you dont now how to make a game it takes years to polish and make it the best why dont you think bioshock infinite did not get released because they want to surprise you thats why ubisoft was the best out of all with more games and watch dogs witch they are saying my be come to the wii after the dust has settled i have a friend going in to this field it costs her alot of money to go to college for it think before you talk ya i would of thiked p 100 to be there it would of helped but is done and over with now
Games take years to polish, I'm an amateur programmer I know how much time it really takes to make anything. The problem isn't that these games took too long there's a lot of unanswered questions.
1. Nintendo says they're trying to get back their core consumers, HD consoles and all there teams are capable of bringing great games. They were to show everyone that this was a Wii for us, the core gamers.
2. On Sunday they really lured us in when Iwata said Wii U software will be shown at their main conference. Everyone thought Nintendo had something great.
3. They show of Pikmin, the problem is that. They showed off Pikmin a game that we have been waiting for years and since that's literally the first thing out of the bag, we thought they would just keep moving on with core games. You know like in 2010, game after game after game.
4. Then they go all casual at the tail end of the conference. Now they said a Wii for us, that means heavy focus on the games for the core, less for the casual. First and last moments stay, so what they showed first and what they showed at the end were complete contrasts.
5.Was that it? Is that all the Wii U has? The message most people got was it's still a Wii, but in HD with gimmicks.
Now this is how it should have went.
Here's Pikmin, then the hardware stuff etc, then third parties, Batman, AC, Zombi U and P100 and ME3. Then come back sneak in Mario, not playing it up but just say like, it's still a Nintendo System and you guys need a Mario. Then show a few casual things 5 mins top, then go here's two games in dev by our teams that aren't ready yet for release but will be later on next year, you know pull an E3 2009 moment. Then introduce NintendoLand and present it properly.
The layout of the conference was worse than Microsoft, Microsoft at least had more core games.
Also my next point, Nintendo was also meant to impress other console owners, Why should they buy a Wii U for AC ME3 and Batman when either they played it already or they'll buy it on their console and they see the rest as a gimmick.
The problem is after actually looking at the games, they look good but during the conference they really didnt stand out.
We know the core stuff is next year but if they teased it then it would have been a better conference.
Definitely NOT the worse. 2008 was much more shocking, so shocking in fact that I felt embarrassed to be a Nintendo fan for a couple of days, and I've never had that feeling.
Not as bad as the 08 one but at least 08 one was embarassingly funny, this conference was a troll.
Meme time

Launch line up is fine, the conference was attrocious.
Edited by Usman Mohammad, 07 June 2012 - 04:40 AM.