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#41 Socalmuscle


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Posted 22 September 2012 - 06:58 PM

The ps3/vita combo notion is a joke and nothing but lies from Sony to detract attention from wii u until they have their new system ready to compete.

The ps3 won't be able to drive two screens and it won't be able to be able to communicated entire virtual worlds back and forth. The ps3 will have to do some work. And the vita will have to also. Buy the vita is too limited to represent what the ps3 is doing. So it "could" be used" as a minor controller with a menu on screen. And that's about it.

The ps3 is too weak to do what wii u does. And the the ps3 vita doesn't have the tech to stream properly between two displays.

The whole mention of it screams of desperation.

The ps3 /vita combo will prob only be supported by Sony as most devs know how weak the concept is and how few people will actually be able to use it

720 will be out in one to one and a half years. Same with ps4.

The ps3 was a craptastic disaster. Of course Sony can't admit that but it was. And they can't wait to be on with the next.

The problem with that is the wii u is a home run and it will have aa massive install base by then. Folks will be buying wii u games for Christmas instead of yet another console.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 22 September 2012 - 07:15 PM.

#42 Noonabites


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Posted 23 September 2012 - 11:55 PM

The fanboyism in this thread o_o

#43 Socalmuscle


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 10:47 AM

The fanboyism in this thread o_o

Such exists in any thread about anything where competition exists.

Bias is universal. Some have less a grasp on restraining theirs than others.

But facts are facts. And hopefully, that overrides bias.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 24 September 2012 - 10:48 AM.

#44 Noonabites


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Posted 26 September 2012 - 01:46 PM

Such exists in any thread about anything where competition exists.

Bias is universal. Some have less a grasp on restraining theirs than others.

But facts are facts. And hopefully, that overrides bias.

That's just the issue. Facts are indeed facts. It's true bias exist, but the difference between "bias" and "fanboyism" (in this case) comes from how far you insert you opinion into these "facts". A lot of what I've read seems less like facts, and more like warped opinions. It's sad and infuriating, especially when you try to state an unbiased fact against these warped opinions.

#45 SolxBurst


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Posted 26 September 2012 - 02:02 PM

The possibility of a "copied" controller from Sony or Microsoft hangs on whether the Wii U console is very successful. But from past experience I can say that Microsoft and Sony do not like placing bets on something "new" to drive their next-gen console, that is why they did not make a new console using motion controls but instead waited for Nintendo to test the waters, and see if it was worth their money diving into. Nintendo took the risk and it paid off tremendously. But that was in the past, and past can only tell us so much however, the next consoles from Sony and Microsoft should differentiate themselves, I want consoles to be separate experiences, and that is what Nintendo is setting itself up as, a different experience.

Edited by SolxBurst, 26 September 2012 - 02:04 PM.


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#46 Hank Hill

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Posted 26 September 2012 - 02:04 PM

A lot of what I've read seems less like facts, and more like warped opinions. It's sad and infuriating, especially when you try to state an unbiased fact against these warped opinions.

I may not have posted in this thread yet, but that in the bold sounds about how I try to be 99% of the time.

On Topic: Will Sony/Microsoft try to copy the Wii U's tablet? Yes they will, and in a way they already have. How? Lemme explain.

As I've seen in this thread so far, people were relatively ready to dismiss the Vita as Sony's answer to the Wii U. To be put bluntly, that was a moronic dismissal. If Sony is rather hard-pressed to copy off the Wii U's abilities for the PS4/Orbis/whatever the heck it's going to be, they will most likely use the Vita as the device for those abilities. I cannot, however, speak for developer's willingness to actually develop games that require both the Vita and the PS4rbis in the near future.

Now in regards to Microsoft's leeching interesting answer to the Wii U GamePad, they have Microsoft SmartGlass for the Xbox 360 and the 720/Durango in the near future. But like the problem Sony faces, there's the problem of developer willingness to develop for the platform as not everyone has a tablet.

Of course, they could both just throw a curveball out of left field and completely rip-off the GamePad as an optional/mandatory controller and completely destroy my theories above.

Just my thoughts though. Cheers. :B



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#47 Spleenzorio



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Posted 27 September 2012 - 12:24 AM

Dunno if you guys noticed but after the E3 where Nintendo showed off the Wiimote, the PS3 controller had an upgrade to include motion control when they hadn't mentioned it before Nintendo showed theirs off.
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#48 Socalmuscle


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Posted 27 September 2012 - 09:12 AM

That's just the issue. Facts are indeed facts. It's true bias exist, but the difference between "bias" and "fanboyism" (in this case) comes from how far you insert you opinion into these "facts". A lot of what I've read seems less like facts, and more like warped opinions. It's sad and infuriating, especially when you try to state an unbiased fact against these warped opinions.

Good point.

You can imagine how frustrating it is for those who are actually working on the system (not speaking for myself. hypothetical of course) and who know how good it is to have to hear the rampant and often dogmatic negative speculation about the new Wii U. Part of this is because there is a lot of money to be made by selling games designed for the console and you'd want it to do well. Part of it is because those making games often love their jobs. It's fun (when not working for EA) and it often somehow brings an emotional attachment like few other things.

@ GameCollector
I agree that sony and MS will copy the Wii U GamePad functionality in some way, if not copy it outright. Some part of me believes that Nintendo purposely doesn't protect these innovations enough because they get a kick out of being copied (imitation being the sincerest form of flattery) and they like the idea that they are driving the industry forward regardless of who sells the hardware (though, make no mistake, they want to be the ones selling the hardware).

I believe the competitors HAVE to copy this idea simply because it is a no brainer now after some great minds have wrapped their heads around it. I think of Zombi U and how quickly Ubisoft created a must have feature with the GamePad. Or Batman: AC. Though it is a port, the control mechanic for the Batarang with the Gamepad alond with being able to track the device with the screen inside the controller as you move is simply genius and the absolute BEST way that kind of control can possibly be done.

I cannot see the PS4 working with Vita as any kind of hopeful chance at this for sony and that is due to one reason: Fragmentation of their user base. Not everyone will have a Vita. In fact, the great majority will not. therefore, not only will many not be able to use such a feature (therefore requiring sony to have a stock, packed in control mechanism that can compete), most developers won't waste their time with something that doesn't have a hope of actually gaining traction. it would be a waste of time and resources.

Microsoft can use Smart Glass with a bit more success, simply because most people have an iPhone, android, etc. But even then there are major hardware spec, OS, and form factor differences that would cause that experience to vary. And you still wouldn't have the level of precision you do with the GamePad. Nor the benefit of a much larger screen (in cases where the alternative is only a SmartPhone, not a tablet. And most tablets are too large to be good controllers. Esp with the lack of physical buttons, analog sticks, triggers, etc.)

In conclusion, it is my belief that Nintendo has successfully launched a preemptive strike and done it right. No one expected a GamePad like this. No one expected the hardware to be as generously spec'd as it is. No one expected the massive developer support it has received, and no one expected it to sell out with nearly two months to go before the thing is actually available to take home. With an already established install base, the console is a hit before it is out. If you are a developer, you want in on that. Period. and the Gamepad being standard ensures everyone makes good use of it, whether for a central gameplay mechanic or a simple, but extremely handy menu display. MS and Sony will be forced to copy in some way. this isn't the same thing as motion controls (risky) vs. standard controls (tried, proven, and comfortable). This is a situation where standard controls and motion controls coexist and are further greatly enhanced by the addition of a controller display. If the others don't do this, they will be viewed as "lower tech" and behind the times. How successful they will be in following Nintendo's lead depends on execution. Smart Glass and Vita interactivity aren't it. they are simply stopgap marketing thoughts while they scramble for a real solution.

Still somewhat in shock that Nintendo has taken something that was so difficult to understand two years ago by game creators and players alike into something that seems so simple and a must-have today.

As I have said before, if you are a Nintendo fan, it's a great time to be one.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 27 September 2012 - 09:16 AM.

#49 milky105p


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 03:40 PM

The vita with the ps3 still has yet to be utilized and I'm sure will soon enough in the future. Not to mention unlike Microsoft, sony cares about exclusives and IPs and still has many coming up in the next year or even 2. The console will be strong still then. They already said they are supporting ps3 till 2015. I won't expect any talk of a ps4 till maybe next e3 if not the 2014 e3. Then my guess two options occur. They either show a finalized console then and say it comes out in November which creates the chaos of sales, or they wait till 2015 to show the finalized product and say it will come out that holiday season. I don't see them talking too much about it next year, as they will show off more IPs and vita support unlike they did this year. By that time wii u will already be in its almost mid lifcycle a couple years from now:)

#50 Alianjaro



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Posted 02 October 2012 - 03:50 PM

Well Sony All-Stars got me raging more than usual. Sony has been a lot anout copying Nintendo, but that was simply too much. I was just disgusted. How could the creators just watch themselves in a mirror and not think: "I'm a stupid copycat"? That's when you see how Sony's dev team is not about passionate developing like Nintendo EAD and Miyamoto are...
Despite that, I still have more respect for Sony than for Microsoft.
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#51 Noonabites


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 07:44 PM

Well Sony All-Stars got me raging more than usual. Sony has been a lot anout copying Nintendo, but that was simply too much. I was just disgusted. How could the creators just watch themselves in a mirror and not think: "I'm a stupid copycat"? That's when you see how Sony's dev team is not about passionate developing like Nintendo EAD and Miyamoto are...
Despite that, I still have more respect for Sony than for Microsoft.

This is a bit off topic for the thread, but to comment on All-Stars: Sony fans have been wanting it for quite some time. Are they using the same "throw opponent off stage" concept? No. If mechanics were the same, I would rage, but they aren't. Like I said already, fans have been wanting this for quite sometime. It angers me when I see everyone calling it a copy cat as if Nintendo invited the idea of a fighting game featuring their IPs.

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