commander and soldier type game could nice.. commander plays on the wii u gamepad, soldier plays in the pro or nunchuck + wiimote... commander has control over reinforcement, airstrikes, overview maps... the soldier is on the ground, maybe with a command of a squad, plays on FPS view... commander view may sometimes be limited due to some factors, maybe a jammer.. so its up to the soldier to pinpoint where to send in airstrikes and what not...
damn, the possibilities...
Wii U Multiplayer Idea
Started by Alph, Jun 29 2012 08:08 AM
21 replies to this topic
Posted 23 July 2012 - 06:19 AM
urhhh.. potatoes?
Posted 23 July 2012 - 12:07 PM
Ok, I have an idea for multiplayer on some games. At E3, Reggie told us that the Wii U can handle 2 separate GamePads, right? So then, I thourght that maybe if the other players WITHOUT GamePads can use their 3DSes. It makes sense because of the touchscreen, camera and mic an' all that. The only downside would be that the graphics would have to be less 'HD'.
So, what are your thourghts on this?
I could only see this working with the Circle pad, hopefully with an extra CPU/GPU it wouldn't take away from the gaming experience
However I'd prefer just games with one pad, and the rest being either pro pads or wii-remotes/nunchucks.
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