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Rumor: WiiU Dev-Kit specs leaked ?

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#21 Plutonas



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 02:09 PM

well with this specs, forget about unreal engine 4 and not sure about 3.9 as well.. lets wait and see.. it says that this specs are very early devs, but we all know that nintendo changed lots of specs in dev4!... I believe in a couple of days or weeks, things will get much more clear.

And if this specs are confirmed in the very early dev specs.. then the rumors months ago, that wii U is less or equal with 360 and ps3, were also true. with this specs is about 50% better than the current.

I was expecting more from the show (About wii U) but I give it some time.. after all I will buy wii U, if there is not many hard core games, I may wait a bit.. but I will buy it... And I will stick with my pc also.. If these are the games from day 1, the criteria of buying it on release date or after few months, is going to be the price. (I will also expect guru guys who will review it first and tell us exactly the hardware specs).

I am not investing in other consoles... maybe in sony as well, but not sure.. I would love to play some games from ps3, but its TOOOO late to buy a ps3 now.. waste of money.

Edited by Orion, 05 June 2012 - 02:41 PM.

#22 Desert Punk

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Posted 05 June 2012 - 02:50 PM

All those graphics features can be found in low end £20 DX11 pc video cards. There is nothing there that gives the performance of the gpu with regard polygons, textures, memory speed, core speed etc. The details given are incredibly limited. The cpu mhz is not given either or the full details of the cpu architecture. This seems to me legit information but its still incredibly limited. You can basically take that information and believe the wii U is any power level you want, be it less than current gen or maybe 5x current console performance. I think the 1.5GB memory with 512meg being used by the operating system means 1GB+32meg video for actual games so 2x performance there. 32meg of dedicated video memory shows perhaps a frame buffer that is good for reaching 1080p but a more ambitious design would have 64meg or 128meg of fast dedicated video memory. I was expecting 32meg as a conservative but still improved figure over 360 and PS3 and the fact it is 32meg makes me think the gpu is scaled back to something low cost but still respectable compared to ps3/360. Vita has 128 meg of dedicated video memory, 4x that of the wii U.

I'm not expecting the cpu to run at 3ghz I think it will be sub 3ghz like 2.4ghz to help with the small form factor of the console but still have superior architecture to 360 so may end up still being more powerful than 360 but not as powerful as the cell in theory but a more modern less compromised design will mean performance that punches above its expected performance.

Clearly the wii U has advantages and weaknesses compared to other consoles. All ps3's have hard drives and most 360s do too which can be used for adding improved texturing to games. The wii U doesn't have a hard drive but can use the additional 512meg of memory to match that feature but it just means its matching not exceeding them.

As it stands for best consoles for parts of their spec;

Optical drive (possibly still ps3 as it can do 50GB dual layer blue rays and beyond even 100GB per disc), wii U second, 360 last
Hard drive (all ps3s have them, then 360, then wii U)
Memory (wii U easy win, then 360 with unified 512meg and 10meg video, ps3 last)
Cpu (highly likely to be ps3 by a long way with its cell processor but difficult to compare, then wii U (hopefully) then 360)
Gpu (? who knows where the wii U stands but 360 easily better than PS3)
Memory bandwidth (this is highly likely to be a huge win for wii U, then 360, then trailing last with some serious issues ps3)
Sound (easy ps3 win with 7.1 support, then 360 with 5.1 optical output, then wii u)

Wii U - 2 victories (plus possible gpu win)
PS3 - 4 victories
360 - 0 victories (but may have a gpu win depending on what the wii u has)

#23 InsaneLaw



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 03:10 PM

The CPU isn't PowerPC now, it's Power.

Edited by InsaneLaw, 05 June 2012 - 03:16 PM.

#24 Plutonas



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 03:20 PM

well... power7 cpus are known for L1 L2 L3 cache.. what I see here, is only L1 L2 cache. In IGN they say, with this leak, it is a 5770 series card because evergreen cards 5870++ series can do double samples than that..

Edited by Orion, 05 June 2012 - 04:22 PM.

#25 10k


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 04:46 PM

Hehe, I had to quote you, i knew people are going to mix things as ideman and his poems weren't totally sure. Not your fault, from what i've read, I had no idea which memory they meant, from how it sounded, they meant RAM. But this is pretty hard to believe technologically.

So they were apparently talking about the 512MB RAM reserve, or they thought they were.

There is a separate non-ideaman rumor spec about a 512MB STORAGE reserve. Seems like you mixed these.

Now, looks like the STORAGE OS reserve is not taking away from the 8 GB Flash, but, we still don't have idea on the RAM side.

Better yet, there might be not 512MB RAM reserve at all if the neogaf ideamans totally took the previous rumors out of context and other majorit who has no idea, followed.

People don't have idea what they're talking about is the biggest source of false rumors and speculatino than the rumors them selves, perception, perception, perception.

WARNING: This specs are from the EARLY target specifications.


This is pretty encouraging now, might make the UBISOFT rumor of 2 GB RAM and 4-core ... etc ... a bit more belivable.

This is based on the old dev kits as we know it was hinted that retail has 1.5 GB RAM, that's because of the 3GB devkits had, that was months ago, and even by then it was weeks or months old information, everything that we heard, points to that the final dev kit got a bigger specs bump, and that's exatly ties the UE4 rumors of "nintendo making sure UE4 runs" ... as silly as the title is as it's taken completey out of context, that means: SPECS BUMP , it does not only benefit UE4, it benefits obviously everything.

SUBJECTIVE OPINION: To me, this specs sheet looks like to have been constructed to PURPOSELLY hide the KEY specifications that would determine it's total performance. These are only the features of the hardware, and ladies and gentlemen, tesselation unit, compute shaders ... this is very good.

ok the batman trailer looked sick with the tablet use. If the game supports tesselation I will get the wii u version. If they skimp out on it then it's pc for me.
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#26 Keviin



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Posted 06 June 2012 - 01:43 AM

After this e3 I fear that will be correct nothing looked amazing at all even Pikmin looked pretty bad graphically.

I fear that too.

Sorry for being "stupid" Stewox, the specs just seemed like that to me, but I'm not tech expert.
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#27 Stewox



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Posted 06 June 2012 - 03:25 AM

I fear that too.

Sorry for being "stupid" Stewox, the specs just seemed like that to me, but I'm not tech expert.

Yep, that means you shouldn't be commenting on it, it dilutes the thread and makes it questionable even more, It's a psychological effect, doesn't matter how valid is the info, if the majority goes either side the people will just follow or at least lean into a bias.

There were other guys who admitted it, and it's not a bad thing, what i'm trying here is in good faith and cause that benefits all of you, to get most accurate assesment, but If i have to worry and defendy my self all the time by explaining basics to many guys that obviously derails ad distracts the main objective.

[/list]Half of 3 = 1.5
NAND isn't RAM, and it's in a separate section.

I am talking about the rumored 2 GB (with spec bump)

Secondly, i've misunderstood your post.

Thirdly the post is still valid if we disregard your part.

Forthly, i have found new ideaman posts that he provides info that makes this problem obsolete.

What ideaman wrote is that he found out about the separate NAND, and the whole thing is probably for STORAGE not for application operation ... so no OS will not take 512MB, and neither ther would be any limit that high. As he wrote it before , everyone was crying on the interwebs about RAM reserve.

Edited by Stewox, 06 June 2012 - 03:27 AM.

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#28 Keviin



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Posted 06 June 2012 - 04:19 AM

I'll quit taking part of the actual tech-discussion..


Do you guys think it could run something similar to this? Because this is sick stuff.
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#29 Plutonas



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Posted 06 June 2012 - 05:11 AM

wii U can do it, but it seems to be a video though, not a real time game... (at 3:10) it seems to turn into real time game graphics...

Edited by Orion, 06 June 2012 - 05:12 AM.

#30 Keviin



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Posted 06 June 2012 - 05:23 AM

Well it looks good anyway, so good to know.
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#31 Plutonas



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Posted 06 June 2012 - 06:43 AM

Even this leak is not giving lots of info, it doesnt give the cpu mhz also the threads in the cpu... is it 2 per core? or 4 per core... Also the GPU, how many rops and spus...!!! So we dont know nothing about it.. We know its modern though. .. about 3-4 times xbox and ps3 in graphical power.

Many say that this leak here, pictures radeon 5770... But it is an early dev kit, they may change it to 6770 instead... We dont know yet... Even though, 5770 is stronger than 6650-6670 than the leaked info for xbox 720.. lol And I hope for 2 gigs of ram, not 1.5

Edited by Orion, 06 June 2012 - 06:45 AM.

#32 Usman Mohammad

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Posted 06 June 2012 - 12:59 PM

Even this leak is not giving lots of info, it doesnt give the cpu mhz also the threads in the cpu... is it 2 per core? or 4 per core... Also the GPU, how many rops and spus...!!! So we dont know nothing about it.. We know its modern though. .. about 3-4 times xbox and ps3 in graphical power.

Many say that this leak here, pictures radeon 5770... But it is an early dev kit, they may change it to 6770 instead... We dont know yet... Even though, 5770 is stronger than 6650-6670 than the leaked info for xbox 720.. lol And I hope for 2 gigs of ram, not 1.5

I read a lot and especially a lot of Microsoft stuff, since they never get to the point and you have to read between the lines.

The fact that earlier on everyone said ATi based card, now it says AMD. I know that AMD is just a rebranding but is that not they key to understanding this? Even on the AMD website, they still sell old Fire Pro cards branded as ATi. I don't see it as a mistake, the GPU has to be a 6000 series at least considering thats when they fully switched to the AMD branding.

This does go well with previous rumours earlier on the year that they got the GPU at a "bargain price", which at the time was the release of the 7000 series.

I am 80% sure it's a 6000 series chip when you follow the bread crumb trail. It doesn't make sense for them to label the GPU as AMD Radeon if it wasn't produced after or during late 2010.

About the nextbox, it's rumoured to use an APU (like the PS3) and with the core kernel teams from windows shifting over to Xbox (like ones incharge of determining to support AMD x64 over Itanium 64) and that previous weird rumours said two GPUs. Put those together and it makes sense, since you can have hybrid crossfire with the APU's GPU and entry level GPU no higher than.... a 6670/7670. That provides evidence for why key MS people are going from Windows to Xbox division and the weird dual GPU rumour.

Also apparently all consoles are to be AMD based

#33 MorbidGod


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Posted 07 June 2012 - 06:01 AM

It's all custom hardware, it's based on that technology but it's updated and developed, we don't have all the details yet. It's is certainly not 2003 version slapped onto WiiU. We know it's modern hardware, 2009 and above.

But Nintendo officially says its based off a multi core IBM Power processor, which tells me they aren't using PowerPC.

I read a lot and especially a lot of Microsoft stuff, since they never get to the point and you have to read between the lines.

The fact that earlier on everyone said ATi based card, now it says AMD. I know that AMD is just a rebranding but is that not they key to understanding this? Even on the AMD website, they still sell old Fire Pro cards branded as ATi. I don't see it as a mistake, the GPU has to be a 6000 series at least considering thats when they fully switched to the AMD branding.

This does go well with previous rumours earlier on the year that they got the GPU at a "bargain price", which at the time was the release of the 7000 series.

I am 80% sure it's a 6000 series chip when you follow the bread crumb trail. It doesn't make sense for them to label the GPU as AMD Radeon if it wasn't produced after or during late 2010.

About the nextbox, it's rumoured to use an APU (like the PS3) and with the core kernel teams from windows shifting over to Xbox (like ones incharge of determining to support AMD x64 over Itanium 64) and that previous weird rumours said two GPUs. Put those together and it makes sense, since you can have hybrid crossfire with the APU's GPU and entry level GPU no higher than.... a 6670/7670. That provides evidence for why key MS people are going from Windows to Xbox division and the weird dual GPU rumour.

Also apparently all consoles are to be AMD based

I would agree. I bet they start with a 4xxx Series, but evolved into a newer card.
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#34 FreakAlchemist


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Posted 07 June 2012 - 07:16 PM

But Nintendo officially says its based off a multi core IBM Power processor, which tells me they aren't using PowerPC.

I (and maybe so many others) completely forgot about that.Nintendo themselves did state that the cpu would be base around the IBM POWER processor.
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#35 Repsys7


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 01:20 AM

Should put a GTX690 in it :P

I'd love to see a Nvidia console though.

#36 Usman Mohammad

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Posted 08 June 2012 - 10:50 AM

Should put a GTX690 in it :P

I'd love to see a Nvidia console though.

It's called the PS3 and PC ;)

#37 FreakAlchemist


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 01:13 PM

It's called the PS3 and PC ;)

I think he means a console made by Nvidia not just graphics.

Edited by FreakAlchemist, 08 June 2012 - 01:14 PM.

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#38 Stewox



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Posted 10 June 2012 - 11:22 PM

But Nintendo officially says its based off a multi core IBM Power processor, which tells me they aren't using PowerPC.

If that, the better
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#39 3Dude



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Posted 11 June 2012 - 05:33 AM

If that, the better

Well yeah its better, but its the only thing tgat makes sense.

IBM hasnt really done anything advancement wise with powerpc since it all fell apart in 2005/6.

They went back to power in 2007.

Anything you hear power pc is most likely made up by internet kiddies who dont follow current events.

Like the durango. Thats a copy paste of ibms power pc super computer blue genes wiki page.

Power pc makes perfect sense as a placeholder, but not much at all for something new console wise.... Now power pc is all embedded and small or asic.... Its being used (rather succesfully) for a different market now.

Edited by 3Dude, 11 June 2012 - 05:36 AM.



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