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What Will The Gamepad do For Third Party Wii U Games?

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#1 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:00 PM

Going by the most reliable rumors at this point we all know that wii u will easily be able to hold it's ground against incoming competition in terms of hardware performance. But what will the gamepad do for the wii u in the future?, and for third party games especially?

Just think of it like this. OK Call of Duty Mw4 comes out and is multiplatform on ps4, xbox 720, and of course Wii u. Going by very reliable sources this means all versions will look almost identical but, what will the extra exclusive peripherals for each console do for games like CoD of example? With wii u i think nintendo has a huge advantage for third party games here because it's coming out first ( which is VERY important for support) , and the gamepad adds a lot more to a game like CoD with human controlled items in games which could be viewed in first person using the gamepad , and easy access to digital buttons on the touchscreen to access killstreaks ,equipment, etc much easier than on a regular controller . This also frees up buttons that were used before.

Now onto the Xbox/Durango.
If rumors are true than the next xbox will have kinect 2.0 built in and will be dedicated unlike Kinect 1. If this is true it could free up buttons on the reg controller like the wii u does. And could add that unique feature to the game. But this all depends on how devs use it and if it is reliable , unlike Kinect 1 as it was unusable in almost all games ( can't even scroll most menus XP). It would be smart for microsoft to bundle it with the system though as horsepower will mean almost nothing next gen and if done right as mentioned before could be a huge benefit for the xbox brand.

Now to the Ps4.

We know almost little to nothing about the Ps4 but i can bet very highly that it will be another traditional reg controller only console focused highly on power over most things. this could really alienate sony from third parties almost like n64 ( in a way) if they don't bring something new at all exept slightly better graphics. But who knows we will see what happens. If my predictions are correct though i think this next gen could be very comparable ( in power gaps) to the n64, saturn, and ps1 era with ps4 being the n64 in the coming gen. ( sony did it with vita after what happened with ps3).

The third parties almost always decide what people think about the power of a console and i especially think the wii u will be like the 360 in terms for support from third party developers which is great . I say this because Developers will have much more time on wii u than on other next gen consoles which are atleast a year or two away.

What are your thought's???


#2 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:20 PM

I think PS4 will be reasonably more
Powerful, but with a reasonable price ie. $350. I agree it will be a competitive generation, but More like the sixth, because PS1 was significantly less powerful than N64, the same as wii/ps360 gap. I don't see a gap that big this gen.


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#3 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:37 PM

I think PS4 will be reasonably more
Powerful, but with a reasonable price ie. $350. I agree it will be a competitive generation, but More like the sixth, because PS1 was significantly less powerful than N64, the same as wii/ps360 gap. I don't see a gap that big this gen.

i guess i know what u mean


#4 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 05:18 PM

I think the gamepad...if utilized the right way and embraced by developers...it can lead to a lot of system exclusives or being developed from the ground up on Wii U..then ported to other systems
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#5 Abcdude


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 10:07 PM

The gamepad, will be very important for the wii U and the third party games. Look at batman arkham city armored edition, and mass effect 3. They added new features that the xbox and ps3 don't have.

But, most 3rd party games, will probably just use the gamepad as a map.


#6 djlewe78



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Posted 10 September 2012 - 08:04 AM

I must be a nightmare for devs, as i believe as expert gamers they love and respect nintendo. But when it comes to making money from games they have 2 choices, make a game for ps3 / xbox and port it with a few gimmicks for the gamepad (making it not really the original intention of the gameplay) or make a wii u only game. I wish it was the wii u games getting ported tto the other consoles but it just wouldnt work! Im starting to hate thaat im thinking this but im sure im right. The wii u mmust be a console that stands alone with its own customers and own games or whats the point right?

The gamepad, will be very important for the wii U and the third party games. Look at batman arkham city armored edition, and mass effect 3. They added new features that the xbox and ps3 don't have.

But, most 3rd party games, will probably just use the gamepad as a map.

But in the videos uve seen have u ever seen anybody say WOW this changes everything? These old ports of great games are not what is going to sell wii u, a game needs to be built from the ground up i think to really show it off. I still cant imagine playing a shooter and taking my eyes off the screen to ook at a map? Im bad enough as it is lol

#7 Noonabites


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Posted 10 September 2012 - 09:54 PM

Though it's important for developers to utilize the gamepad, I'm so afraid will get another Wii incident... I'm afraid they won't utilize it at all..

#8 -JJ-



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Posted 11 September 2012 - 03:18 PM

I agree with you hardcoreUfan, I think the Wii U will have an advantage with the gamepad and because it is coming out first :)
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#9 Falco



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Posted 12 September 2012 - 07:02 AM

allows developers to jump outside the box

#10 Nintendustin


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Posted 12 September 2012 - 07:10 AM

Though it's important for developers to utilize the gamepad, I'm so afraid will get another Wii incident... I'm afraid they won't utilize it at all..

...and I would rage and cry.

#11 Noonabites


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Posted 12 September 2012 - 11:47 AM

...and I would rage and cry.

This. This. This. I'm really honestly hoping that they take advantage of this much like with the Nintendo DS. They could apply the same concepts if they wish (really, this console is like a giant DS), I just don't want to see only Nintendo putting forth effort this time around.

#12 giggity3000


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Posted 12 September 2012 - 11:56 AM

Going by the most reliable rumors at this point we all know that wii u will easily be able to hold it's ground against incoming competition in terms of hardware performance. But what will the gamepad do for the wii u in the future?, and for third party games especially?

Just think of it like this. OK Call of Duty Mw4 comes out and is multiplatform on ps4, xbox 720, and of course Wii u. Going by very reliable sources this means all versions will look almost identical but, what will the extra exclusive peripherals for each console do for games like CoD of example? With wii u i think nintendo has a huge advantage for third party games here because it's coming out first ( which is VERY important for support) , and the gamepad adds a lot more to a game like CoD with human controlled items in games which could be viewed in first person using the gamepad , and easy access to digital buttons on the touchscreen to access killstreaks ,equipment, etc much easier than on a regular controller . This also frees up buttons that were used before.

Now onto the Xbox/Durango.
If rumors are true than the next xbox will have kinect 2.0 built in and will be dedicated unlike Kinect 1. If this is true it could free up buttons on the reg controller like the wii u does. And could add that unique feature to the game. But this all depends on how devs use it and if it is reliable , unlike Kinect 1 as it was unusable in almost all games ( can't even scroll most menus XP). It would be smart for microsoft to bundle it with the system though as horsepower will mean almost nothing next gen and if done right as mentioned before could be a huge benefit for the xbox brand.

Now to the Ps4.

We know almost little to nothing about the Ps4 but i can bet very highly that it will be another traditional reg controller only console focused highly on power over most things. this could really alienate sony from third parties almost like n64 ( in a way) if they don't bring something new at all exept slightly better graphics. But who knows we will see what happens. If my predictions are correct though i think this next gen could be very comparable ( in power gaps) to the n64, saturn, and ps1 era with ps4 being the n64 in the coming gen. ( sony did it with vita after what happened with ps3).

The third parties almost always decide what people think about the power of a console and i especially think the wii u will be like the 360 in terms for support from third party developers which is great . I say this because Developers will have much more time on wii u than on other next gen consoles which are atleast a year or two away.

What are your thought's???

Ps4 slightly better graphics? how can you be so sure it will only be slightly better since graphics can always improve until we hit ultra realism and Wii U and xbox 3 will spend money on extra's while Sony goes all out on power (Assuming) it would alot more powerful then the Wii U and nextbox but then again sony is still in A pinch with the Vita


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