Wii U known Hardware Issues/Software bugs so far
Posted 31 December 2012 - 06:38 PM
Any help out there??
Any help at all??
Posted 31 December 2012 - 06:38 PM
I've had 2 and returned both with the same fault (Zombi U pack). And before any starts on the "user error" accusations, I am very tech savy, and have been using game consoles and pc's for 20 years plus.
Ok, so I eventually get the Wii U connected to the internet having to manually set it up. I then proceed to download the day 1 update, after a few attempts and consulting the Nintendo Support, I finish the download by having to use my mobile phone as a wi-fi hotspot (the update crashes on install using my home wi-fi (Virginmedia))
I then attempt to play a game (first console) or look at Love Film (second console) to be told that an additional download is required. After this download and install (successful) I then try to return to the "Mii Plaza"(?). The console then locks with half the icons on the Game Pad and just the background on the TV, and a slight buzzing sound.
The console can then only reach that point every time. I have unplugged everything and tried booting with nothing unnecessary plugged in/connected. I can still edit and create new Miis but as soon as I select an account to go to it crashes again.
Amazon have been fantastic and replaced the fist console, then gave me a refund when the second one was faulty as well. Don't know if it is a bad batch or what but I am now going to wait a couple of months then try again.
I will definitely get a new one as I have games to play on it and loved what I played before trying to update it.
both issues might be a direct result of your internet provider beign somehow uncompatable? i know that the wiiU want to be online to load stuff(long loading time for home menu), and it goes online the moment you login. you also couldnt download form your defualt internet. if you get a 3rd and it works fine, then you just had some carp luck.
me personly got no issues loading it up and runnign it. i did manage to get mine to freeze by trying to open home menu right after assasions creed started to load a background menu.
Posted 31 December 2012 - 06:42 PM
could you help me with my connection problem? it not to the internet thought I connected my wii u to the tv the game pad works and the light turns on, on the consul but nothing appears on the tv screen
Posted 31 December 2012 - 11:41 PM
I strongly suspect fail overload will solve this os bricking problem long before nintendo does, and once again, give us unbrickable systems, no matter what Nintendos Lunatics try to do to it. (It has to be some Japanese culture thing. They must think its freaking hilarious or something. 'We have greatest game designers in entire WORLD, yes yes, but wait wait... We have os designed by IDIOTS! HA HA!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Wont that hurt game sales? Yes yes, but its worth it, its funny, laugh, laugh with us, HA HA HA HA HA!' Oh, hello Miyamoto san! 'Hey guys guess what I did! You know the new wii u Zeda? Yeah, its like, the most amazingly beeautiful thing ever seen, and the motion controls are amazing and flawless compared to even skyward sword, and it has a huge open world full of things to do, optional power ups to aquire, many towns FULL of npc's and life.... But get this get this, whenever you turn off the game and load it back up... It re-explains EVERYTHING you pick up as if it were the first time the player picked up the object! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!)
This made me laugh. Thanks, 3dude.

Posted 01 January 2013 - 06:20 AM
If Nintendo were to fix anything - that'd be my request. Stop it from freezing up about 10 times a day.
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