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The Other Videos of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

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#1 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 27 April 2012 - 02:08 PM

I wanted to show you guys the other two videos of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. They talk about the levels, how the game works and the characters. There is a third video, but I can only post two.


Edited by Cerberuz, 29 April 2012 - 09:20 PM.


#2 Andros



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 02:10 PM

I'm here to save the day. Here is the third video.


Edited by Superman, 27 April 2012 - 02:11 PM.

#3 nintendo3DS


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Posted 27 April 2012 - 02:34 PM

The looks, sounds, and gameplay seem EXACTLY like Super Smash Bros.

#4 Xiombarg


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Posted 27 April 2012 - 02:51 PM

The looks, sounds, and gameplay seem EXACTLY like Super Smash Bros.

Stop raging. So a game cannot have a similar engine anymore?
I would get crap for saying Modern Warfare and Battlefield are the same, when they are.

#5 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 27 April 2012 - 03:39 PM

I think of it like this, the game us actually saying SSB us a great series and is willing to challenge it. This could be good as certain things this game does right, wrong or have potential can be used for SSB Wii U and 3DS.
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#6 Jakester897



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 03:50 PM

Wait, about the second video...
What's the point of fighting if your main objective is to collect AP? I understand perhaps knocking opponents away, but there were fights without any orbs on screen!

I feel like they tried to be too unique and created a broken system.
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#7 Crackkat



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 04:05 PM

this looks sooo similar it could have been a fan made mod!! its ridiculously similar, i really didnt think they would make it this close, i thought they would make a different fighting game that took the idea of putting all franchises together, i didnt expect a mod that replaced nintendo characters with sony and third party ones.

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#8 Deadly Virus

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Posted 27 April 2012 - 04:15 PM

C'mon guys, it's ripping off SMASH BROS here. That alone will make it an absolutely brilliant game.

Besides, it gives us something to play while we wait for SSB4, assuming most of us have PS3s. ^_^

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#9 nintendo3DS


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Posted 28 April 2012 - 09:33 AM

Stop raging. So a game cannot have a similar engine anymore?
I would get crap for saying Modern Warfare and Battlefield are the same, when they are.

Modern Warfare and Battlefield are not the same.
Their gameplay and everything is entirely different from each other.
Don't even speak up if you don't know what you're talking about.

Edited by nintendo3DS, 28 April 2012 - 09:33 AM.

#10 Xiombarg


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Posted 28 April 2012 - 09:49 AM

Modern Warfare and Battlefield are not the same.
Their gameplay and everything is entirely different from each other.
Don't even speak up if you don't know what you're talking about.

They're exactly the same, don't deny it.

#11 Chinomanila


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Posted 28 April 2012 - 05:17 PM

PlayStation All-Star Battle Royal aka Super Smash Bros with walls. I will add it does look pretty fun, nothing close to Smash Bros though.

Edited by Chinomanila, 28 April 2012 - 05:19 PM.

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#12 nintendo3DS


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Posted 29 April 2012 - 10:45 AM

They're exactly the same, don't deny it.

I am not denying it.
They both play entirely different. If you actually played them, you would know.
I think all JRPGs are the same. But they aren't, right?

#13 Xiombarg


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Posted 29 April 2012 - 11:07 AM

I am not denying it.
They both play entirely different. If you actually played them, you would know.
I think all JRPGs are the same. But they aren't, right?

And the same could be said of the upcoming Sony game. I can point out your hypocrisy with the modern warfare and battlefield games, both games which are war FPS games where they look exactly the same and play the same from an observer. I'll call them clones of each other and third party knock offs of Halo while you call the Sony game a rip off of SSB.

#14 nintendo3DS


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Posted 29 April 2012 - 11:15 AM

And the same could be said of the upcoming Sony game. I can point out your hypocrisy with the modern warfare and battlefield games, both games which are war FPS games where they look exactly the same and play the same from an observer. I'll call them clones of each other and third party knock offs of Halo while you call the Sony game a rip off of SSB.

My reaction to your post.
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#15 Xiombarg


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Posted 29 April 2012 - 11:50 AM

My reaction to your post.
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Care to prove your own logic, then?
You're calling the new Sony game a rip off of SSB because the graphics seem similar, it plays similar, and it has a similar engine.
I can to the same with Modern Warfare and Battlefield by calling them clones. They look the same, run off the same FPS engine, and play very similar.
Neither of us have played the game, so you passed your judgement on sony without keeping an open mind while I passed my judgement of the FPSs because they follow the same formula (run around aimlessly while spraying bullets everywhere in a warzone).

#16 Elric


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Posted 29 April 2012 - 12:17 PM

I am not denying it.
They both play entirely different. If you actually played them, you would know.
I think all JRPGs are the same. But they aren't, right?

Battlefield and Modern Warfare are very similar in gameplay.
I've played both of them.

The only real difference is that you can control vehicles. But yea, same thing. You take cover and shoot enemies.

Another thing, games like smash bros have already been made. I remember there was a ninja turtle one and a digimon one. It's really no big deal. The formula is still fun.

Also, there is no need to get hostile here.

Edited by Elric, 29 April 2012 - 12:25 PM.




#17 Stephen



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Posted 29 April 2012 - 12:28 PM

Care to prove your own logic, then?
You're calling the new Sony game a rip off of SSB because the graphics seem similar, it plays similar, and it has a similar engine.
I can to the same with Modern Warfare and Battlefield by calling them clones. They look the same, run off the same FPS engine, and play very similar.
Neither of us have played the game, so you passed your judgement on sony without keeping an open mind while I passed my judgement of the FPSs because they follow the same formula (run around aimlessly while spraying bullets everywhere in a warzone).

although i dont play shooting games. shooting games are based in the real world (sort of), and are based on 1 single idea. you can't change the way it play's, for example, if 2 racing sim's have the same cars and tracks, or feel to driving a car. you wouldn't say it was copying. their both trying to be as realistic as possible, and the only way of doing that is if they base they game on reality. in shooting games, its a similar story, there both trying to make it seem as realistic, natural, and comfortable to play. you can't change a shooter so it feels different to other shooter's, because then it won't feel right.
in ssb there is no limitation to the game, developers can add anything to the game, because the game is not based on anything. its an idea which can grow into new area's, and new gameplay. sony could have done anything with the game, different weapons, more complex arena's, 3d arena's, different combat styles etc..... they obviously didn't, and they blatantly copied a original idea which could have been expanded. they didn't even expand the game into new areas.

Edited by stephen, 29 April 2012 - 12:30 PM.

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#18 Xiombarg


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Posted 29 April 2012 - 12:49 PM

in ssb there is no limitation to the game, developers can add anything to the game, because the game is not based on anything. its an idea which can grow into new area's, and new gameplay. sony could have done anything with the game, different weapons, more complex arena's, 3d arena's, different combat styles etc..... they obviously didn't, and they blatantly copied a original idea which could have been expanded. they didn't even expand the game into new areas.

This "original idea" isn't really all that original. SSB was based off of fighting games, but with a 3D arena. It isn't the first, nor the last. I can list off several games with that same idea: Dead or alive, mortal kombat, any digimon fighting games, the jump fighting games, and the power stone series.
Sony could have just gone their regular route of a 2d esque fighting game, but they made it more free and 3d. Besides, the game isn't even out yet and it can still prove to be far different than what people expect.

And on a note of the FPS games. They are the same bland thing because they aren't trying new ideas. Halo is perfect example of how an FPS should be, constantly getting better and trying out new things. TF2 is another example, it is a great game and the majority of FPS fans don't like it because they can't cheat the game unless they hack (they can't shoot through windows, do effortless headshots, have regening armour, etc...).

#19 Reaper Pin

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Posted 29 April 2012 - 12:51 PM

So, after playin' some Melee and looking at PSASBR or whatever, I think I like Smash alot more, sure, it's similar, but the pacing and gameplay is different.
I guess good luck to Sony and their SSB clone, because it actually is different, but will never replace something like Smash, ever.
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#20 Stephen



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Posted 29 April 2012 - 01:16 PM

This "original idea" isn't really all that original. SSB was based off of fighting games, but with a 3D arena. It isn't the first, nor the last. I can list off several games with that same idea: Dead or alive, mortal kombat, any digimon fighting games, the jump fighting games, and the power stone series.
Sony could have just gone their regular route of a 2d esque fighting game, but they made it more free and 3d. Besides, the game isn't even out yet and it can still prove to be far different than what people expect.

And on a note of the FPS games. They are the same bland thing because they aren't trying new ideas. Halo is perfect example of how an FPS should be, constantly getting better and trying out new things. TF2 is another example, it is a great game and the majority of FPS fans don't like it because they can't cheat the game unless they hack (they can't shoot through windows, do effortless headshots, have regening armour, etc...).

your right on some games are similer, and it wasn't the first, but there still different. the combat is different, the feel is different, the graphics are different. each one of these games are unique in there own way, and they add something to that genre, whether it be online, graphics, characters etc... what new thing has sony come up with.
i'm out of my depth on this one but i recall halo being a futuristic type shooter. therefore the game doesn't have to be based on real life. battlefield and cod and others. are based in the real world. they can't exactly have lazers and stuff in it.(excuse my lack of knowledge) because then the game will not be what its meant to be. shooting games have a limit to what you can do, without making it seem out of place.
if sony add anything new to the game that isn't a gimmick, then good luck to them.

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