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Obesity bigger health crisis than hunger

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#21 Xiombarg


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Posted 18 December 2012 - 05:45 AM

The cheapest food you can get is always the worst sort of food. When you are able to start shopping for food on your own, you come to realize you can save more by buying a 3 pack of frozen hotdogs over some vegetables and fruits.
Eating healthy is getting harder to do and companies are making a profit by giving the people crap.

Besides, world hunger has a similar cause. It's not that we don't have the food, it's that companies want to make a profit off those without money. If humans truly cared about starving countries, we could give them the massive stock of unused food we have.

#22 Wolfy



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Posted 18 December 2012 - 05:53 AM

The cheapest food you can get is always the worst sort of food. When you are able to start shopping for food on your own, you come to realize you can save more by buying a 3 pack of frozen hotdogs over some vegetables and fruits.
Eating healthy is getting harder to do and companies are making a profit by giving the people crap.

Besides, world hunger has a similar cause. It's not that we don't have the food, it's that companies want to make a profit off those without money. If humans truly cared about starving countries, we could give them the massive stock of unused food we have.

Exactly, but at the end of the day it's a few extra bucks or possibility of extremely premature death and a handicapped life. I don't believe the majority of people even care about starving countries either, everyone acts like they do on social networking sites but at the end of the day it doesn't affect them personally so they just stop giving a crap.

#23 UnholyVision



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Posted 18 December 2012 - 06:08 AM

Exactly, but at the end of the day it's a few extra bucks or possibility of extremely premature death and a handicapped life. I don't believe the majority of people even care about starving countries either, everyone acts like they do on social networking sites but at the end of the day it doesn't affect them personally so they just stop giving a crap.

Only charity I really give to is child's play and that is because of Indie Bundles. xD

In all reality charities usually do no good anyway. Either the people are getting rich off the so called charity (as in sort of a scam. Being the exchange rates are so bloody good the people in said county live like kings) or the charity itself is taking it or having to pay off other junk to leave little to nothing for the so called person in need. Not that the idea of charity is bad, it is a good thing, but usually always crap in the end. Specially with all these charities popping up left and right, making it harder to know where your money really is going.

#24 Zinix



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Posted 18 December 2012 - 09:01 AM

You only have one life. Why bother spending it obsessing over your health?

Why bother cutting your life short greatly by being obese? You have one life and all, why would you want to die prematurely?

well ya but honestly we are powerless

We aren't powerless. Were Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X, and John F Kennedy powerless because they were one person?

Yeah, lets be like Japan and enforce a weight check and watch the suicide rates pile up because all the people that can't keep a job due to weight. (Unless they slim down from not having money to eat. Guess it is time for some in store grab and roll). (No not the only reason for suicide rates in Japan, but a lot of people have killed themselves over not being able to get a job. http://www.huffingto...-_n_831430.html).

Hard enough to get a job for some people. Why bother wasting the governments time checking peoples weight for a job? I guess we sort of already pay for it, possibly in terms of disability. Yet, why isn't this more of a family thing instead? It is like that lady that would eat five Big Macs a day. Not like McDonalds or any other company forced them to buy their products and eat them. Going to need a membership card to eat fast food now to keep a watch on peoples eating habits? Let the families deal with it or let them deal with it. If anything I guess you could have a sort of rehab similar to drug abuse, but food is not really an addictive substance unless it has had something in it. Not like people are killing each other for five extra cheese burgers. (Just saying it is not like crack or something).

You're missing the entire point of this thread. How is that article relevant to this discussion? The article doesn't even discuss obesity. Obesity isn't listed as a reason on why they want to kill themselves.

People need to understand their health better. Many people are ignorant when it comes to eating and they think they could eat whatever they want and not become more fat. Obviously the family of these people are doing an awful job at encouraging weight loss. Obesity is a major issue that needs to be handle properly, many people aren't taking it seriously. Heart diseases, diabetes, and cholesterol have skyrocketed in young children by a large margin. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of problems children will face when they're older. We don't have to 'force' someone to be healthy BUT we need stricter regulations in order to show someone what might happen to them if they don't exercise and clean up their diet.

Obesity is even the leading cause of death in America! Before then it was smoking and tobacco! You can't tell me that this isn't becoming a bigger issue than it should. Twenty or ten years ago children were remotely healthy and active, now since the parents of today are fat and lazy the child suffers. In a way food could be compared to a drug. Both are addicting and both are difficult to stop once hooked. This is simply becoming a worldwide epidemic not just in America, something must be done in order to prevent the future youth of America from being overweight!

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#25 Noonabites


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Posted 18 December 2012 - 10:39 AM

Exactly, but at the end of the day it's a few extra bucks or possibility of extremely premature death and a handicapped life. I don't believe the majority of people even care about starving countries either, everyone acts like they do on social networking sites but at the end of the day it doesn't affect them personally so they just stop giving a crap. (By the way, did you know that restaurants aren't allowed to even donate any food they may have left over, thus leading to excessive food waste?)

No, you don't understand the effect this has. Guess which areas have the highest obesity rates? Guess what it's a reflection of?

This actually made me sort of mad so I'm sorry if I come off rude but this hit a soft spot for me.

First off, as someone who has had so many issues with my weight personally and surrounding me, I agree that a healthy body is something that should be preached more often. A healthy body image.. from both ends. I'm tired of seeing obesity being glorified. Yes, you shouldn't judge anyone based off weight and you should love yourself for who you are, but if it's killing you.. that's not really loving yourself, is it?

That being said, a huge part of my blame is going to go to the fact that it is so expensive to support a healthy lifestyle. I grew up where we couldn't spare a few bucks. Where that difference changed whether or not we had a few extra meals. Hell, even now I had my mom cry to me about how she only has about $70 left until now to the end of the month and she hadn't gotten anything for a Christmas dinner (or gifts). I'm grateful to be in the position where I can help her... but this was my childhood. This is my younger brothers living. So no, if it means scrapping for food because of healthier eating or making sure we eat well, guess which one my family is choosing? Health involves more than just exercising and whatnot, it include a good diet and a healthy mind. My mom was a single parent raising four kids... we didn't have the luxury and it took a toll on her weight big time.

So yes, I will be blaming this DISGUSTING food industry I have come to hate with all my might. I have worked in this industry.. the regulations are despicable, the waste is nauseating... it is so bad I cannot even begin to explain. I left this career path pitted the fact that I was going somewhere for these reasons. It. Is. Horrific.

No, it is not entirely to blame. Some do have the luxury, and this much I know. But you can't tell me that media images on food and how this country glorifies gluttonous eating and to add to the fact that unhealthy eating is actually cheaper and HEALTHY EATING HAS BECOME THE LUXURY is a large reason why we have come to this.

//end rant

Edited by Noonabites, 18 December 2012 - 10:41 AM.

#26 Zinix



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Posted 18 December 2012 - 11:30 AM

Here's some more articles:

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.

#27 UnholyVision



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Posted 18 December 2012 - 04:36 PM

You're missing the entire point of this thread. How is that article relevant to this discussion? The article doesn't even discuss obesity. Obesity isn't listed as a reason on why they want to kill themselves.

- People need to understand their health better.

- Many people are ignorant when it comes to eating and they think they could eat whatever they want and not become more fat.

- Obviously the family of these people are doing an awful job at encouraging weight loss.

- We don't have to 'force' someone to be healthy BUT we need stricter regulations in order to show someone what might happen to them if they don't exercise and clean up their diet.

I could careless if the article was not related exactly to obesity. The agenda of my post was basically being said in a sort of nonchalant manner to the ideal of letting the government enforce weight checks for jobs. Being as it is hard enough for some people to get jobs now, lets increase that with a weight check. Possibly leading to an increased suicide rate like Japan with the whole, "no work" deal. Of course this is not the only reason Japan is the highest in suicide rates, but that is one of them. Japan has a very feudal method about doing things than other countries so yeah. (On top of that no way in hell would I want someone manipulating the weight system in order to just fire people. Plenty of bogus reasons people can get fired as is. "Oh no your a teacher and you posted a picture of a beer in your hand on FaceBook". In this case, "She/he failed to lose 1lb of body mass and we are counting is extra muscle he put on recently". What a perfect way you could use this to not look racist).

- Well that is what families, health related videos, et cetera are for. We have health channels on television they could always tune into.

- There is information every where and people can get on the internet with tons of information at their fingertips.

- This is what those silly little support groups for weight loss are for.

- Then make a horrible video and go join a health class as a teacher. Yet that does not mean sha in the end as there are plenty of sexual transmitted disease & drug related videos that do nothing to help.

It is like leading a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Put it all out there as much as you like, but it does not change the core fundamentals of the fact some people are lazy by nature. Might as well inject them with a needle of some kind of chemical to alter their neurons from releasing said electrical/chemicals in the first place. That or possibly outlaw alcohol again right. (sarcasm for the record as you should know how that would turn out). Because it has been studied and proven it activates areas of the brain in which cause depression and laziness. Get lazy, eat and eat some more, or get depressed and get in a car to kill yourself.

(Ah, don't get me wrong. I am not saying obesity is good, et cetera, et cetera. It just seems like there are so many options already out there as is. Yet it is always, "Well I can't do it", "I will start tomorrow", or "I lost only a pound after all this work and now I am quitting". You can't force anyone into doing something, and if you try they usually rebel in some form. Sort of like the fat kid eating because he was made fun of in school routine. Silly reasoning, but apparently some people do it).

#28 Crysos161


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Posted 18 December 2012 - 05:05 PM

I'm always amazed when I see people push this aside as if there's nothing we as a country can do to solve these problems, man how brainwashed some people truly are.

#29 Chaos


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Posted 20 December 2012 - 06:57 PM

See I don't have to worry about that. I don't care for peoples figure. Only their personality. One of my best friends is big. Not out of control big though.

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