It's the new fiscal year, there focus is 99% Wii U, that's their aim and that's what they should talk about or say a bit about. They should at least mention some service plans, how services tie in to their new online system. Explain how the rumoured apps will run, what direction Nintendo will move in this year. They will talk about successes in this last quarter such as KH3D, Theatrerythm, 25th April System update and success of Nintendo Direct. They will say something like you will expect to hear from third parties about the Wii U (meaning lift of NDA). Not too much will be given I believe, however I do find that the NDA ends on 26th April, GTTV has games to announced on the 27th and that the next CoD is to be announced on May 1st. There will be information, they talked about Nintendo Network and NFC, I expect them to expand on this. Also I am calling it now, Nintendo's E3 conference will be called Nintendo Direct at E3.