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Black ops 2 - trash talk?

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#1 RolledUp20s


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 01:11 PM

What's with this review? Starting to annoy me now that almost all wii u games are reviewed as not as good as the 360 version?! Pfft

Dig­i­tal Foundry has found that the Wii U ver­sion of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is sub-HD and fea­tures a num­ber of prob­lems with the frame-rate. The report states that the frame-rate makes the PlaySta­tion 3 ver­sion feel smoother, while the Xbox 360 ver­sion feels like a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent game. Have you noticed prob­lems with your ver­sion of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for Wii U?

While Wii U match­es PS3 per­for­mance in a range of game­play scenes, the more ambi­tious lev­els bring per­for­mance down to unac­cept­ably low lev­els.

The Wii U ver­sion match­es the look of the Xbox 360 game and thus gives it an edge visu­al­ly over the PlaySta­tion 3 release, but unfor­tu­nate­ly it comes up well short in terms of per­for­mance – an aspect that is all-important to the playa­bil­i­ty of a COD title. The frame-rate vari­ance is such that the PS3 game feels gen­er­al­ly smoother, while the 360 release feels like an entire­ly dif­fer­ent game in the more demand­ing lev­els. Bear­ing in mind the com­mon­al­i­ties in hard­ware design between Wii U and Xbox 360, we can’t help but feel some­what dis­ap­point­ed that Black Ops 2 under-performs so notice­ably.

#2 Stormage09


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 01:25 PM

it works fine, the only noticeable fps drop is when you play local multiplayer tv + gamepad zombies or online, but with 1 player solo or online its fine, it also has V-sync to avoid tearing

Edited by Stormage09, 24 November 2012 - 01:26 PM.

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#3 Joshua


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 01:29 PM

Wait, I had others tell me that the game ran smoothly in almost every aspect.

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#4 Alianjaro



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Posted 24 November 2012 - 01:29 PM

I'm not being a fanboy, but did you notice how Japanese games get way more hate than American games? Did you notice how GameSpot's favorite console is clearly the 360, the only American console? I hate to say it, but really, I think they have something against Japanese games. Why is Call of Duty even considered as the best game franchise of the decade?
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#5 Stormage09


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 01:35 PM

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in a "heavy graphical" secuence

but anyways that game like other ones its been build mainly for the 360 architecture, and then half-assed ported to the other systems, thats why, because for the 360 its optimized 110%, this dont uses the wii u potential, wait to see games build from the ground for the wii u.

but anyways it works fine, its an enjoyable port

Edited by Stormage09, 24 November 2012 - 01:37 PM.

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#6 Desert Punk

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 01:46 PM

Yeah I was just reading the eurogamer face off article. I remember reading originally black ops 2 was going to be 1080p on wii u, then it was going to be true 720p with anti-aliasing but in reality its exactly the same 880x720 resolution as the other 2 versions. Which is sub 720p and actually has the worst frame rate of all 3 versions and it looks like there has been some work already to reduce the work of the cpu on wii u anyway with some visual effects reduced that are cpu intensive like explosions.

Its not biased to point out these issues when they exist. This is the reality of the wii u having a slow cpu. FPS games are generally cpu intensive and this doesn't mean all multiformat titles will underperform on wii u, many will be superior that aren't cpu intensive games. I still must admit I get irritated when people are saying the wii u will take on the next generation of consoles from sony and microsoft because I just don't think that is possible. The wii u is more a current gen performing console and you might as well say the ps3 and 360 will take on the next generation of consoles as well. Skyrim is a game that would never be possible on the ps2, xbox or gamecube but was possible on ps3 and 360 and I believe there will be games that will never be possible on wii u, 360 and PS3 that will be released for the next gen consoles from sony and microsoft.

Hopefully now people are starting to get a sense of realism about the wii u. There must come a point when people stop making excuses and just accept the reality of the situation.

#7 Stormage09


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 01:50 PM

Yeah I was just reading the eurogamer face off article. I remember reading originally black ops 2 was going to be 1080p on wii u, then it was going to be true 720p with anti-aliasing but in reality its exactly the same 880x720 resolution as the other 2 versions. Which is sub 720p and actually has the worst frame rate of all 3 versions and it looks like there has been some work already to reduce the work of the cpu on wii u anyway with some visual effects reduced that are cpu intensive like explosions.

Its not biased to point out these issues when they exist. This is the reality of the wii u having a slow cpu. FPS games are generally cpu intensive and this doesn't mean all multiformat titles will underperform on wii u, many will be superior that aren't cpu intensive games. I still must admit I get irritated when people are saying the wii u will take on the next generation of consoles from sony and microsoft because I just don't think that is possible. The wii u is more a current gen performing console and you might as well say the ps3 and 360 will take on the next generation of consoles as well. Skyrim is a game that would never be possible on the ps2, xbox or gamecube but was possible on ps3 and 360 and I believe there will be games that will never be possible on wii u, 360 and PS3 that will be released for the next gen consoles from sony and microsoft.

Hopefully now people are starting to get a sense of realism about the wii u. There must come a point when people stop making excuses and just accept the reality of the situation.

as far as i know the ps3 have the more powerful cpu of this gen and BO 2 looks and runs way worse than the 360 version lol?

Edited by Stormage09, 24 November 2012 - 01:51 PM.

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#8 WiiUgamer


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 02:00 PM

Ok I love COD and always get the new games. I haven been playing my 360 since launch night. I bought the wii u last night and... It's pretty great. The touch screen score streaks are so cool and when a UAV is in the air u have your map in your hands. The colors and graphics look better than the 360 version to me. My issues with the WII U COD is u can switch back and forth between the TV and game pad. My wife wanted to watch TV so I streamed it right to the pad no issue, then when she was done I had to turn the game off to get it back on the TV. Secondly there aren't as many people on the WII so match making was annoying at times.

#9 Stormage09


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 02:04 PM

Secondly there aren't as many people on the WII so match making was annoying at times.

well, its been out for only 1 week and only 1 country so far, we will see hows that after the eu release, japan, world and after this christmas.
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#10 Sobari


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 02:08 PM

All the bad news is a bit disheartening, but it's about what I expected. Lower clockspeed = harder to directly port games without having to rebuild the framework of the game from the ground up. We know for a fact that the Wii U's CPU is better than the 360's in certain areas, mainly with its support for out-of-order execution, but most developers are so heavily invested in current generation hardware that it's a tall order to suddenly add a completely different architecture into the mix. When it comes to cross-platform titles, we probably won't see good Wii U ports until next generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft come out with similar enhancements and developers are forced to embrace the new technology.

Edited by Sobari, 24 November 2012 - 02:09 PM.

#11 Desert Punk

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Posted 24 November 2012 - 02:36 PM

as far as i know the ps3 have the more powerful cpu of this gen and BO 2 looks and runs way worse than the 360 version lol?

It looks worse firstly because the ps3 has a slightly inferior gpu to 360 so no surprises there. As for the cpu being more powerful, it is more powerful overall but its much more complicated to program and optimise which the developer has a history of not doing for the ps3. However the ps3 still has better frame rates than wii u which has a simple easy to develop for cpu arrangement. Not sure why the 'lol' was added to the end. Any chance you can reply in a less childish way?

All the bad news is a bit disheartening, but it's about what I expected. Lower clockspeed = harder to directly port games without having to rebuild the framework of the game from the ground up. We know for a fact that the Wii U's CPU is better than the 360's in certain areas, mainly with its support for out-of-order execution, but most developers are so heavily invested in current generation hardware that it's a tall order to suddenly add a completely different architecture into the mix. When it comes to cross-platform titles, we probably won't see good Wii U ports until next generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft come out with similar enhancements and developers are forced to embrace the new technology.

People keep writing text along those lines as if the wii u cpu has additional power not currently being utilised but there is no basis in reality for that. Its just not that complicated a cpu. What we don't know is how the gpu assists the cpu but considering the gpu is very low power and has relatively low number of transistors its unlikely to assist much. Mainly mpeg decoding and some physics I would of thought.

This isn't bad news as such. Many people were expecting this. It still represents a huge increase in performance over the original wii. I'm not disappointed at all. The wii u delivers current gen performance, better in some ways, worse in others with a novel controller and all the great Nintendo software to come. It's only an issue because some people's expectations were unrealstically raised.

The wii u is a great choice if you want the Nintendo gaming experience. If your looking for early entry into the next generation of consoles it is a completely wrong choice.

Edited by Desert Punk, 24 November 2012 - 02:19 PM.

#12 neverwinteru



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Posted 24 November 2012 - 02:56 PM

The wii u is a great choice if you want the Nintendo gaming experience. If your looking for early entry into the next generation of consoles it is a completely wrong choice.

how so?

#13 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 11:17 PM

I've seen people play this game, it looks better in every way than the other versions to me anyway.

#14 Desert Punk

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 04:27 AM

how so?

I'm not sure which point you are questioning but its a poor choice for a next gen system as its actually a current gen console in performance but its a great choice if you love Nintendo games which will be exclusive to the console.

#15 Stormage09


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 04:56 AM

I'm not sure which point you are questioning but its a poor choice for a next gen system as its actually a current gen console in performance but its a great choice if you love Nintendo games which will be exclusive to the console.

you just exposed yourself lol, thats so wrong
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#16 aMaG1CaLmAnG1Na



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 06:18 AM

I have played enough now I'm level 55 on my Xbox and Wii U versions. To be honest I've found the wii u version graphics to be more crisp and smooth. In fact I prefer playing on the wii u cause I can play on only the gamepad in the event my wife wants to watch a movie or tv. The only complaint I have is the lack of people online with the Wii u but I suspect after Xmas that will no longer be an issue.
CURRENTLY PLAYING: ZombiU, Black Ops 2, Super Mario Bros U, Sonic Transformed

#17 Desert Punk

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 11:47 AM

you just exposed yourself lol, thats so wrong

Are you really 25? I checked your profile in case you are 9 years old or something. How exactly have I exposed myself 'lol'?

#18 Stormage09


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 12:03 PM

Are you really 25? I checked your profile in case you are 9 years old or something. How exactly have I exposed myself 'lol'?

what bunch of misinformated people seriously

first im not 25, im 25,5, and second is not current gen "performance" rayman legends dev said that the game could not run on 360/ps3 without optimization unlike on the wii u, and even crytek (crysis games) said that the wii u is as minimun as a 360



but hey, believe what you want, after all you can always say are you really 25? herp derp if you dont like someone

Crytek estimates Wii U is 'minimum as powerful as Xbox 360'

Yerli doesn't understand public power concerns

Ubisoft didn't feel it had to optimise features constantly for the upcoming platformer, and that Wii U doesn't include problems such as the fill-rate issues that affected the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions

maybe im sick of all the people calling it "current gen" when its cleary not, im going to pass from now on...

Edited by Stormage09, 25 November 2012 - 12:23 PM.

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#19 angelo07stang



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 12:54 PM

Im going to be picking this up probably tomorow how does it play online is it smooth meaning not real laggy.
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#20 Desert Punk

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 01:19 PM

what bunch of misinformated people seriously

first im not 25, im 25,5, and second is not current gen "performance" rayman legends dev said that the game could not run on 360/ps3 without optimization unlike on the wii u, and even crytek (crysis games) said that the wii u is as minimun as a 360



but hey, believe what you want, after all you can always say are you really 25? herp derp if you dont like someone

maybe im sick of all the people calling it "current gen" when its cleary not, im going to pass from now on...

25.5 is still 25! Not sure what point you are making there. Clearly the wii u has advantages and disadvantages but one advantage is 2D games due to its 32MB fast embedded memory making 1080p 2D games far easier. Crytek may be saying minimum as powerful as 360 but that still puts it close to current gen. Many other developers have claimed less. Games so far show a console that is at current gen performance with most being a bit worse at the moment but this should improve a little bit with time.

Specification appears to be something like;

tri-core 1.8GHz Espresso CPU and a 600MHz GPGPU (Mario) on a (Multi Chip Module) including 32MB NEC UX8GD eDram 2GB of Samsung gDDR3 ram 800MHz. Although hynix ram is also used.

Compared to the other 2 consoles it has the weakest cpu
Compared to the other 2 consoles it has the weakest main memory bandwidth shared by cpu and gpu
Compared to the other 2 consoles it has the highest memory memory bandwidth for the 32MB of embedded video memory
Compared to the other 2 consoles it has the best optical drive with both high capacity and good load speeds
Compared to the other 2 consoles it has the best gpu feature set
Compared to the other 2 consoles it is likely to have gpu performance in polygons at a similar level we don't know the details yet
Compared to the other 2 consoles it has the most memory
Compared to the other 2 consoles it has minimal built in storage overall.
Compared to the other 2 consoles it will have the slowest hard drive access and speed due to being connected via usb2.0 plus optional too.

I can't imagine a more clear picture that the wii u is current gen performance. I have absolutely no understanding why you think its above current gen performance. What am I missing? The memory chips are slow as the cpu and gpu do not require more bandwidth. The gpu is fairly bottom end going by its fabrication process and size. The power consumption of the wii u is very low and the fabrication process is the same as current ps3 and 360 models and it has a lot more memory to power too. What is amazing is how Nintendo have managed to create a console with performance of the same level as current gen with such low power requirements.

Unlike some I am trying to be realistic so we get a fair idea of the wii u performance now and in the future. Clearly the wii u has strengths and weaknesses but overall it has current gen performance. I've tried to be realistic at all times about the wii u spec and seemed to get much abuse for it from other members who had unrealistic expectations. Clearly I would have much prefered a more powerful console for my money though.

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