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#21 Gamejunkie



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Posted 17 November 2012 - 11:10 AM

I know I'm right friend. All retailers have contracts with publishers and in the contracts have binding agreements to keep the street date. Breaking this contract can result in fines up too 100,000 or 5,000 or more per game sold before the contractual date. In the worst cases the publisher can pull their brand from a retailer. This is correct information. A manager or assistant manager wouldn't deal with contracts or probably wouldn't know about them. You should However know there are repercussions to selling them early. So to edit my statement..It's not a law per say but a breach in contract isn't taken lightly.

What ever. You actually said its a legal issue and they can be sued which is wrong. That's what I was referring to as you are wrong in saying that. I did mention that the publishers and manufacturers can punish the retailers in other ways. Just because I haven't dealt with contracts doesn't mean I don't know about the consequences. And what make you think you do know. I suggest you get your facts right before criticising others for being wrong.

Isn't this a contradiction? You say it's wrong to accuse people of lying but you assume he is spreading false information? What? Tricky wasn't the first to make a rebuttal.

I never made any rebuttal. I just posted correcting the wrong information he gave regards being sued and it being against the law which is not the case. And I'm sure he can defend himself without you getting involved.

#22 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 11:12 AM

What ever. You actually said its a legal issue and they can be sued which is wrong. That's what I was referring to as you are wrong in saying that. I did mention that the publishers and manufacturers can punish the retailers in other ways. Just because I haven't dealt with contracts doesn't mean I don't know about the consequences. And what make you think you do know. I suggest you get your facts right before criticising others for being wrong.

Right back at you. You just said they get a slap on a wrist. I know from dealing with game reps in retail and from looking up information to back myself up. Which you seem to don't have to do.
Oh and by the way, even though there is No law, contracts are still legally binding. If they weren't then contracts wouldn't mean squat.

Edited by TrickySx4, 17 November 2012 - 11:22 AM.

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#23 x-SourApple-x


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 11:55 AM

As soon as I get off work I'll rush over to Best Buy and make all the videos you guys desire! Uhg of all the days! But I'm having a slight problem, I can't seem to access the Wii Shop channel because I I have to update, when I try to update I get an error code 32007. This is freaking me out because if I can't access the Shop channel then I can't download the transfer app to transfer all my saved data to the Wii U. Is anyone else having this issue?

You have to do the update which will be released tomorrow.

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#24 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 12:17 PM

Contratulations on getting your Wii U early that's awesome, I can't wait to get mine.

#25 Mitch



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Posted 17 November 2012 - 12:27 PM

Ooooh man I love myself so forum tension :P


#26 Press



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Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:03 PM

Gamejunkie, you really are just full of yourself and most of your posts show that.

#27 xile6



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Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:53 PM

I know I'm right friend. All retailers have contracts with publishers and in the contracts have binding agreements to keep the street date. Breaking this contract can result in fines up too 100,000 or 5,000 or more per game sold before the contractual date. In the worst cases the publisher can pull their brand from a retailer. This is correct information. A manager or assistant manager wouldn't deal with contracts or probably wouldn't know about them. You should However know there are repercussions to selling them early. So to edit my statement..It's not a law per say but a breach in contract isn't taken lightly.

From my understanding is break street date and you get fined around 250,000 pre game/system. Been told this by an gamestop worker. Which i have know for a few yrs. He says it is up to the maker to do the suing. Also the game/system maker has the right to pull all there games/system from that store.

trust me this is all correct. It has happen to amazon before.

so im with trickysx4.
if you get caught you can be fired and sued. But most of the time the makers of the systems/games dont care so much.

O yea a few yrs back halo 4 was leaked onto the internet a wk before launch due to someone at frys selling a copy early. I know because i was there when they got it. And my friend that work there told me about later that night.
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#28 Invertednarrow


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:58 PM

I regret to inform you all that I went to Best Buy and talked to the guy there and he told me that I couldn't pick it up until tomorrow... :( I explained to him what the lady told me on the phone so he double checked with another guy there and he told me I have to wait until tomorrow. :/ That lady got my hopes up so much.

#29 Spleenzorio



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Posted 17 November 2012 - 03:00 PM

Kinda related, this was on the box my Black Ops 2 Care Package was shipped in. Notice the top left.

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#30 angelo07stang



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Posted 17 November 2012 - 03:15 PM

Congrats on getting wii u early dont understand all the hate who cares tha tthey sold it to him early if anyone of you guys had the chance to get yours early you would in a heartbeat.
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#31 Eggplante!


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 03:16 PM

In Canada, as well as the US, it is illegal to sell products with any sort of material rating (ESRB, Film Classification Board, etc.) before the street date.

In Canada, fines are anywhere from $15,000 for a single title to $140,000 for multiple offenses if I remember correctly. This applies to movies, games, hardware, etc.

A lot of smaller stores sell games and hardware before street date because this is the only way they can make money. A mom n pop games store might sell 500 copies of Halo 4 two days before launch because once it comes out, everyone will go to EBgames / Wal-Mart / wherever they buy games to get it.

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#32 Alianjaro



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Posted 17 November 2012 - 05:00 PM

Absolutely rubbish. You have no idea what you're talking about. I worked in retail for over 20 years most of it with EB Games and Software Etc. in the US and with Game as well as an independent game store here in the UK. I've been not only a sales assistant but also an assistant manager and manager of a shop. It's not illegal and they can't be sued. The only thing that can happen is they can get a slap on the wrist and in the worst case be prevented from selling the publisher's or manufacturer's products. You're the one who is giving wrong information.

He's actually right. It's against the law, at least here in North America. However, as you said, I doubt Nintendo will do anything. It's not because they don't get sued that it's legal. Believe me, if it was a small store nobody cared about, it would have been sued untill bankruptcy.

EDIT: Here in Canada too, it's already in stores at EB Games...

Edited by Alianjaro, 17 November 2012 - 07:44 PM.

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