Oh look at this? EA saying Nice things about Wii U? Now just need some games
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:01 AM
EA claims that "Hardcore Twitch Gamers" will appreciate Wii U. They say that it will compete with Microsoft and Sony and will likely win...again
1) What the heck is a twitch gamer?
2) Thanks EA, now maybe ya wanna give us some more games to prove it? Lol
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We foot will rebel one day.
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:05 AM
Shing Shong For Smash 4!
Honk For Ponk!
NNid AdmiralClassy
Psn AdmiralClassy
Steam AdmiralClassy
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:09 AM
Pokedex entry: Mewtwo: The butt pokemon. It is really sexy and any pokemon that sees it wants to have sex with it. It's power comes from it's butt.
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:10 AM
They have games, they are just either bad ports or poorly thought-out releases. They are just butthurt over the whole Origin not being the main online servicer on the WiiU thing.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:13 AM
Just the year? More like the decade.Ea voted the worst company of the year!
No EA did not make up the term "twitch gamer", it is a term that refers to gamers that utilise fast reactions such as those commonly seen in shooters.A twitch gamer is a term they made up. The synonym of which is hardcore, as in they want a meaningful experiencein their game.
They have games, they are just either bad ports or poorly thought-out releases. They are just butthurt over the whole Origin not being the main online servicer on the WiiU thing.
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:13 AM
there is an old rumour saying that they cancelled the port of BF 3 because they are working in BF 4 for wii u already
I heard about that. I'm kind of glad if it ends up being true. Battlefield 3 was a downgrade over BFBC2 IMO. Less destruction and linear maps really killed it for me.
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:14 AM
they did say Battlefield 4 will be on Wii U, but there won't be anything special about it differentiating it from the other versions, except maybe more players online at once. All gamepad features would be done on either smartglass or the Vita connection.there is an old rumour saying that they cancelled the port of BF 3 because they are working in BF 4 for wii u already
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:15 AM
they did say Battlefield 4 will be on Wii U, but there won't be anything special about it differentiating it from the other versions, except maybe more players online at once. All gamepad features would be done on either smartglass or the Vita connection.
Quote please..?
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:21 AM
oh. I didn't know that. This is the only time I ever heard the term twitch gamer, so I thought they just made it up.Just the year? More like the decade.
No EA did not make up the term "twitch gamer", it is a term that refers to gamers that utilise fast reactions such as those commonly seen in shooters.
I found it on WiiU Daily, so take it with a grain of salt.Quote please..?
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:27 AM
oh. I didn't know that. This is the only time I ever heard the term twitch gamer, so I thought they just made it up.
I found it on WiiU Daily, so take it with a grain of salt.
Origin Sucks. If that's true, I'm glad Nintendo is fighting it. Origin is the reason I won't play the MoH: Warfighter beta.
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:39 AM
I know. However, EA said that they were going to dk big things with the WiiU at E3 2011, and now they are on bad terms with them. Nintendo lost a big third party partner with that move. However, it seems that Ubisoft took over as Nintendo's favorite third party company, so it's not that big of a lost.Origin Sucks. If that's true, I'm glad Nintendo is fighting it. Origin is the reason I won't play the MoH: Warfighter beta.
Also, I was going to get the pc version of BF3, but they I found out you can only get it with Origin. That pisses me of so flipping much.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:40 AM
I know. However, EA said that they were going to dk big things with the WiiU at E3 2011, and now they are on bad terms with them. Nintendo lost a big third party partner with that move. However, it seems that Ubisoft took over as Nintendo's favorite third party company, so it's not that big of a lost.
Also, I was going to get the pc version of BF3, but they I found out you can only get it with Origin. That pisses me of so flipping much.
Hmmm I do like me some ACIII.... Ubisoft it is!
Posted 20 October 2012 - 06:58 AM
I agree. AC 3 is number one on my Anticipated games list, along with Aliens Colonial Marines, Lego City Undercover, Nina Gaiden 3, and New super Mario bros u, and Batman.Hmmm I do like me some ACIII.... Ubisoft it is!
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 20 October 2012 - 07:00 AM
I agree. AC 3 is number one on my Anticipated games list, along with Aliens Colonial Marines, Lego City Undercover, Nina Gaiden 3, and New super Mario bros u, and Batman.
I won't be picking it up at launch though. I'll be getting ZombiU and Black Ops 2 at launch.
Posted 20 October 2012 - 07:04 AM
I agree. AC 3 is number one on my Launch games list, along with Aliens Colonial Marines, Lego City Undercover, Nina Gaiden 3, and New super Mario bros u, and Batman.Hmmm I do like me some ACIII.... Ubisoft it is!
I agree. AC 3 is number one on my Launch games list, along with Aliens Colonial Marines, Lego City Undercover, Nina Gaiden 3, and New super Mario bros u, and Batman.Hmmm I do like me some ACIII.... Ubisoft it is!
I actually can't get any of those at launch because I don't have the money. Would Wal-Mart be the best place to preorder it now?I won't be picking it up at launch though. I'll be getting ZombiU and Black Ops 2 at launch.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 20 October 2012 - 07:07 AM

Edited by nintendo3DS, 20 October 2012 - 07:07 AM.
Posted 20 October 2012 - 07:11 AM
They should really do this for it and add 64 player online, but it was canceled after the origin incident.Where's my damn
for Wii U?
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
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