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Could Nintindo do for T.V what Apple have done music?

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#1 djlewe78



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 08:03 AM

WOW. Youve hopefully all seen what wii u can do for not just games but for all t.v entertainment. Its simple and most importantly inovative, so quite simply, is the wii u, t.vs answer to ipod?

#2 Fig


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 08:10 AM

That certainly appears to be a goal, but the main difference is that iPods are music devices and wii u is a gaming device first, entertainment hub second. Not out of the realm of possibilities though.

#3 Dragon



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 08:11 AM

I think this is something that only the future will tell us. But I also think it's a great possibility! :D

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#4 Mitch



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 08:12 AM

You mean you want Nintendo to monopolize the tv industry and sell tv shows for $1.29 per 4 minutes of entertainment?? I sure hope thats what they do!!!!

#5 Usman Mohammad

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Posted 13 September 2012 - 09:39 AM

Potentially, but at launch no, the tech industry says it's too expensive and lack of good games but they are saying it is one of the better solutions out there.

#6 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 13 September 2012 - 09:41 AM

It seems to have the potential, but I'm holding an opinion until It's in my hands and on my TV
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#7 3Dude



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 09:48 AM

If Nintendo TVii is a success......... A year minimum before microsoft can get its game console/dvr/tv entertainment system out....

Good God.



#8 Noonabites


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 02:37 PM

This is a good idea to test the waters and see how well TVii does... I'm certainly interested in seeing where this goes for Nintendo... I did not expect this from them, but it's quite the move on their end.

#9 Tsuchinoko


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 10:24 PM

Nintendo is so smart. Look at them not only trying to innovate gaming, but now trying to also innovate television. They really do have some balls to do such amazing things. It was completely unexpected as well, which is what I love to see at events like that. I hope it is as good as they say. If so then Nintendo with this plus all the other things the WiiU has to offer will be a tough opponent to take down once the other consoles come out.

I'm so sure that they will demolish the other companies. I can feel it.
Special thanks to Horchata. I appreciate it so much.

#10 thehappening



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Posted 14 September 2012 - 12:06 AM

nintendo AS I CLEARLY STATED LONG LONG AGO WILL DISRUPT INTERNET THINKING AND INNOVATE WERE NO ONE ELSE DID guess what they just did it and ms and sony (if not yet bankrupt) will copy the behind of it pathetic companys they are

ms got lucky with a comadore amiga workbench OS RIPP OFF lets hope KARMA gets them back like it did sony after they stole gaming away from GAMERS and sony screwed it up royally

#11 Usman Mohammad

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Posted 14 September 2012 - 03:38 AM

nintendo AS I CLEARLY STATED LONG LONG AGO WILL DISRUPT INTERNET THINKING AND INNOVATE WERE NO ONE ELSE DID guess what they just did it and ms and sony (if not yet bankrupt) will copy the behind of it pathetic companys they are

ms got lucky with a comadore amiga workbench OS RIPP OFF lets hope KARMA gets them back like it did sony after they stole gaming away from GAMERS and sony screwed it up royally

I would like to point out MS (and nor Sony) are not going to "copy it", I've been following MS over this past year a lot since they unveiled Windows 8 and following the direction they're going in. They've been planning this big ecosystem where the Xbox is the main box for everything in the house and you take the xbox experience everywhere you go (Xbox doesn't just mean games it means, games music video and social).

So yes most deffinetely MS and Sony are going to do this, it's not going to be copying because they've been touting this for a while, it's just that Nintendo was first to the punch out of those two.

However this is a hard sell to normal consumers because it's a games system first for $300, it could go either way, consumers could say it's a tv box and a next gen console for $300/$350 I'm sold, or they could go "that apple TV/Roku Box/Google TV/Boxee is only $99" or "That Xbox 360 is $199 and plays most games and does TV"/"That PS3 is cheaper, it does netflix, it does amazon video and does hulu and it is a blu ray player".

It could be a tough sell but I am very impressed in the interface of this NintendoTVii, it's metro-esque UI is perfect, they built a robust UI that it's something I expected from Microsoft and not Nintendo.

This is why I'm saying it's not going to be copying because all these companies have been heading this way and trust me Microsoft's Solution will look similar because Nintendo's Solution already is in a Metro Style format, which is Microsoft's UI they've been touting from a year ago.

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