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#1 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 12:16 AM

I am a God-believer.

I added more but it was kind of silly so I deleted it.

See below for the subjects we're covering.

Edited by PotatoHog, 13 December 2012 - 06:11 PM.

#2 Hunter



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Posted 12 December 2012 - 02:57 AM


I personally, follow the teachings of John Lennon.

#3 Dragon



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Posted 12 December 2012 - 03:47 AM

You could say I'm semi-christian.... I believe in God and follow most of the rules. But as some of you people on the forums know, I don't act like one at all.

It's just my internet personality. :P

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#4 PedanticGamer


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 05:05 AM

I don't believe there is any logical way that one can be a believer of any major religion, rather a lack of logic or indoctrination is what leads to beliefs in nearly all cases. Which is the crux of faith and how the church etc justifies not having to respond to all the evidence that points to the bible etc being nothing more then a story (and one that is largely immoral, in fact to a degree that is actually sickening in many parts).

As for the above, I surely hope you don't follow most of the rules as whilst the ten commandments is mostly all well and good (albeit unnecessary), quite a large portion of the bible (I specify bible as you say you are christian) is as I stated above, immoral.

As a side note (meaning not target at anyone here) I am endlessly amused at how so many claim to be of a certain religion yet know little to nothing about that religion.

Edited by PedanticGamer, 12 December 2012 - 05:06 AM.




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Posted 12 December 2012 - 12:06 PM

While I do believe that god, Jesus, and the holy spirit exists, I'm not committed to christianity.

Not fully anyway.

Edited by SDDMN, 12 December 2012 - 12:14 PM.


#6 Noonabites


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 12:42 PM

I don't believe there is any logical way that one can be a believer of any major religion, rather a lack of logic or indoctrination is what leads to beliefs in nearly all cases. Which is the crux of faith and how the church etc justifies not having to respond to all the evidence that points to the bible etc being nothing more then a story (and one that is largely immoral, in fact to a degree that is actually sickening in many parts).

As for the above, I surely hope you don't follow most of the rules as whilst the ten commandments is mostly all well and good (albeit unnecessary), quite a large portion of the bible (I specify bible as you say you are christian) is as I stated above, immoral.

As a side note (meaning not target at anyone here) I am endlessly amused at how so many claim to be of a certain religion yet know little to nothing about that religion.

Please... don't... I understand your beliefs but please don't begin to undermine others. (I say this because there's already a thread that exists to discuss your views).

Edited by Noonabites, 12 December 2012 - 12:51 PM.

#7 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 12:52 PM

Please... don't... I understand your beliefs but please don't begin to undermine others.

While I'm not the most devoted Christian, I do have a strong faith in God and I read the bible. I try to be the best person I can be. However I 100% agree with Noona, everyone is entitled to believe what they believe as we all have free will. It's not anyone's place in this world to pass judgement on others.
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#8 PedanticGamer


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 01:14 PM

Please... don't... I understand your beliefs but please don't begin to undermine others. (I say this because there's already a thread that exists to discuss your views).

Please respond to my actual points without simply failing back on "you have to respect my faith". The fact of the matter is I don't have to respect your faith anymore then I have to respect the sports team you support.

Some atheists are down right assholes.
The ones that treat it as a status symbol, and try to convert everyone and belittle those who believe in a deity.

The others are fine people.

True, but many also even when asking about such areas walk away saying the same thing as one didn't agree with there faith.

The definition of conversion is more than moving from one belief to another, it can mean bring one party over to another, to cross different view points.. logical conversion.

In a sense, yes, every belief (or non believer) can be an softshell lizard, but this includes atheist as well. As a Christian, they are the ones I usually have to attempt ignore the most (when being rude, of course).

I'm sorry Christians have to be the worst at attempting conversions (at least where I live). I have had them knock on my door, call me, pester me as I walk down the street, walk into where I work etc....

To run this topic on course, when I was atheist, it was due to Leviticus, and then started to spread after studying Buddhism.. I found I had a harder time explaining to my family, above all, what my views were and why... and it was part in due to the fact that if I didn't understand their views at that very moment, I was at fault and "going to hell", when in actually, everyone needs time to think and decide for themselves and forcing any view will only fuel them to deny it more. Just a thought.

I agree. People should be able to look at all the information and be able to decide for themselves.

While I'm not the most devoted Christian, I do have a strong faith in God and I read the bible. I try to be the best person I can be. However I 100% agree with Noona, everyone is entitled to believe what they believe as we all have free will. It's not anyone's place in this world to pass judgement on others.

Of course not, of course it is only for the church and god to pass judgment. :P

While I'm not the most devoted Christian, I do have a strong faith in God and I read the bible. I try to be the best person I can be. However I 100% agree with Noona, everyone is entitled to believe what they believe as we all have free will. It's not anyone's place in this world to pass judgement on others.

As someone who has read the bible are you disturbed that many people take it literally and believe everything that is writing in it without question?

Edited by PedanticGamer, 12 December 2012 - 01:15 PM.

#9 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 01:19 PM

I have to ask something though... PedanticGamer. Who are you trying to convince with your arguments? After all, I don't think anyone in this thread fits your mold of a Christian. I'm cool with a lot of things your average Christian isn't.

#10 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 02:42 PM

Please respond to my actual points without simply failing back on "you have to respect my faith". The fact of the matter is I don't have to respect your faith anymore then I have to respect the sports team you support.
True, but many also even when asking about such areas walk away saying the same thing as one didn't agree with there faith.
Of course not, of course it is only for the church and god to pass judgment. :P
As someone who has read the bible are you disturbed that many people take it literally and believe everything that is writing in it without question?

It's called faith , to believe What's in the Bible is true. A lot of right wing crazy people are nothing, but Hippocrates. For example - it speaks out against gays, yet it also says to love thy neighbors as thy would love thyself. There is a lot of hate. I may not agree with gays , But I have gay friends and love them all the same. Just because some people are fanatical doesn't make them all. Also don't compare anything to the joke called the Catholic church.
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#11 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 02:53 PM

I follow only one religion... the religion of beer.

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#12 Xiombarg


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 02:58 PM

I am a God-believer.

I added more but it was kind of silly so I deleted it.

Please add more so there is a general idea to this thread as opposed to just being an announcement. Some simple guidelines or ideas on what to discuss, just so this wont be a clone of the atheism thread.

Please respond to my actual points without simply failing back on "you have to respect my faith". The fact of the matter is I don't have to respect your faith anymore then I have to respect the sports team you support.

However, this is a public forum, so you will have to respect peoples' faith, or, respect a person's decisions. It's fine to debate, but unless you can be respectful, I can't guarantee your future posts will stay.
I personally think following a religion is fine as long as someone understands it and why they believe. Unless you ask questions, you aren't really thinking or trying to follow it.

#13 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 03:14 PM

Please add more so there is a general idea to this thread as opposed to just being an announcement. Some simple guidelines or ideas on what to discuss, just so this wont be a clone of the atheism thread.

Okay, one thing to discuss is the idea that all Christians fit some mold. I don't. I listen to uncensored Slipknot and follow only about half of the rules of the Bible. And seeing how others have responded here, it seems that this gamer forum is pretty much the same way.

Another subject to discuss is the subject of gays. I have no opinion on the matter but I am a Christian who has also risked being bi. Not with anyone on these forums, but with an older guy I was attracted to. Does religion prevent me from being gay? It might, actually. I might want to try to stay completely straight because of religion, although I don't deny anything. Like I have admitted before to friends that a video game character who was male was attractive.

#14 PedanticGamer


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:15 PM

I have to ask something though... PedanticGamer. Who are you trying to convince with your arguments? After all, I don't think anyone in this thread fits your mold of a Christian. I'm cool with a lot of things your average Christian isn't.

I'm not trying to convince anyone or convert anyone. I just find religion interesting to discuss. As I said, I don't care what one believes in and I believe everyone can believe in whatever they want. I do find it a weak fallback if someone starts discussing religion and immediately fall backs on faith as that means they aren't discussing anything.

For example i'm against people being indoctrinated into religion, just as i'm against the same for atheism. People should be allowed to choose what they want to believe in and manipulation of young children to either side in my mind is wrong (for example when you see a five year old pronounce that he has been saved by the word of god is probably a result of what is essentially brainwashing).

It's called faith , to believe What's in the Bible is true. A lot of right wing crazy people are nothing, but Hippocrates. For example - it speaks out against gays, yet it also says to love thy neighbors as thy would love thyself. There is a lot of hate. I may not agree with gays , But I have gay friends and love them all the same. Just because some people are fanatical doesn't make them all. Also don't compare anything to the joke called the Catholic church.

Yep my point was faith isn't really a defensible position though. It is no problem if that is how you fell, but it can't be used to discuss or examine anything (after all it can be liberally used to apply and answer anything). Also I guess you know this but for those wondering what you are talking about, the bible doesn't just speak out against gays it says you should stone them to death. To me that is barbaric and has no place in modern society.

However, this is a public forum, so you will have to respect peoples' faith, or, respect a person's decisions. It's fine to debate, but unless you can be respectful, I can't guarantee your future posts will stay.
I personally think following a religion is fine as long as someone understands it and why they believe. Unless you ask questions, you aren't really thinking or trying to follow it.

To be clear I do not respect religion, I however will respect members and there belief in that religion. But it is no way against forum rules to not respect religion anymore then it is against the rules to not respect the quality of a game. What should matter is how it is discussed and treating other forum members with respect. :)

Edited by PedanticGamer, 12 December 2012 - 06:24 PM.

#15 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:24 PM

I belive in Science with cold hard facts and no-one can change that, religion has no proof and causes way too many wars in my opinion, too many innocent lives have been lost to religion.

#16 PedanticGamer


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:29 PM

I belive in Science with cold hard facts and no-one can change that, religion has no proof and causes way too many wars in my opinion, too many innocent lives have been lost to religion.

True, why would someone logically kill in the name of Atheism. There is no logical way for that to happen and the very notion of which is absurd.

However killing for religion, as a direct result of faith there is a logical pathway for such to occur.

#17 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:32 PM

True, why would someone logically kill in the name of Atheism. There is no logical way for that to happen and the very notion of which is absurd.

However killing for religion, as a direct result of faith there is a logical pathway for such to occur.

I would never hurt anybody at all and I respect all people's opinions and I love living in a diverse world, if only everyone shared that mindset, the world would be better off, we will end up killing the human race before we have a chance to find what's out there waiting.

#18 Foot


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:36 PM

Lots of religion posts lately...I thought this was a gaming site? Lol

I personally am a Roman Catholic, and while I don't follow all the rules, I try my hardest and try to make the best possible relationship with myself and God
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#19 PedanticGamer


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:36 PM

I would never hurt anybody at all and I respect all people's opinions and I love living in a diverse world, if only everyone shared that mindset, the world would be better off, we will end up killing the human race before we have a chance to find what's out there waiting.

One thing I disagree about that last sentence is the assumption that there is something more out there, or that we need it. What we have in the natural world is inescapably breathtakingly beautiful and whilst i'm not against searching for more (in fact i'm for it) I don't assume that there is or isn't more.

Lots of religion posts lately...I thought this was a gaming site? Lol

I personally am a Roman Catholic, and while I don't follow all the rules, I try my hardest and try to make the best possible relationship with myself and God

I think its very refreshing to see a forum such as this allow such discussions.

Edited by PedanticGamer, 12 December 2012 - 06:41 PM.

#20 Dark Link

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:44 PM

Lots of religion posts lately...I thought this was a gaming site? Lol

I personally am a Roman Catholic, and while I don't follow all the rules, I try my hardest and try to make the best possible relationship with myself and God

Isn't this particular section for anything non-gaming, including religion?

I am atheist and a former Christian but left the fold due to my "faith" falling like a house of cards. I respect religion and the religious but just have no part of it any longer.

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