PC gamers help needed.
Posted 03 August 2012 - 06:50 AM
Posted 03 August 2012 - 10:29 AM
Everything is mostly good. The GPU could actually have a bit more memory, but its still good. Everything else is pretty much the best it could be.
So let's say a game like battlefield 3. What kind of performance could I expect with a game like that. I saw a video on youtube with crysis 2 running on my pc and it was pretty good looking with smooth gameplay.
Posted 03 August 2012 - 10:39 AM
And direct x 10
Edited by Nollog, 03 August 2012 - 10:44 AM.
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Posted 03 August 2012 - 06:52 PM
Although after owning 2 previous laptops there is something I wish someone would have told me before I ever got my first laptop....You MUST clean out the dust inside your laptop every so often (6months or so). Laptops are susceptible to overheating while playing demanding games like BF3, so what you need to do is get some compressed air and unscrew your laptop from the back to expose the insides and blow that thing clean every 6 months or so to get all the dust out. This will increase your laptops performance and help it stay cool and quiet and increase the longevity of its life cycle.
Most games will auto-adjust your graphical settings upon your first startup of the game, but if you find yourself lagging or anything just lower the anti-aliasing( sometimes options are set to 8 or 16x, and you can put it on way lower than that) or shadows or turn off vertical sync (Vsync).
I think you have a damn fine laptop for gaming just make sure you set the battery power mode to high performance or whatever your highest setting is before you start your game and enjoy yourself. I've been at PC gaming for over 10 years and I love it. I play all my "hardcore" games for PC and play my exclusive Nintendo stuff on console/handheld where I can play with my gf or roommates or whoever is at my place

Posted 03 August 2012 - 09:40 PM
I'm a huge pc gamer on a laptop as well and BF3 is my choice of game at the moment so I can help you here. Your ram is excellent, your 1g video card is good, hard drive space is excellent and I assume that is a quadcore processor so that is good as well. You will be able to run BF3 on high rather easily.
Although after owning 2 previous laptops there is something I wish someone would have told me before I ever got my first laptop....You MUST clean out the dust inside your laptop every so often (6months or so). Laptops are susceptible to overheating while playing demanding games like BF3, so what you need to do is get some compressed air and unscrew your laptop from the back to expose the insides and blow that thing clean every 6 months or so to get all the dust out. This will increase your laptops performance and help it stay cool and quiet and increase the longevity of its life cycle.
Most games will auto-adjust your graphical settings upon your first startup of the game, but if you find yourself lagging or anything just lower the anti-aliasing( sometimes options are set to 8 or 16x, and you can put it on way lower than that) or shadows or turn off vertical sync (Vsync).
I think you have a damn fine laptop for gaming just make sure you set the battery power mode to high performance or whatever your highest setting is before you start your game and enjoy yourself. I've been at PC gaming for over 10 years and I love it. I play all my "hardcore" games for PC and play my exclusive Nintendo stuff on console/handheld where I can play with my gf or roommates or whoever is at my placeIf you have any questions or anything let me know. I'll even play BF3 with you if you would like haha. Hope this helps.
Yep its quad core 2 threads per core. but i believe i have the turbo version which runs at 2.8 GHZ. so yeah im getting my pc ready for upcoming gen. there will be thrid party games that wont come to Wii U. if i feel the need i can purchase that on PC. good to know im capable of running pretty intense games. if i have anymore questions i will hit you up
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