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Ubisoft employee leaks a massive load of Wii U info!

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#61 uPadWatcher2


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 12:50 PM

That's pretty powerful. Maybe the Wii U is the beginning of Skynet... once it gets self-aware... and maybe Reggie is T-800?

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#62 Meelow100


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 12:59 PM

it was rumored the wii u would have dx10. The xbox has dx9 and the ps3 has open gl but more or less the same as dx9. Now you are right, it's not that nintendo will use dx11, they will probably use open gl or whatever but it will have the same visual effects as dx11. This is amazing news, when dx11 goes mainstream and all next gen games use it, imagine all the tessellation,fluid animations, realistic clothing? Damn.....

We got a statement like a month ago saying the Wii U uses dx11 technology.

#63 Stewox



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Posted 20 May 2012 - 01:01 PM

Some more translations just came in... Looking good so far, but I'm still wondering how much "less powerful" it is than Xbox 8, and the lack of triggers is dissapointing. <_<

But on the bright side, UNREAL ENGINE 4 CONFIRMED! :o (maybe)

Posted Image

>Wii U has 2GB of RAM, 560MB of that are for the OS
>supports DX11, they managed to port Unreal Engine 4 on it
>less powerful than Xbox 8
>2 tablet-pads are supported
>Release Date: 23 November
>Ubisoft will bring Rayman Legends, ACIII, Rabbids Party, Killer Freaks, The Avengers and Just Dance 4 on it
>That little button under the D-Pad on the left of the controller is somehow linked to the Wii Vitality Sensor
>No Analog R2/L2 unlike 360 controller/DualShock3

This news as it seems fake to you guys .... especially the UE4 wiiu version part, is pretty obvious even without any other speculation that UE4 will be on WiiU, this is a few factors and another thing is just understanding the tech ... it's pretty clear that you'll be using something more than UE3 on WiiU , it might not be UE4 as per naming, because they might take the updated one ... which they said is like UE3.9 ... Epic did a lot of updating on the UE3 engine, UE4 will have parts rewritten from scratch that's why it's called as such, new version, all of the things will be better supported, better working, faster, ... and other improvements, from a graphics point of view, for making big games, it's pretty much not going to be different on WiiU in the graphics side, the reason to use UE4 is obvious that i'll be more efficient, thus allowing the games to get bigger in scope, unless you want to have a corridor shooter and then you can ramp up the graphics significantly, they might not have UE4 ready for launch and they might push out UE3.9 at first ...

The post might be fake, but the actual info is accurate.

as long as it can receive next gen ports then im fine with it being less powerful.

It was going to be less powerful, old news, everyone in the tech community expected that, and everyone is fine with it, since gameplay matters, not hardware.

>Xbox 8's graphic card will be more powerful than Wii-U's
>However, Ubisoft isn't developing on Microsoft's new console yet

Those two statements rather contradict eachother. How can they know it's more powerful if they haven't even started working with the console yet?

>No Analog R2/L2 unlike 360 controller/DualShock3

Posted Image

It definitely looks like there's two shoulder buttons there, and I can't think of a legit reason for them to get rid of a pair of shoulder buttons.

>This developed decided to leak these informations on Mario's castle because, by going in a more populated forum, he would have risked too much

He's already risked his job by posting them anyway. It'd have been easier for him to keep his mouth shut.

>Wii-U's launch price will 450$
>After what happened with 3DS' launch, however, Nintendo decided to lower Wii-U's price: the final one hasn't been confirmed yet, but apparently it will be about 350-400$

It will be $450, but it won't be $450? Really? :rolleyes:

Even though I can agree with a few of the statements given here (or at least slightly believe them) I'm calling this list fake. Just too many contradictory statements.

Whatever the circumstances, the info is accurate, some parts less or more, some might be exaggerations some might be developers own lack of knowledge, they do have their internal

The industry on the inside knows a lot more than you think, friends, and closed-internal whispering, rumors, and

There is more than half of happenings in the industry that actually never get out to public, think about it. Some of the stuff gets out 5 or more years later, or at the bankruptcy ... remember the ex-AMD engineer speakout, remember that Activision could have bought Blizzard for mere 7million in 1995.

a lot of this is very promising, yet i hope its not true. i want more, i want splinter cell 6, not just the games listed above, i also want 4 tablet support. i also want analogue triggers and an earlier release date.

4 tablet support will never be useful for core AAA games unless it's some casual game

It won't happen at launch that's for sure ... you just hold your horses on jumping to conclusions.

2 is enough for local multiplayer, the core community is okay with that, the tablets are expensive, even if it supports, not many people will go buy 3 of them separately. So if you want to have a party you'll need 3 people with the console to get theirs too.

The controller might retail for something like 70-80 dollars.

Keep in mind there is a difference between a video card in a PC and the same card in a console. Consoles have less overheads and are optimised regards the hardware. Not to mention every version of the same console is identical where as PC's vary in specs. You really can't compare the performance of a graphics card between a PC and a games console.

Thank you.

Only Microsoft Products support DirectX unless he meant DX11 like effects. Also, 560MB is crazy for an OS, even if it can do loads of stuff even windows XP only takes up 350MB max on the pro version.

I think this is fake.

OS ram reserve is not final, and unrealistic, it's a fatal blow, it must be fixed, they aren't that stupid to not fix it.

Some of these things he listed seems plausible, but some seems completely bull. The Xbox 8s GPU better than the Wii Us? Then why is Epic complaining about the Xbox 8 and PS4s specs while only praising the Wii U? AND A 6GHZ DEV KIT?!?!?! I don't know of any computer out there that runs that much, or if it even needs it.

That's because they (epic) don't expect nintendo to be the hardware leader
That's because they (epic) expect the other two guys to get crazy on the hardware

And that's what we also have predicted and generally expected, no surprise here, all is okay, for the nintendo it is a big win.
As to surprise, it's the unknowlegable people that will be surprised, obviosuly, even shocked, because no ... the other two console guys won't have any significant hardware than a 600$ DIY PC. (i call it DIY because i know price ranges in custom PCs, i do not buy, reasearch, read nor care about crappy assembled PCs you buy in a market like bread, cookies and washingmachine, thus i don't know how to translate the price for such a PC, and im not going to look on shop sites either)

Perceptions Perceptions Perceptions ... learn about it, they don't tell everything they know in detail, they tell in bits by bits without head or tail, out of context, it's the consumers job to learn how to understand it.

The 6770, it's about 5x the power of the Xbox's GPU anyway.

It can actually, if it wasn't running Fraps at the same time. not on ultra though.

Haha ... double-fail for that guys argument, i didn't even notice, that's pretty sad.

Christ that burns my horsing eyes.

I think this makes it less-likely to be just a random wishlist.
The CEO of Gearbox said in that GameSpot interview that you will be able to move stuff from Upad to Screen if you feel like it.
He used the score list overlay as the example.

...And then I read the additions.
The "button under the d-pad" is a classic NFC sender/receiver.
Way to reach too far, silly attention-seeker fellow from the internet.

It's the translation that makes it sound like that - i should persume

And it doesn't look like it's a list that he would go into details, it's not written to be good looking, i think people are finding reason to accuse it as fake a bit too much.

I doubt this again because it doesn't seem "professional" to me. And also it is so easy to lie over the internet. I know this because I am a developer working for Ubisoft and I have all the information on the Wii U and Nintendo only made the Wii U powerful enough to play N64 games.

This kinds of things will never be professional, the developers them selfs are not sure, it's might be a sound guy, it might be a QA tester, there are various non-tech employees that work in companies and you WILL UNLIKELY get a leak from the CORE of the development team that's why it's not professional.

Perception Perception Perception ...
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#64 Keviin



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Posted 20 May 2012 - 01:12 PM

Damn I need E3 now.
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#65 Nollog


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 01:18 PM

It's not written to be good looking, i think people are finding reason to accuse it as fake a bit too much.

Click the little Eraser button next to toggle editing mode next time you paste quotes and it'd help out our eyes a little.:P

People are "finding reasons to accuse it as fake" because there are many problems with the information.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#66 jono



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Posted 20 May 2012 - 01:55 PM

That's.... too expensive. I guess I'll have to shell it out at launch if Legends is going to be there, though. :(

#67 10k


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 02:00 PM

Tech guys out there... Radeon 6770... Awesome, good, mediocre, old, meh, crap?

It's crap. It was a low-mid range card in 2010. It does support DX11 and it can run Crysis 2 on max at 1080p and 20fps.

Yeah this list seems too fake. You think Nintendo would charge $450 for the wii U after the 3DS failed at $250? Unless this thing is a quantum leap over the PS3/360, it doesn't deserve that pricepoint. The 6770 is a crappy video card and Nintendo has been getting their GPU customized since 2009. 560mb reserved for the OS is before optimizations and not final. No way that console will have a 4ghz CPU unless it is liquid cooled or has an airplane turbine fan as a cooler. Seems like a random dude seeking attention.

Edited by 10k, 20 May 2012 - 03:04 PM.

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#68 Plutonas



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Posted 20 May 2012 - 02:14 PM

Tech guys out there... Radeon 6770... Awesome, good, mediocre, old, meh, crap?

it runs differently in a console, it has nothing to do with pc card, as the pc card is useless without drivers! Console use the hardware and not drivers. that makes it double and triple the power.

If wii U have 4870 as it rumored, it could be even more powerful, depends the rops and spu.. but 6770 is more than enough for a console. if battlefield 3 in a pc gives 16 -20 fps.. in a console can give up to 80...lol We need to see the hardware inside the modified gpu, not the title... If its 640 spu as it rumored, then its REALLY powerful... if its less than 500... well its an average system.

this card got
Unified Shaders 800 , Texture Mapping Units 40, Render Output Units 16
If they keep that, is going to be a beast... an example.. if nintendo used 4870 gpu but due to heat and power, they cut it to 400 SPU 10 texture mapping units and 8 rops... then its much less powerful than the 6770... In consoles, u read the hardware, not the performance in the pc...

Edited by Orion, 20 May 2012 - 02:19 PM.

#69 MorbidGod


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 02:42 PM

I don't know if this guys is legit, but a lot of his predictions match mine, so I believe it. But guys I wouldn't expect to have specs this E3. Giving that away would give a guide line to how powerful the U is, and I believe it's in Nintendo best interest to keep the specs hush hush and show what the console can do this E3 with exclusives.
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#70 Nin_Stream


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 02:47 PM

Acomplishments on 3DS...But I do agree this must be fake seeing as $450 for a Wii U at launch is just absurd.

Also fake becauase Nintendo insisted on NOT having an achievement system.

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#71 Crackkat



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Posted 20 May 2012 - 02:54 PM

4 tablet support will never be useful for core AAA games unless it's some casual game

It won't happen at launch that's for sure ... you just hold your horses on jumping to conclusions.

2 is enough for local multiplayer, the core community is okay with that, the tablets are expensive, even if it supports, not many people will go buy 3 of them separately. So if you want to have a party you'll need 3 people with the console to get theirs too.

The controller might retail for something like 70-80 dollars.

4 tablet support is vital for me. im always playing 4 player split screen on fifa and COD, my friends would not be happy playing split screen with wiimotes, i wouldnt be happy either
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#72 Keviin



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Posted 20 May 2012 - 02:58 PM

Well 450 is likely if it is a quantum leap.
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#73 10k


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 03:06 PM

Acomplishments on 3DS...But I do agree this must be fake seeing as $450 for a Wii U at launch is just absurd.

Imagine the field day Sony fans would have with that launch price. It would be Nintendo's equivalent of $599 US dollars!

4 tablet support is vital for me. im always playing 4 player split screen on fifa and COD, my friends would not be happy playing split screen with wiimotes, i wouldnt be happy either

Dear god man you are going to be disappointed. The amount of hardware power needed to run 4 controllers is insane, and you would be asking for a near $500 console to support that. You are in a minority, the majority of gamers game online, single player, or do 2 player co-op. 4 player local multiplayer is dead, especially if the Xbox 8 and PS4 are also rumored to have touchscreen controllers.
Posted Image
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#74 Hank Hill

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 03:08 PM

http://kotaku.com/57...st-achievements Here it is.

And this was posted well over a year ago whenever they couldn't actually talk about the Wii U. Doesn't mean it won't happen.

EDIT: Not to mention that they said the following at the very first part on that article.

"We're not opposed to Achievements," Nintendo's Bill Trinen told me earlier this week, even as he confirmed that his company's next system, the 3DS, won't have one of the more popular features in Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC gaming.

So it could very well still happen. Not to mention we've been seeing first party titles with built-in achievement systems as time goes on, so we may see a full integration at some point later.

Edited by GameCollector, 20 May 2012 - 03:11 PM.



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#75 Nin_Stream


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 03:29 PM

You seem to be defending this random guy to death...Purhaps your the one who actually wrote it and you just want everyone to believe you. A few things this individual said we already know as fact, some is like uhhh wtf? and the other stuff is just BS. Its fake get over it. At E3 it will be proven.

This news as it seems fake to you guys .... especially the UE4 wiiu version part, is pretty obvious even without any other speculation that UE4 will be on WiiU, this is a few factors and another thing is just understanding the tech ... it's pretty clear that you'll be using something more than UE3 on WiiU , it might not be UE4 as per naming, because they might take the updated one ... which they said is like UE3.9 ... Epic did a lot of updating on the UE3 engine, UE4 will have parts rewritten from scratch that's why it's called as such, new version, all of the things will be better supported, better working, faster, ... and other improvements, from a graphics point of view, for making big games, it's pretty much not going to be different on WiiU in the graphics side, the reason to use UE4 is obvious that i'll be more efficient, thus allowing the games to get bigger in scope, unless you want to have a corridor shooter and then you can ramp up the graphics significantly, they might not have UE4 ready for launch and they might push out UE3.9 at first ...

The post might be fake, but the actual info is accurate.

It was going to be less powerful, old news, everyone in the tech community expected that, and everyone is fine with it, since gameplay matters, not hardware.

Whatever the circumstances, the info is accurate, some parts less or more, some might be exaggerations some might be developers own lack of knowledge, they do have their internal

The industry on the inside knows a lot more than you think, friends, and closed-internal whispering, rumors, and

There is more than half of happenings in the industry that actually never get out to public, think about it. Some of the stuff gets out 5 or more years later, or at the bankruptcy ... remember the ex-AMD engineer speakout, remember that Activision could have bought Blizzard for mere 7million in 1995.

4 tablet support will never be useful for core AAA games unless it's some casual game

It won't happen at launch that's for sure ... you just hold your horses on jumping to conclusions.

2 is enough for local multiplayer, the core community is okay with that, the tablets are expensive, even if it supports, not many people will go buy 3 of them separately. So if you want to have a party you'll need 3 people with the console to get theirs too.

The controller might retail for something like 70-80 dollars.

Thank you.

OS ram reserve is not final, and unrealistic, it's a fatal blow, it must be fixed, they aren't that stupid to not fix it.

That's because they (epic) don't expect nintendo to be the hardware leader
That's because they (epic) expect the other two guys to get crazy on the hardware

And that's what we also have predicted and generally expected, no surprise here, all is okay, for the nintendo it is a big win.
As to surprise, it's the unknowlegable people that will be surprised, obviosuly, even shocked, because no ... the other two console guys won't have any significant hardware than a 600$ DIY PC. (i call it DIY because i know price ranges in custom PCs, i do not buy, reasearch, read nor care about crappy assembled PCs you buy in a market like bread, cookies and washingmachine, thus i don't know how to translate the price for such a PC, and im not going to look on shop sites either)

Perceptions Perceptions Perceptions ... learn about it, they don't tell everything they know in detail, they tell in bits by bits without head or tail, out of context, it's the consumers job to learn how to understand it.

Haha ... double-fail for that guys argument, i didn't even notice, that's pretty sad.

It's the translation that makes it sound like that - i should persume

And it doesn't look like it's a list that he would go into details, it's not written to be good looking, i think people are finding reason to accuse it as fake a bit too much.

This kinds of things will never be professional, the developers them selfs are not sure, it's might be a sound guy, it might be a QA tester, there are various non-tech employees that work in companies and you WILL UNLIKELY get a leak from the CORE of the development team that's why it's not professional.

Perception Perception Perception ...

COD...well theirs your problem right there. By playing that you dont get to have what you want. You sold your soul in gaming by supporting that abomination.

4 tablet support is vital for me. im always playing 4 player split screen on fifa and COD, my friends would not be happy playing split screen with wiimotes, i wouldnt be happy either

I dont get why people are calling it the Xbox 8? Care to explain that to me? What happened to Xbox 720?

Imagine the field day Sony fans would have with that launch price. It would be Nintendo's equivalent of $599 US dollars!

Dear god man you are going to be disappointed. The amount of hardware power needed to run 4 controllers is insane, and you would be asking for a near $500 console to support that. You are in a minority, the majority of gamers game online, single player, or do 2 player co-op. 4 player local multiplayer is dead, especially if the Xbox 8 and PS4 are also rumored to have touchscreen controllers.

Edited by Nin_Stream, 20 May 2012 - 03:30 PM.

[E3 2012] Nintendo gets it's throne back.

#76 Pong



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Posted 20 May 2012 - 03:34 PM

This seems kind of fake. Posted Image

Edited by Pong, 20 May 2012 - 03:47 PM.

#77 Soul



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Posted 20 May 2012 - 03:36 PM

You seem to be defending this random guy to death...Purhaps your the one who actually wrote it and you just want everyone to believe you. A few things this individual said we already know as fact, some is like uhhh wtf? and the other stuff is just BS. Its fake get over it. At E3 it will be proven.

COD...well theirs your problem right there. By playing that you dont get to have what you want. You sold your soul in gaming by supporting that abomination.

I dont get why people are calling it the Xbox 8? Care to explain that to me? What happened to Xbox 720?

Xbox 8 is the rumored name not Xbox 720 anymore it went from 720 to Durango to Xbox 8. It is called Xbox 8 to be equal with Windows 8 and 8th Generation.
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#78 Nin_Stream


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 03:52 PM

I see...Well Xbox 8 sounds terrible.

Xbox 8 is the rumored name not Xbox 720 anymore it went from 720 to Durango to Xbox 8. It is called Xbox 8 to be equal with Windows 8 and 8th Generation.

[E3 2012] Nintendo gets it's throne back.

#79 Stewox



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Posted 20 May 2012 - 04:00 PM

It's crap. It was a low-mid range card in 2010. It does support DX11 and it can run Crysis 2 on max at 1080p and 20fps.

Yeah this list seems too fake. You think Nintendo would charge $450 for the wii U after the 3DS failed at $250? Unless this thing is a quantum leap over the PS3/360, it doesn't deserve that pricepoint. The 6770 is a crappy video card and Nintendo has been getting their GPU customized since 2009. 560mb reserved for the OS is before optimizations and not final. No way that console will have a 4ghz CPU unless it is liquid cooled or has an airplane turbine fan as a cooler. Seems like a random dude seeking attention.

The sheer amount of bs in that post is staggering, sorry you are wrong, 6770 is 5 times more powerful than xenos.

you have trouble reading the article, 450 is the optimal price to make profit, but he did mentio the 3ds launch debacle

these are consoles here stop comparing it with the pc hardware

I am actually defending the info and analysis of all the stuff more than caring about the validity of the poster, source.

Edited by Stewox, 20 May 2012 - 04:04 PM.

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#80 Chinomanila


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 04:05 PM

And this was posted well over a year ago whenever they couldn't actually talk about the Wii U. Doesn't mean it won't happen.

EDIT: Not to mention that they said the following at the very first part on that article.

So it could very well still happen. Not to mention we've been seeing first party titles with built-in achievement systems as time goes on, so we may see a full integration at some point later.

Exactly, Kid Icarus:Uprising and SSBB had them.
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