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"Wii U's GPGPU Squashes Xbox 360, PS3;Capable Of DirectX 11 Equivalent Graphics"

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#41 Arkhandar


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Posted 23 September 2012 - 04:37 AM

it looked amazing to me. the thing about nintendo is their artstyle. their games (mark my words) will look just as good as sony and microsoft next gen titles because they have amazing artstyle. pair artstyle with solid CPU and modern arichtecture GPU and our jaws as soon going to be hitting the floor.

Yes, because just like every other system they've made (which equates in years and years of experience) the Wii U will be a perfectly balanced machine, unlike Microsoft and Sony which only focuses in up scaling clock speeds that end up crashing the console all the time and/or result in poor optimizing and loss of real horsepower.
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#42 Noonabites


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Posted 23 September 2012 - 11:56 PM

Why... are there repeated threads... for the same topic...
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#43 scotty79



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Posted 24 September 2012 - 12:30 AM

Cannot believe the wild speculation/agitation about this until someone actually tells us what the capabilities (not believes or wants) then its all hearsay.I can say that having studied fairly closely footage of assassins creed 3 on all platforms same levels that it looks like (to me) that the wii u maybe has better effects in the graphics.I mean the lighting textures naybe even shadows.But thats just to my untrained eye the speculation will drive the rest of you mad!
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#44 Desert Punk

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Posted 24 September 2012 - 04:54 AM

Assasin's Creed is meant to be missing the particle effects on the wii u but I'm sure it will compensate in other areas. However as already pointed out the development software is in early form and the gpu has ways to assist the cpu which might mean later on the wii u will improve in this regard. Does seem like the wii u is not a great cpu powerhouse. I would really like to see games like Skyrim on the wii u but it might be difficult at least at the beginning with the wii u.

#45 Keviin



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Posted 24 September 2012 - 05:04 AM

totally agree.i would be happy myself with the zelda demo in 1080p 60 fps if all wii u games were that great looking im ok. im not the biggest unreal engine fan or supporter... but i would like to see the samaritan demo level graphics on the wii u that would be great also. I swear if nintendo switches the artstyle for zelda wii u and doesnt use the one in the hd demo.... you guys will see a grown man cry and throw a tantrum on the internet.

Most likely they change the style tho. Look at Spaceworld 2000 vs. Wind Waker. But they know how well this demo was recieved, so we'll see.
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#46 Arkhandar


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 05:18 AM

Cannot believe the wild speculation/agitation about this until someone actually tells us what the capabilities (not believes or wants) then its all hearsay.I can say that having studied fairly closely footage of assassins creed 3 on all platforms same levels that it looks like (to me) that the wii u maybe has better effects in the graphics.I mean the lighting textures naybe even shadows.But thats just to my untrained eye the speculation will drive the rest of you mad!

You can't judge the graphical capabilities of a console from multiplatform games.

Normally, a multipalt has the same visuals in all platforms because it wasn't built for that specific platform (save some exceptions).

We can only measure the power of a system by a good exclusive (non-launch window of course, since developers are still getting the had with the system).
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#47 parallaxscroll


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 06:05 AM

WiiU is capable of DX 11 graphics, is obviously better than the PS3 and Xbox 360
23rd, Sep. 2012 | Posted in News | by Kartik Mudgal

Wii U’s graphics are quite proficient according to Unity Technology’s CEO David Helgason. He mentions that the tech in Wii U can scale nicely and the rumours about it being underpowered.

In a pre-briefing interview with Gaming Blend, Helgason mentioned that the Wii U will be able to take advantage of all the latest Unity Engine’s features.

“Yeah. We’ll do a — we’ll make it potentially possible to do,” he said.
“What’s interesting is that our philosophy is always this: We have a match work flow and I’m sure we can make a decent game and prototype, and they’re fun. And then we have a shared system that basically allows you to access the full capabilities of the hardware you run. That’s going to be good whether you’re running [software] on an iPhone, the Wii U, a gaming PC or whatever.”

The Wii U won’t run Direct X11 because the API is owned by Microsoft and there’s no way Nintendo will license that. However, the Wii U is capable of Direct X11 equivalent graphics using different APIs like Unity 4.


Edited by parallaxscroll, 24 September 2012 - 06:09 AM.

#48 Tre



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Posted 24 September 2012 - 09:17 AM

Please people stop. As a fan of Nintendo, the Wii U should only be compared to the Wii not the PS3 or XBox360. It really makes people seem stupid. You are comparing a 2012 BMW to a 2005 BMW. So please stop it. Compare it to the Wii. The improvements and enhancements made over the Wii. After all it is the next generation console from Wii not the next generation console of Microsoft or Sony. End this now or when the Next Xbox or Playstation surface you will get trolled. Stop trying to pay back the Sony and Microsoft fans that treated you wrong. It is not necessary at all.

#49 milky105p


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 10:21 AM

My guess is this consoles gpu will only be compared to a radeon of the 4000 series which limits the cost down, but also limits the console at Dx 10.1 and a dated open GL

#50 Socalmuscle


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 10:45 AM

Assasin's Creed is meant to be missing the particle effects on the wii u but I'm sure it will compensate in other areas. However as already pointed out the development software is in early form and the gpu has ways to assist the cpu which might mean later on the wii u will improve in this regard. Does seem like the wii u is not a great cpu powerhouse. I would really like to see games like Skyrim on the wii u but it might be difficult at least at the beginning with the wii u.

The CPU doesn't "need" assistance in order to complete the effects on AC3. the developers themselves have noted it is the limited time spent with the new hardware before deadline combined with using old code and assets. And still it looks better. There is also still time to add the minor things that are missing. From what has been shown of both, the Wii U version looks easily superior and doesn't seem to be missing anything.


The Wii U GPU IS DX11 capable.

Whether they license DX11 is up to them. But the hardware is up to the task. and if they don't use that, they will use OpenGL with the same kinds of effecfts - because the hardware is up for it.

Nintendo themselves or a game publisher can license DX if they want. There is no barrier to doing so. And it isn't prohibitively expensive either.

#51 Arkhandar


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 11:28 AM

Please people stop. As a fan of Nintendo, the Wii U should only be compared to the Wii not the PS3 or XBox360. It really makes people seem stupid. You are comparing a 2012 BMW to a 2005 BMW. So please stop it. Compare it to the Wii. The improvements and enhancements made over the Wii. After all it is the next generation console from Wii not the next generation console of Microsoft or Sony. End this now or when the Next Xbox or Playstation surface you will get trolled. Stop trying to pay back the Sony and Microsoft fans that treated you wrong. It is not necessary at all.

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#52 Socalmuscle


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 01:04 PM

Please people stop. As a fan of Nintendo, the Wii U should only be compared to the Wii not the PS3 or XBox360. It really makes people seem stupid. You are comparing a 2012 BMW to a 2005 BMW. So please stop it. Compare it to the Wii. The improvements and enhancements made over the Wii. After all it is the next generation console from Wii not the next generation console of Microsoft or Sony. End this now or when the Next Xbox or Playstation surface you will get trolled. Stop trying to pay back the Sony and Microsoft fans that treated you wrong. It is not necessary at all.

The problem with that kind of thinking is that you believe Nintendo is off in their own little world with their head in the sand, pretending the upcoming MS and Sony consoles arent' their true competition.

The reality is that Nintendo knows they are. they have created a machine that get the Wii U quickly entrenched by ensuring all the AAA games are ported now. Then, in the future, the AAA games take some steps up due to the new next gen hardware.

A Power7 CPU, and enhanced e6760+ (with performance around 7770) with 2GB of RAM to work with make sure that a Wii comparison is just silly. The new system runs circles around the current HD consoles and is ready to throw down with the new systems from MS and Sony.

There is no discussion of fan vs fan going on here. There is only discussion of what the console can do.

You. Please. Stop. Seriously. You may hope the Wii U isn't what it is. But that's just a fantasy.

Nintendo got it right. Many millions will benefit.

#53 Tre



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Posted 24 September 2012 - 04:33 PM

The problem with that kind of thinking is that you believe Nintendo is off in their own little world with their head in the sand, pretending the upcoming MS and Sony consoles arent' their true competition.

The reality is that Nintendo knows they are. they have created a machine that get the Wii U quickly entrenched by ensuring all the AAA games are ported now. Then, in the future, the AAA games take some steps up due to the new next gen hardware.

A Power7 CPU, and enhanced e6760+ (with performance around 7770) with 2GB of RAM to work with make sure that a Wii comparison is just silly. The new system runs circles around the current HD consoles and is ready to throw down with the new systems from MS and Sony.

There is no discussion of fan vs fan going on here. There is only discussion of what the console can do.

You. Please. Stop. Seriously. You may hope the Wii U isn't what it is. But that's just a fantasy.

Nintendo got it right. Many millions will benefit.

You do know that I support Nintendo consoles. What I'm talking about how people are comparing it to systems that is not in the same generation as the Wii U. You throw all these specs around and don't really know it is in the system. So stop. How can you talk about what a system can do if you aren't working on it. Try reading and comprehending before you misinterpret what I was saying. I have the Wii U preorder so yes it is what I think it will be.

Edited by Tre, 24 September 2012 - 04:34 PM.

#54 Socalmuscle


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 07:13 PM

You do know that I support Nintendo consoles. What I'm talking about how people are comparing it to systems that is not in the same generation as the Wii U. You throw all these specs around and don't really know it is in the system. So stop. How can you talk about what a system can do if you aren't working on it. Try reading and comprehending before you misinterpret what I was saying. I have the Wii U preorder so yes it is what I think it will be.

You don't know much. And that's ok.

But you're asking people to not compare the wii u to systems that the mass media is comparing it to.

Even ms and Sony have compared and tried to say their systems can hold up when it fact they can't.

So excuse the folks around here for pointing out how much better the next gen is than the old. With misinformation being passed out like candy, it's normal to address these things.

On top of that, you want to compare the wii u to the weakest console Nintendo has ever made in comparison to its rivals.

So read and comprehend yourself, drink less coffee and learn to get your head out of the sand.

Enough of your "stop"
In fact, please stop.


Edited by Socalmuscle, 24 September 2012 - 07:14 PM.

#55 Tre



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Posted 24 September 2012 - 07:46 PM

You don't know much. And that's ok.

But you're asking people to not compare the wii u to systems that the mass media is comparing it to.

Even ms and Sony have compared and tried to say their systems can hold up when it fact they can't.

So excuse the folks around here for pointing out how much better the next gen is than the old. With misinformation being passed out like candy, it's normal to address these things.

On top of that, you want to compare the wii u to the weakest console Nintendo has ever made in comparison to its rivals.

So read and comprehend yourself, drink less coffee and learn to get your head out of the sand.

Enough of your "stop"
In fact, please stop.


Misinformed? You talking about what the media is doing. Please. Try better. Of course next gen is better. Keep comparing old consoles to a new console. Yeah that makes sense. While you at it, go compare the galaxy s III to the iphone 4. That would make sense too right. Get out of here with that. Compare a new nintendo console to its predecessor doesn't make sense to you. You making me laugh. If the mass media started comparing it to smartphones and tablets, then you should too. Wait they are comparing it to those devices as well. I'm not saying don't be happy about the console. You still aren't getting the point. I am talking about people comparing the Wii U gpgpu to the PS3 and Xbox 360's gpu. It doesn't make sense to compare it. The Wii U is in its own generation when November 18th happen. When the next Xbox and next Sony console comes out then there is a comparison that can be made. Then you would be comparing similar tech. The tech next gen use and the current gen use is different. The reason I said compare it to the Wii is because....It's Nintendo's next gen system. I'm speaking of the improvements made from the Wii. You are treating the Wii as if it is irrelevant. It is relevant when you are talking about its successor.

#56 Socalmuscle


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 08:27 PM

Misinformed? You talking about what the media is doing. Please. Try better. Of course next gen is better. Keep comparing old consoles to a new console. Yeah that makes sense. While you at it, go compare the galaxy s III to the iphone 4. That would make sense too right. Get out of here with that. Compare a new nintendo console to its predecessor doesn't make sense to you. You making me laugh. If the mass media started comparing it to smartphones and tablets, then you should too. Wait they are comparing it to those devices as well. I'm not saying don't be happy about the console. You still aren't getting the point. I am talking about people comparing the Wii U gpgpu to the PS3 and Xbox 360's gpu. It doesn't make sense to compare it. The Wii U is in its own generation when November 18th happen. When the next Xbox and next Sony console comes out then there is a comparison that can be made. Then you would be comparing similar tech. The tech next gen use and the current gen use is different. The reason I said compare it to the Wii is because....It's Nintendo's next gen system. I'm speaking of the improvements made from the Wii. You are treating the Wii as if it is irrelevant. It is relevant when you are talking about its successor.

Done here. Move along.

This isn't the place to start forum ranting Over your non point that you supposedly aren't trying to make.

U no nussink.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 24 September 2012 - 08:28 PM.

#57 Arkhandar


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Posted 25 September 2012 - 05:24 AM

Done here. Move along.

This isn't the place to start forum ranting Over your non point that you supposedly aren't trying to make.

U no nussink.


Edited by Arkhandar, 25 September 2012 - 05:24 AM.

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#58 Socalmuscle


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Posted 25 September 2012 - 01:43 PM


U say po Tay to.

I say po Tah to?

#59 milky105p


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Posted 25 September 2012 - 01:47 PM

You don't know much. And that's ok.

But you're asking people to not compare the wii u to systems that the mass media is comparing it to.

Even ms and Sony have compared and tried to say their systems can hold up when it fact they can't.

So excuse the folks around here for pointing out how much better the next gen is than the old. With misinformation being passed out like candy, it's normal to address these things.

On top of that, you want to compare the wii u to the weakest console Nintendo has ever made in comparison to its rivals.

So read and comprehend yourself, drink less coffee and learn to get your head out of the sand.

Enough of your "stop"
In fact, please stop.


If nintendo would just release the full specs of the machine, then there wouldnt be any reason for disputes if the hardware really is superior. I think it will be somewhat more powerful, not leaps and bounds but an improvement. I just think its a little fishy or shady that they must have something to hide about specs by just giving such a generic answer for the cpu or gpu. My guess is its not really too much better than we have now, so they think if they released that info at the conference that would deter some from buying or preordering.

#60 Alex Atkin UK

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 09:44 PM

I don't think Nintendo can win either way in these arguments.

If they released the CPU specs, then surely we would just have people saying something like "ugh, but its ONLY 2.8Ghz when the Xbox 360 is 3.2Ghz, Wii U sucks". (I used 2.8Ghz just for sake of argument, I'm not saying it is)

Despite the fact in reality its highly likely than a lower clocked Wii U CPU with properly optimised code running on it will be far superior to the Xbox 360 CPU. The same way my 1.3Ghz laptop CPU easily outpaces a 3Ghz Pentium D, because its a much newer architecture.

I have heard people say that even the Wii CPU was more efficient clock-for-clock than the Xbox 360 CPU, which would not surprise me. Multi-core CPUs were barely being utilised when the PS3/360 were being developed, they weren't particularly efficient compared to single-core parts of higher clock speeds. I always got the impression that the Xbox 360 was using a CPU very much pushing the limits of the architecture it was using, ideally it should have been on something newer but the timing was wrong for that. That was one of the contributing factors to the RROD problem, the CPU ran VERY hot due to its inefficient architecture. That is likely one reason Nintendo has only just gone multi-core, the technology has been refined a LOT since then.

From what we do know, the Wii U CPU is very different to the PS3/360 CPUs. That means it takes time for the game engines to be properly optimised for the hardware which considering the Wii U specs have only been set in stone relatively recently, no launch window games will have been that well optimised.

That said, it has already been unofficially confirmed that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is currently running at a better frame rate on Wii U than other platforms, presumably due to its greater GPU power so its having an easier time pulling the same graphics. That is all the more impressive when its running the game pad at the same time and for the reasons I described above, its unlikely to be as optimised for the hardware as the PS3/360 version.

This is a game which is coming out on every console under the sun, so you would expect it to be the least optimised for any single platform. We can only imagine what a Wii U exclusive game, written from the ground up for the final Wii U specifications, will be able to achieve.

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