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The Wii U's Power Problem

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#1 RnR


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 09:59 AM


an interesting read

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#2 Keviin



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 10:18 AM

http://nintendoevery...ipad-lots-more/ NE also has some other quotes (mainly Reggie) regarding hardware power.

Seems like we'll be indeed getting a current gen 1.5 like the Wii, but I won't judge until there are some official specs.
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#3 Crackkat



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 10:31 AM

lol still listening to secret anonymous sources LOL!!! anyone who takes this seriously is too easily manipulated
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#4 Mitch



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 10:35 AM

No one knows for sure, you guys can all speculate and predict doom and gloom scenarios but Nintendo's not dumb enough to release something that wont get any 3rd party support for the next 5-8 years again, they did it once, they wont do it again

#5 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 10:41 AM

I don't know. They are making assumptions they can't possibly know for sure. I'll wait until its stripped apart to make any judgment.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#6 Hank Hill

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 11:02 AM

More unnamed developer "Wii U is crap" garbage. Oh internet, when will you learn. :rolleyes:

Edited by GameCollector, 25 June 2012 - 11:02 AM.



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#7 KgGamesXL



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 11:38 AM

http://nintendoevery...ipad-lots-more/ NE also has some other quotes (mainly Reggie) regarding hardware power.

Seems like we'll be indeed getting a current gen 1.5 like the Wii, but I won't judge until there are some official specs.

I agree with you on the fact of the Wii U's Power as of right now and i also won't Judge until they release official specs but i still can't understand why Nintendo doesn't just tell the general public the specs because it would be easier on everyone to know.

#8 Mitchjg216


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 11:41 AM

Yeah, I wish they would release them. But we now know they won't before launch, as Scott Moffitt said.

Edited by Mitchjg216, 25 June 2012 - 11:41 AM.

#9 KgGamesXL



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 12:31 PM

Yeah, I wish they would release them. But we now know they won't before launch, as Scott Moffitt said.

Will then there are only three reasons why they wont announce the specs. 1.The console is Under Powered and they don't what to announce specs because it will cause lower sales because consumer wont see it as a true next gen system and won't get good third party support. Or 2.They are not sure of the final specs yet and don't what to say anything yet or they feel it won't be anywhere near as strong as the Next Xbox or PS4 and don't want to lose sales because of that.Or 3. It's just the Nintendo way and they don't care about specs even if there good and just care about games(I hope it's number 3).

#10 KartRacer



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 12:57 PM

The fact that people care so much about how powerful Wii U will be is annoying.
Seriously, all anyone cares about nowadays is graphical capability.
Nintendo says that Wii U is capable of HD. That could mean 720p at the very least, which is still pretty good, but apparently "not enough".
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#11 Hinkik


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 01:13 PM

I know, what if I say that I'm an anonymous dev and say that the wii u can run Crysis in 4K and 60fps. Will they believe me?

I mean they seem to trust anon devs more than devs who say who they are.


#12 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 01:23 PM

I agree with you on the fact of the Wii U's Power as of right now and i also won't Judge until they release official specs but i still can't understand why Nintendo doesn't just tell the general public the specs because it would be easier on everyone to know.

Nintendo releasing the specs now will tell the others what Nintendo has inside the Wii U. Nintendo knows the others are in the planning stages and if they know what is in tge Wii U could easily up the ante. If they don't know then they can't.

But Nintendo is not afraid of weak hardware. DS was weak, it won. Wii was weak, it won. 3DD is weaker then Vita, and is currently winning. But with those we NEVER HAD NINTENDO EXECS SAY IT CAN DO HD AND THAT IT IS POWERFUL. It was never promised. We never jad developers praising the power of the Wii, or any DS.

So when unnamed sources are saying stuff they shouldn't be I tend not to believe them. And its not like the 720 recent is saying its some ten to twenty times the power of the 360, but more 4 to 8 times. And the Wii U,, even according to this rumor, is 4 times the power of the 360 (other sources claim higher numbers too). So lets say this rumor is true. That means the 720 is four times the.power (which may only be 2 times according to the leaked Doc) of the Wii U.

Now is that a big difference?
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#13 KgGamesXL



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 01:50 PM

The fact that people care so much about how powerful Wii U will be is annoying.
Seriously, all anyone cares about nowadays is graphical capability.
Nintendo says that Wii U is capable of HD. That could mean 720p at the very least, which is still pretty good, but apparently "not enough".

The reason people care about the Wii U's power is because Nintendo said they want to appeal to the Hardcore audience and the only way they can do that is by having power so when the Next Xbox and PS4 come out the Wii U will get the same multiplatform games all the others have without a huge noticeable difference and so people won't choose the other consoles over the Wii U because of the huge graphical advantage when it comes to multiplatform games.

Nintendo releasing the specs now will tell the others what Nintendo has inside the Wii U. Nintendo knows the others are in the planning stages and if they know what is in tge Wii U could easily up the ante. If they don't know then they can't.

But Nintendo is not afraid of weak hardware. DS was weak, it won. Wii was weak, it won. 3DD is weaker then Vita, and is currently winning. But with those we NEVER HAD NINTENDO EXECS SAY IT CAN DO HD AND THAT IT IS POWERFUL. It was never promised. We never jad developers praising the power of the Wii, or any DS.

So when unnamed sources are saying stuff they shouldn't be I tend not to believe them. And its not like the 720 recent is saying its some ten to twenty times the power of the 360, but more 4 to 8 times. And the Wii U,, even according to this rumor, is 4 times the power of the 360 (other sources claim higher numbers too). So lets say this rumor is true. That means the 720 is four times the.power (which may only be 2 times according to the leaked Doc) of the Wii U.

Now is that a big difference?

I'm not saying the Wii U has to be Super Powerful all People want is for it to have good third party support down the line when the other consoles come out and from recent rumours it does seem the other consoles are not as powerful as people think but as you said allot of things are in speculation at the moment. Edit: By the way that could be right they could up the power of the other console if they know the Wii U specs but they are likely already more powerful since there coming out next year or the year after that.

Edited by KgGamesXL, 25 June 2012 - 01:57 PM.

#14 uh20



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 02:03 PM

this whole topic should be said as speculation, not to be a downer but with what we got, this is what the wiiu is looking like
i hope to expect the console to get that fat boost were wanting though, not that its ever going to catch up to the other 2 for obvious reasons

(just to clarify i still think this article is pretty bull, and or minorly biased on the idea the wiiu wont be as powerful

Edited by uh20, 25 June 2012 - 02:16 PM.


#15 Deadly Virus

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Posted 25 June 2012 - 02:12 PM

The fact that people care so much about how powerful Wii U will be is annoying.
Seriously, all anyone cares about nowadays is graphical capability.
Nintendo says that Wii U is capable of HD. That could mean 720p at the very least, which is still pretty good, but apparently "not enough".

I wouldn't care so much if it didn't mean that Nintendo consoles would get NO multiplatform games...

See games like Grand Theft Auto IV, Red Dead Redemption, Battlefield 3, even something like Skyrim. Were they on the Wii? No. Could they have been on the Wii if it had actually decent hardware? Definitely.

Graphical capability has a direct effect on the games a system gets, I'm afraid. Grand Theft Auto VI, Red Dead Redemption 2, Battlefield 4 and Elder Scrolls VI won't be coming to Wii U if it's just current gen 1.5.

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#16 silverismoney



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 02:37 PM

the article contradiced its self 4x xbox 360 is not weaker than xbox360 and i thik this leak is real and people seeing the specs ARE NOT GETTING IT

the cpu is likely as iv been saying all along a 32 bit tri core system on chip 128 bit ring bus AKA LIKE A POWERPC 476FP as the mighty wiiboy101 stated iv said power6/7 derivetive or powerpc 32bit all along

the likely clock speed is 1.6 to 2.0 ghz its 3x broadway core at 45nm each core has its own level 2 catch made of IBM EDRAM NOT SRAM the level 2 catch is 3mb and is split as leak suggests 2mb and 2x 512k

the WEAK CPU comes from not understanding how wiiu works and this TO THE UN TRAINED EYE LOW WEAK CLOCKSPEED

backing up this tri core 1.6 ghz (maybe) on a 128 bit ring bus at say 800mhz is a dedicated dsp sound engine and more likely than not a Arm co -cpu the gpu is between the 4830 core and the 4870 core and is likely clocked around 800mhz and has 32mb ibm edram cpu and gpu can comunicate in some way between catch memorys

THATS HOW I SEE THE WIIU ubisoft said at least a year ago the wiiu cpu is exactly like wiis cpu but now supports multi core there clearly talking nintendos gs gx api going multi core THAT SAYS WII 32 BIT WITH MULTI CORE ADDED TO ME

a broadway cpu with 3mb catch at 45nm tri core 1.6 ghz could be at least 2x the cpu of x360 then ad in the ARM AND THE DSP the comput shaders and shear flouting point power of the GPU could easy be 4x xenos gpu of x360

x360 gpu 240gflops 4830 at 545mhz over 700 gflops and a 4870 has around 1000gflops 1 tflop

a 4830 over clocked to say 800mhz with 32mb edram would easy hit 900 gflops to 1tflop and 4870s are already at that flops power

iv just decribed a console 4x xbox 360 with to the untrained eye a weak cpu

broadway x3 45nm and a 45nm 4830/4870 gpu core 1 of those 2 32mb edram

START PUTTING IT TOGETHER GUYS ITS SO SIMPLE or power 64 bit put im doubting it

http://nintendoevery...ipad-lots-more/ NE also has some other quotes (mainly Reggie) regarding hardware power.

Seems like we'll be indeed getting a current gen 1.5 like the Wii, but I won't judge until there are some official specs.



AND WII WAS CLOSER TO 3X GAMECUBE broadway was 729mhz and 2 instructions per clock gekko was 486mhz and 1 instruction per clock thats not 1.5 its more like plus 2 x and wiis ram was 3.5 x gamecube its bandwidth 3 x gamecube and its disc size was like 4x 8x gamecube

example of dumb clock speeds mean diddle

my imagined broadway 2 tri core @ 1.6 ghz 5 instructions per clock efficient 5x 1600 =8000 instructions x3 cores =24000 out of order instruction per clock

now xenon x360 cpu @ 3.2ghz 2 instructions efficient 2x 3200=6400 instructions x 3cores= 19200 instructions inline processing AS ANY SANE PERSON CAN SEE IN THIS BASIC CLOCK FOR CLOCK COMPARASON A BROADWAY TRI CORE @ 1.6GHZ WINS

tri core broadway wiiu leak suggests 3mb catch x360 1mb catch THATS 3X XENON

weak cpu my hairy british backside lol

broadway cpu x 3 has 15 eceuction units a xenox has 3 execution units i dont see how 12 more execution units is weak 15 vs 3 lol at dont understand specs

#17 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 03:33 PM

@Deadly Virus But that is exactly my point. From everything we know on at least the 720, the Wii U will only be 2 to 4 times less powerful then the newer Xbox. That is not the case with the Wii vs PS3/360. Those are more like, what, ten to twenty times more powerful? I don't know how those numbers are calculated but it seems to me the Wii was really a GCN with a speed bump. So Wii was last gen and the PS3/Xbox current gen. This gap is bigger then the gap we have so far for Wii U vs 720. And PS4 doesnt matter. If it is 80 the power and the others close to each other, the PS4 will never be taken advantage of, besides exclusives.

But we all should stop expecting God like power from the others. No one believes the Wii U will be all powerful, but Nintendo needs to have enough power. Thats all. And so far ... Even with the worst rumors ... The Wii U will be just enough in terms of power.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#18 Meelow100


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 03:42 PM

It's rumored the Xbox 720 or PS4 are only 6-8x more powerful than the 360 and PS3, the Wii U is 2-4x more powerful than the 360 and PS3, so the PS4 and 720 are 2-4x more powerful than the Wii U, that's not that huge of a difference, the 360 and PS3 where 20x more powerful than the Xbox and PS2 which was huge so considering the PS4 and 720 are only 6-8x more powerful than the PS3 and 360 that's not a huge leap like people expected.

#19 Alianjaro



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Posted 25 June 2012 - 06:02 PM

No one knows for sure, you guys can all speculate and predict doom and gloom scenarios but Nintendo's not dumb enough to release something that wont get any 3rd party support for the next 5-8 years again, they did it once, they wont do it again

Still looks like people don't get that...
I'm disappointed to see Kotaku listening to that garbage. So many KNOWN devs have said good things about it, and that, despite the fact they can't say anything about the specs. We'll just have wait and see. But now it looks like we have to listen to anonymous devs... WOW FLAWLESS LOGIC INTERNET.

wow... I think I just lost fate in humanity...
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#20 eugoreez


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 11:20 PM

again.. assuming ps4 and xbox 720 will be that much powerful.. have ppl considered ps4 and xbox 720 go different route? nope, that'll be "impossible".. everything sony and microsoft must be powerhouses...
urhhh.. potatoes?

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