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#1 zerocritz



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 12:22 PM

1. What I don't understand is that they "Release New games on the Wii U and they said Mario and pikmin will be 720p but it runs on a 60 fps" What is up with Nintendo
2. They said port games like batman and etc will be 1080p BUT WITH 30 FPS ??????
3. Fail Just put it 60 fps 1080p if we need to pay more for better quality and better looking games and with the power of this console to be able to port more games and have brand new fresh games it would Wreck. Not only that they release a game called " Nintendo land with no Online multilayer ..." This is getting old , My family doesn't want to play wii u every day . And some games require 3 people "Meaning you cant play the best games in Nintendo land alone" . Nintendo will lose to much money by producing games that are not Online like Nintendo land . if it were Online I swear to all gaming industries, this game would probably still be played in 2013-2014 Seriously
4. Most games like (Nintendo land ) require more then 2 people to play. Nintendo is focusing more in hardcore but they Fail on there release game that requires alot of family members or friends to play . This discussion of mine wouldn't happen if they where smart enough to add online like xbox 360 and ps3 . Thats why they fail . nintendo would win easily if there games had better online game play like both play station and Microsoft Xbox consoles.
90 % of games on xbox and ps3 are online (all online games work Very well )
20 % of games on the wii are online (Online game play is Terrible comparing to pc , xbox , ps3.)
Keep the pros
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Best console of 2012-2013 Remember if its 720p it's running in 60 fps on the wii u . if it's 1080p its 30 fps . How much of a fail is that

#2 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 12:59 PM

Its a little harder than what your saying to just put the game at 60 fps at 1080p, I don't think it's a "fail" if Nintendo can't just put out a game at 1080p 60fps on a TV screen and touch screen. Your talking like if this system isn't completely flawless then it's a failure.

Also Welcome to the forums, I didn't even notice that this was in the introductions.

#3 Dragon



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:07 PM

Do you realize how much power it takes to run 1080p 60FPS? -___- Just build a gaming PC if you want that performance. Don't expect the PS4 and 720 to do it either. They would be WAYYYY overpriced.

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#4 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:11 PM

You forget that this is a new console. It will take a while before devs can really make use of the power.
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#5 Soul



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:11 PM

It has a tablet controller. Maybe if you just use the pro controller it will be 1080p 60FPS.

#6 Hinkik


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:17 PM

Do you realize how much power it takes to run 1080p 60FPS? -___- Just build a gaming PC if you want that performance. Don't expect the PS4 and 720 to do it either. They would be WAYYYY overpriced.

I do see the PS4 and 720 doing it.

A gaming PC that can run BF3 1080p and 60fps costs around 699 dollars. Today's tech.

With optimization, it won't be too expensive.


#7 Deadly Virus

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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:19 PM

I agree partially, personally I feel that Nintendo really should have made sure the Wii U was beefed up enough to run current-gen games at a steady 60fps in 1080p, but oh well.

I'm also rather irritated sometimes at their reluctance to include online features in their games. Pikmin 3 and NSMBU in particular could benefit from it.

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#8 Dragon



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:19 PM

I do see the PS4 and 720 doing it.

A gaming PC that can run BF3 1080p and 60fps costs around 699 dollars. Today's tech.

With optimization, it won't be too expensive.

But at what settings? I doubt it's ultra.

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#9 Brian6330


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:28 PM

Moved thread to a more suiting section.

#10 Foot


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:33 PM

I'm so confused, u should really change your profile pic. I can't tell if ur happy or sad, or constipated...X{}.

But in realism, it would take a lot of power for Pikmin or Mario to handle 1080p60 cause there are so MANY character models to track. Now batman and assassins creed 3 are running 1080p60 aren't they?
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#11 Hank Hill

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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:34 PM

1. What I don't understand is that they "Release New games on the Wii U and they said Mario and pikmin will be 720p but it runs on a 60 fps" What is up with Nintendo

It's a trade-off in power. Doesn't sound unreasonable to me.

2. They said port games like batman and etc will be 1080p BUT WITH 30 FPS ??????

You do realize that most of the current generation is running in 720p with 30 FPS, right?

3. Fail Just put it 60 fps 1080p if we need to pay more for better quality and better looking games and with the power of this console to be able to port more games and have brand new fresh games it would Wreck.

You can port games from the current generation over to the Wii U with no problem. Other than that part, I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say here.

Not only that they release a game called " Nintendo land with no Online multilayer ..." This is getting old , My family doesn't want to play wii u every day . And some games require 3 people "Meaning you cant play the best games in Nintendo land alone" . Nintendo will lose to much money by producing games that are not Online like Nintendo land . if it were Online I swear to all gaming industries, this game would probably still be played in 2013-2014 Seriously

You can probably get computer characters to help for one-person play. That, and there's no real confirmation that the game won't have online multiplayer. So you're rather freaking about about nothing here...

4. Most games like (Nintendo land ) require more then 2 people to play. Nintendo is focusing more in hardcore but they Fail on there release game that requires alot of family members or friends to play . This discussion of mine wouldn't happen if they where smart enough to add online like xbox 360 and ps3 . Thats why they fail . nintendo would win easily if there games had better online game play like both play station and Microsoft Xbox consoles.

Once again, there's no confirmation that they're not having online for Nintendo Land or other titles. They've already confirmed that they're setting up an online userbase like some hybrid between Xbox Live, Playstation Network, and their own little thing. This was announced last E3, and it was called Miiverse.

90 % of games on xbox and ps3 are online (all online games work Very well )
20 % of games on the wii are online (Online game play is Terrible comparing to pc , xbox , ps3.)

These figures are absolutely factual and I should believe them immediately.

Actually, for the most part, my online experience on the Wii and PS3 has been positive.

Keep the pros
Get rid of the cons

That seems to be what the Wii U is doing over the Wii.

Better online, better selection of games, backwards compatibility with everything the Wii ever had, and more powerful than the PS360. Sounds like they've gotten rid of the cons to me.

Best console of 2012-2013 Remember if its 720p it's running in 60 fps on the wii u . if it's 1080p its 30 fps . How much of a fail is that

For the second time...what point are you trying to get across here? Most games run in 30 FPS nowadays even if they're only in 720p. Plus, these are launch games. Launch games are never representative of the console's true power. It will most likely just get better over time.

Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.

Edited by GameCollector, 23 July 2012 - 01:34 PM.



The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.





#12 Hinkik


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 02:03 PM

But at what settings? I doubt it's ultra.

No ultra but still 1080p and 60fps


#13 Dragon



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 02:05 PM

No ultra but still 1080p and 60fps

Send me a link to the setup.

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#14 Socalmuscle


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 02:21 PM

1. What I don't understand is that they "Release New games on the Wii U and they said Mario and pikmin will be 720p but it runs on a 60 fps" What is up with Nintendo
2. They said port games like batman and etc will be 1080p BUT WITH 30 FPS ??????
3. Fail Just put it 60 fps 1080p if we need to pay more for better quality and better looking games and with the power of this console to be able to port more games and have brand new fresh games it would Wreck. Not only that they release a game called " Nintendo land with no Online multilayer ..." This is getting old , My family doesn't want to play wii u every day . And some games require 3 people "Meaning you cant play the best games in Nintendo land alone" . Nintendo will lose to much money by producing games that are not Online like Nintendo land . if it were Online I swear to all gaming industries, this game would probably still be played in 2013-2014 Seriously
4. Most games like (Nintendo land ) require more then 2 people to play. Nintendo is focusing more in hardcore but they Fail on there release game that requires alot of family members or friends to play . This discussion of mine wouldn't happen if they where smart enough to add online like xbox 360 and ps3 . Thats why they fail . nintendo would win easily if there games had better online game play like both play station and Microsoft Xbox consoles.
90 % of games on xbox and ps3 are online (all online games work Very well )
20 % of games on the wii are online (Online game play is Terrible comparing to pc , xbox , ps3.)
Keep the pros
Get rid of the cons
Best console of 2012-2013 Remember if its 720p it's running in 60 fps on the wii u . if it's 1080p its 30 fps . How much of a fail is that

Because it is ported...

Not rebuilt from ground up.

Just "up-res'd" with extra polygons added into main characters and some other assets.

Takes a ton of power to just slam that in there.

No doubt you'll see Wii U games running in 1080P @ 60 fps as well in the future. It has the chops.

#15 Mignaga



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 04:42 PM

I don't think the difference between 1080p and 720p is all that large. I would rather see larger more detailed environments, and better A.I. than just a simple resolution bump. It would be nice, just not feasible with the price that Nintendo is thinking of selling the console at.


Be wary, the suck is coming.

#16 3Dude



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 05:05 PM

I solved this problem by getting married and engaging in intercourse.

People like me are probably who this product is beinv marketed too, as I started a family, whom enjoys spending time together having fun.

Moral of the story, Nintendo wants you to get busy.



#17 Foot


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 05:23 PM

Take a look at this if you still wanna hate:


Assassins creed 3 running 1080p60. Sorry to say, but you've just be OWNED!!!!
I am the foot. I do not like you. You smother me with socks and shoes, then step on me thousands of times a day.

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#18 silverismoney



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 06:20 PM

first show me evidence of problems and please provide me with proof that 720p is a problem THERES NO PROBLEM HERE IT DOES NOT EXIST

are u calling res graphics HHHHmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 720p 768p 900p 1080p scale or no scale I SEE NO PROBLEM HERE

#19 Alianjaro



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 06:39 PM

Man you're assuming too much things, especially when it comes to Nintendo Land.

Besides, I don't get why people feel so concerned with that game. They said it would be the Wii U's Wii Sports, and as far as I remember, I don't know anybody that has spent more than 50 hours on Wii Sports...
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#20 Hinkik


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Posted 24 July 2012 - 06:03 AM

Send me a link to the setup.

just a medi core processor and a gtx 550 ti or something should work.


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