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"Operation Moogle"

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#181 Epic Kirby

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 07:49 PM

How is the twitter and facebook going?
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Check out my RP
Kirby Sig made by Anisaxis, thanks dude :)

#182 MacroManJr


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Posted 09 August 2011 - 11:38 AM

Okay, guys, I'm back from a busy round of trying to find a new apartment and some other stuff. Unfortunately, I lost yet another apartment (this is crazy), so I'm taking a break from it and getting back to this. I've got to find a new place by the end of this month, but I'm letting my sister help me find a place. I've also got to look for a new car. It's crazy--I actually have the money available, but can't seem to find jack in the nick of time! Oh well, something will come up soon, I'm sure.

In the meanwhile, I haven't gotten very much done on the video, but I did get two things done. I rendered a basic test animation of a power-up special effect, and I'm currently working on more particles system test animation now, which will be the sparkly and glowing magic stuff with some of the characters' attacks (you know the glowing special effects you see with special attacks and whatnot).

Here's a link to it:

special effect test render 01

And also, I just got a new addon for Blender called Bsurfaces which will increase my productivity like threefold (especially with the characters). I was having a difficult time with retopology of the faces taking too long and being kinda a pain to deal with (for those who are familiar with the modeling process), but this new premium Add-on for Blender is big help. I'm also working on some schematic drawings for the weapons to base the 3D modeling on.

Anyways, I'm getting back on track with the animation portion of the montage videos. I think we'll definitely need a flashy video, because though we're still getting votes and visits to the Operation Moogle sites, it's a gradual one. Seems like every other "Operation" out there gets more notice than ours do--and we're the one effort that was actually specifically asked for by a game company!

Operation Rainfall, Operation Moonfall, and "100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3" have all gotten wide attention, and I think our videos will get us similar attention (if not a little more). By the way, I personally support those efforts myself (and hope you do, too).

If you've got any ideas for videos, try them out, work on them! We'll make as many unique videos for our cause as we can! It doesn't have to be a flashy 3D animation--a simple little montage or skit or something like that can work. Operation Rainfall are using some funny skits to get more attention--and it's working, with over 14,000 views of their uploaded videos.

I think if we go the extra mile in creating some creative, catchy and inspiring videos for our cause--and emphasize the fact that Square Enix actually asked for this effort, and that enough support for this cause would pretty much make this HD collection a sure thing--I think we can gain similar heavy support like our other "Operation" efforts have gained.

Any kind of support here is welcomed for Operation Moogle, however big or small. Customized signature images, wallpapers, videos, fan art--they'll be posted on our blog site. And anything you can do to encourage more signatures in our petitions, votes in our Poll, and even simple Likes to our Facebook fan page and Followings us on Twitter (both of which I'll update in a little while), you're help is never too small.

Anyways, sorry for the absence! Glad to be back!

Edited by MacroManJr, 09 August 2011 - 11:54 AM.

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#183 The One Who Wrote This

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Posted 09 August 2011 - 12:09 PM

Okay, guys, I'm back from a busy round of trying to find a new apartment and some other stuff. Unfortunately, I lost yet another apartment (this is crazy), so I'm taking a break from it and getting back to this. I've got to find a new place by the end of this month, but I'm letting my sister help me find a place. I've also got to look for a new car. It's crazy--I actually have the money available, but can't seem to find jack in the nick of time! Oh well, something will come up soon, I'm sure.

In the meanwhile, I haven't gotten very much done on the video, but I did get two things done. I rendered a basic test animation of a power-up special effect, and I'm currently working on more particles system test animation now, which will be the sparkly and glowing magic stuff with some of the characters' attacks (you know the glowing special effects you see with special attacks and whatnot).

Here's a link to it:

special effect test render 01

And also, I just got a new addon for Blender called Bsurfaces which will increase my productivity like threefold (especially with the characters). I was having a difficult time with retopology of the faces taking too long and being kinda a pain to deal with (for those who are familiar with the modeling process), but this new premium Add-on for Blender is big help. I'm also working on some schematic drawings for the weapons to base the 3D modeling on.

Anyways, I'm getting back on track with the animation portion of the montage videos. I think we'll definitely need a flashy video, because though we're still getting votes and visits to the Operation Moogle sites, it's a gradual one. Seems like every other "Operation" out there gets more notice than ours do--and we're the one effort that was actually specifically asked for by a game company!

Operation Rainfall, Operation Moonfall, and "100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3" have all gotten wide attention, and I think our videos will get us similar attention (if not a little more). By the way, I personally support those efforts myself (and hope you do, too).

If you've got any ideas for videos, try them out, work on them! We'll make as many unique videos for our cause as we can! It doesn't have to be a flashy 3D animation--a simple little montage or skit or something like that can work. Operation Rainfall are using some funny skits to get more attention--and it's working, with over 14,000 views of their uploaded videos.

I think if we go the extra mile in creating some creative, catchy and inspiring videos for our cause--and emphasize the fact that Square Enix actually asked for this effort, and that enough support for this cause would pretty much make this HD collection a sure thing--I think we can gain similar heavy support like our other "Operation" efforts have gained.

Any kind of support here is welcomed for Operation Moogle, however big or small. Customized signature images, wallpapers, videos, fan art--they'll be posted on our blog site. And anything you can do to encourage more signatures in our petitions, votes in our Poll, and even simple Likes to our Facebook fan page and Followings us on Twitter (both of which I'll update in a little while), you're help is never too small.

Anyways, sorry for the absence! Glad to be back!

Glad to hear from you again!! I was worried about you! Sorry to hear that you couldn't find an apartment yet. I hope that you do. Just wondering, were you the one that made me a new admin (with me using my account with the Black Knight from Fire Emblem) for the facebook page? If so, then thanks!! Just let me know which songs/sounds/etc. that you need for your movies and I shall find them one way or another!! Anyways, glad to hear from you again!!

#184 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 09 August 2011 - 01:08 PM

I hope everything works out for you Macro Man Jr. I would also like to thank you for making me into an admin on the facebook page.
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Co-Leader of the A.D.P.F
Lose yourself in battle, and rejoice
After War there is Death ~ Goddess Palutena, victory is ours
Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the Metal Heads destroy the palace.

#185 The One Who Wrote This

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Posted 09 August 2011 - 03:17 PM

Glad to meet you, fellow admin! Just wondering, what are we supposed to do on that page as admins?

@MacroManJr I'll get back to sending you those links. I'm back from Pennsylvania. Wonderful state it is!! So I'll try my best to do so.

About the test, it looks like an effect that you could use for summoning Espers/Yarhi/Eidolons/GFs/etc. from. If that is the Alpha design, I can't wait for the Beta!! :(

Great work everyone!!

Edited by The One Who Wrote This, 09 August 2011 - 03:23 PM.

#186 MacroManJr


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Posted 09 August 2011 - 04:35 PM

Glad you guys like being new Admins on the Facebook page.

It's really simple to be, really. Whenever you have an announcement or bit of news to share about Operation Moogle, something to say to encourage people who joined the page, and something that people on the page might like to hear (like news about similar efforts as ours, like Operation Moonfall, Operation Rainfall, and the Mega Man Legends 3 petition), just post them up!

You can now do this without having to go through me or anything like that. And the invitation is open to anyone else on our Facebook page who'd like to be an Administrator on our Facebook page--and our official blog site, too, for that matter. ;)

Thanks, zxride64 and TheOneWhoWroteThis, for your good wishes to me in finding a new place soon. Also, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip and thanks for your feedback on the video, TheOneWhoWroteThis! Those tracks will definitely help! You guys are great!

How is the twitter and facebook going?

Yikes, it's been a while, but I just updated them now! Thanks for asking!
~Be about others, and you'll never be bored.~

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#187 The One Who Wrote This

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Posted 20 August 2011 - 05:52 AM

Anything new? I managed to get 3 more of my friends to like the Facebook page.

Edited by The One Who Wrote This, 20 August 2011 - 05:52 AM.

#188 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 29 August 2011 - 05:57 PM

Hey there!
Anyone heard of Monty Oum. They made the Haloid and Dead Fantasy cinematics.

I was wondering how many people would like to see Monty Oum make an Operation Moogle promotional cinematic, out of curiosity.

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#189 MacroManJr


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Posted 30 August 2011 - 05:51 AM

Hey there!
Anyone heard of Monty Oum. They made the Haloid and Dead Fantasy cinematics.

I was wondering how many people would like to see Monty Oum make an Operation Moogle promotional cinematic, out of curiosity.

Hey, I am all for that idea! I've sure heard of Monty Oum--I loved those videos! That would definitely gain some attention, and help put something cool on our YouTube Channel. If you know how we could contact him, maybe we can ask him and see what happens. :)

Anything new? I managed to get 3 more of my friends to like the Facebook page.

Thanks, The One Who Wrote This! The more, the better. Nothing much new so far, as I'm still trying to get situated in my living situation at the present moment (tomorrow's my last day left in this apartment, and I still need to find a new place in the region I'm looking to move to). I'll be staying in a hotel for a few weeks, but I'm still working on developing the videos. My PC's also giving me some fuss, but I'll be getting a new computer soon (something that'll eat this current one for breakfast)--as soon as I can get a place first, though. At the moment, I'm working on the Zidane Tribal model. I don't remember if I mentioned this before already, but there's going to be 8 characters in the short animation:

Firion and Mateus from Final Fantasy II

Lightning and Orphan from Final Fantasy XIII

Zidane and Kuja from Final Fantasy IX

Cloud and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII

The landscape and weapons and stuff are easy to make, so I've been focusing on the characters more, which are a lot more complex. I'm working with Zidane first because his slightly exaggerated body proportions are easier to do first (the more realistically-proportioned the character, the trickier it is to make it look right). Anyways, after modeling him, I can work on one more realistically-proportioned base male model, I can just alter into the other male characters, leaving the female model for Lightning last (girls are a bit more trickier to model). I'm looking forward to modeling their hair! And then finally, I'll dress them. They'll have parts of their clothes that move when they move, and are not just painted-on textures. This animation at the end of montage videos won't be even a minute long, but I'm hoping to sure make it pretty enough to attract more viewers (and thus more petition signatures and supporters). I can do the stupid thing, but life keeps tapping me on the shoulders about a few other things at the moment. :P

But don't worry--since Square Enix hasn't put any time limit on the request or anything, and since it's a compilation of games already made that wouldn't take very long to upscale and compile into a collection, I think of all the "Operations" out there, we're the one not in a rush. So even as summer draws to a close and daily life will return to normal soon, Operation Moogle will continue as an effort. I'll post that on the Facebook and Twitter site.

Edited by MacroManJr, 30 August 2011 - 08:58 AM.

~Be about others, and you'll never be bored.~

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#190 The One Who Wrote This

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Posted 30 August 2011 - 08:12 AM


Sounds good!! I hope that everything will go well for you (in finding a place to live, getting a new computer, and the modelling). Sorry about sounding impatient.

So, are you doing both regular Zidane and trance Zidane or just one of them? I'll help with the page and everything as much as I can. Thanks for everything!

#191 MacroManJr


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Posted 30 August 2011 - 12:23 PM


Sounds good!! I hope that everything will go well for you (in finding a place to live, getting a new computer, and the modelling). Sorry about sounding impatient.

So, are you doing both regular Zidane and trance Zidane or just one of them? I'll help with the page and everything as much as I can. Thanks for everything!

Thanks, dude! And you didn't sound impatient to me! I just feel like telling what's been going on with me, to give some idea of how the animation production's going. And to gladly answer your question: Yep, I'm doing both regular Zidane and trance Zidane--he enters Trance in this animated fight sequence.

By the way, check the Operation Moogle blog site--I've made you an Editor, dude. It allows you to publish and manage posts and pages to the blog site, as well as being able to manage other users' posts. Now you can help with the page from behind-the-scenes whenever you want! There's no editorial pressures or expectations or anything--you just post something you want to post about Operation Moogle or Operation Moogle-related news.

If anyone else is interested in being a contributor to the blog site or Facebook page, just let me know!

Edited by MacroManJr, 30 August 2011 - 12:25 PM.

~Be about others, and you'll never be bored.~

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#192 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 30 August 2011 - 12:29 PM

Awesome MacroManJr, I am actually happy you got lightning from xiii as it was my first FF game in the video. Also I made one of my friends an admin on the Facebook page. He is a FF veteran and when I told him about Operation Moogle he jumped on board. I still hope everything works out for you.
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Co-Leader of the A.D.P.F
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After War there is Death ~ Goddess Palutena, victory is ours
Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the Metal Heads destroy the palace.

#193 The One Who Wrote This

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Posted 30 August 2011 - 04:18 PM

Thanks, dude! And you didn't sound impatient to me! I just feel like telling what's been going on with me, to give some idea of how the animation production's going. And to gladly answer your question: Yep, I'm doing both regular Zidane and trance Zidane--he enters Trance in this animated fight sequence.

By the way, check the Operation Moogle blog site--I've made you an Editor, dude. It allows you to publish and manage posts and pages to the blog site, as well as being able to manage other users' posts. Now you can help with the page from behind-the-scenes whenever you want! There's no editorial pressures or expectations or anything--you just post something you want to post about Operation Moogle or Operation Moogle-related news.

If anyone else is interested in being a contributor to the blog site or Facebook page, just let me know!

Thanks! I'll do my best, but I have school started for me (sort of). Physics is fun, but challenging. But hey, day 1 homework is ALWAYS new to someone. Scary thing is that it has stuff like "estimate the # of gallons consumed by the total of all drivers in the US per year." Scary. *shudders* :blink: Well, that's Physics for you. It'll be fun, but hard.:D I will try to help as much as I can. Just let me know which game you need research for and I will do my best!

#194 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 14 September 2011 - 04:00 AM

SE is releasing a HD version of Final Fantasy X on PS3 and PSV for its 10 year anniversary.
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Co-Leader of the A.D.P.F
Lose yourself in battle, and rejoice
After War there is Death ~ Goddess Palutena, victory is ours
Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the Metal Heads destroy the palace.

#195 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 19 September 2011 - 08:37 PM

Hmm... FFXHD...

Doesn't sound too interesting. FFX wasn't in my top 5 anyway.

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#196 Jstar269



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Posted 24 October 2011 - 05:42 PM

final fantasy on wii u will be awesome in hd so i will support in every way!

final fantasy on wii u will be awesome in hd so i will support in every way!

#197 The One Who Wrote This

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 12:45 PM

So, how's everything going?

#198 Andy


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Posted 28 November 2011 - 01:39 PM

So, how's everything going?

poorly. :P

Operation Moonfall gained more support in a day than we did in a month. I already said this on the facebook page, but does anyone know any good, active, Final Fantasy fan sites that would be willing to spread word of us?
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#199 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 03:20 PM

So, how's everything going?

Oh my god you still live? ^_^

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#200 The One Who Wrote This

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Posted 03 January 2012 - 05:17 PM

poorly. :P

Operation Moonfall gained more support in a day than we did in a month. I already said this on the facebook page, but does anyone know any good, active, Final Fantasy fan sites that would be willing to spread word of us?

Well, that's not good to hear that it's not going well. :( I am not quite sure if I know anyone who is willing to spread the word. Do you know anyone?

Oh my god you still live? ^_^

Yep! Kicking Moblin buts and taking usernames. :laugh:

Extremely off-topic, but how did you get your status above your picture to change (i.e. N vs C ambassador or The Ganon Slayer)?

Edited by The One Who Wrote This, 03 January 2012 - 05:21 PM.

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