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The Era of Video Game Fanboyism

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#1 Epic Kirby

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Posted 28 December 2010 - 10:40 AM

Video game fanboys aren't new, I know that but obviously ever since fast broadband internet became much more available its been much more evident (and slightly annoying)

It would be very VERY hypocritical of me to denounce fanboys when I've got a Kirby avatar, a Kirby blog, a Kirby signature, almost every Kirby game ;) . Its good to be passionate about something and share your opinion in a reasoned way but often fanboys of (Microsoft/Sega/Sony/Nintendo) present stupid illogical arguments in youtube comments/forums and so on.

What do yo guys think?

Am I just overreacting (as I often do) or are some fanboys getting a bit annoying?

Here are some of my favourite examples

http://www.sonydefenseforce.com/ - Sony doesn't need a defence force they are a billion dollar company :lol:

- This was meant to be funny...

http://www.wiisucks.... ... -controls/ - speaks for itself

I mean these companies don't really care as long as they still get paid. Everyone has a right to an opinion, right?
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#2 Mark


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Posted 28 December 2010 - 01:11 PM

I completely agree. The problem with fanboyism is that we've just got to ignore it, it's not going away. Fanybosim is in every form entertainment we have (Twilight fanboys/girls, Harry Potter fanboys/girls..etc.) but in gaming it's much more prominent.
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#3 Feld0



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Posted 28 December 2010 - 03:49 PM

Moved the topic 'cause it belongs in the gaming section.

You're definitely not overreacting, EK. I feel much the same way about fanboyism - there's nothing wrong with loving your console or the company behind it; or a particular franchise like Twilight, Mario, Call of Duty, or Halo; but there's definitely something wrong with someone trying to shove their fanboyism in your face. Rather than convince you to go buy an Xbox 360, a Microsoft fanboy very well may convince you to stay far, far away from it.

I'll admit to it, I'm an obsessive Yoshi fan (as if you couldn't tell from the site's design and my avatar, caption, and profile ;)). But I won't denounce anyone for not liking the li'l guy. One of the blog's first readers, from way back before it even had its own domain, really wasn't too fond of Yoshi, but I didn't hold it against him in the slightest. Whereas the moment you say something critical about the Xbox to most Halo fanboys...oh, you'd better run.

#4 Wertville


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Posted 28 December 2010 - 05:49 PM

Yeah, fanboyism is getting really bad. For instance, I was searching for info on the PSP2 in order to use that info against sony fanboys, and I found a website with a poll on it... Which are you going to buy in 2011, 3DS or PSP2? I should add that this was quite awhile after all the 3DS info was already out. 35% said they would get a PSP2. O.o
A system that was just confirmed, and most things about it were speculation and rumors. NO GAMES.

Anyway, I consider myself a defensive fanboy. Like what you want, dislike what you want, but start making pointless insults towards a console you've never played and you're console is going down *insert smiley with an army hat*
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#5 Revolution


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Posted 28 December 2010 - 11:36 PM

Yes, it's indeed getting worse. Altough we all know XBOX does suck.

People have their own opinions, let them have them.

#6 Goose74


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Posted 29 December 2010 - 12:55 AM

Yes fanboys are annoying. I think that the wars becoming bigger this console generation. Sure you had always fan wars but not this intense. Look at magazines or publishers or the industry itself. With all their "this is looking best only on THIS system" or "Wii is just a toy" crap. They are all heating up the war and try to force you as a user to choose a side. If they all would shut up then it would only be easier.

Best regards.

Goose74 ;)

#7 Epic Kirby

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Posted 01 January 2011 - 09:05 AM

So its not just me then, it is getting worse. Also, does anybody think that money has a lot to do with it? I mean back in the old days I knew people who could own all of the consoles at the time, N64, PS1 then XBox, PS2 and GC but with the PS3 first retailing at Ł400 you really have to choose sides because its too expensive to own more than one console for some people. And with owning one you have to defend your chose of sticking with that one.
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#8 Wertville


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Posted 01 January 2011 - 10:54 AM

Well, I was bit bit young (And had Dial-up) back in the early Gamecube era, so I can't say if there was fanboyism or not, but I can say that many people, especially 'Hardcore' gamers own all 3 consoles, and will remind people of the fact whenever they're trying to make fun of the other person's console.
Though that is partially true for me, but my parents don't just buy me stuff like many other's do, and I don't (yet) have an incoming money source, so ;)
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#9 Epic Kirby

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Posted 01 January 2011 - 11:25 AM

Well, I was bit bit young (And had Dial-up) back in the early Gamecube era, so I can't say if there was fanboyism or not, but I can say that many people, especially 'Hardcore' gamers own all 3 consoles, and will remind people of the fact whenever they're trying to make fun of the other person's console.
Though that is partially true for me, but my parents don't just buy me stuff like many other's do, and I don't (yet) have an incoming money source, so ;)

If all these fanboys own all the consoles why can't they just shut up then? It makes no sense for them to be cussing a console they already have. Idiot fanboys who go around cussing other consoles is officialy stupid.

I tried hard to make a logical reason for it :lol: but i guess you can't rationalise the irrational.
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#10 Gamer



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Posted 01 January 2011 - 02:21 PM

About fanboyism, you just have to try and ignore it and know that everyone has their own opinion, and you should like what you like. (Or dislike.)

Fanboyism kinda agitates me sometimes. Like the current console war, some say Wii sucks, but I try to ignore it.

#11 Roy


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 02:39 PM

I wonder if anyone else saw that video of why the 3ds will suck?
The guy took it down, but that vid was a prime example of why fanboys are so bad.

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#12 Play4Fun



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Posted 03 January 2011 - 06:09 PM

What is the hardcore gamer? It is a marketing invention. People who play games all the time are considered dorks in society. Game companies don’t want you to feel like a dork. They want you to keep giving them money. So instead of being a dork, marketing is making these gamers as if they are ‘cool’ and ‘sophisticated’ and ‘cultured’ and even ‘mainstream’. What I liked with Nintendo’s approach with the Wii was instead of lying to gamers by telling them they are ‘mainstream’ was to actually make games mainstream and combat the ‘dork’ definition of gaming heads-on.
You know what guys?
It's amazing how the the human mind does not process the the fact I used the word "the" twice in a row in this sentence.

#13 Epic Kirby

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 03:10 PM

I wonder if anyone else saw that video of why the 3ds will suck?
The guy took it down, but that vid was a prime example of why fanboys are so bad.

I didn't see that video but I can just imagine what it was like >;)
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#14 dannyboy


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Posted 21 February 2011 - 11:31 AM

I wouldn't say I am a fanboy to one particualr set of games eg mario i would be more just nintendo fanboy in general
my new blog all about Nintendo so go and have a look though its not just as good as here but go for a look and sign up to the forum if you want

#15 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 02:22 PM

Moved the topic 'cause it belongs in the gaming section.

You're definitely not overreacting, EK. I feel much the same way about fanboyism - there's nothing wrong with loving your console or the company behind it; or a particular franchise like Twilight, Mario, Call of Duty, or Halo; but there's definitely something wrong with someone trying to shove their fanboyism in your face. Rather than convince you to go buy an Xbox 360, a Microsoft fanboy very well may convince you to stay far, far away from it.

I'll admit to it, I'm an obsessive Yoshi fan (as if you couldn't tell from the site's design and my avatar, caption, and profile Posted Image). But I won't denounce anyone for not liking the li'l guy. One of the blog's first readers, from way back before it even had its own domain, really wasn't too fond of Yoshi, but I didn't hold it against him in the slightest. Whereas the moment you say something critical about the Xbox to most Halo fanboys...oh, you'd better run.

I feel the same. Thank you, Epic Kirby, for bring that up half a year ago so I can bump it. XD But it is very interesting and I thought everyone should see it.
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#16 Andy


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 02:42 PM

As I said in my recent status update, I can't even mention something Nintendo related at school without my XBOT friends talking out of their a** about why Nintendo sucks. So yes, fanboyism is definitely a problem.
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#17 Brian6330


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 04:07 PM

/thread This is why I prefer hanging out and talking about games here, then some other forum...

#18 Waller


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 04:48 PM

/thread This is why I prefer hanging out and talking about games here, then some other forum...

Ign? 3DS Forums? What forum is it?!


#19 Wertville


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 06:28 PM

Ign? 3DS Forums? What forum is it?!

I think he means in general ;)
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#20 BazzDropperz


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 06:56 PM


Edited by BassDropper, 05 September 2013 - 02:01 AM.

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