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If your Wii U power light flashes red and tried everything…

Wii U Broken Wii U Blinking Red Light Wii U not turning on

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#1 Gruff



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Posted 14 March 2016 - 09:15 AM

Thought I’d post this as a topic in case anyone on Google needs this solution. (We could use more topics anyways)


I bought a Wii U off eBay. It worked perfect until about December when the power light would just start flashing red. I couldn’t figure out why.  I Googled it and common issues were:


-Vents are dirty, need to clean them.
-Faulty power cord.
-Issues with HDMI cable or HDMI port
-Possibly anything else plugged into the console causing issues.


Well none of these were my issue. I tested everything many times and It just seemed like luck when the system decided to turn on.

Then I noticed something. I like the room to be nice and cold, happened to be winter so the room was cold almost all the time. But days where it was warmer, the system turned on like nothing was wrong. Then once it got cold again, it wouldn’t turn on… So I put a heating pad (on low) for just a minute on the Wii U (don’t leave it there once it turns on, obviously, because then it’d overheat)… It turned on every single time. So as long as the Wii U was warm the system worked. Now I’ve heard of Wii U’s overheating, but being too cold? Sounds weird, but it’s an easy quick fix. (Don’t know permanent fix to this. But I do not want to spend a bunch of money on repairs. If I had a warranty I’d just send it in.)



If your Wii U doesn’t turn on (and you’ve tried the other solutions) it might just be too cold to turn on.

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#2 NintendoReport



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Posted 14 March 2016 - 10:12 AM

How cold is it in your house/room? That sounds weird, but hey I am glad it is working.

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#3 jemmy1989


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 04:43 AM

Thanks for giving us a solution to that !



Edited by jemmy1989, 10 October 2023 - 01:12 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Wii U, Broken Wii U, Blinking Red Light, Wii U not turning on

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