Hope you had a nice time!
What was your favourite game?
Suprisingly, Nintendo Land was my favorite game at E3.
Thanks for sharing. Videos are always nice to see.
I still can't personally tell if those games look good visually yet. Maybe it's because it's offhand video or my comp or something, but can you say whethor or not the games actually look clean and crisp while playing them?
Like the Mario game, does it look better than a Wii game?
That ghost game from Nintendo Land does seem like it could be fun but do you know if you need 5 people to play it? Did they say if it's scaleable to how many people can play? Can it be 1 on 1? Is there any indication that there is any more to it than that 1 level we've seen?
They keep mentioning that the Nintendo Land games have more 'depth' than Wii Sports did, but I haven't seen it in the demo's they've shown yet. Am I missing somethign, or was it clear to those of you at e3 that these are just basic demo's of the mini-games and there are more to them?
I can tell you that you dont have to worry 'cause the games look damn good. The third party ports, such as Batman and Assassin's Creed looked great as their 360 and PS3 versions, but the games that are build from the ground up for the Wii U looked much much better.
I assure you that Mario U looked 100 times better than Mario Wii. First thing youll notice is the background: DAMN GOOD. The background looked so awesome. It felt like youre really in Mario's world. Super Mario Bros. games never had massive set pieces on their backgrounds like on Mario U and seeing the background is just amazing Second, youll notice that Mario is FINALLY in HD: DAMN FREAKIN' GOOD. No more pixelated textures. No more jugged lines. Colors are more vivid and vibrant. Everything about Mario U is everything you want from a HD Super Mario Bros game. Words just cannot express. You have to experience it in person.
About Nintendo Land: Well, they said that NL will have 12 games totall. They showed 5 at E3. The Nintendo reps didnt disclose any information about how many people could play, how many levels there are in each mini game, etc. They only said that it was still in development and things could still change. They just demoed the games; we played it, and what we saw, heard, and played is what we got from the expereince.
My first impression of Nintendo Land when they first revealed in the press conference: Bleh =p. My impression when I got my hands on Nintendo Land for the first time: WOW! I was hugely suprised how fun it is, esepcially with a bunch of people. To answer your question about more "depth" than Wii Sport, I absolutely agree. Explaining to you that NL has more depth that Wii Sports is just impossible 'cause I cannot explain to you the feeling of playing it in person vs just watching it online. You gotta try it yourself to fully understand and expereince the depth on NL. Unexpectedly, with all the hardcore games shown at E3, Nintendo Land is my game of the show.
Edited by DRAE_nmhar, 14 June 2012 - 01:21 PM.