I would really like this if it is real:

It would make the Wii U version the first version to include the first MGS game (The Twin Snakes) in an HD Collection.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS! Just for the inclusion of The Twin Snakes. I borrowed my friend's copy a long time ago and LOVED it! I think it is better than the original in almost every way (they switched the music, but I still love the tracks they put). I want to replay that game sooo badly, but it is he.ll to find nowadays. I want that to come to the Wii U in at least some form, otherwise I will RAGE!!!!!! In fact, if the guy who makes all of the Wii U signatures on this site, can you make one of this pic? I know you only do confirmed games, but please make an exception.
The only thing is it would just tack on the wii u pad controls.
Like zelda would just be ok because it would have a big map and items you can swap in and out.
Like the hell of the iron boosts on the n64.The 3ds fix that problem.
Okami would work great also.
But then you dont want the wii u getting the a rep for just remaking old games.
Now once a good line up of next gen games come out then they can bring all these to the eshop. But imo i want the devs to work on the next gen games vs old school.
Okami HD is already coming to the PS3, but it would be pretty cool if it came to the Wii U as well. You could use the touch screen for the Celestial Brush, like in Okamiden.