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I have a fear that the Wii U won't get great third party support

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#41 JTurner



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Posted 24 June 2012 - 01:30 PM

Can someone explain to me exactly what Neogaf is and why everything someone says is a rumor? I'm just not familiar.

Apparently it's a place where some "industry people" hang out and post stuff that sometimes turns out to be true and other times doesn't.

That said, this newest "rumor" from EA really should be taken with a grain of salt; we don't know if it's true or not, even if the source in question MAY be reliable, there really isn't much evidence to debate on this, so... let's not worry about it, OK?

Edited by JTurner, 24 June 2012 - 01:37 PM.

#42 Soul



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Posted 24 June 2012 - 01:47 PM

Can someone explain to me exactly what Neogaf is and why everything someone says is a rumor? I'm just not familiar.

It's a forum where you have to be professional but a lot of the people aren't. It's kind of like all the E3 visitors on a forum.

#43 Meelow100


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Posted 24 June 2012 - 02:01 PM

Can someone explain to me exactly what Neogaf is and why everything someone says is a rumor? I'm just not familiar.

Don't go on Neogaf, once I did I kept going on and trust me you don't want to, when Nintendo had they're E3 conference I stayed away because I knew I couldn't handle what they had to say and if I did I probably would never look up anything gaming releated ever again.

#44 MorbidGod


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Posted 24 June 2012 - 02:55 PM

I doubt EA has backed off there support. They know more of what Nintendo is planning then we do. The Wii U will sell well, I am sure of that.

It's all up to the price at this point and a 299.99 looks mighty fine right now.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#45 uPadWatcher2


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Posted 24 June 2012 - 08:29 PM

Don't go on Neogaf, once I did I kept going on and trust me you don't want to, when Nintendo had they're E3 conference I stayed away because I knew I couldn't handle what they had to say and if I did I probably would never look up anything gaming releated ever again.

I'm with you on that one. Neogaf isn't a very good place to go to... especially ugly rumors and shenanigans.



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#46 Link707



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Posted 24 June 2012 - 08:44 PM

I checked the gaf once about a rumor and the provided me with this---->

Discussions on the gaf -> news sites( places you "go" for Nintendo news) -> gaf

Edited by Link707, 24 June 2012 - 08:45 PM.

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#47 Meelow100


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Posted 24 June 2012 - 09:16 PM

I'm with you on that one. Neogaf isn't a very good place to go to... especially ugly rumors and shenanigans.

Yeah it's hard, if they're is a bad rumor too much people have meltdowns and assume the worst.

#48 lucario23


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Posted 24 June 2012 - 09:25 PM

why on earth would you blame nintendo? just listen to this, this is fact: no console launch in history has had the amount of third party support that this console has had, what on earth is the problem? things are going great

What proof do you have of this? Links? Research? Etc.

#49 uPadWatcher2


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Posted 24 June 2012 - 09:33 PM

Yeah it's hard, if they're is a bad rumor too much people have meltdowns and assume the worst.

I'll only rely on Nintendo, second and third party developers and top publishers.



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#50 Meelow100


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Posted 24 June 2012 - 09:48 PM

I'll only rely on Nintendo, second and third party developers and top publishers.

Like this rumor people are assuming the Wii U won't get any third party support because of 1 game.

#51 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 24 June 2012 - 09:54 PM

Yeah it's hard, if they're is a bad rumor too much people have meltdowns and assume the worst.

Same thing happens on this site.

#52 MorbidGod


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Posted 24 June 2012 - 10:41 PM

Just calm down and think as to why the N64/GCN/Wii didn't get amazing third party support. (SNES and NES don't count, as each of those had amazing third party support)

The N64 used cartridges instead of discs, therefore being more expensive and have lower available space on each cartridge as opposed to a disc.
The GameCube used proprietary discs. (Although I admittedly don't see how this is a problem, I'm sure somebody'll fill me in on that soonish.)
The Wii didn't have enough power to run a great deal of 3rd party games.

Then you have the Wii U. Which appears to be using a known disc format, has more than enough power to run 3rd party games, which really amounts to this.

If the third party developers choose not to so much as port their games to the Wii U, it is nowhere near Nintendo's fault this time around. Plus, don't we already have quite a few known developers saying the Wii U is quite a good system? I know Vigil and Epic games have said nothing but good things about it, same goes for Gearbox, EA, Valve and even Ubisoft.

Quit worrying about it, and just use past facts to control your thoughts, m'kay?

The problem it only was able to hold 1.5GB of data, while the Xbox and PS2 at least 4GB. Which limited developers.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#53 Meelow100


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 06:30 AM

Same thing happens on this site.

Not as bad though.

#54 CUD


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 06:57 AM

Don't go on Neogaf, once I did I kept going on and trust me you don't want to, when Nintendo had they're E3 conference I stayed away because I knew I couldn't handle what they had to say and if I did I probably would never look up anything gaming releated ever again.

You couldn't handle what they had to say?

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#55 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:12 AM

You couldn't handle what they had to say?


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#56 Hank Hill

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:12 AM

The problem it only was able to hold 1.5GB of data, while the Xbox and PS2 at least 4GB. Which limited developers.

Oh, ok. I figured it was some such problem, although I was leaning towards the problem being proprietary media. Thanks for clearing that up. :)



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#57 Meelow100


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:43 AM

You couldn't handle what they had to say?

Some of the comments just annoy me, the assuming ones.

#58 Crackkat



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 10:23 AM

What proof do you have of this? Links? Research? Etc.

lol what are you talking about? links? look up previous console launches, how do people not realise that the 3rd party launch lineup for wii u is far beyond what most or any other console has had in history, its soo obvious
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#59 Alianjaro



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 11:56 AM

I am worried about the fact that Peter Moore is the CEO of EA, he didn't have faith in the Wii (which he should he was wrong) and he used to be a CEO of Sega when they made consoles and he was the CEO of Microsoft so he could still be a Microsoft kind of guy, if this rumor was true than I don't like how they have faith in the PS4 and 720 before it's even announced.

Nintendo said it wants amazing third party support for the Wii U so lets see if they will do anything in they're power to make that happen.

Don't forget that Peter Moore's goal as a CEO is to make as much money as he can. There's no fanboyism or hate when you're a CEO. If he sees that the Wii U is powerful, then he will allow games to be made for the console because it would make them earn money. It's as simple as that.
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