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Weird Gaming Habit?

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#1 Aqua Omega

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Posted 19 June 2011 - 09:14 PM

OK so my cousin is a Big fan of Sonic and likes Zelda a lot as well. but he has the strangest Habit of Playing Video Games which even i can't not understand at all....???? O_O  Its like this.... he is the type of Person to Play Video Games even if you Tell him the ending of a video Game... THAT'S RIGHT YOU HEARD ME!!! So for example if i were to tell him the ending of Skyward Sword, He wouldn't care and be excited and he will be like oh good Can't wait to play the game. So besides the fact by revealing the ending of any-game and ruining the whole point of playing the game, which is destroying the whole Experience of the whole thing. He doesn't care...In fact he keeps asking me for some endings of some games like Pokemon Black and White and etc. I keep telling him, play the game and find out yourself... why should i spoil a game for you??? it doesn't make sense at all...

Anyone finds this odd ??? O_O

Edited by Aqua Omega, 19 June 2011 - 09:57 PM.

#2 Deboog


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Posted 19 June 2011 - 09:30 PM

I read books sometimes if I know the plot. I don't think the ending is "the whole point of playing the game". You've been playing too many RPGs.

Oh. And biased polls are both stupid and weird.

Edited by Deboog, 19 June 2011 - 09:31 PM.

#3 Aqua Omega

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Posted 19 June 2011 - 09:47 PM

I read books sometimes if I know the plot. I don't think the ending is "the whole point of playing the game". You've been playing too many RPGs.

Oh. And biased polls are both stupid and weird.

Let me be More Clear about this. My cousin has this Habit and not just for the games, but also for movies,shows and books.
He loves to know everything about a story or a plot in a film, before he sees or reads any of it.
In other words i don't understand why he loves to spoils himself.
Yes i do play RPGs, because i for one enjoy experiencing the story and would like to be surprised by sudden twists in the story.
On the other hand, My cousin doesn't mind people spoiling everything for him, In fact he asks for it.
May i ask what type of games you play? As they seem to have very little story...

#4 Jabob



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Posted 20 June 2011 - 12:59 AM

I understand that, I have played through the different guilds in Oblivion multiple times and same with the main quest, some are just that fun. I have also watched the Pirates of the Caribbean movies well over 20 times each (except for the 4th one) and have watched How I Met Your Mother, Psych, Kim Possible, American Dragon and a number of other shows multiple times.
I totally understand it.



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Posted 20 June 2011 - 01:23 AM

it's not really that odd, it happends to some people too.but atleast you have fun playing the game
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#6 Camcam281



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Posted 20 June 2011 - 04:47 AM

He just really enjoys playing the games, not caring if he already knows the outcome. If I bought skyward sword and someone told me the ending, I would just play the game through until I get to see the ending. It is about the gameplay, not the storyline.
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#7 WeeYou



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Posted 20 June 2011 - 09:00 AM

I had a friend who if you said to him "the ending of the book doesn't make sense unless you've read the whole thing," than he would read the last chapter first. :D

#8 Jabob



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Posted 20 June 2011 - 10:39 PM

I had a friend who if you said to him "the ending of the book doesn't make sense unless you've read the whole thing," than he would read the last chapter first. :D

Haha, he's like one of my friends, you tell him to play this part first, or watch this movie first, he'll do the complete opposite, some people are strange like that :P

#9 Roy


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Posted 21 June 2011 - 08:08 AM

That's not weird in any way.

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#10 Elric


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Posted 21 June 2011 - 08:15 AM


Whenever I get a book, I actually read the ending first. So I have something to look forward to, of course! :D

Any who, ive done that with a few video games, but only the scary games I am too afraid to play.




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