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Developers Finally Revealing some of Wii U specs

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#41 Socalmuscle


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 07:56 AM

Nintendo has only confirmed multicore Power architecture. IBM confirmed power 7. 45 nm Soi, edram gifted, power 7 derived chips.

Power 7 isn't hopeful thinking. It's just what they put into the system.

#42 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 09:25 AM

how on earth can power7 be the cough cough underlying tech of wiiu when those in the know PROVED 2 years ago it was powerpc400 broadway-fied


every single power7 freak is going to look such a fanboy come wiiu release as theres no power 7 in wiiu its a 2010 powerpc 400 @ 45nm broadway-fied and custom catch plus a DSP and a ARM CO CPU

lol @ power 7 day dream all you like im going to so own you when its confirmed

why are you so sure about this, you know just as much as everyone else. WHICH IS NOTHING. Yeah I can use caps lock too. you have no proof to back up your statement that it's PowerPC, but IBM stated the wiiu had power7 architecture so there goes your theory. Power 7 is not fanboy dreams its more likely to bein the system then your powerPC crap. And your grammar is worse than mine and I'm 15. How old are you?? A lot older than me. Your comments are rude and condescending and starting to become a little trollish. So if you want to argue, do so in a polite way with decent well thought out sentences. Thank you :)


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#43 Keviin



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Posted 31 August 2012 - 09:48 AM

It's official the Wii U will fail against the PS4 and Nextbox -__-

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#44 nfzeta007


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 09:58 AM

Why did everyone forget that the current standing rumor on the Xbox720's GPU is an AMD 6 series, using the 6670 at that, which if true will most likely put the Wii U's GPU unit above that, the only thing the next box could and should have over the Wii U from the rumors we heard is the CPU, as they will need a pretty beefy one to do what they claim the new Kinect will.

#45 Socalmuscle


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Posted 31 August 2012 - 10:34 AM

Nintendo is a company that bets smart. they have 10+ billion in the bank from just two businesses: home console and portable console. that's amazing.

Microsoft in comparison has 52 billion in the bank and that's with countless businesses to support and profit from.

MS must divide that number for R&D investments for each of its businesses. That leaves the Xbox in the same territory as the Wii U as far as R&D goes. and Nintendo is playing around. They have made a brilliant console with a wise financial strategy to compliment it. the Xbox 8, infinity, whatever, will be similar in power to the Wii U. The CPU itself will be less efficient so they will have to compensate with more cores. that is a given. The GPU also is likely to be the same as the Wii U or slightly above spec. It could be the 7770. but they would be wiser to go to Nvidia's Kepler architecture as it will be cheaper by then in bulk. More than likely though, AMD is desperate for some cash flow and getting into the console business would be extremely lucrative as well as a marketing win - allowing them to tout "design wins." so it's possible MS would stick with AMd for all tech - as it would also make it easier to reduce CPU/GPU bottlenecks without having to resort to much custom fabrication.

Sony... HAS to do something here. They have me worried. the Playstation was the first capable 3D console, the PS2 was an amazing upgrade for its time and the PS3 was a big fail. It tried to do too much without being the best at anything (other than movies). It cost too much, did too little, and sony has suffered for it. The confusing thing for them is that they have always tried to create the IMAGE of high tech powerhouse. But lately, they have gone to the casual market increasingly. Even the Vita, which should have been a success, has failed, despite is great system power for a handheld. So sony is going to make a gamble. kaz Hirai has a lot of pressure. My guess is that they will copy Nintendo, but try to overpower them with better specs. Even so, they can't afford to do much. They've lost way too much money, the entire company is in trouble, the TV business is failing, the PMP business has died, the PS3 business is failing, etc. etc.

In the end, it would seem from a hypothetical standpoint at the outset of this new generation console war, that the Wii U is poised to take over. It's powerful, social, It is built for great third party support - both current gen and next gen, it won't completely break the bank, and it will also play Nintendo games. the GamePad is a complete win as well.

It prints money? LOL

#46 stupidvillager



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Posted 31 August 2012 - 11:36 AM

Question to thehappening. What exactly does it mean to be broadway-fied? What would you need to do to a 476 to make it braodway-fied?

#47 thehappening



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Posted 31 August 2012 - 11:58 PM

like iv been telling you people for like 2/3 tears wiiu cpu will follow broadway its based on 2010 45nm powerpc 400 tech
with the cores BROADWAY ENHANCED AND A CUSTOM 3MB EDRAM CATCH the cores are 5 instructions per clock efficient clearly the cpu is a 3x core powerpc as in POWERPC 476FP but not fp instead Broadway 2 ….
the expected clockspeed is 1.6ghz to 2.0ghz as thats powerpc 45nm 400 clockspeed it maybe higher say 2.4ghz but i expect a 1.6ghz tri core aditional to the cpu is a dedicated sound processor a DSP and a ARM CO CPU like starlet in wii…..
the cpu vs ps3 and x360 would be 3x core powerpc out of order a sound dsp and a arm co cpu vs the cpu of x360 in a like for like comparison……
we are looking at a cpu around 15 x more powerful than wiis broadway it supports SMP and has the worlds bext singlecore per core performance in the world off the shelf this powerpc core is twice the cpu a ARM A9 IS CLOCK FOR CLOCK so a tri core at 1.6ghz would be a very least 3 x as powerful as a 1.6ghz dualcore ARM A9
it has 5 instructions per clock per core vs 2 instructions of x360s xenon cpu and it processes in out of order not crappy inline like x360s xenon also each core boasts 5 execution units xenon only has 1 execution unit per core
xenon of x360 has 1 execution unit per core 3 in total wiiu has 5 per core 15 in total wiiu has 3mb edram catch (edram twice bandwidth of sram per clock) x360 has 1mb sram catch
x360 has no sound processor or buddy cpu wii u has a ARM BUDDY CPU (STARLET 2) AND A DEDICATED DSP SOUND ENGINE
its clearly at very least 2x x360s cpu power with amassive catch me,memory
other factual things i know
x360 3.2ghz x2 instructions = 6400 instructions x 3 cores = 19200 instructions inline
wiiu cpu if at 1.6ghz 5 instructions x 1.6ghz =8000 x 3 cores =24000 instrutions out of order not crappy inline then ad sound dsp and arm co cpu CLEARLY EATS X360 FOR DINNER WITH A MASSIVE HEAT SAVING POWER USE SAVING AND MASSIVE RELIABILLITY IMPROVMENTS

a little something posted at my nintendo news clearly the truth power7 = not in wiiu UBISOFT CONFIRMED OVER 12 MONTHS AGO LIKE Wii BUT MULTICORE

vgleak reconfirms this with tricore powerpc plus custom 3mb catch

wiiu cpu is 3 single thread out of order cores each core has a graphics data burst pipe /buffer and a locked level 1 catch its called 3xpowerpc broadway cores and 3mb of edram catch that is the cpu theres no if or but or dream thats the cpu acept a fact as a fact and forget your 120watt power7 12 thread fantasys

#48 3Dude



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Posted 01 September 2012 - 05:02 AM

lol power 7 isn't a 120 watt processor.

The server and super computer packages with configurations of 8-32 cores are 120 watt+ packages.

Like ibm watson keeps saying over and over, its not the watson PACKAGE that's going into wii u, its the p7 chip.

the power 7 is a low power low heat processor. 8 power 7's run on the same amount of power, and fit in the same heat envelope as 2 power 6's.

a 4-chip power 7 package would halve power consumption and heat from the p6. a 2-core p7 would draw a quarter of the power, produce a quarter of the heat, and be clocked a GHz lower and outperform a p6 by 2x.

a custom package removing unneeded loads like unecessary memory controllers, I/O bus's to parts that don't exist in game consoles would drastically reduce power and heat even more, as wouod lowering clock to the confirmed 3GHz range.

Edited by 3Dude, 01 September 2012 - 05:14 AM.



#49 Arkhandar


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Posted 01 September 2012 - 05:10 AM

like iv been telling you people for like 2/3 tears wiiu cpu will follow broadway its based on 2010 45nm powerpc 400 tech
with the cores BROADWAY ENHANCED AND A CUSTOM 3MB EDRAM CATCH the cores are 5 instructions per clock efficient clearly the cpu is a 3x core powerpc as in POWERPC 476FP but not fp instead Broadway 2 ….
the expected clockspeed is 1.6ghz to 2.0ghz as thats powerpc 45nm 400 clockspeed it maybe higher say 2.4ghz but i expect a 1.6ghz tri core aditional to the cpu is a dedicated sound processor a DSP and a ARM CO CPU like starlet in wii…..
the cpu vs ps3 and x360 would be 3x core powerpc out of order a sound dsp and a arm co cpu vs the cpu of x360 in a like for like comparison……
we are looking at a cpu around 15 x more powerful than wiis broadway it supports SMP and has the worlds bext singlecore per core performance in the world off the shelf this powerpc core is twice the cpu a ARM A9 IS CLOCK FOR CLOCK so a tri core at 1.6ghz would be a very least 3 x as powerful as a 1.6ghz dualcore ARM A9
it has 5 instructions per clock per core vs 2 instructions of x360s xenon cpu and it processes in out of order not crappy inline like x360s xenon also each core boasts 5 execution units xenon only has 1 execution unit per core
xenon of x360 has 1 execution unit per core 3 in total wiiu has 5 per core 15 in total wiiu has 3mb edram catch (edram twice bandwidth of sram per clock) x360 has 1mb sram catch
x360 has no sound processor or buddy cpu wii u has a ARM BUDDY CPU (STARLET 2) AND A DEDICATED DSP SOUND ENGINE
its clearly at very least 2x x360s cpu power with amassive catch me,memory
other factual things i know
x360 3.2ghz x2 instructions = 6400 instructions x 3 cores = 19200 instructions inline
wiiu cpu if at 1.6ghz 5 instructions x 1.6ghz =8000 x 3 cores =24000 instrutions out of order not crappy inline then ad sound dsp and arm co cpu CLEARLY EATS X360 FOR DINNER WITH A MASSIVE HEAT SAVING POWER USE SAVING AND MASSIVE RELIABILLITY IMPROVMENTS

a little something posted at my nintendo news clearly the truth power7 = not in wiiu UBISOFT CONFIRMED OVER 12 MONTHS AGO LIKE Wii BUT MULTICORE

vgleak reconfirms this with tricore powerpc plus custom 3mb catch

wiiu cpu is 3 single thread out of order cores each core has a graphics data burst pipe /buffer and a locked level 1 catch its called 3xpowerpc broadway cores and 3mb of edram catch that is the cpu theres no if or but or dream thats the cpu acept a fact as a fact and forget your 120watt power7 12 thread fantasys

Official statements by both Nintendo and IMB tell us that the Wii U is powered by Power 7 architecture (just like Watson). If you prefer to further contradict the truth by believing and supporting these rumors from so called "anonymous developers", that's your problem. Seriously, if you want to drive the ignorant rode go to neogaf just like everyone else. Please don't degrade the image this forum has by using "non-terms" like "catch".

P.S. Could you mind having a bit of education and write like a normal person? You know, we can read what you say even without the caps..

Edited by Arkhandar, 01 September 2012 - 05:26 AM.

If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?

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#50 Shadiwulf


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Posted 01 September 2012 - 05:28 AM

Hi everyone im an idiot and i don't understand all this tech talk, just tell me up straight what chance does the Wii U has against the PS4 and 720?

#51 Andy


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Posted 01 September 2012 - 05:36 AM

Hi everyone im an idiot and i don't understand all this tech talk, just tell me up straight what chance does the Wii U has against the PS4 and 720?

The honest answer is... We have no clue at the moment. We don't have any official specs for the Wii U, PS4, or the 720. We just gotta be patient and wait. Just remember, Nintendo isn't just recycling their tech contracts from the current generation like they did with developing the Wii. All signs point to it using modern technology, which most likely means that it would be hard to leave it in the dust without having a huge price-tag. Stay positive. After all, it's said that optimistic people live longer. :)
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#52 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 01 September 2012 - 05:53 AM

Hi everyone im an idiot and i don't understand all this tech talk, just tell me up straight what chance does the Wii U has against the PS4 and 720?

To many uncertainties right now we have no idea what the other companies are going to do.

A common thought is that Microsoft(sony is uncertain) is going to release their new consoles next year.
Now what does that mean well in theory the wiiu if its using lets say 2011 tech should be fine as long as Microsoft isn't using tech not available in PCs at the moment or in a few months.

API is also a important factor about as much as power. An example is that a lower end dx 11 card can do tessellation yet a higher end 48xx (dx10) card can not do tessellation . If Nintendo is lets say lazy with their api and only have it capable of features that 360 and ps3 can do that will point it to a disadvantage compared to the other next gen consoles.

Ease of Development. This is a large determining factor and the main difference between the ps3 and 360 because due to the ps3 being hard to develop for most its Third party titles looked worst than 360.
Good news with this is that Nintendo seems to be really pushing ease of access by giving devs who makes game with the wiiu tons of software such as Havok,autodesk,HumanIK and etc to be free of use with the wiiu development license.

Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 01 September 2012 - 05:54 AM.

#53 Keviin



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 03:23 AM

This might be true, looking at the game RAM..
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#54 JaylisJayP



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 05:23 AM

It still surprises and baffles me that these developers are talking about the competition being current-gen systems. Must be the first time in the history of gaming (or a LONG time at least) that this has been the case. And it's not like they don't all know the real next-gen is just around the corner anyway. If that doesn't tell you what they really think about Wii U's capabilities, I'm not sure what will. It won't be as drastic as the Wii to PS3/360, but once the other systems drop next year or early 2014, every port will look worse on Wii U if they're even able or willing to port all the games down to it to begin with.

#55 3Dude



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 05:45 AM

It still surprises and baffles me that these developers are talking about the competition being current-gen systems. Must be the first time in the history of gaming (or a LONG time at least) that this has been the case. And it's not like they don't all know the real next-gen is just around the corner anyway. If that doesn't tell you what they really think about Wii U's capabilities, I'm not sure what will. It won't be as drastic as the Wii to PS3/360, but once the other systems drop next year or early 2014, every port will look worse on Wii U if they're even able or willing to port all the games down to it to begin with.

Yeah, its pretty much been 100% confirmed for a while now that wii u ports will be dialed back on graphics compared to ps4/720.

Whats your point? Cause that SOOOO devastated ps2.



#56 Noonabites


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 02:58 PM

The honest answer is... We have no clue at the moment. We don't have any official specs for the Wii U, PS4, or the 720. We just gotta be patient and wait. Just remember, Nintendo isn't just recycling their tech contracts from the current generation like they did with developing the Wii. All signs point to it using modern technology, which most likely means that it would be hard to leave it in the dust without having a huge price-tag. Stay positive. After all, it's said that optimistic people live longer. :)

I honestly wish more would listen to this. It's getting a bit out of hand.

#57 Ramon3MR


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 04:19 PM

Hey works for me. The launch line-up looks pretty good and I'm down with that Deluxe Edition.

#58 FreakAlchemist


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 06:52 PM

Hey works for me. The launch line-up looks pretty good and I'm down with that Deluxe Edition.

Same here went in to gamestop an hour ago and fully preordered the Deluxe Edition.Now i play the waiting game just a little while longer.
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#59 Bunkei


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Posted 07 December 2012 - 07:33 PM

like iv been telling you people for like 2/3 tears wiiu cpu will follow broadway its based on 2010 45nm powerpc 400 tech
with the cores BROADWAY ENHANCED AND A CUSTOM 3MB EDRAM CATCH the cores are 5 instructions per clock efficient clearly the cpu is a 3x core powerpc as in POWERPC 476FP but not fp instead Broadway 2 ….
the expected clockspeed is 1.6ghz to 2.0ghz as thats powerpc 45nm 400 clockspeed it maybe higher say 2.4ghz but i expect a 1.6ghz tri core aditional to the cpu is a dedicated sound processor a DSP and a ARM CO CPU like starlet in wii…..
the cpu vs ps3 and x360 would be 3x core powerpc out of order a sound dsp and a arm co cpu vs the cpu of x360 in a like for like comparison……
we are looking at a cpu around 15 x more powerful than wiis broadway it supports SMP and has the worlds bext singlecore per core performance in the world off the shelf this powerpc core is twice the cpu a ARM A9 IS CLOCK FOR CLOCK so a tri core at 1.6ghz would be a very least 3 x as powerful as a 1.6ghz dualcore ARM A9
it has 5 instructions per clock per core vs 2 instructions of x360s xenon cpu and it processes in out of order not crappy inline like x360s xenon also each core boasts 5 execution units xenon only has 1 execution unit per core
xenon of x360 has 1 execution unit per core 3 in total wiiu has 5 per core 15 in total wiiu has 3mb edram catch (edram twice bandwidth of sram per clock) x360 has 1mb sram catch
x360 has no sound processor or buddy cpu wii u has a ARM BUDDY CPU (STARLET 2) AND A DEDICATED DSP SOUND ENGINE
its clearly at very least 2x x360s cpu power with amassive catch me,memory
other factual things i know
x360 3.2ghz x2 instructions = 6400 instructions x 3 cores = 19200 instructions inline
wiiu cpu if at 1.6ghz 5 instructions x 1.6ghz =8000 x 3 cores =24000 instrutions out of order not crappy inline then ad sound dsp and arm co cpu CLEARLY EATS X360 FOR DINNER WITH A MASSIVE HEAT SAVING POWER USE SAVING AND MASSIVE RELIABILLITY IMPROVMENTS

a little something posted at my nintendo news clearly the truth power7 = not in wiiu UBISOFT CONFIRMED OVER 12 MONTHS AGO LIKE Wii BUT MULTICORE

vgleak reconfirms this with tricore powerpc plus custom 3mb catch

wiiu cpu is 3 single thread out of order cores each core has a graphics data burst pipe /buffer and a locked level 1 catch its called 3xpowerpc broadway cores and 3mb of edram catch that is the cpu theres no if or but or dream thats the cpu acept a fact as a fact and forget your 120watt power7 12 thread fantasys

I was looking at some older Wii U Hardware threads, and *shock* ..

I can't believe this, but it seems he came the closest to being correct.

#60 backudog



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Posted 07 December 2012 - 09:41 PM

tbh i dont think we'll ever get official specs from nintendo, as thats not how the roll...erm thats what the kids say nowadays isn't it lol?, ninty aren't all about specs and power etc they are about the games and the consumer having fun. Although i AM a huge graphics whore as long as the wiiU has fun games that i like the look of then im pretty happy with it (ZombiU is schweeeet!), if i want stonking graphics i'll be getting a 720 or whatever it'll be called to feed my craving, coz most games i've liked so far this gen have been on the 360. if people need a graphical comparrison between the systems then i think we'll be waiting awhile yet, developers need time to get the most out of new tech, maybe if Watch Dogs is released on the U as well as current gen that'd be a good comparrison.

Edited by backudog, 07 December 2012 - 09:42 PM.

I hear voices in my head all the time, telling me what to do. But I just ignore them and carry on killing.

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