The link below shows some early concept art and the progression of the idea.
Now an opportunity has arisen to turn my ideas into real prototypes, so I ask for the help and support of this community.
Dremel New Zealand are giving away a 3D printer, the winner being the one with the most votes.

The link below will take you to the competition submission page, scroll though the entries until you find the picture above and give it a vote please.
After voting, please leave a reply so I know who to thank.
Another idea I have is for Wiimote FPS/Shooter fans.
A case or holder for your Wiimote that has levers which actuate buttons. The levers will reach towards the [A] button. A simple design might let you press plus, minus, D-left or D-right without moving your thumb too far from [A]. If I make one, I'll happily post the designs here for other members to use.
Thank you for your time.